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Nidoviruses (Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, and Roniviridae) encode a nonstructural protein, called nsp10 in arteriviruses and nsp13 in coronaviruses, that is comprised of a C-terminal superfamily 1 helicase domain and an N-terminal, putative zinc-binding domain (ZBD). Previously, mutations in the equine arteritis virus (EAV) nsp10 ZBD were shown to block arterivirus reproduction by disrupting RNA synthesis and possibly virion biogenesis. Here, we characterized the ATPase and helicase activities of bacterially expressed mutant forms of nsp10 and its human coronavirus 229E ortholog, nsp13, and correlated these in vitro activities with specific virus phenotypes. Replacement of conserved Cys or His residues with Ala proved to be more deleterious than Cys-for-His or His-for-Cys replacements. Furthermore, denaturation-renaturation experiments revealed that, during protein refolding, Zn2+ is essential for the rescue of the enzymatic activities of nidovirus helicases. Taken together, the data strongly support the zinc-binding function of the N-terminal domain of nidovirus helicases. nsp10 ATPase/helicase deficiency resulting from single-residue substitutions in the ZBD or deletion of the entire domain could not be complemented in trans by wild-type ZBD, suggesting a critical function of the ZBD in cis. Consistently, no viral RNA synthesis was detected after transfection of EAV full-length RNAs encoding ATPase/helicase-deficient nsp10 into susceptible cells. In contrast, diverse phenotypes were observed for mutants with enzymatically active nsp10, which in a number of cases correlated with the activities measured in vitro. Collectively, our data suggest that the ZBD is critically involved in nidovirus replication and transcription by modulating the enzymatic activities of the helicase domain and other, yet unknown, mechanisms.


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The defensive strategy of amphibians against predator attack relies heavily on the secretion of noxious/toxic chemical cocktails from specialized skin granular glands. Bioactive peptides constitute a major component of secretions in many species and the most complex are produced by neotropical leaf frogs of the sub-family Phyllomedusinae. We recently reported that these skin secretions contain elements of both the granular gland peptidome and transcriptome and that polyadenylated mRNAs constituting the latter are protected from degradation by interactions with endogenous amphipathic peptides. This thus permits parallel amino acid sequencing of peptides and nucleic acid sequencing of cloned precursor transcripts from single lyophilized samples of secretion. Here we report that the protection afforded is sufficiently robust to permit transcriptome studies by cloning of full-length polyadenylated peptide precursor encoding mRNAs from libraries constructed using ambient temperature air-dried skin from recently deceased specimens as source material. The technique was sufficiently sensitive to permit the identification of cDNAs encoding antimicrobial peptides constituted by six different isoforms of phylloseptin and two dermaseptins. Also, for the first time, establishment of the nucleic acid and amino acid sequence of the precursor encoding the phyllomedusine frog skin bradykinin-related peptide, phyllokinin, from cloned cDNA, was achieved. These data unequivocally demonstrate that the granular gland transcriptome persists in air-dried amphibian skin—a finding that may have fundamental implications in the study of archived materials but also in the wider field of molecular biology.


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Full-length transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channel TRPC4alpha and shorter TRPC4beta lacking 84 amino acids in the cytosolic C terminus are expressed in smooth muscle and endothelial cells where they regulate membrane potential and Ca(2+) influx. In common with other "classical" TRPCs, TRPC4 is activated by G(q)/phospholipase C-coupled receptors, but the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Little is also known about any isoform-specific channel regulation. Here we show that TRPC4alpha but not TRPC4beta was strongly inhibited by intracellularly applied phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)). In contrast, several other phosphoinositides (PI), including PI(3,4)P(2), PI(3,5)P(2), and PI(3,4,5)P(3), had no effect or even potentiated TRPC4alpha indicating that PIP(2) inhibits TRPC4alpha in a highly selective manner. We show that PIP(2) binds to the C terminus of TRPC4alpha but not that of TRPC4beta in vitro. Its inhibitory action was dependent on the association of TRPC4alpha with actin cytoskeleton as it was prevented by cytochalasin D treatment or by the deletion of the C-terminal PDZ-binding motif (Thr-Thr-Arg-Leu) that links TRPC4 to F-actin through the sodium-hydrogen exchanger regulatory factor and ezrin. PIP(2) breakdown appears to be a required step in TRPC4alpha channel activation as PIP(2) depletion alone was insufficient for channel opening, which additionally required Ca(2+) and pertussis toxin-sensitive G(i/o) proteins. Thus, TRPC4 channels integrate a variety of G-protein-dependent stimuli, including a PIP(2)/cytoskeleton dependence reminiscent of the TRPC4-like muscarinic agonist-activated cation channels in ileal myocytes.


