170 resultados para BIOMARKER


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Inflammatory atherosclerosis is increased in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Normally high-density lipoproteins(HDL) protect against atherosclerosis; however, in the presence of serum amyloid-A- (SAA-) related inflammation this propertymay be reduced. Fasting blood was obtained from fifty subjects with T1DM, together with fifty age, gender and BMI matchedcontrol subjects. HDL was subfractionated into HDL2 and HDL3 by rapid ultracentrifugation. Serum-hsCRP and serum-, HDL2-,and HDL3-SAA were measured by ELISAs. Compared to control subjects, SAA was increased in T1DM subjects, nonsignificantly inserum (P = 0.088), and significantly in HDL2 (P  = 0.003) and HDL3 (P  = 0.005). When the T1DM group were separated accordingto mean HbA1c (8.34%), serum-SAA and HDL3-SAA levels were higher in the T1DM subjects with HbA1c ≥ 8.34%, compared towhen HbA1c was <8.34% (P  < 0.05). Furthermore, regression analysis illustrated, that for every 1%-unit increase in HbA1c, SAAincreased by 20% and 23% in HDL2 and HDL3, respectively, independent of BMI. HsCRP did not differ between groups (P  > 0.05).This cross-sectional study demonstrated increased SAA-related inflammation in subjects with T1DM that was augmented by poorglycaemic control. We suggest that SAA is a useful inflammatory biomarker in T1DM, which may contribute to their increasedatherosclerosis risk.


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BACKGROUND: Despite vaccines and improved medical intensive care, clinicians must continue to be vigilant of possible Meningococcal Disease in children. The objective was to establish if the procalcitonin test was a cost-effective adjunct for prodromal Meningococcal Disease in children presenting at emergency department with fever without source.

METHODS AND FINDINGS: Data to evaluate procalcitonin, C-reactive protein and white cell count tests as indicators of Meningococcal Disease were collected from six independent studies identified through a systematic literature search, applying PRISMA guidelines. The data included 881 children with fever without source in developed countries.The optimal cut-off value for the procalcitonin, C-reactive protein and white cell count tests, each as an indicator of Meningococcal Disease, was determined. Summary Receiver Operator Curve analysis determined the overall diagnostic performance of each test with 95% confidence intervals. A decision analytic model was designed to reflect realistic clinical pathways for a child presenting with fever without source by comparing two diagnostic strategies: standard testing using combined C-reactive protein and white cell count tests compared to standard testing plus procalcitonin test. The costs of each of the four diagnosis groups (true positive, false negative, true negative and false positive) were assessed from a National Health Service payer perspective. The procalcitonin test was more accurate (sensitivity=0.89, 95%CI=0.76-0.96; specificity=0.74, 95%CI=0.4-0.92) for early Meningococcal Disease compared to standard testing alone (sensitivity=0.47, 95%CI=0.32-0.62; specificity=0.8, 95% CI=0.64-0.9). Decision analytic model outcomes indicated that the incremental cost effectiveness ratio for the base case was £-8,137.25 (US $ -13,371.94) per correctly treated patient.

CONCLUSIONS: Procalcitonin plus standard recommended tests, improved the discriminatory ability for fatal Meningococcal Disease and was more cost-effective; it was also a superior biomarker in infants. Further research is recommended for point-of-care procalcitonin testing and Markov modelling to incorporate cost per QALY with a life-time model.


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Targeting angiogenesis through inhibition of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pathway has been successful in the treatment of late stage colorectal cancer. However, not all patients benefit from inhibition of VEGF. Ras status is a powerful biomarker for response to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor therapy; however, an appropriate biomarker for response to anti-VEGF therapy is yet to be identified. VEGF and its receptors, FLT1 and KDR, play a crucial role in colon cancer progression; individually, these factors have been shown to be prognostic in colon cancer; however, expression of none of these factors alone was predictive of tumor response to anti-VEGF therapy. In the present study, we analyzed the expression levels of VEGFA, FLT1, and KDR in two independent colon cancer datasets and found that high expression levels of all three factors afforded a very poor prognosis. The observation was further confirmed in another independent colon cancer dataset, wherein high levels of expression of this three-gene signature was predictive of poor prognosis in patients with proficient mismatch repair a wild-type KRas status, or mutant p53 status. Most importantly, this signature also predicted tumor response to bevacizumab, an antibody targeting VEGFA, in a cohort of bevacizumab-treated patients. Since bevacizumab has been proven to be an important drug in the treatment of advanced stage colon cancer, our results suggest that the three-gene signature approach is valuable in terms of its prognostic value, and that it should be further evaluated in a prospective clinical trial to investigate its predictive value to anti-VEGF treatment.


