163 resultados para 346.022


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This paper investigates a flexible fault ride through strategy for power systems in China with high wind power penetration. The strategy comprises of adaptive fault ride through requirements and maximum power restrictions of the wind farms with weak fault ride through capabilities. The slight faults and moderate faults with high probability are the main defending objective of the strategy. The adaptive fault ride through requirement in the strategy consists of two sub fault ride through requirements, a temporary slight voltage ride through requirement corresponding to a slight fault incident, with a moderate voltage ride through requirement corresponding to a moderate fault. The temporary overloading capability of the wind farm is reflected in both requirements to enhance the capability to defend slight faults and to avoid tripping when the crowbar is disconnected after moderate faults are cleared. For those wind farms that cannot meet the adaptive fault ride through requirement, restrictions are put on the maximum power output. Simulation results show that the flexible fault ride through strategy increases the fault ride through capability of the wind farm clusters and reduces the wind power curtailment during faults.


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Whey protein has been indicated to curb diet-induced obesity, glucose intolerance and delay the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Here the effects of intact crude whey, intact individual whey proteins and beta-lactoglobulin hydrolysates on an enteroendocrine (EE) cell model were examined. STC-1 pGIP/neo cells were incubated with several concentrations of yogurt whey (YW), cheese whey (CW), beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), alpha-lactalbumin (ALA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA). The findings demonstrate that BLG stimulates EE cell proliferation, and also GLP-1 secretion (an effect which is lost following hydrolysis with chymotrypsin or trypsin). ALA is a highly potent GLP-1 secretagogue which also increases the intracellular levels of GLP-1. Conversely, whey proteins and hydrolysates had little impact on GIP secretion. This appears to be the first investigation of the effects of the three major proteins of YW and CW on EE cells. The anti-diabetic potential of whey proteins should be further investigated.


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Inhaled antibiotics, such as tobramycin, for the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pulmonary infections are associated with the increase in life expectancy seen in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients over recent years. However, the effectiveness of this aminoglycoside is still limited by its inability to penetrate the thick DNA-rich mucus in the lungs of these patients, leading to low antibiotic exposure to resident bacteria. In this study, we created novel polymeric nanoparticle (NP) delivery vehicles for tobramycin. Using isothermal titration calorimetry, we showed that tobramycin binds with alginate polymer and, by exploiting this interaction, optimised the production of tobramycin alginate/chitosan NPs. It was established that NP antimicrobial activity against P. aeruginosa PA01 was equivalent to unencapsulated tobramycin (minimum inhibitory concentration 0.625 mg/L). Galleria mellonella was employed as an in vivo model for P. aeruginosa infection. Survival rates of 90% were observed following injection of NPs, inferring low NP toxicity. After infection with P. aeruginosa, we showed that a lethal inoculum was effectively cleared by tobramycin NPs in a dose dependent manner. Crucially, a treatment with NPs prior to infection provided a longer window of antibiotic protection, doubling survival rates from 40% with free tobramycin to 80% with NP treatment. Tobramycin NPs were then functionalised with dornase alfa (recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I, DNase), demonstrating DNA degradation and improved NP penetration of CF sputum. Following incubation with CF sputum, tobramycin NPs both with and without DNase functionalisation, exhibited anti-pseudomonal effects. Overall, this work demonstrates the production of effective antimicrobial NPs, which may have clinical utility as mucus-penetrating tobramycin delivery vehicles, combining two widely used CF therapeutics into a single NP formulation. This nano-antibiotic represents a strategy to overcome the mucus barrier, increase local drug concentrations, avoid systemic adverse effects and improve outcomes for pulmonary infections in CF.


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In multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids, the widely deployed droop control strategies will cause a non-uniform voltage deviation on the power flow, which is determined by the network topology and droop settings. This voltage deviation results in an inconsistent power flow pattern when the dispatch references are changed, which could be detrimental to the operation and seamless integration of HVDC grids. In this paper, a novel droop setting design method is proposed to address this problem for a more precise power dispatch. The effects of voltage deviations on the power sharing accuracy and transmission loss are analysed. This paper shows that there is a trade-off between minimizing the voltage deviation, ensuring a proper power delivery and reducing the total transmission loss in the droop setting design. The efficacy of the proposed method is confirmed by simulation studies.