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A radioiodinated ligand, [125I]SB-236636 [(S)-(-)3-[4-[2-[N-(2-benzoxazolyl)-N-methylamino]ethoxy]3-[125I]iodophenyl]2-ethoxy propanoic acid], which is specific for the ? isoform of the peroxisomal proliferator activated receptor (PPAR?), was developed. [125I]SB-236636 binds with high affinity to full-length human recombinant PPAR?1 and to a GST (glutathione S-transferase) fusion protein contg. the ligand binding domain of human PPAR?1 (KD = 70 nM). Using this ligand, the authors characterized binding sites in adipose-derived cells from rat, mouse and humans. In competition expts., rosiglitazone (BRL-49653), a potent antihyperglycemic agent, binds with high affinity to sites in intact adipocytes (IC50 = 12, 4 and 9 nM for rat, 3T3-L1 and human adipocytes, resp.). Binding affinities (IC50) of other thiazolidinediones for the ligand binding domain of PPAR?1 were comparable with those detd. in adipocytes and reflected the rank order of potencies of these agents as stimulants of glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and antihyperglycemic agents in vivo: rosiglitazone > pioglitazone > troglitazone. Competition of [125I]SB-236636 binding was stereoselective in that the IC50 value of SB-219994, the (S)-enantiomer of an ?-trifluoroethoxy propanoic acid insulin sensitizer, was 770-fold lower than that of SB-219993 [(R)-enantiomer] at recombinant human PPAR?1. The higher binding affinity of SB-219994 also was evident in intact adipocytes and reflected its 100-fold greater potency as an antidiabetic agent. The results strongly suggest that the high-affinity binding site for [125I]SB-236636 in intact adipocytes is PPAR? and that the pharmacol. of insulin-sensitizer binding in rodent and human adipocytes is very similar and, moreover, predictive of antihyperglycemic activity in vivo.


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The origin and evolution of venom proteins in helodermatid lizards were investigated by multidisciplinary techniques. Our analyses elucidated novel toxin types resultant from three unique domain-expression processes: 1) The first full-length sequences of lethal toxin isoforms (helofensins) revealed this toxin type to be constructed by an ancestral monodomain, monoproduct gene (beta-defensin) that underwent three tandem domain duplications to encode a tetradomain, monoproduct with a possible novel protein fold; 2) an ancestral monodomain gene (encoding a natriuretic peptide) was medially extended to become a pentadomain, pentaproduct through the additional encoding of four tandemly repeated proline-rich peptides (helokinestatins), with the five discrete peptides liberated from each other by posttranslational proteolysis; and 3) an ancestral multidomain, multiproduct gene belonging to the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)/glucagon family being mutated to encode for a monodomain, monoproduct (exendins) followed by duplication and diversification into two variant classes (exendins 1 and 2 and exendins 3 and 4). Bioactivity characterization of exendin and helokinestatin elucidated variable cardioactivity between isoforms within each class. These results highlight the importance of utilizing evolutionary-based search strategies for biodiscovery and the virtually unexplored potential of lizard venoms in drug design and discovery.