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Breast cancer remains a frequent cause of female cancer death despite the great strides in elucidation of biological subtypes and their reported clinical and prognostic significance. We have defined a general cohort of breast cancers in terms of putative actionable targets, involving growth and proliferative factors, the cell cycle, and apoptotic pathways, both as single biomarkers across a general cohort and within intrinsic molecular subtypes.

We identified 293 patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. Additional hormonal therapy and trastuzumab was administered depending on hormonal and HER2 status respectively. We performed immunohistochemistry for ER, PR, HER2, MM1, CK5/6, p53, TOP2A, EGFR, IGF1R, PTEN, p-mTOR and e-cadherin. The cohort was classified into luminal (62%) and non-luminal (38%) tumors as well as luminal A (27%), luminal B HER2 negative (22%) and positive (12%), HER2 enriched (14%) and triple negative (25%). Patients with luminal tumors and co-overexpression of TOP2A or IGF1R loss displayed worse overall survival (p=0.0251 and p=0.0008 respectively). Non-luminal tumors had much greater heterogeneous expression profiles with no individual markers of prognostic significance. Non-luminal tumors were characterised by EGFR and TOP2A overexpression, IGF1R, PTEN and p-mTOR negativity and extreme p53 expression.

Our results indicate that only a minority of intrinsic subtype tumors purely express single novel actionable targets. This lack of pure biomarker expression is particular prevalent in the triple negative subgroup and may allude to the mechanism of targeted therapy inaction and myriad disappointing trial results. Utilising a combinatorial biomarker approach may enhance studies of targeted therapies providing additional information during design and patient selection while also helping decipher negative trial results.


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The UK Refractory Asthma Stratification Programme(RASP-UK) will explore novel biomarker stratificationstrategies in severe asthma to improve clinicalmanagement and accelerate development of newtherapies. Prior asthma mechanistic studies have notstratified on inflammatory phenotype and theunderstanding of pathophysiological mechanisms inasthma without Type 2 cytokine inflammation is limited.RASP-UK will objectively assess adherence tocorticosteroids (CS) and examine a novel compositebiomarker strategy to optimise CS dose; this will alsoaddress what proportion of patients with severe asthmahave persistent symptoms without eosinophilic airwaysinflammation after progressive CS withdrawal. There will be interactive partnership with the pharmaceutical industry to facilitate access to stratified populations for novel therapeutic studies.


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AIM: We investigated tissue biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to find indicators of brain metastasis and peritumoral brain edema.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty-two cases were studied out of which 26 had corresponding brain metastatic tissue. Clinicopathological characteristics of tumors were correlated with biomarkers of cell adhesion, cell growth, cell cycle and apoptosis regulation that were previously immunohistochemically studied but never analyzed separately according to histological subgroups, gender and smoking history.

RESULTS: Increased collagen XVII in adenocarcinoma (ADC) and increased caspase-9, CD44v6, and decreased cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein (CAS) and Ki-67 in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) correlated significantly with brain metastasis. Increased β-catenin, E-cadherin and decreased caspase-9 expression in primary SCC, and decreased CD44v6 expression in brain metastatic SCC tissues showed a significant correlation with the extent of peritumoral brain edema. Positive correlation between smoking and biomarker expression could be observed in metastatic ADCs with p16 and caspase-8, while-negative correlation was found in SCC without brain metastasis with caspase-3, and in SCC with brain metastasis with p27.

CONCLUSION: Our results highlight the importance of separate analysis of biomarker expression in histological subtypes of NSCLC.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine whether combining potential biomarkers of fruit and vegetables is better at predicting FV intake within FV intervention studies than single biomarkers.

DESIGN: Data from a tightly controlled randomised FV intervention study (BIOFAV; all food provided and two meals/day on weekdays consumed under supervision) were used. A total of 30 participants were randomised to either 2, 5 or 8 portions FV/day for 4 weeks, and blood samples were collected at baseline and 4 weeks for plasma vitamin C and serum carotenoid analysis. The combined biomarker approach was also tested in three further FV intervention studies conducted by the same research team, with less strict dietary control (FV provided and no supervised meals).

RESULTS: The combined model containing all carotenoids and vitamin C was a better fit than either the vitamin C only (P < 0.001) model or the lutein only (P = 0.006) model in the BIOFAV study. The C-statistic was slightly lower in the lutein only model (0.85) and in the model based upon factor analysis (0.88), and much lower in the vitamin C model (0.68) compared with the full model (0.95). Results for the other studies were similar, although the differences between the models were less marked.

