334 resultados para Morrow, Vickii
Peter Mutschler and Ruth Morrow of PS2 profile '5 ways to say your prayers', which re-presented a selection of the belfast-based organisation's public engagement projects, facilitiated by Engage Studios at the Shed, Galway (26-21 July, 2013)
A PMU based WAMS is to be placed on a weakly coupled section of distribution grid, with high levels of distributed generation. In anticipation of PMU data a Siemens PSS/E model of the electrical environment has been used to return similar data to that expected from the WAMS. This data is then used to create a metric that reflects optimization, control and protection in the region. System states are iterated through with the most desirable one returning the lowest optimization metric, this state is assessed against the one returned by PSS/E under normal circumstances. This paper investigates the circumstances that trigger SPS in the region, through varying generation between 0 and 110% and compromising the network through line loss under summer minimum and winter maximum conditions. It is found that the optimized state can generally tolerate an additional 2 MW of generation (3% of total) before encroaching the same thresholds and in one instance moves the triggering to 100% of generation output.
This study presents a model based on partial least squares (PLS) regression for dynamic line rating (DLR). The model has been verified using data from field measurements, lab tests and outdoor experiments. Outdoor experimentation has been conducted both to verify the model predicted DLR and also to provide training data not available from field measurements, mainly heavily loaded conditions. The proposed model, unlike the direct measurement based DLR techniques, enables prediction of line rating for periods ahead of time whenever a reliable weather forecast is available. The PLS approach yields a very simple statistical model that accurately captures the physical performance of the conductor within a given environment without requiring a predetermination of parameters as required by many physical modelling techniques. Accuracy of the PLS model has been tested by predicting the conductor temperature for measurement sets other than those used for training. Being a linear model, it is straightforward to estimate the conductor ampacity for a set of predicted weather parameters. The PLS estimated ampacity has proven its accuracy through an outdoor experiment on a piece of the line conductor in real weather conditions.
This study presents a new method for determining the transmission network usage by loads and generators, which can then be used for transmission cost/loss allocation in an explainable and justifiable manner. The proposed method is based on solid physical grounds and circuit theory. It relies on dividing the currents through the network into two components; the first one is attributed to power flows from generators to loads, whereas the second one is because of the generators only. Unlike almost all the available methods, the proposed method is assumption free and hence it is more accurate than similar methods even those having some physical basis. The proposed method is validated through a transformer analogy, and theoretical derivations. The method is verified through application to the IEEE 30 bus system and the IEEE 118 test system. The results obtained verified many desirable features of the proposed method. Being more accurate in determining the network usage, in an explainable transparent manner, and in giving accurate cost signals, indicating the best locations to add loads and generation, are among the many desirable features.
This paper presents a statistical model for the thermal behaviour of the line model based on lab tests and field measurements. This model is based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) multi regression and is used for the Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) in a wind intensive area. DLR provides extra capacity to the line, over the traditional seasonal static rating, which makes it possible to defer the need for reinforcement the existing network or building new lines. The proposed PLS model has a number of appealing features; the model is linear, so it is straightforward to use for predicting the line rating for future periods using the available weather forecast. Unlike the available physical models, the proposed model does not require any physical parameters of the line, which avoids the inaccuracies resulting from the errors and/or variations in these parameters. The developed model is compared with physical model, the Cigre model, and has shown very good accuracy in predicting the conductor temperature as well as in determining the line rating for future time periods.
This paper presents a new technique for the detectionof islanding conditions in electrical power systems. This problem isespecially prevalent in systems with significant penetrations of distributedrenewable generation. The proposed technique is based onthe application of principal component analysis (PCA) to data setsof wide-area frequency measurements, recorded by phasor measurementunits. The PCA approach was able to detect islandingaccurately and quickly when compared with conventional RoCoFtechniques, as well as with the frequency difference and change-ofangledifference methods recently proposed in the literature. Thereliability and accuracy of the proposed PCA approach is demonstratedby using a number of test cases, which consider islandingand nonislanding events. The test cases are based on real data,recorded from several phasor measurement units located in theU.K. power system.
