180 resultados para INTENSITIES


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TiO2 photocatalysis is a promising technology for the destruction of organic pollutants in both waste and potable waters with the mineralisation of a wide range of compounds having been reported. TiO 2 has many advantages over other semiconductors, it is highly photoreactive, cheap, non-toxic, chemically and biologically inert, and photostable. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 has been shown to depend upon many criteria including the ratio of anatase/rutile crystal phase, particle size and oxidation state. This paper reports the use of optical surface second harmonic generation (SSHG) to monitor modifications in TiO 2 powder induced following laser treatment. SSHG is a non-contact, non-destructive technique, which is highly sensitive to both surface chemical and physical changes. Results show that three different SSH intensities were observable as the TiO2 samples were irradiated with the laser light. These regions were related to changes in chemical characteristics and particle size of the TiO2 powder


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The incorporation of carboxyl functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT-COOH) into a leading proprietary grade orthopaedic bone cement (Simplex PTM) at 0.1 wt% has been investigated. Resultant static and fatigue mechanical properties, in addition to thermal and polymerisation properties, have been determined. Significant improvements (p 0.001) in bending strength (42%), bending modulus (55%) and fracture toughness (22%) were demonstrated. Fatigue properties were improved (p 0.001), with mean number of cycles to failure and fatigue performance index being increased by 64% and 52%, respectively. Thermal necrosis index values at 44C and 55C were significantly reduced (p 0.001) (28% and 27%) versus the control. Furthermore, the onset of polymerisation increased by 58% (p < 0.001), as did the duration of the polymerisation reaction (52%). Peak energy during polymerisation increased by 672% (p < 0.001). Peak area of polymerisation increased by 116% (p < 0.001) indicating that the incorporation of MWCNT-COOH reduced the rate of polymerisation significantly. A non-significant reduction (8%) in percentage monomer conversion was also recorded. Raman spectroscopy clearly showed that the addition of MWCNT-COOH increased the ratio between normalised intensities of the G-Band and D-Band (IG/ID), and also increased the theoretical compressive strain (1.72%) exerted on the MWCNT-COOH by the Simplex PTM cement matrix. Therefore, demonstrating a level of chemical interactivity between the MWCNT-COOH and the Simplex PTM bone cement exists and consequently a more effective mechanism for successful transfer of mechanical load. The extent of homogenous dispersion of the MWCNT-COOH throughout the bone cement was determined using Raman mapping. Ke


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The high-current fast electron beams generated in high-intensity laser-solid interactions require the onset of a balancing return current in order to propagate in the target material. Such a system of counter-streaming electron currents is unstable to a variety of instabilities such as the current-filamentation instability and the two-stream instability. An experimental study aimed at investigating the role of instabilities in a system of symmetrical counter-propagating fast electron beams is presented here for the first time. The fast electron beams are generated by double-sided laser-irradiation of a layered target foil at laser intensities above 10(19) W/cm(2). High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the emission from the central Ti layer shows that locally enhanced energy deposition is indeed achieved in the case of counter-propagating fast electron beams


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In this work, a laser-produced plasma extreme ultraviolet source and a free electron laser were used to create Ne photo-ionized plasmas. In both cases, a radiation beam was focused onto a gas stream injected into a vacuum chamber synchronously with the radiation pulse. Extreme ultraviolet radiation from the plasma spanned a wide spectral range with pronounced maximum centered at lambda = 11 +/- 1 nm while the free electron laser pulses were emitted at a wavelength of 32 nm. The power density of the focused plasma radiation was approximately 2 x 10(7) W/cm(2) and was seven orders of magnitude lower compared with the focused free electron laser beam. Radiation fluences in both experimental conditions were comparable. Despite quite different spectral characteristics and extremely different power densities, emission spectra of both photo-ionized plasmas consist of the same spectral lines within a wavelength range of 20 to 50 nm, however, with different relative intensities of the corresponding lines. The dominating spectral lines originated from singly charged ions (Ne II); however, Ne III lines were also detected. Additionally, computer simulations of the emission spectra, obtained for photo-ionized plasmas, driven by the plasma extreme ultraviolet source, were performed. The corresponding measured and calculated spectra are presented. An electron temperature and ionic composition were estimated. Differences between the experimental spectra, obtained for both irradiation conditions, were analyzed. The differences were attributed mainly to different energies of driving photons.