CONCLUSIONS: Although there was some variation between studies, which may relate to the level of dietary control or participant characteristics, a combined biomarker approach to assess overall FV consumption may more accurately predict FV intake within intervention studies than the use of a single biomarker. The generalisability of these findings to other populations and study designs remains to be tested. 


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Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis (SIA) has identified the terrestrial subsidy of freshwater food-webs but relies on different 13C fractionation in aquatic and terrestrial primary producers. However dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is partly comprised of 13C depleted respiration of terrestrial C and ‘old’ C derived from weathering of catchment geology. SIA thus fails to differentiate between the contribution of old and recently fixed terrestrial C. DIC in alkaline lakes is partially derived from weathering of 14C-free carbonaceous bedrock This
yields an artificial age offset leading samples to appear significantly older than their actual age. As such, 14C can be used as a biomarker to identify the proportion of autochthonous C in the food-web. With terrestrial C inputs likely to increase, the origin and utilisation of ‘old’ or ‘recent’ allochthonous C in the food-web can also be determined. Stable isotopes and 14C were measured for biota, particulate organic matter (POM), DIC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, a humic but alkaline lake. High winter δ15N values in calanoid zooplankton (δ15N =24‰) relative to phytoplankton and POM (δ15N =6‰ and 12‰ respectively) may reflect several microbial trophic levels between terrestrial C and calanoids. Furthermore winter calanoid 14C ages are consistent with DOC from inflowing rivers (87 and 75 years BP respectively) but not phytoplankton (355 years BP). Summer calanoid δ13N, δ15N and 14C (312 years BP) indicate greater reliance on phytoplankton. There is also temporal and spatial variation in DIC, DOC and POM C isotopes.


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Globally lakes bury and remineralise significant quantities of terrestrial C, and the associated flux of terrestrial C strongly influences their functioning. Changing deposition chemistry, land use and climate induced impacts on hydrology will affect soil biogeochemistry and terrestrial C export1 and hence lake ecology with potential feedbacks for regional and global C cycling. C and nitrogen stable isotope analysis (SIA) has identified the terrestrial subsidy of freshwater food webs. The approach relies on different 13C fractionation in aquatic and terrestrial primary producers, but also that inorganic C demands of aquatic primary producers are partly met by 13C depleted C from respiration of terrestrial C, and ‘old’ C derived from weathering of catchment geology. SIA thus fails to differentiate between the contributions of old and recently fixed terrestrial C. Natural abundance 14C can be used as an additional biomarker to untangle riverine food webs2 where aquatic and terrestrial δ 13C overlap, but may also be valuable for examining the age and origin of C in the lake. Primary production in lakes is based on dissolved inorganic C (DIC). DIC in alkaline lakes is partially derived from weathering of carbonaceous bedrock, a proportion of which is14C-free. The low 14C activity yields an artificial age offset leading samples to appear hundreds to thousands of years older than their actual age. As such, 14C can be used to identify the proportion of autochthonous C in the food-web. With terrestrial C inputs likely to increase, the origin and utilisation of ‘fossil’ or ‘recent’ allochthonous C in the food-web can also be determined. Stable isotopes and 14C were measured for biota, particulate organic matter (POM), DIC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, a humic alkaline lake. Temporal and spatial variation was evident in DIC, DOC and POM C isotopes with implications for the fluctuation in terrestrial export processes. Ramped pyrolysis of lake surface sediment indicates the burial of two C components. 14C activity (507 ± 30 BP) of sediment combusted at 400˚C was consistent with algal values and younger than bulk sediment values (1097 ± 30 BP). The sample was subsequently combusted at 850˚C, yielding 14C values (1471 ± 30 BP) older than the bulk sediment age, suggesting that fossil terrestrial carbon is also buried in the sediment. Stable isotopes in the food web indicate that terrestrial organic C is also utilised by lake organisms. High winter δ 15N values in calanoid zooplankton (δ 15N = 24%¸) relative to phytoplankton and POM (δ 15N = 6h and 12h respectively) may reflect several microbial trophic levels between terrestrial C and calanoids. Furthermore winter calanoid 14C ages are consistent with DOC from an inflowing river (75 ± 24 BP), not phytoplankton (367 ± 70 BP). Summer calanoid δ 13C, δ 15N and 14C (345 ± 80 BP) indicate greater reliance on phytoplankton.

