28 resultados para ESEO spacecraft simulator thermal power


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Plasma diagnostics of atmospheric plasmas is a key tool in helping to understand processing performance issues. This paper presents an electrical, optical and thermographic imaging study of the PlasmaStream atmospheric plasma jet system. The system was found to exhibit three operating modes; one constricted/localized plasma and two extended volume plasmas. At low power and helium flows the plasma is localized at the electrodes and has the electrical properties of a corona/filamentary discharge with electrical chaotic temporal structure. With increasing discharge power and helium flow the plasma expands into the volume of the tube, becoming regular and homogeneous in appearance. Emission spectra show evidence of atomic oxygen, nitric oxide and the hydroxyl radical production. Plasma activated gas temperature deduced from the rotational temperature of nitrogen molecules was found to be of order of 400 K: whereas thermographic imaging of the quartz tube yielded surface temperatures between 319 and 347 K.


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A study of the external, loaded and unloaded quality factors for frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) is presented. The study is focused on THz frequencies between 5 and 30 THz, where ohmic losses arising from the conductors become important. The influence of material properties, such as metal thickness, conductivity dispersion and surface roughness, is investigated. An equivalent circuit that models the FSS in the presence of ohmic losses is introduced and validated by means of full-wave results. Using both full-wave methods as well as a circuit model, the reactive energy stored in the vicinity of the FSS at resonance upon plane-wave incidence is presented. By studying a doubly periodic array of aluminium strips, it is revealed that the reactive power stored at resonance increases rapidly with increasing periodicity. Moreover, it is demonstrated that arrays with larger periodicity-and therefore less metallisation per unit area-exhibit stronger thermal absorption. Despite this absorption, arrays with higher periodicities produce higher unloaded quality factors. Finally, experimental results of a fabricated prototype operating at 14 THz are presented.


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Wind power generation differs from conventional thermal generation due to the stochastic nature of wind. Thus wind power forecasting plays a key role in dealing with the challenges of balancing supply and demand in any electricity system, given the uncertainty associated with the wind farm power output. Accurate wind power forecasting reduces the need for additional balancing energy and reserve power to integrate wind power. Wind power forecasting tools enable better dispatch, scheduling and unit commitment of thermal generators, hydro plant and energy storage plant and more competitive market trading as wind power ramps up and down on the grid. This paper presents an in-depth review of the current methods and advances in wind power forecasting and prediction. Firstly, numerical wind prediction methods from global to local scales, ensemble forecasting, upscaling and downscaling processes are discussed. Next the statistical and machine learning approach methods are detailed. Then the techniques used for benchmarking and uncertainty analysis of forecasts are overviewed, and the performance of various approaches over different forecast time horizons is examined. Finally, current research activities, challenges and potential future developments are appraised. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The rapid growth of wind generation in many European countries is pushing power systems into
uncharted territory. As additional wind generators are installed, the changing generation mix may
impact on power system stability. This paper adopts the New England 39 bus system as a test
system for transient stability analysis. Thermal generator models are based on a likely future plant
mix for existing systems, while varying capacities of fixed-speed induction generators (FSIG) and
doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) are considered. The main emphasis here has been placed
on the impact of wind technology mix on inter-area oscillations following transient grid
disturbances. In addition, both rotor angle stability and transient voltage stability are examined, and
results are compared with current grid code requirements and standards. Results have shown that
FSIGs can reduce tie-line oscillations and improve damping following a transient disturbance, but
they also cause voltage stability and rotor angle stability problems at high wind penetrations. In
contrast, DFIGs can improve both voltage and rotor angle stability, but their power output
noticeably oscillates during disturbances.