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Basal cell carcinomas (BCC), which are the most common form of skin malignancy, are invariably associated with the deregulation of the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signalling pathway. As such, BCC represent a unique model for the study of interactions of the Shh pathway with other genes and pathways. We constructed a tissue microarray (TMA) of 75 paired BCC and normal skin and analysed the expression of beta-catenin and RUNX3, nuclear effectors of the wingless-Int (Wnt) and bone morphogenetic protein/transforming growth factor-beta pathways, respectively. In line with previous reports, we observed varying subcellular expression pattern of beta-catenin in BCC, with 31 cases (41%) showing nuclear accumulation. In contrast, all the BCC cases tested by the TMA showed RUNX3 protein uniformly overexpressed in the nuclei of the cancer cells. Analysis by Western blotting and DNA sequencing indicates that the overexpressed protein is normal and full-length, containing no mutation in the coding region, implicating RUNX3 as an oncogene in certain human cancers. Our results indicate that although the deregulation of Wnt signalling could contribute to the pathogenesis of a subset of BCC, RUNX3 appears to be a universal downstream mediator of a constitutively active Shh pathway in BCC.


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In the complete genome sequences of Bacteroides fragilis NCTC9343 and 638R, we have discovered a gene, ubb, the product of which has 63% identity to human ubiquitin and cross-reacts with antibodies raised against bovine ubiquitin. The sequence of ubb is closest in identity (76%) to the ubiquitin gene from a Migratory Grasshopper entomopoxvirus, suggesting acquisition by inter-kingdom horizontal gene transfer. We have screened clinical isolates of B. fragilis from diverse geographical regions and found that ubb is present in some, but not all strains. The gene is transcribed and the mRNA translated in B. fragilis, but deletion of ubb did not have a detrimental effect on growth. BfUbb has a predicted signal sequence; both full length and processed forms were detected in whole cell extracts, while the processed form was found in concentrated culture supernatants. Purified recombinant BfUbb inhibited in vitro ubiquitination and was able to covalently bind the human E1 activating enzyme, suggesting it could act as a suicide substrate in vivo. B. fragilis is one of the predominant members of the normal human resident gastro-intestinal microbiota with estimates up to >1011 cells g-1 of faeces by culture. These data indicate that the gastro-intestinal tract of some individuals could contain a significant amount of aberrant ubiquitin with the potential to inappropriately activate the host immune system and/or interfere with eukaryotic ubiquitin activity. This discovery could have profound implications in relation to our understanding of human diseases such as inflammatory bowel and autoimmune diseases.


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Background and purpose: Obestatin is a recently-discovered gastrointestinal peptide with established metabolic actions, which is linked to diabetes and may exert cardiovascular benefits. Here we aimed to investigate the specific effects of obestatin on vascular relaxation. Experimental approach: Cumulative relaxation responses to obestatin peptides were assessed in isolated rat aorta and mesenteric artery (n=8) in the presence/absence of selective inhibitors. Complementary studies were performed in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). Key results: Obestatin peptides elicited concentration-dependent relaxation in both aorta and mesenteric artery. Responses to full-length obestatin(1-23) were greater than those to obestatin(1-10) and obestatin(11-23). Obestatin(1-23)-induced relaxation was attenuated by endothelial denudation, L-NAME (NO synthase inhibitor), high extracellular K(+) , GDP-ß-S (G protein inhibitor), MDL-12,330A (adenylate cyclase inhibitor), wortmannin (PI3K inhibitor), KN-93 (CaMKII inhibitor), ODQ (guanylate cyclase inhibitor) and iberiotoxin (BK(Ca) blocker), suggesting that it is mediated by an endothelium-dependent NO signalling cascade involving an adenylate cyclase-linked G protein-coupled receptor, PI3K/Akt, Ca(2+) -dependent eNOS activation, soluble guanylate cyclase and modulation of vascular smooth muscle K(+) . Supporting data from BAEC indicated that nitrite production, intracellular Ca(2+) and Akt phosphorylation were increased after exposure to obestatin(1-23). Relaxations to obestatin(1-23) were unaltered by inhibitors of candidate endothelium-derived hyperpolarising factors (EDHFs) and combined SK(Ca) /IK(Ca) blockade, suggesting that EDHF-mediated pathways were not involved. Conclusions and Implications: Obestatin produces significant vascular relaxation via specific activation of endothelium-dependent NO signalling. These actions may be important in normal regulation of vascular function and are clearly relevant to diabetes, a condition characterised by endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular complications.