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The August 2011 riots in England occasioned widespread condemnation from government and the media. Here, we apply the concepts of hypocrisy and affiliation to explore reactions to these riots. Initially acknowledging that politics necessitates a degree of hypocrisy, we note that some forms of hypocrisy are indefensible: they compromise injavascript:void(0);tegrity. With rioters condemned as thugs and members of a feral underclass, some reactions exemplified forms of corrosive hypocrisy that deflected attention away from economic, social and cultural problems. Moreover, such reactions omitted to attend to the concept of [dis]affiliation amongst young rioters. Accordingly, we look to the role that education might play in re-affiliating those who do not feel they belong to, or have a sufficient stake in, society. Whilst our focus is on the riots in England, the exploration of hypocrisy and affiliation, and discussion of education for re-affiliation, transcends that national context.


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Microneedle (MN) arrays could offer an alternative method to traditional drug delivery and blood sampling methods. However, acceptance among key end-users is critical for new technologies to succeed. MNs have been advocated for use in children and so, paediatricians are key potential end-users. However, the opinions of paediatricians on MN use have been previously unexplored. The aim of this study was to investigate the views of UK paediatricians on the use of MN technology within neonatal and paediatric care. An online survey was developed and distributed among UK paediatricians to gain their opinions of MN technology and its use in the neonatal and paediatric care settings, particularly for MN-mediated monitoring. A total of 145 responses were obtained, with a completion response rate of 13.7 %. Respondents believed an alternative monitoring technique to blood sampling in children was required. Furthermore, 83 % of paediatricians believed there was a particular need in premature neonates. Overall, this potential end-user group approved of the MN technology and a MN-mediated monitoring approach. Minimal pain and the perceived ease of use were important elements in gaining favour. Concerns included the need for confirmation of correct application and the potential for skin irritation. The findings of this study provide an initial indication of MN acceptability among a key potential end-user group. Furthermore, the concerns identified present a challenge to those working within the MN field to provide solutions to further improve this technology. The work strengthens the rationale behind MN technology and facilitates the translation of MN technology from lab bench into the clinical setting.


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The Consideration of Future Consequences construct has been found to relate meaningfully to several positive outcomes in temporal research. Researchers have proposed 1-factor, 2-factor, and bifactor solutions to the Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFCS). Using 313 British University undergraduates, we tested four competing models: (a) a 12-item unidimensional model, (b) a model fitted for two uncorrelated factors (CFC-Immediate and CFC-Future), (c) a model fitted for two correlated factors (CFC-I and CFC-F), and (d) a bifactor model. Results supported the bifactor model, suggesting that the two hypothesized factors are better understood as grouping factors. Accordingly, the present study supports the CFCS as a unidimensional global future orientation measure. These results have important implications for the study of future orientation using the CFCS. Researchers using the CFCS are encouraged to examine a bifactor solution for the scores.


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In this study thermodynamically stable dispersions of amorphous quinine, a model BCS class 2 therapeutic agent, within an amorphous polymeric platform (HPC), termed a solid-in-solid dispersion, were produced using hot melt extrusion. Characterisation of the pre-extrudates and extrudates was performed using hyper-differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Water uptake by the raw materials was determined using dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) analysis. Furthermore, the presence or absence of crystalline drug following storage at 25 °C/60% relative humidity and 40 °C/75% relative humidity in a sealed glass jar, and at 40 °C/75% relative humidity in an open glass jar for 3 months was determined using PXRD. Amorphous quinine was generated in situ during extrusion from both quinine base (5%, 10%, 20% w/w drug loading) and from quinine hydrochloride (5%, 10% w/w drug loading) and remained thermodynamically stable as a solid-in-solid dispersion within the HPC extrudates. When processed with HPC, quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) was converted to amorphous quinine hydrochloride. Whilst stable for up to 3 months when stored under sealed conditions, this amorphous form was unstable, resulting in recrystallisation of the hydrochloride salt following storage for 1 month at 40 °C/75% relative humidity in an open glass jar. The behaviour of the amorphous quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) HPC extrudate was related, at least in part, to the lower stability and the hygroscopic properties of this amorphous form.