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We present results from SEPPCoN, an on-going Survey of the Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei. In this report we discuss mid-infrared measurements of the thermal emission from 89 nuclei of Jupiter-family comets (JFCs). All data were obtained in 2006 and 2007 using imaging capabilities of the Spitzer Space Telescope. The comets were typically 4-5 AU from the Sun when observed and most showed only a point-source with little or no extended emission from dust. For those comets showing dust, we used image processing to photometrically extract the nuclei. For all 89 comets, we present new effective radii, and for 57 comets we present beaming parameters. Thus our survey provides the largest compilation of radiometrically-derived physical properties of nuclei to date. We have six main conclusions: (a) The average beaming parameter of the JFC population is 1.03 ± 0.11, consistent with unity; coupled with the large distance of the nuclei from the Sun, this indicates that most nuclei have Tempel 1-like thermal inertia. Only two of the 57 nuclei had outlying values (in a statistical sense) of infrared beaming. (b) The known JFC population is not complete even at 3 km radius, and even for comets that approach to ˜2 AU from the Sun and so ought to be more discoverable. Several recently-discovered comets in our survey have small perihelia and large (above ˜2 km) radii. (c) With our radii, we derive an independent estimate of the JFC nuclear cumulative size distribution (CSD), and we find that it has a power-law slope of around -1.9, with the exact value depending on the bounds in radius. (d) This power-law is close to that derived by others from visible-wavelength observations that assume a fixed geometric albedo, suggesting that there is no strong dependence of geometric albedo with radius. (e) The observed CSD shows a hint of structure with an excess of comets with radii 3-6 km. (f) Our CSD is consistent with the idea that the intrinsic size distribution of the JFC population is not a simple power-law and lacks many sub-kilometer objects.


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The buried oxide (BOX) layer in silicon on insulator (SOI) was replaced by a compound buried layer (CBL) containing layers of SiO2, polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon), and SiO2. The undoped polysilicon in the CBL acted as a dielectric with a higher thermal conductivity than SiO2. CBL provides a reduced thermal resistance with the same equivalent oxide thickness as a standard SiO2 buried layer. Thermal resistance was further reduced by lateral heat flow through the polysilicon. Reduction in thermal resistance by up to 68% was observed, dependent on polysilicon thickness. CBL SOI substrates were designed and manufactured to achieve a 40% reduction in thermal resistance compared with an 1.0-μm SiO2 BOX. Power bipolar transistors with an active silicon layer thickness of 13.5 μm manufactured on CBL SOI substrates showed a 5%-17% reduction in thermal resistance compared with the standard SOI. This reduction was dependent on transistor layout geometry. Between 65% and 90% of the heat flow from these power transistors is laterally through the thick active silicon layer. Analysis confirmed that CBL SOI provided a 40% reduction in the vertical path thermal resistance. Devices employing thinner active silicon layers will achieve the greater benefit from reduction in vertical path thermal resistance offered by CBL SOI.


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(Chemical Equation Presented) The mechanisms and kinetics studies of the levoglucosan (LG) primary decomposition during cellulose pyrolysis have been carried out theoretically in this paper. Three decomposition mechanisms (C-O bond scission, C-C bond scission, and LG dehydration) including nine pathways and 16 elementary reactions were studied at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(D,P) level based on quantum mechanics. The variational transi-tion- state rate constants for every elementary reaction and every pathway were calculated within 298-1550 K. The first-order Arrhenius expressions for these 16 elementary reactions and nine pathways were suggested. It was concluded that computational method using transition state theory (TST) without tunneling correction gives good description for LG decomposition by comparing with the experimental result. With the temperature range of 667-1327 K, one dehydration pathway, with one water molecule composed of a hydrogen atom from C3 and a hydroxyl group from C2, is a preferred LG decomposition pathway by fitting well with the experimental results. The calculated Arrhenius plot of C-O bond scission mechanism is better agreed with the experimental Arrhenius plot than that of C-C bond scission. This C-O bond scission mechanism starts with breaking of C1-O5 and C6-O1 bonds with formation of CO molecule (C1-O1) simultaneously. C-C bond scission mechanism is the highest energetic barrier pathway for LG decomposition. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Context: Near-Earth asteroid-comet transition object 107P/ (4015) Wilson-Harrington is a possible target of the joint European Space Agency (ESA) and Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Marco Polo sample return mission. Physical studies of this object are relevant to this mission, and also to understanding its asteroidal or cometary nature. Aims: Our aim is to obtain significant new constraints on the surface thermal properties of this object. Methods: We present mid-infrared photometry in two filters (16 and 22 μm) obtained with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope on February 12, 2007, and results from the application of the Near Earth Asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM). We obtained high S/N in two mid-IR bands allowing accurate measurements of its thermal emission. Results: We obtain a well constrained beaming parameter (η = 1.39±0.26) and obtain a diameter and geometric albedo of D = 3.46±0.32 km, and pV = 0.059±0.011. We also obtain similar results when we apply this best-fitting thermal model to single-band mid-IR photometry reported by Campins et al. (1995, P&SS, 43, 733), Kraemer et al. (2005, AJ, 130, 2363) and Reach et al. (2007, Icarus, 191, 298). Conclusions: The albedo of 4015 Wilson-Harrington is low, consistent with those of comet nuclei and primitive C-, P-, D-type asteorids. We establish a rough lower limit for the thermal inertia of W-H of 60 Jm-2s-0.5 K-1 when it is at r = 1 AU, which is slightly over the limit of 30 Jm-2 s-0.5 K-1 derived by Groussin et al. (2009, Icarus, 199, 568) for the thermal inertia of the nucleus of comet 22P/Kopff.