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A spectroscopic study of the He-alpha (1s(2) S-1(0) - 1s2p P-1(1)) line emission (4749.73 eV) from high density plasma was conducted. The plasma was produced by irradiating Ti targets with intense (I approximate to 1x10(19) W/cm(2)), 400nm wavelength high contrast, short (45fs) p-polarized laser pulses at an angle of 45 degrees. A line shift up to 3.4 +/- 1.0 eV (1.9 +/- 0.55 m angstrom) was observed in the He-alpha line. The line width of the resonance line at FWHM was measured to be 12.1 +/- 0.6 eV (6.7 +/- 0.35 m angstrom). For comparison, we looked into the emission of the same spectral line from plasma produced by irradiating the same target with laser pulses of reduced intensities (approximate to 10(17) W/cm(2)): we observed a spectral shift of only 1.8 +/- 1.0 eV (0.9 +/- 0.55m angstrom) and the line-width measures up to 5.8 +/- 0.25 eV (2.7 +/- 0.35 m angstrom). These data provide evidence of plasma polarization shift of the Ti He-alpha line.


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We report on experiments aimed at the generation and characterization of solid density plasmas at the free-electron laser FLASH in Hamburg. Aluminum samples were irradiated with XUV pulses at 13.5 nm wavelength (92 eV photon energy). The pulses with duration of a few tens of femtoseconds and pulse energy up to 100 mu J are focused to intensities ranging from 10(13) to 10(17) W/cm(2). We investigate the absorption and temporal evolution of the sample under irradiation by use of XUV spectroscopy. We discuss the origin of saturable absorption, radiative decay, bremsstrahlung and ionic line emission. Our experimental results are in good agreement with hydrodynamic simulations.


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The detailed knowledge of fast electron energy transport following interaction with high-intensity, ultra-short laser pulses is a key area for secondary source generation for ELI. We demonstrate polarization spectroscopy at laser intensities up to 10(21) Wcm(-2). This is significant as it suggests that in situ emission spectroscopy may be used as an effective probe of fast electron velocity distributions in regimes relevant to electron transport in solid targets. Ly-alpha doublet emission of nickel (Z = 28) and sulphur (Z = 16) is observed to measure the degree of polarization from the Ly-alpha(1) emission. Ly-alpha(2) emission is unpolarized, and as such acts as a calibration source between spectrometers. The measured ratio of the X-ray sigma- and pi-polarization allows the possibility to infer the velocity distribution function of the fast electron beam.


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The contracting-out of public services has often been accompanied by a strong academic focus on the emergence of new governance forms, and a general neglect of the processes and practices through which contracted-out services are controlled and monitored. To fill this gap, we draw on contracting-out and inter-organizational control literatures to explore the adoption of control mechanisms for public service provision at the municipal level and the variables that can explain their choice. Our results, based on a survey of Italian municipalities, show that in the presence of contracting-out, market-, hierarchy- and trust-based controls display different intensities, can co-exist and are explained by different variables. Service characteristics are more effective in explaining market- and hierarchy-based controls than relationship characteristics. Trust-based controls are the most widespread, but cannot be explained by the variables traditionally identified in contracting-out and inter-organizational control studies.


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Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) is unique in that it is a dynamically new comet derived from the Oort cloud reservoir of comets with a sun-grazing orbit. Infrared (IR) and visible wavelength observing campaigns were planned on NASA's Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and on National Solar Observatory Dunn (DST) and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes, respectively. We highlight our early results. SOFIA (+FORCAST [1]) mid- to far-IR images and spectroscopy (~5-35 μm) of the dust in the coma of ISON are to be obtained by the ISON-SOFIA Team during a flight window 2013 Oct 21-23 UT (r_h≈1.18 AU). Dust characteristics, identified through the 10 μm silicate emission feature and its strength [2], as well as spectral features from cometary crystalline silicates (Forsterite) at 11.05-11.2 μm, and near 16, 19, 23.5, 27.5, and 33 μm are compared with other Oort cloud comets that span the range of small and/or highly porous grains (e.g., C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) [3,4,5] and C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) [6]) to large and/or compact grains (e.g., C/2007 N4 (Lulin) [7] and C/2006 P1 (McNaught) [8]). Measurement of the crystalline peaks in contrast to the broad 10 and 20 μm amorphous silicate features yields the cometary silicate crystalline mass fraction [9], which is a benchmark for radial transport in our protoplanetary disk [10]. The central wavelength positions, relative intensities, and feature asymmetries for the crystalline peaks may constrain the shapes of the crystals [11]. Only SOFIA can look for cometary organics in the 5-8 μm region. Spatially resolved measurements of atoms and simple molecules from when comet ISON is near the Sun (r_h<0.4 AU, near Nov-20--Dec-03 UT) were proposed for by the ISON-DST Team. Comet ISON is the first comet since comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f) [12,13] suitable for studying the alkalai metals Na and K and the atoms specifically attributed to dust grains including Mg, Si, Fe, as well as Ca. DST's Horizontal Grating Spectrometer (HGS) measures 4 settings: Na I, K, C2 to sample cometary organics (along with Mg I), and [O I] as a proxy for activity from water [14] (along with Si I and Fe I). State-of-the-art instruments that will also be employed include IBIS [15], which is a Fabry-Perot spectral imaging system that concurrently measures lines of Na, K, Ca II, or Fe, and ROSA (CSUN/QUB) [16], which is a rapid imager that simultaneously monitors Ca II or CN. From McMath-Pierce, the Solar-Stellar Spectrograph also will target ISON (320-900 nm, R~21,000, r_h


