50 resultados para Catalan newspapers


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Before the mass migrations from Ireland in the nineteenth century, earlier waves of migration in the eighteenth century saw significant numbers of people leave Ireland, predominantly from Ulster, to settle in North America. This article, using as its principal data source the Belfast News Letter ( BNL), its letters, advertisements and reports, focuses firstly on reconstructing the late eighteenth-century migration process and voyage, highlighting the barriers represented by the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to the challenges of the sea, there were problems with the ships, the ever-present danger of disease and also threats from other vessels, from privateers to press gangs. The voyage was recognized as a ‘universal dread’, and the risks taken to ‘dare the boist’rous main’ were perhaps not minimized in the pages of the BNL, whose editorial stance was antipathetic to the migration for the potential harm it caused to Ulster by removing so many of its industrious young. The second part of this article goes on to consider the newspaper’s and others’ vested interests in the emigration process, demonstrates how these were manifested in the press and sets the coverage of this very significant early emigration flow within the context of contemporary religious and colonial discourses at a period of very lively transatlantic interactions.


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The focused ion beam microscope has been used to cut parallel-sided {100}-oriented thin lamellae of single crystal barium titanate with controlled thicknesses, ranging from 530 nm to 70 nm. Scanning transmission electron microscopy has been used to examine domain configurations. In all cases, stripe domains were observed with {011}-type domain walls in perovskite unit-cell axes, suggesting 90 degrees domains with polarization in the plane of the lamellae. The domain widths were found to vary as the square root of the lamellar thickness, consistent with Kittel's law, and its later development by Mitsui and Furuichi and by Roytburd. An investigation into the manner in which domain period adapts to thickness gradient was undertaken on both wedge-shaped lamellae and lamellae with discrete terraces. It was found that when the thickness gradient was perpendicular to the domain walls, a continuous change in domain periodicity occurred, but if the thickness gradient was parallel to the domain walls, periodicity changes were accommodated through discrete domain bifurcation. Data were then compared with other work in literature, on both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic systems, from which conclusions on the widespread applicability of Kittel's law in ferroics were made.


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The International Roadmap for Ferroelectric Memories requires three-dimensional integration of high-dielectric materials onto metal interconnects or bottom electrodes by 2010. Here, we demonstrate the possibility of conformally coating carbon nanotubes with high-dielectric oxide as a first step toward ultrahigh integration density of three-dimensional ferroelectric random access memories.


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We report the experimental measurement of domains in single- crystal nanocolumns of ferroelectric BaTiO3, together with a theory of domain size scaling in three- dimensional structures which explains the observations.


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The periodicity of 180 degrees. stripe domains as a function of crystal thickness scales with the width of the domain walls, both for ferroelectric and for ferromagnetic materials. Here we derive an analytical expression for the generalized ferroic scaling factor and use this to calculate the domain wall thickness and gradient coefficients ( exchange constants) in some ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials. We then use these to discuss some of the wider implications for the physics of ferroelectric nanodevices and periodically poled photonic crystals.


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X-ray analysis of ferroelectric thin layers of Ba1/2Sr1/2TiO3 with different thicknesses reveals the presence of strain gradients across the films and allows us to propose a functional form for the internal strain profile. We use this to calculate the influence of strain gradient, through flexoelectric coupling, on the degradation of the ferroelectric properties of films with decreasing thickness, in excellent agreement with the observed behavior. This paper shows that strain relaxation can lead to smooth, continuous gradients across hundreds of nanometers, and it highlights the pressing need to avoid such strain gradients in order to obtain ferroelectric films with bulklike properties.


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Recent experimental measurements of large flexoelectric coefficients in ferroelectric ceramics suggest that strain gradients can affect the polarization and permittivity behaviour of inhomogeneously strained ferroelectrics. Here we present a phenomenological model of the effect of flexoelectricity on the dielectric constant, polarization, Curie temperature (T-C), temperature of maximum dielectric constant (T-m) and temperature of the onset of reversible polarization (T-ferro) for ferroelectric thin films subject to substrate-induced epitaxial strains that are allowed to relax with thickness, and the qualitative and quantitative predictions of the model are compared with experimental results for (Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 thin films on SrRuO3 electrodes. It is shown that flexoelectricity can play an important role in decreasing the maximum dielectric constant of ferroelectric thin films under inhomogeneous in-plane strain, regardless of the sign of the strain gradient.


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A modification of liquid source misted chemical deposition process (LSMCD) with heating mist and substrate has developed, and this enabled to control mist penetrability and fluidity on sidewalls of three-dimensional structures and ensure step coverage. A modified LSMCD process allowed a combinatorial approach of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin films and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) toward ultrahigh integration density of ferroelectric random access memories (FeRAMs). The CNTs templates were survived during the crystallization process of deposited PZT film onto CNTs annealed at 650 degrees C in oxygen ambient due to a matter of minute process, so that the thermal budget is quite small. The modified LSMCD process opens up the possibility to realize the nanoscale capacitor structure of ferroelectric PZT film with CNTs electrodes toward ultrahigh integration density FeRAMs.


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This paper summarises some of the most recent work that has been done on nanoscale ferroelectrics as a result of a joint collaborative research effort involving groups in Queen's University Belfast, the University of Cambridge and the University of St. Andrews. Attempts have been made to observe fundamental effects of reduced size, and increasing morphological complexity, on ferroelectric behaviour by studying the functional response and domain characteristics in nanoscale single crystal material, whose size and morphology have been defined by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) patterning. This approach to nanoshape fabrication has allowed the following broad statements to be made: (i) in single crystal BaTiO3 sheets, permittivity and phase transition behaviour is not altered from that of bulk material down to a thickness of similar to 75 nm; (ii) in single crystal BaTiO3 sheets and nanowires changes in observed domain morphologies are consistent with large scale continuum modeling.