144 resultados para Mycobacterium Infections


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Whole genome sequencing (WGS) technology holds great promise as a tool for the forensic epidemiology of bacterial pathogens. It is likely to be particularly useful for studying the transmission dynamics of an observed epidemic involving a largely unsampled 'reservoir' host, as for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in British and Irish cattle and badgers. BTB is caused by Mycobacterium bovis, a member of the M. tuberculosis complex that also includes the aetiological agent for human TB. In this study, we identified a spatio-temporally linked group of 26 cattle and 4 badgers infected with the same Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) type of M. bovis. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between sequences identified differences that were consistent with bacterial lineages being persistent on or near farms for several years, despite multiple clear whole herd tests in the interim. Comparing WGS data to mathematical models showed good correlations between genetic divergence and spatial distance, but poor correspondence to the network of cattle movements or within-herd contacts. Badger isolates showed between zero and four SNP differences from the nearest cattle isolate, providing evidence for recent transmissions between the two hosts. This is the first direct genetic evidence of M. bovis persistence on farms over multiple outbreaks with a continued, ongoing interaction with local badgers. However, despite unprecedented resolution, directionality of transmission cannot be inferred at this stage. Despite the often notoriously long timescales between time of infection and time of sampling for TB, our results suggest that WGS data alone can provide insights into TB epidemiology even where detailed contact data are not available, and that more extensive sampling and analysis will allow for quantification of the extent and direction of transmission between cattle and badgers. © 2012 Biek et al.


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The generation of novel Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP)-specific monoclonal antibodies and phage-display derived peptide binders, along with their application for the magnetic separation (MS) of MAP cells, is described. Our aim was to achieve even greater MAP capture capability than is possible with peptide-mediated magnetic separation (PMS) using a 50:50 mix of biotinylated-aMp3 and biotinylated-aMptD peptide-coated beads. Gamma-irradiated whole MAP cells and ethanol extracted antigens (EEA) from these cells were used to elicit an immune response and as phage-display biopanning targets. A range of novel binders was obtained and coated onto paramagnetic beads, both individually and in various combinations, for MS evaluation. IS900 PCR was employed after MS to provide quick results. Capture sensitivity was assessed using a range of MAP concentrations after which the most promising beads were tested for their specificity for MAP, by performing MS followed by culture using 10 other Mycobacterium species. Magnetic beads coated with the biotinylated EEA402 peptide demonstrated a greater level of MAP capture than the current PMS method, even when low numbers of MAP (<10 cfu/ml) were present; however these beads also captured a range of other mycobacteria and so lacked capture specificity. Magnetic beads coated with monoclonal antibodies 6G11 and 15D10 (used as a 50:50 mix or as dually coated beads) also demonstrated improved MAP capture relative to the current PMS method, but with little cross-reactivity to other Mycobacterium spp. Therefore, two new MS protocols are suggested, the application of which would be dependent upon the required endpoint. Biotinylated EEA402-coated beads could potentially be used with a MAP-specific PCR to ensure detection specificity, while beads coated with 6G11 and 15D10 monoclonal antibodies could be used with culture or the phage amplification assay.


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Background: A novel lateral flow, immunochromatographic assay (LFD) specific for Mycobacterium bovis, the cause of bovine tuberculosis and zoonotic TB, was recently developed at Queen’s University Belfast. The LFD detects whole M. bovis cells, in contrast to other commercially available LFD tests (BD MGITTM TBc ID, SD Bioline TB Ag MPT 64, Capilia TB-Neo kit) which detect MPT64 antigen secreted during growth. The new LFD test has been evaluated in the veterinary context, and its specificity for M. bovis in the broadest sense (i.e. subsp. bovis, subsp. caprae and BCG) and sensitivity to detect M. bovis in positive MGIT™ liquid cultures was demonstrated comprehensively.
Methods: Preliminary work was carried out by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast to optimise sputum sample preparation, estimate the limit of detection (LOD) of the LFD with M. bovis-spiked sputum samples, and check LFD specificity by testing a broad range of non-tuberculous Mycobacterium spp. (NTM) and other bacterial genera commonly encountered in sputum samples (Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus). In the Cameroon laboratory direct detection of M. bovis in human sputa was attempted, and 50 positive sputum MGIT™ cultures and 33 cultures of various Mycobacterium spp. originally isolated from human sputa were tested.
Results: Sputum sample preparation consisted of digestion with 1% NALC for 30 min, centrifugation at 3000g for 20 min, PBS wash, centrifugation again, and pellet resuspended in KPL blocking buffer before 100 µl was applied to the LFD. The LOD of the LFD applied to M. bovis-spiked sputum was estimated to be 104 CFU/ml. A small number of confirmed Ziehl-Neelsen ‘3+’ M. bovis positive sputum samples were tested directly but no positive LFD results were obtained. All of the sputum MGIT™ cultures and mycobacterial cultures (including M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, M. bovis, M. intracellulare, M. scrofulaceum, M. fortuitum, M. peregrinum, M. interjectum) tested LFD negative when read after 15 min except for the M. bovis cultures, thereby confirming specificity of LFD for M. bovis in the clinical microbiology context.
Conclusions: Results indicate that the ‘Rapid-bTB’ LFD is a very specific test, able to differentiate M. bovis from M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, and a range of NTM isolated from human sputa in MGITTM liquid cultures. However, the LFD lacks sufficient sensitivity to be applied earlier in the diagnostic process to directly test human sputa.


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Consumption of milk and dairy products is considered one of the main routes of human exposure to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Quantitative data on MAP load in raw cows’ milk are essential starting point for exposure assessment. Our study provides this information on a regional scale, estimating the load of MAP in bulk tank milk (BTM) produced in Emilia-Romagna region (Italy). The survey was carried out on 2934 BTM samples (88.6% of the farms herein present) using two different target sequences for qPCR (f57 and IS900). Data about the performances of both qPCRs are also reported, highlighting the superior sensitivity of IS900-qPCR. Seven hundred and eighty-nine samples tested MAP-positive (apparent prevalence 26.9%) by IS900 qPCR. However, only 90 of these samples were quantifiable by qPCR. The quantifiable samples contained a median load of 32.4 MAP cells mL−1 (and maximum load of 1424 MAP cells mL−1). This study has shown that a small proportion (3.1%) of BTM samples from Emilia-Romagna region contained MAP in excess of the limit of detection (1.5 × 101 MAP cells mL−1), indicating low potential exposure for consumers if the milk subsequently undergoes pasteurization or if it is destined to typical hard cheese production.


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Assessing risk has become part of the process of supporting patients andmaintaining safety in the healthcare setting. The risk of healthcare associatedinfections (HCAIs) has long been well documented and surgical site infection (SSI)is recognised as one of the most prevalent (Tanner & Khan 2008, Wilson 2013a).


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Antimicrobial resistance is one of the leading threats to society. The increasing burden of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infection is particularly concerning as such bacteria are demonstrating resistance to nearly all currently licensed therapies. Various strategies have been hypothesized to treat multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infections including: targeting the Gram-negative outer membrane; neutralization of lipopolysaccharide; inhibition of bacterial efflux pumps and prevention of protein folding. Silver and silver nanoparticles, fusogenic liposomes and nanotubes are potential strategies for extending the activity of licensed, Gram-positive selective, antibiotics to Gram-negatives. This may serve as a strategy to fill the current void in pharmaceutical development in the short term. This review outlines the most promising strategies that could be implemented to solve the threat of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infections