33 resultados para Exemplary lesson


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Justice as Improvisation: The Law of the Extempore theorises the relationship between justice and improvisation through the case of the New York City cabaret laws. Discourses around improvisation often imprison it in a quasi-ethical relationship with the authentic, singular ‘other’. The same can be said of justice. This book interrogates this relationship by highlighting the parallels between the aporetic conception of justice advanced by the late French philosopher Jacques Derrida and the nuanced approach to improvisation pursued by musicians and theorists alike in the new and emerging interdisciplinary field of Critical Studies in Improvisation (CSI). Justice as Improvisation re-imagines justice as a species of improvisation through the formal structure of the most basic of legal mechanisms, judicial decision-making, offering law and legal theory a richer, more concrete, understanding of justice. Not further mystery or mystique, but a negotiation between abstract notions of justice and the everyday practice of judging. Improvisation in judgment calls for ongoing, practical decision-making as the constant negotiation between the freedom of the judge to take account of the otherness or singularity of the case and the existing laws or rules that both allow for and constrain that freedom. Yes, it is necessary to judge, yes, it is necessary to decide, but to judge well, to decide justly, that is a music lesson perhaps best taught by critical improvisation scholars.


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Reviewing the European North/South Divide under the Prism of Beck’s ‘Risk society’ Thesis
Southern European political cultures have been viewed as extremely disadvantageous terrains for the development of a civic culture compatible to the requirements of a modern polity. Trust confined to the local and the familial, weak civil societies, violation of the law in the absence of supervision are some of the elements combined to draw an extremely negative picture of southern European political cultures in the relevant literature. These are very well entrenched perceptions that dominate all studies dealing with social aspects the southern European nations. Recent works produced by students of environmental mobilisations have argued that the environmental problematique has operated as a catalyst that, at least, forces us to re-examine the aforementioned perspectives if not to outright dismiss them.

This paper argues that although these challenging perspectives are not immune from criticisms, they have put forward a strong case that deserves further attention. A careful reading of Beck’s ‘risk society’ thesis suggests that mistrust to expert authorities and defensive reactions by social actors against them are not confined to specific national contexts but are now characteristics of countries previously held to be exemplary cases of civicness. Following that observation the paper proceeds by posing a number of related questions:

1) Can we argue that we are witnessing a general ‘Mediterranisation’ of European political culture or by arguing that we essentially accept what was idealistic evaluations of post-war European cultures determined by specific political conceptions?

2) Is there still any role for the use of a north/south divide in the cross-national study of social processes and to what extent?


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2007 Opus Architecture and Construction Awards - Highly Commended
2008 Architectural Association of Ireland - Selected for Exhibition
2008 RIAI Best Educational Building
2009 RIBA - Short listed International Award
2009 Imagine Inspirational School Design Compendium
2010 Irish Nomination to OECD Compendium of Exemplary Educational Facilities

Reviews and Publications:
2010 World Architecture News
2009 Perspective Vol 18/No 6
2009 Plan - Art of Architecture and Design
2008 Architecture Ireland, Dublin Volume 236
2007 World Architecture News
2008 Ratoath College, McGarry NÍ Éanaigh Architects ISBN 9780955914102


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The practice of mixed-methods research has increased considerably over the last 10 years. While these studies have been criticized for violating quantitative and qualitative paradigmatic assumptions, the methodological quality of mixed-method studies has not been addressed. The purpose of this paper is to identify criteria to critically appraise the quality of mixed-method studies in the health literature. Criteria for critically appraising quantitative and qualitative studies were generated from a review of the literature. These criteria were organized according to a cross-paradigm framework. We recommend that these criteria be applied to a sample of mixed-method studies which are judged to be exemplary. With the consultation of critical appraisal experts and experienced qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method researchers, further efforts are required to revise and prioritize the criteria according to importance.