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Over the last decade a significant number of studies have highlighted the central role of host antimicrobial (or defence) peptides in modulating the response of innate immune cells to pathogen-associated ligands. In humans, the most widely studied antimicrobial peptide is LL-37, a 37-residue peptide containing an amphipathic helix that is released via proteolytic cleavage of the precursor protein CAP18. Owing to its ability to protect against lethal endotoxaemia and clinically-relevant bacterial infections, LL-37 and its derivatives are seen as attractive candidates for anti-sepsis therapies. We have identified a novel family of molecules secreted by parasitic helminths (helminth defence molecules; HDMs) that exhibit similar biochemical and functional characteristics to human defence peptides, particularly CAP18. The HDM secreted by Fasciola hepatica (FhHDM-1) adopts a predominantly alpha-helical structure in solution. Processing of FhHDM-1 by F. hepatica cathepsin L1 releases a 34-residue C-terminal fragment containing a conserved amphipathic helix. This is analogous to the proteolytic processing of CAP18 to release LL-37, which modulates innate cell activation by classical toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We show that full-length recombinant FhHDM-1 and a peptide analogue of the amphipathic C-terminus bind directly to LPS in a concentration-dependent manner, reducing its interaction with both LPS-binding protein (LBP) and the surface of macrophages. Furthermore, FhHDM-1 and the amphipathic C-terminal peptide protect mice against LPS-induced inflammation by significantly reducing the release of inflammatory mediators from macrophages. We propose that HDMs, by mimicking the function of host defence peptides, represent a novel family of innate cell modulators with therapeutic potential in anti-sepsis treatments and prevention of inflammation.


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Recent progress using the VULCAN laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to pump X-ray lasing in nickel-like ions is reviewed. Double pulse pumping with similar to 100 ps pulses has been shown to produce significantly greater X-ray laser output than single pulses of duration 0.1-1 ns. With double pulse pumping, the main pumping pulse interacts with a pre-formed plasma created by a pre-pulse. The efficiency of lasing increases as there is a reduced effect of refraction of the X-ray laser beam due to smaller density gradients and larger gain volumes, which enable propagation of the X-ray laser beam along the full length of the target. The record shortest wavelength saturated laser at 5.9 nm has been achieved in Ni-like dysprosium using double pulse pumping of 75 ps duration from the VULCAN laser. A variant of the double pulse pumping using a single similar to 100 ps laser pulse and a superimposed short similar to 1 ps pulse has been found to further increase the efficiency of lasing by reducing the effects of over-ionisation during the gain period. The record shortest wavelength saturated laser pumped by a short similar to 1 ps pulse has been achieved in Ni-like samarium using the VULCAN laser operating in chirped pulse amplified (CPA) mode. Ni-like samarium lases at 7.3 nm. (C) 2000 Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.


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Homeobox gene expression was examined in the erythroleukaemic cell line TF-1. Expression of a number of HOX A, B and C genes, including HOX A7 was detected. Expression of this gene has not previously been reported in erythroleukaemic cell lines. A 2.1 kb full length cDNA of the HOX A7 gene was cloned. The predicted amino acid sequence C-terminal to the homeodomain consists of an alanine-rich region and a strongly negatively charged domain consisting entirely of aspartic and glutamic acid residues.