Loss-of-mains protection is an important component of the protection systems of embedded generation. The role of loss-of-mains is to disconnect the embedded generator from the utility grid in the event that connection to utility dispatched generation is lost. This is necessary for a number of reasons, including the safety of personnel during fault restoration and the protection of plant against out-of-synchronism reclosure to the mains supply. The incumbent methods of loss-of-mains protection were designed when the installed capacity of embedded generation was low, and known problems with nuisance tripping of the devices were considered acceptable because of the insignificant consequence to system operation. With the dramatic increase in the installed capacity of embedded generation over the last decade, the limitations of current islanding detection methods are no longer acceptable. This study describes a new method of loss-of-mains protection based on phasor measurement unit (PMU) technology, specifically using a low cost PMU device of the authors' design which has been developed for distribution network applications. The proposed method addresses the limitations of the incumbent methods, providing a solution that is free of nuisance tripping and has a zero non-detection zone. This system has been tested experimentally and is shown to be practical, feasible and effective. Threshold settings for the new method are recommended based on data acquired from both the Great Britain and Ireland power systems.
Due to the intermittent nature of renewable generation it is desirable to consider the potential of controlling the demand-side load to smooth overall system demand. The architecture and control methodologies of such a system on a large scale would require careful consideration. Some of these considerations are discussed in this paper; such as communications infrastructure, systems architecture, control methodologies and security. A domestic fridge is used in this paper as an example of a controllable appliance. A layered approach to smart-grid is introduced and it can be observed how each smart-grid component from physical cables, to the end-devices (or smart-applications) can be mapped to these set layers. It is clear how security plays an integral part in each component of the smart-grid so this is also an integral part of each layer. The controllable fridge is described in detail and as one potential smart-grid application which maps to the layered approach. A demonstration system is presented which involves a Raspberry Pi (a low-power, low-cost device representing the appliance controller).
Two case studies are presented in this paper to demonstrate the impact of different power system operation conditions on the power oscillation frequency modes in the Irish power system. A simplified 2 area equivalent of the Irish power system has been used in this paper, where area 1 represents the Republic of Ireland power system and area 2 represents the Northern Ireland power system.
The potential power oscillation frequency modes on the interconnector during different operation conditions have been analysed in this paper. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of different operation conditions involving wind turbine generator (WTG) penetration on power oscillation frequency modes using phasor measurement unit (PMU) data.
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis was performed to identify the frequency oscillation mode while correlation coefficient analysis was used to determine the source of the frequency oscillation. The results show that WTG, particularly fixed speed induction generation (FSIG), gives significant contribution to inter-area power oscillation frequency modes during high WTG operation.
This paper is concerned with the voltage and reactive power issues surrounding the connection of Distributed Generation (DG) on the low-voltage (LV) distribution network. The presented system-wide voltage control algorithm consists of three stages. Firstly available reactive power reserves are utilized. Then, if required, DG active power output is curtailed. Finally, curtailment of non-critical site demand is considered. The control methodology is tested on a variant of the 13-bus IEEE Node Radial Distribution Test Feeder. The presented control algorithm demonstrated that the distribution system operator (DSO) can maintain voltage levels within a desired statutory range by dispatching reactive power from DG or network devices. The practical application of the control strategy is discussed.
This paper analyzes the behavior of a Voltage Source Converter Based HVDC system under DC cable fault conditions. The behavior of the HVDC system during a permanent line-to-earth fault is analyzed, outlining the systems configuration and behavior at each stage of the fault timeline. Operation of the proposed system under a single earthing configurations i.e. Converter (solid) earthed/AC transformer unearthed, was analyzed and simulated, with particular attention paid to the converters operation. It was observed that the development of potential earth loops within the system as a result of DC line- toearth faults leads to substantial overcurrent and results in system configuration oscillation.