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The influence of Fantômas novels and films on global popular culture is widely acknowledged. From the 1915 Spanish musical "Cine-fantomas" to the 1960s Italian comic book series "Diabolik," "Kriminal" and "Satanik," from Turkish B-movies such as "Fantoma Istanbulda Bulusalim" (dir. Natuk Baytan, 1967) to Julio Cortazar’s anti-imperialist pamphlet "Fantômas contra los vampiros multinacionales" (1975), Pierre Souvestre and Marcel Allain’s original literary series have engendered uncountable translations, adaptations, imitations and plagiarisms that have spread the character’s fame worldwide since its first appearance in 1911.
By focusing on the influence of Louis Feuillade’s film adaptations during the first decade of Fantômas’ long history as a transnational and transmedia icon, this paper aims to contribute to the growing interdisciplinary field that deals with the history of the supranational cultural sphere created by modern media culture. As a sort of archaeology of contemporary cultural globalization, this form of study intends to enrich previous historical surveys that had only taken into consideration specific national contexts. Moreover, it might also rebalance certain “colonizing” accounts that overemphasize the role of the cultural superpowers such as France, the UK or the US, often forgetting the appropriation of the products of international popular culture to be found in other countries. Therefore, this paper examines the transnational circulation of Fantômas films and, in particular, the creative processes engendered outside of France their origin country. As a controversial character and a central player in the relationship between cinema and literature in the crucial years when the feature and serial film boosted and legitimized the film industry, Fantômas represents an exemplary case study to discuss the cross-cultural and cross-media dynamics engendered by popular fiction.


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We demonstrate genuine three-mode nonlocality based on phase-space formalism. A Svetlichny-type Bell inequality is formulated in terms of the s-parametrized quasiprobability function. We test such a tool using exemplary forms of three-mode entangled states, identifying the ideal measurement settings required for each state. We thus verify the presence of genuine three-mode nonlocality that cannot be reproduced by local or nonlocal hidden variable models between any two out of three modes. In our results, GHZ- and W-type nonlocality can be fully discriminated. We also study the behavior of genuine tripartite nonlocality under the effects of detection inefficiency and dissipation induced by local thermal environments. Our formalism can be useful to test the sharing of genuine multipartite quantum correlations among the elements of some interesting physical settings, including arrays of trapped ions and intracavity ultracold atoms. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.022123


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The transfer of entanglement from optical fields to qubits provides a viable approach to entangling remote qubits in a quantum network. In cavity quantum electrodynamics, the scheme relies on the interaction between a photonic resource and two stationary intracavity atomic qubits. However, it might be hard in practice to trap two atoms simultaneously and synchronize their coupling to the cavities. To address this point, we propose and study entanglement transfer from cavities driven by an entangled external field to controlled flying qubits. We consider two exemplary non-Gaussian driving fields: NOON and entangled coherent states. We show that in the limit of long coherence time of the cavity fields, when the dynamics is approximately unitary, entanglement is transferred from the driving field to two atomic qubits that cross the cavities. On the other hand, a dissipation-dominated dynamics leads to very weakly quantum-correlated atomic systems, as witnessed by vanishing quantum discord.


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We aimed to determine whether primary school teachers’ motivational regulations to exercise and self efficacy in delivering a physical education (PE) lesson are different based on prior PE training. Two groups of qualified primary school teachers were recruited; PE specialists and a group of generalist primary school teachers who also teach PE. All teachers completed the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2, International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale. PE specialists demonstrated significantly higher levels of intrinsic motivation towards exercise participation and took part in more physical activity in comparison to the generalist teachers. Regression analysis showed that being a PE specialist predicted higher scores in instructional strategies and classroom management in PE. Our findings support the useof Self Determination Theory concepts in understanding teacher’s exercise participation motivations. These findings have implications for the modelling role of teachers in encouraging children to be physically active.


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Belfast is often presented as an exemplary divided or post-conflict city. However, this focus can be limiting and an exploration of alternative narratives for Belfast is needed. This paper investigates the diversification of post-conflict Belfast in light of the substantial migration which has occurred in the last decade, outlining the complexities of an emerging narrative of diversity. We note discrepancies in how racial equality is dealt with at an institutional level and report on the unevenness of migrant geographies, issues which require future consideration. We also raise questions that problematize the easy assumption that cultural diversity ameliorates existing sectarian divisions.


