
Autoria(s): Arnold, Jorg; Brady, Thomas A.; McGarry, Fearghal; Grady, Tim; Healey, Dan



The hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War is only the first of a large number of major European historical anniversaries that will occur in the coming four years. Other twentieth-century anniversaries include that of the Russian Revolution and the Easter Uprising; notable corollaries from earlier centuries include the Battle of Bannockburn, the Hanoverian succession, the Battle of Waterloo and, perhaps most significant of all, the five hundredth anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Rather than commission special issues or other features to tie in to individual anniversaries centred on or relevant to German history in a manner which repeats unthinkingly the conventions of scholarly and popular culture, the editors elected to reflect more fundamentally on what might be at stake in major anniversaries for professional scholars of history. In anticipation of the major wave of scholarly and popular publications, commemorative activities and memory conflicts that each of these will generate, and in order to reflect upon the dynamics of German history, memory and commemoration in a more overtly comparative context, the editors invited a number of scholars working on different national histories to reflect on the possibilities and potential pitfalls such anniversaries offer to historians who tie their work in to such moments. They are Jörg Arnold (Nottingham), Thomas A. Brady (Berkeley), Fearghal McGarry (Queen’s University, Belfast), Tim Grady (Chester) and Dan Healey (St Antony’s College, Oxford). The questions were posed by the editors.







Arnold , J , Brady , T A , McGarry , F , Grady , T & Healey , D 2014 , ' Anniversaries ' German History , vol 32 , no. 1 , pp. 79-100 . DOI: doi:10.1093/gerhis/ght101