1 Monteith, D.T et al., (2007) Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Nature, 450:537-535

2 Caraco, N., et al.,(2010) Millennial-aged organic carbon subsidies to a modern river food web. Ecology,91: 2385-2393.


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The biochemical responses of Holcus lanatus L. to copper and arsenate exposure were investigated in arsenate-tolerant and -non-tolerant plants from uncontaminated and arsenic/copper-contaminated sites. Increases in lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and phytochelatin (PC) production were correlated with increasing copper and arsenate exposure. In addition, significant differences in biochemical responses were observed between arsenate-tolerant and -non-tolerant plants. Copper and arsenate exposure led to the production of reactive oxygen species, resulting in significant lipid peroxidation in non-tolerant plants. However, SOD activity was suppressed upon metal exposure, possibly due to interference with metallo-enzymes. It was concluded that in non-tolerant plants, rapid arsenate influx resulted in PC production, glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation. This process would also occur in tolerant plants, but by decreasing the rate of influx, they were able to maintain their constitutive functions, detoxify the metals though PC production and quench reactive oxygen species by SOD activity.


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Aberrant activation of Wnts is common in human cancers, including prostate. Hypermethylation associated transcriptional silencing of Wnt antagonist genes SFRPs (Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins) is a frequent oncogenic event. The significance of this is not known in prostate cancer. The objectives of our study were to (i) profile Wnt signaling related gene expression and (ii) investigate methylation of Wnt antagonist genes in prostate cancer. Using TaqMan Low Density Arrays, we identified 15 Wnt signaling related genes with significantly altered expression in prostate cancer; the majority of which were upregulated in tumors. Notably, histologically benign tissue from men with prostate cancer appeared more similar to tumor (r = 0.76) than to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH; r = 0.57, p < 0.001). Overall, the expression profile was highly similar between tumors of high (≥ 7) and low (≤ 6) Gleason scores. Pharmacological demethylation of PC-3 cells with 5-Aza-CdR reactivated 39 genes (≥ 2-fold); 40% of which inhibit Wnt signaling. Methylation frequencies in prostate cancer were 10% (2/20) (SFRP1), 64.86% (48/74) (SFRP2), 0% (0/20) (SFRP4) and 60% (12/20) (SFRP5). SFRP2 methylation was detected at significantly lower frequencies in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN; 30%, (6/20), p = 0.0096), tumor adjacent benign areas (8.82%, (7/69), p < 0.0001) and BPH (11.43% (4/35), p < 0.0001). The quantitative level of SFRP2 methylation (normalized index of methylation) was also significantly higher in tumors (116) than in the other samples (HGPIN = 7.45, HB = 0.47, and BPH = 0.12). We show that SFRP2 hypermethylation is a common event in prostate cancer. SFRP2 methylation in combination with other epigenetic markers may be a useful biomarker of prostate cancer.


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PURPOSE: IGFBP7 belongs to a family of insulin-like growth factor-1 regulatory binding proteins. IGFBP7 hypermethylation is associated with its down-regulation in various carcinomas. In prostate cancer IGFBP7 down-regulation has been widely reported but to our knowledge the mechanisms behind this event are unknown. We performed a denaturing high performance liquid chromatography screening and validation strategy to profile the methylation status of IGFBP7 in prostate cancer.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We combined denaturing high performance liquid chromatography and bisulfite sequencing to examine IGFBP7 methylation in a panel of prostate cancer cell lines. Quantitative methylation specific polymerase chain reaction was used to determine methylation levels in prostate tissue specimens of primary prostate cancer, histologically benign prostate adjacent to tumor, high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and benign prostatic hyperplasia. IGFBP7 gene expression was measured by quantitative methylation specific polymerase chain reaction in cell lines and tissue specimens.

RESULTS: IGFBP7 was methylated in the 4 prostate cancer cell lines DU145, LNCaP, PC-3 and 22RV1. Quantitative methylation specific polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that promoter methylation was associated with decreased IGFBP7 expression. Quantitative methylation specific polymerase chain reaction showed that IGFBP7 methylation was more frequently detected in prostate cancer (60% (31/52)) and high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (40% (6/15)) samples compared to histologically benign prostate adjacent to tumor (10%) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (0%) samples.

CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first report of aberrant IGFBP7 promoter hypermethylation and concurrent IGFBP7 gene silencing in prostate cancer cell lines. Results demonstrate that CpG methylation of IGFBP7 may represent a novel biomarker of prostate cancer and pre-invasive neoplasms. Thus, future examination of IGFBP7 methylation and expression in a larger patient cohort, including bodily fluids, is justified to further evaluate its role in a diagnostic and prognostic setting.