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In this paper, a new field-programmable gate array (FPGA) identification generator circuit is introduced based on physically unclonable function (PUF) technology. The new identification generator is able to convert flip-flop delay path variations to unique n-bit digital identifiers (IDs), while requiring only a single slice per ID bit by using 1-bit ID cells formed as hard-macros. An exemplary 128-bit identification generator is implemented on ten Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA devices. Experimental results show an uniqueness of 48.52%, and reliability of 92.41% over a 25°C to 70°C temperature range and 10% fluctuation in supply voltage


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Developing the controversy indicated in the heading, this article will proceed as follows. It establishes a notion of critical comparative law, by showing how comparative law may be capable of providing critique and analysis of law-making through judicial and legislative activity at a European level. This is followed by an exemplary discussion of how comparative law is actually used in relation to European harmonisation through case law, legislation and “soft law”. The question will then be asked whether and how these uses would change under a critical approach to comparative law. The discussion will focus on industrial relations and equality law.
In both fields, recent ECJ case law has proved controversial: This article submits that such controversy could partly be avoided by making better use of critical comparative law in deciding cases and in choosing adequate forms and content of legislation.


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In the wake offundamental shifts in television, programming and production have seen television creations which rival—even go beyond—standard cinema in scope, length and character development. This essay takes the distinctive approach of applying auteur theory to the small screen, exploring what understandings of the auteur might mean for a new era of television Shakespeare, and, as its case-study, considers the BBC’s Hollow Crown series. Characterized by a feature-film appearance, a multimillion pound budget, and an all-star cast, the series is exemplary of how television is now made; hence, the essay argues, the series needs to be investigated in relation to the most recent understandings of the medium. Central to this investigation is the way in which producer Sam Mendes’s vision imprintsitself upon each of the series’s four episodes, and the first part of the essay is accordingly concerned with his recognizable style and credentials as the series “showrunner.” However, Mendes’s is not the only auteurial stamp on the series, and the essay is equally concerned with how each of Mendes’s three co-directors places his or her auteurial signature on the Shakespearean source material in such a way as to lend each production a unique character. These individualized creative visions, the essay argues, unfold in concert with Mendes’s conceptualization of the series in its entirety. Ultimately, televisual auteurism is understood as a complex phenomenon that allows for more than one creative approach to be entertained.


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We investigate the link between information and thermodynamics embodied by Landauer’s principle in the open dynamics of a multipartite quantum system. Such irreversible dynamics is described in terms of a collisional model with a finite temperature reservoir. We demonstrate that Landauer’s principle holds, for such a configuration, in a form that involves the flow of heat dissipated into the environment and the rate of change of the entropy of the system. Quite remarkably, such a principle for heat and entropy power can be explicitly linked to the rate of creation of correlations among the elements of the multipartite system and, in turn, the non-Markovian nature of their reduced evolution. Such features are illustrated in two exemplary cases.


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When a user of a microblogging site authors a microblog
post or browses through a microblog post, it provides cues as to what
topic she is interested in at that point in time. Example-based search
that retrieves similar tweets given one exemplary tweet, such as the one
just authored, can help provide the user with relevant content. We investigate
various components of microblog posts, such as the associated
timestamp, author’s social network, and the content of the post, and
develop approaches that harness such factors in finding relevant tweets
given a query tweet. An empirical analysis of such techniques on real
world twitter-data is then presented to quantify the utility of the various
factors in assessing tweet relevance. We observe that content-wise similar
tweets that also contain extra information not already present in the
query, are perceived as useful. We then develop a composite technique
that combines the various approaches by scoring tweets using a dynamic
query-specific linear combination of separate techniques. An empirical
evaluation establishes the effectiveness of the composite technique, and
that it outperforms each of its constituents.


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Online forums are becoming a popular way of finding useful
information on the web. Search over forums for existing discussion
threads so far is limited to keyword-based search due
to the minimal effort required on part of the users. However,
it is often not possible to capture all the relevant context in a
complex query using a small number of keywords. Examplebased
search that retrieves similar discussion threads given
one exemplary thread is an alternate approach that can help
the user provide richer context and vastly improve forum
search results. In this paper, we address the problem of
finding similar threads to a given thread. Towards this, we
propose a novel methodology to estimate similarity between
discussion threads. Our method exploits the thread structure
to decompose threads in to set of weighted overlapping
components. It then estimates pairwise thread similarities
by quantifying how well the information in the threads are
mutually contained within each other using lexical similarities
between their underlying components. We compare our
proposed methods on real datasets against state-of-the-art
thread retrieval mechanisms wherein we illustrate that our
techniques outperform others by large margins on popular
retrieval evaluation measures such as NDCG, MAP, Precision@k
and MRR. In particular, consistent improvements of
up to 10% are observed on all evaluation measures