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The future European power system will have a hierarchical structure created by layers of system control from a Supergrid via regional high-voltage transmission through to medium and low-voltage distribution. Each level will have generation sources such as large-scale offshore wind, wave, solar thermal, nuclear directly connected to this Supergrid and high levels of embedded generation, connected to the medium-voltage distribution system. It is expected that the fuel portfolio will be dominated by offshore wind in Northern Europe and PV in Southern Europe. The strategies required to manage the coordination of supply-side variability with demand-side variability will include large scale interconnection, demand side management, load aggregation and storage in the context of the Supergrid combined with the Smart Grid. The design challenge associated with this will not only include control topology, data acquisition, analysis and communications technologies, but also the selection of fuel portfolio at a macro level. This paper quantifies the amount of demand side management, storage and so-called 'back-up generation' needed to support an 80% renewable energy portfolio in Europe by 2050. © 2013 IEEE.


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The power system of the future will have a hierarchical structure created by layers of system control from via regional high-voltage transmission through to medium and low-voltage distribution. Each level will have generation sources such as large-scale offshore wind, wave, solar thermal, nuclear directly connected to this Supergrid and high levels of embedded generation, connected to the medium-voltage distribution system. It is expected that the fuel portfolio will be dominated by offshore wind in Northern Europe and PV in Southern Europe. The strategies required to manage the coordination of supply-side variability with demand-side variability will include large scale interconnection, demand side management, load aggregation and storage in the concept of the Supergrid combined with the Smart Grid. The design challenge associated with this will not only include control topology, data acquisition, analysis and communications technologies, but also the selection of fuel portfolio at a macro level. This paper quantifies the amount of demand side management, storage and so-called ‘back-up generation’ needed to support an 80% renewable energy portfolio in Europe by 2050.


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Dependency on thermal generation and continued wind power growth in Europe due to renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions targets has resulted in an interesting set of challenges for power systems. The variability of wind power impacts dispatch and balancing by grid operators, power plant operations by generating companies and market wholesale costs. This paper quantifies the effects of high wind power penetration on power systems with a dependency on gas generation using a realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model. The test system is analyzed under two scenarios, with and without wind, over one year. The key finding of this preliminary study is that despite increased ramping requirements in the wind scenario, the unit cost of electricity due to sub-optimal operation of gas generators does not show substantial deviation from the no wind scenario.


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The growth of wind power in some power systems is hampered by the system requirement for emergency reserve to cover loss of the biggest infeed. The study demonstrates that reserve provision from the wind sector itself has economic and operational benefits. A heuristic algorithm has been developed that can model the relevant aspects of emergency reserve provision in a system with both thermal and wind generations. The proposed algorithm is first validated by comparing its performance with established economic scheduling methods applied to a representative power system. The algorithm is then used to demonstrate the economic benefit of reserve provision from the wind sector. It is shown that such provision reduces wind energy curtailment and thermal unit ramping. Finally, it is shown that a wind sector capable of providing emergency reserve can expand economically beyond the capacity limit that would otherwise apply.


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Microturbines are among the most successfully commercialized distributed energy resources, especially when they are used for combined heat and power generation. However, the interrelated thermal and electrical system dynamic behaviors have not been fully investigated. This is technically challenging due to the complex thermo-fluid-mechanical energy conversion processes which introduce multiple time-scale dynamics and strong nonlinearity into the analysis. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes a simplified model which can predict the coupled thermal and electric output dynamics of microturbines. Considering the time-scale difference of various dynamic processes occuring within microturbines, the electromechanical subsystem is treated as a fast quasi-linear process while the thermo-mechanical subsystem is treated as a slow process with high nonlinearity. A three-stage subspace identification method is utilized to capture the dominant dynamics and predict the electric power output. For the thermo-mechanical process, a radial basis function model trained by the particle swarm optimization method is employed to handle the strong nonlinear characteristics. Experimental tests on a Capstone C30 microturbine show that the proposed modeling method can well capture the system dynamics and produce a good prediction of the coupled thermal and electric outputs in various operating modes.