260 resultados para College publications


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A set of 138 "mesostics" from Ciaran Carson's novel "The Star Factory" poems derived from the chance determination procedure devised by John Cage and set out in the score of his "Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegan's Wake," a musical realisation of James Joyce's novel 'Finnegan's Wake." The publication forms part of a portfolio on the project "Owenvarragh: A belfast Circus on The Star Factory", published in the special John Cage issue of this journal.


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Corneal endothelial cells from normal and traumatized human, primate, cat and rabbit eyes were studied by specular microscopy. Morphometric analysis was performed on micrographs of corneal endothelium using a semi-automated image analysis system. The results showed that under normal conditions the corneal endothelium of all four species exhibit major morphological similarities (mean cell areas: human 317 +/- 32 microns 2, primate 246 +/- 22 microns2, cat 357 +/- 25 microns 2, rabbit 308 +/- 35 microns 2). The normal corneal endothelium in man was found to be more polymegethous than that of the other species. Trauma to cat, primate and human corneas resulted in a long-term reduction in endothelial cell density and enhanced polymegethism. In contrast, the reparative response of the rabbit ensured the reformation of an essentially normal monolayer following injury. Endothelial giant cells were a normal inclusion in the rabbit corneal endothelium but were only significant in cat, primate and man following trauma. The presence of corneal endothelial giant cells in amitotic corneas may therefore represent a compensatory response in the absence of mitotic potential.


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Variations in the phase angle difference between a remote 11kV connected wind farm and the centre of Belfast during a typical working day are investigated in the paper. The results obtained using phasor measurement units (PMUs) are compared with the data generated using a PSS/E simulator configured to model the N.Ireland network. The study investigates the effect of changes in the load demand and the wind farm output power on the phase angles at various locations on the network. The paper finally describes how a major system disturbance on the All-Ireland network was monitored and analysed using PMUs located at Queen's University, Belfast and University College Dublin. ©2007 IEEE.


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ADEFFI annual conference
Trinity College Dublin
October 2007


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Aims: High local control rates are achieved in stage I lung cancer using stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Target delineation is commonly based on four-dimensional computed tomography (CT) scans. Target volumes defined by positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) are compared with those defined by four-dimensional CT and conventional ('three-dimensional') F-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-FDG) PET/CT. Materials and methods: For 16 stage I non-small cell lung cancer tumours, six approaches for deriving PET target volumes were evaluated: manual contouring, standardised uptake value (SUV) absolute threshold of 2.5, 35% of maximum SUV (35%SUV), 41% of SUV (41%SUV) and two different source to background ratio techniques (SBR-1 and SBR-2). PET-derived target volumes were compared with the internal target volume (ITV) from the modified maximum intensity projection (MIP ITV). Volumetric and positional correlation was assessed using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC). Results: PET-based target volumes did not correspond to four-dimensional CT-based target volumes. The mean DSC relative to MIP ITV were: PET manual = 0.64, SUV2.5 = 0.64, 35%SUV = 0.63, 41%SUV = 0.57. SBR-1 = 0.52, SBR-2 = 0.49. PET-based target volumes were smaller than corresponding MIP ITVs. Conclusions: Conventional three-dimensional F-FDG PET-derived target volumes for lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy did not correspond well with those derived from four-dimensional CT, including those in routine clinical use (MIP ITV). Caution is required in using three-dimensional PET for motion encompassing target volume delineation. © 2012 The Royal College of Radiologists.


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The hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War is only the first of a large number of major European historical anniversaries that will occur in the coming four years. Other twentieth-century anniversaries include that of the Russian Revolution and the Easter Uprising; notable corollaries from earlier centuries include the Battle of Bannockburn, the Hanoverian succession, the Battle of Waterloo and, perhaps most significant of all, the five hundredth anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Rather than commission special issues or other features to tie in to individual anniversaries centred on or relevant to German history in a manner which repeats unthinkingly the conventions of scholarly and popular culture, the editors elected to reflect more fundamentally on what might be at stake in major anniversaries for professional scholars of history. In anticipation of the major wave of scholarly and popular publications, commemorative activities and memory conflicts that each of these will generate, and in order to reflect upon the dynamics of German history, memory and commemoration in a more overtly comparative context, the editors invited a number of scholars working on different national histories to reflect on the possibilities and potential pitfalls such anniversaries offer to historians who tie their work in to such moments. They are Jörg Arnold (Nottingham), Thomas A. Brady (Berkeley), Fearghal McGarry (Queen’s University, Belfast), Tim Grady (Chester) and Dan Healey (St Antony’s College, Oxford). The questions were posed by the editors.