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Studies have confirmed the key role of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA) in the US and UK human anthrax vaccines. However, given the tripartite nature of the toxin, other components, including lethal factor (LF), are also likely to contribute to protection. We examined the antibody and T cell responses to PA and LF in human volunteers immunized with the UK anthrax vaccine (AVP). Individual LF domains were assessed for immunogenicity in mice when given alone or with PA. Based on the results obtained, a novel fusion protein comprising D1 of LF and the host cell-binding domain of PA (D4) was assessed for protective efficacy. Murine protection studies demonstrated that both full-length LF and D1 of LF conferred complete protection against a lethal intraperitoneal challenge with B. anthracis STI spores. Subsequent studies with the LFD1-PAD4 fusion protein showed a similar level of protection. LF is immunogenic in humans and is likely to contribute to the protection stimulated by AVP. A single vaccine comprising protective regions from LF and PA would simplify production and confer a broader spectrum of protection than that seen with PA alone.


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Control of fasciolosis is threatened by the development of anthelmintic resistance. Enhanced triclabendazole (TCBZ) efflux by ABC transporters such as P-glycoprotein (Pgp) has been implicated in this process. A putative full length cDNA coding for a Pgp expressed in adult Fasciola hepatica has been constructed and used to design a primer set capable of amplifying a region encoding part of the second nucleotide binding domain of Pgp when genomic DNA was used as a template. Application of this primer set to genomic DNA from TCBZ-resistant and -susceptible field populations has shown a significant difference in the alleles present. Analysis of an allele occurring at a three-fold higher frequency in the "resistant" population revealed that it was characterised by a serine to arginine substitution at residue 1144. Homology modelling studies have been used to locate this site in the Pgp structure and hence assess its potential to modify functional activity. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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In this study, we investigate the skin secretion of the Madagascan Tomato Frog, Dyscophus guineti, which is characterized by its peculiarly adhesive and viscous nature, with a view toward the function of the member of the Kunitz/bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor family (BPTI) it is known to contain. Using “shotgun” cloning of a skin secretion-derived cDNA library, we obtained the full-length sequence of the respective precursor that encodes this trypsin inhibitor. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this enzyme has inhibitory activity against trypsin, but not against thrombin, and also has no antimicrobial activity. Moreover, we confirm that it appears to be the only bioactive peptide in the skin secretion of this species. Using these observations, we attempt to posit a role for this inhibitor. In particular, we hypothesize that the trypsin inhibitor in D. guineti (and possibly other microhylid frogs) maintains the soluble state of the skin secretion during storage in the glands. Upon discharge of the secretion, the trypsin inhibitor, which occurs in low concentrations, can no longer prevent the polymerisation process of other yet unidentified skin proteins, thereby resulting in the conversion of the secretion to its final glue-like state. Thus, the major defensive value of the skin secretion appears to be mechanical, impeding ingestion through a combination of adhesion and the body inflation typical for some microhylid frogs rather than chemical through antimicrobial activity or toxicity.


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The administration of recombinant methionyl bovine somatotropin (rMbST) to dairy cows to increase milk yield remains a common practice in many countries including the USA, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Korea, whereas it has been forbidden within the European Union (EU) since 1999. A rapid screening immunoanalytical method capable of the unequivocal determination of rMbST in milk would be highly desirable in order to effectively monitor compliance with the EU-wide ban for home-made or imported dairy products. For decades, the production of specific antibodies for this recombinant isoform of bovine somatotropin (bST) has remained elusive, due to the high degree of sequence homology between both counterparts (e.g. methionine for rMbST in substitution of alanine in bST at the N-terminus). In this study, we compared several immunizing strategies for the production of specific polyclonal antibodies (pAbs), based on the use of the full-length recombinant protein, an rMbST N-terminus peptide fragment and a multiple antigen peptide (MAP) which consists of an oligomeric branching lysine core attached to the first two N-terminus amino acids of rMbST, methionine and phenylalanine (MF-MAP). The immunization with KLH-conjugated MF-MAP led to the production of the pAb with the highest rMbST/bST recognition ratio amongst the generated battery of antibodies. The pAb exhibited a specific binding ability to rMbST in a competitive antigen-coated ELISA format, which avidity was further improved after purification by rMbST N-terminus peptide-based affinity chromatography. These results suggest that immunodiscrimination between structurally related proteins can be achieved using immuno-enhanced immunogens such as MAPs. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.