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A commercial Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) whole genome protein microarray has been used to identify immunogenic Anthrax proteins (IAP) using sera from groups of donors with (a) confirmed B. anthracis naturally acquired cutaneous infection, (b) confirmed B. anthracis intravenous drug use-acquired infection, (c) occupational exposure in a wool-sorters factory, (d) humans and rabbits vaccinated with the UK Anthrax protein vaccine and compared to naïve unexposed controls. Anti-IAP responses were observed for both IgG and IgA in the challenged groups; however the anti-IAP IgG response was more evident in the vaccinated group and the anti-IAP IgA response more evident in the B. anthracis-infected groups. Infected individuals appeared somewhat suppressed for their general IgG response, compared with other challenged groups. Immunogenic protein antigens were identified in all groups, some of which were shared between groups whilst others were specific for individual groups. The toxin proteins were immunodominant in all vaccinated, infected or other challenged groups. However, a number of other chromosomally-located and plasmid encoded open reading frame proteins were also recognized by infected or exposed groups in comparison to controls. Some of these antigens e.g., BA4182 are not recognized by vaccinated individuals, suggesting that there are proteins more specifically expressed by live Anthrax spores in vivo that are not currently found in the UK licensed Anthrax Vaccine (AVP). These may perhaps be preferentially expressed during infection and represent expression of alternative pathways in the B. anthracis "infectome." These may make highly attractive candidates for diagnostic and vaccine biomarker development as they may be more specifically associated with the infectious phase of the pathogen. A number of B. anthracis small hypothetical protein targets have been synthesized, tested in mouse immunogenicity studies and validated in parallel using human sera from the same study.


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Ovarian cancer is very treatable in the early stages of disease; however, it is usually detected in the later stages, at which time, treatment is no longer as effective. If discovered early (Stage I), there is a 90% chance of five-year survival. Therefore, it is imperative that early-stage biomarkers are identified to enhance the early detection of ovarian cancer. Cancer-testis antigens (CTAs), such as Per ARNT SIM (PAS) domain containing 1 (PASD1), are unique in that their expression is restricted to immunologically restricted sites, such as the testis and placenta, which do not express MHC class I, and cancer, making them ideally positioned to act as targets for immunotherapy as well as potential biomarkers for cancer detection where expressed. We examined the expression of PASD1a and b in a number of cell lines, as well as eight healthy ovary samples, eight normal adjacent ovarian tissues, and 191 ovarian cancer tissues, which were predominantly stage I (n = 164) and stage II (n = 14) disease. We found that despite the positive staining of skin cancer, only one stage Ic ovarian cancer patient tissue expressed PASD1a and b at detectable levels. This may reflect the predominantly stage I ovarian cancer samples examined. To examine the restriction of PASD1 expression, we examined endometrial tissue arrays and found no expression in 30 malignant tumor tissues, 23 cases of hyperplasia, or 16 normal endometrial tissues. Our study suggests that the search for a single cancer-testes antigen/biomarker that can detect early ovarian cancer must continue.


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Detection of pretreatment disseminated cells (pre-DTC) reflecting its homing to bone marrow (BM) in prostate cancer (PCa) might improve the current model to predict recurrence or survival in men with nonmetastatic disease despite of primary treatment. Thereby, pre-DTC may serve as an early prognostic biomarker. Post-treatment DTCs (post-DTC) finding may supply the clinician with additional predictive information about the possible course of PCa. To assess the prognostic impact of DTCs in BM aspirates sampled before initiation of primary therapy (pre-DTC) and at least 2 years after (post-DTC) to established prognostic factors and survival in patients with PCa. Available BM of 129 long-term follow-up patients with T1-3N0M0 PCa was assessed in addition to 100 BM of those in whom a pretreatment BM was sampled. Patients received either combined therapy [n = 81 (63%)], radiotherapy (RT) with different duration of hormone treatment (HT) or monotherapy with RT or HT alone [n = 48 (37%)] adapted to the criteria of the SPCG-7 trial. Mononuclear cells were deposited on slides according to the cytospin methodology and DTCs were identified by immunocytochemistry using the pancytokeratin antibodies AE1/AE3. The median age of men at diagnosis was 64.5 years (range 49.5-73.4 years). The median long-term follow-up from first BM sampling to last observation was 11 years. Categorized clinically relevant factors in PCa showed only pre-DTC status as the statistically independent parameter for survival in the multivariate analysis. Pre-DTCs homing to BM are significantly associated with clinically relevant outcome independent to the patient's treatment at diagnosis with nonmetastatic PCa.