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Hyperkalaemia, an elevated extracellular fluid potassium concentration, is a common electrolyte disorder and is present in 1-10% of hospitalised patients. Elevated serum potassium concentrations are usually asymptomatic but may be associated with electrocardiogram (ECG) changes. Hyperkalaemia occasionally leads to life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Prompt recognition of this disorder, patient risk management and administration of appropriate treatment can prevent serious cardiac complications of hyperkalaemia. Further assessment of the underlying basis for hyperkalaemia usually reveals a problem with renal potassium excretion (rather than transcellular shift of potassium or excess potassium intake). Reduced potassium excretion is typically associated with decreased potassium secretion in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron of the kidney. Common causes for hyperkalaemia include kidney failure, limited delivery of sodium and water to the distal nephron and drugs that inhibit the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Treatment of life-threatening hyperkalaemia (particularly those patients with ECG changes) involves administration of intravenous calcium salts to stabilise the resting cardiac membrane potential. The potassium concentration can be lowered by administration of intravenous insulin combined with an infusion of glucose to stimulate intracellular uptake of potassium. Nebulised β-2 adrenoceptor agonists can augment the effects of intravenous insulin and glucose pending more definitive management of the recurrent hyperkalaemia risk. Additional management steps include stopping further potassium intake and careful review of prescribed drugs that may be adversely affecting potassium homeostasis. Changes to prescribing systems and an agreed institutional protocol for management of hyperkalaemia can improve patient safety for this frequently encountered electrolyte disorder.


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Intrafraction tumour motion is an issue that is of increased interest in the era of image-guided radiotherapy. It is particularly relevant for non-small cell lung cancer, for which a number of recent developments are in use to aid with motion management in the delivery of radical radiotherapy. The ability to deliver hypofractionated ablative doses, such as in stereotactic radiotherapy, has been aided by improvements in the ability to analyse tumour motion and amend treatment delivery. In addition, accounting for tumour motion can enable dose escalation to occur by reducing the normal tissue being irradiated by virtue of a reduction in target volumes. Motion management for lung tumours incorporates five key components: imaging, breath-hold techniques, abdominal compression, respiratory tracking and respiratory gating. These will be described, together with the relevant benefits and associated complexities. Many studies have described improved dosimetric coverage and reduced normal tissue complication probability rates when using motion management techniques. Despite the widespread uptake of many of these techniques, there is a paucity of literature reporting improved outcome in overall survival and local control for patients whenever motion management techniques are used. This overview will review the extent of lung tumour motion, ways in which motion is detected and summarise the key methods used in motion management.


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AIMS: High local control rates are achieved in stage I lung cancer using
stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Target delineation is commonly based on
four-dimensional computed tomography (CT) scans. Target volumes defined by
positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) are compared with those defined by four-dimensional CT and conventional ('three-dimensional')
(18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) PET/CT.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: For 16 stage I non-small cell lung cancer tumours, six
approaches for deriving PET target volumes were evaluated: manual contouring,
standardised uptake value (SUV) absolute threshold of 2.5, 35% of maximum SUV
(35%SUV(MAX)), 41% of SUV(MAX) (41%SUV(MAX)) and two different source to
background ratio techniques (SBR-1 and SBR-2). PET-derived target volumes were compared with the internal target volume (ITV) from the modified maximum
intensity projection (MIP(MOD) ITV). Volumetric and positional correlation was
assessed using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC).

RESULTS: PET-based target volumes did not correspond to four-dimensional CT-based target volumes. The mean DSC relative to MIP(MOD) ITV were: PET manual = 0.64, SUV2.5 = 0.64, 35%SUV(MAX) = 0.63, 41%SUV(MAX) = 0.57. SBR-1 = 0.52, SBR-2 =0.49. PET-based target volumes were smaller than corresponding MIP ITVs.

CONCLUSIONS: Conventional three-dimensional (18)F-FDG PET-derived target volumes for lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy did not correspond well with those derived from four-dimensional CT, including those in routine clinical use
(MIP(MOD) ITV). Caution is required in using three-dimensional PET for motion
encompassing target volume delineation.