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The two-dimensional laser-plasma-interaction hydrodynamic code POLLUX has been used to simulate the ablation of a magnesium target by a 30-ns, 248-nm KrF excimer laser at low laser fluences of ≤10 J cm2. This code, originally written for much higher laser intensities, has been recently extended to include a detailed description of the equation of state in order to treat changes of phase within the target material, and also includes a Thomas Fermi description of the electrons. The simulated temporal and spatial evolution of the plasma plume in the early phase of the expansion (≤100 ns) is compared with experimental interferometric measurements of electron density. The expansion dynamics are in good agreement, although the simulated electron number density is about 2.5 times higher than the experimental values.


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It is shown theoretically that LEED patterns from ordered overlayer systems bear a strong relationship to electron holograms, and that phase information is recorded in the diffraction intensities. It is, therefore, possible to obtain structural information by direct holographic inversion from conventional LEED I-V spectra.


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We break down photoelectron diffraction intensities into four terms in analogy to optical holography and discuss the effect of each term on reconstructed images. The second term involving products of scattered waves SIGMA-SIGMA-O(i)O(j)*, is in this case not structure-less. Theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate that this term may lead to spurious features in real space images in holographic transforms of medium energy electron diffraction patterns. If it is small enough the problem may be overcome by an iterative correction process.


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Models of complex systems with n components typically have order n<sup>2</sup> parameters because each component can potentially interact with every other. When it is impractical to measure these parameters, one may choose random parameter values and study the emergent statistical properties at the system level. Many influential results in theoretical ecology have been derived from two key assumptions: that species interact with random partners at random intensities and that intraspecific competition is comparable between species. Under these assumptions, community dynamics can be described by a community matrix that is often amenable to mathematical analysis. We combine empirical data with mathematical theory to show that both of these assumptions lead to results that must be interpreted with caution. We examine 21 empirically derived community matrices constructed using three established, independent methods. The empirically derived systems are more stable by orders of magnitude than results from random matrices. This consistent disparity is not explained by existing results on predator-prey interactions. We investigate the key properties of empirical community matrices that distinguish them from random matrices. We show that network topology is less important than the relationship between a species’ trophic position within the food web and its interaction strengths. We identify key features of empirical networks that must be preserved if random matrix models are to capture the features of real ecosystems.


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By using polycapillary lenses to focus laser-produced x-ray sources to high intensities, an improvement in signal-to-noise ratio can be achieved. Here the He-alpha line emission produced by driving a titanium backlighter target is focused by a polycapillary lens and the output characterized. The x-ray spot is measured to have a peak intensity of 4.5 x 10(7) photons, with a total photon count of 8.8 x 10(8) in 0.13 +/- 0.01 mm(2). This setup is equivalent to placing the backlighter target 3 mm from the sample with a 600 mu m diameter pinhole. The polycapillary lens enables the placement of the backlighter target at a much larger distance from the sample to be studied and therefore has the ability to greatly improve the signal-to-noise ratio on detectors. We demonstrate this with two simple diffraction experiments using pyrolytic graphite and polycrystalline aluminium.


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OBJECTIVE: Interhemispheric inhibition (IHI) is typically examined via responses elicited in intrinsic hand muscles. As the cortical representations of proximal and distal muscles in the upper limb are distinguished in terms of their inter-hemispheric projections, we sought to determine whether the IHI parameters established for the hand apply more generally.

METHODS: We investigated IHI at 5 different conditioning stimulus (CS) intensities and a range of short-latency inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs) in healthy participants. Conditioning and test stimuli were delivered over the M1 representation of the right and left flexor carpi radialis respectively.

RESULTS: IHI increased as a function of CS intensity, and was present for ISIs between 7 and 15ms. Inhibition was most pronounced for the 10ms ISI at all CS intensities.

CONCLUSIONS: The range of parameters for which IHI is elicited in projections to the forearm is similar to that reported for the hand. The specific utility lies in delineation of stimulus parameters that permit both potentiation and attenuation of IHI to be assessed.

SIGNIFICANCE: In light of evidence that there is a greater density of callosal projections between cortical areas that represent proximal muscles than between those corresponding to distal limb muscles, and in view of the assumption that variations in functional connectivity to which such differences give rise may have important implications for motor behavior, it is critical to determine whether processes mediating the expression of IHI depend on the effector that is studied. This issue is of further broad significance given the practical utility of movements generated by muscles proximal to the wrist in the context of upper limb rehabilitation.