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A novel approach to electrochemical modification of catalytic activity using a wireless configuration has been undertaken. This paper presents preliminary results on the modification of a platinum catalyst film supported on a pellet of Sr0.97Ce0.9Yb0.1O3-δ (SCYb), considered to be a mixed protonic-electronic conductor under reducing conditions. The wireless configuration utilises the mixed ionic and electronic conductivity of the supporting membrane to supply an ionic promoting species to the catalyst surface. Control of the flux of this species is achieved by adjusting the effective hydrogen chemical potential difference across the membrane in a dual-chamber reactor with one chamber acting as the "reaction side" and the other as the "sweep side". The reaction rate can be promoted by up to a factor of 1.6, for temperatures around 500 °C and low reactant concentrations, when hydrogen is introduced on the sweep side of the membrane reactor. The use of helium, moist helium and oxygen in helium as sweep gases did not modify the reaction rate. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: To survey the outcomes used in Cochrane Reviews, as part of our work within the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials Initiative.

STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: A descriptive survey of Cochrane Reviews, divided by Cochrane Review Group (CRG), published in full for the first time in 2007 and 2011. Outcomes specified in the methods section of each review and outcomes reported in the results section of each review were of interest, in this exploration of the common use of outcomes and core outcome sets (COS).

RESULTS: Seven hundred eighty-eight reviews, specifying 6,127 outcomes, were included. When we excluded specified outcomes from the 86 reviews that did not include any studies, we found that 1,996 (37%) specified outcomes were not reported. Of the 361 new reviews with studies from 2011, 113 (31%) had a "summary of findings" table (SoF). Fifteen broad outcome categories were identified and used to manage the outcome data. We found consistency in the use of these categories across CRGs but inconsistency in outcomes within these categories.

CONCLUSION: COS have been used rarely in Cochrane Reviews, but the introduction of SoF makes the development and application of COS timelier than ever.


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Molecular logic-based computation continues to throw up new applications in sensing and switching, the newest of which is the edge detection of objects. The scope of this phenomenon is mapped out by the use of structure-activity relationships, where several structures of the molecules and of the objects are examined. The different angles and curvatures of the objects are followed with good-fidelity in the visualized edges, even when the objects are in reverse video.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether exposure to diabetes in utero affects resting energy expenditure (REE) and fuel oxidation in infants.

STUDY DESIGN: At 35 ± 5 days after birth, body composition and REE were measured in full-term offspring of Native American and Hispanic women with either well-controlled diabetes (13 girls, 11 boys) or normal healthy pregnancies (18 girls, 17 boys).

RESULTS: Control of dysglycemia during gestation in the women with diabetes mellitus met current clinical standards, shown by average glycated hemoglobin (5.9 ± 0.2%; 40.6 ± 2.3 mmol/mol). Infant body mass (offspring of women with diabetes: 4.78 ± 0.13, control offspring: 4.56 ± 0.08 kg) and body fatness (offspring of women with diabetes: 25.2 ± 0.6, control offspring: 24.2 ± 0.5 %) did not differ between groups. REE, adjusted for lean body mass, was 14% lower in offspring of women with diabetes (41.7 ± 2.3 kJ/h) than control offspring (48.6 ± 2.0, P = .025). Fat oxidation was 26% lower in offspring of women with diabetes (0.54 ± 0.05 g/h) than control offspring (0.76 ± 0.04, P < .01) but carbohydrate oxidation did not differ. Thus, fat oxidation accounted for a lower fraction of REE in the offspring of women with diabetes (49 ± 4%) than control offspring (60 ± 3%, P = .022). Mothers with diabetes were older and had higher prepregnancy body mass index than control mothers.

CONCLUSIONS: Well-controlled maternal diabetes did not significantly affect body mass or composition of offspring at 1-month old. However, infants with mothers with diabetes had reduced REE and fat oxidation, which could contribute to adiposity and future disease risk. Further studies are needed to assess the impact differences in age and higher prepregnancy body mass index.


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BACKGROUND: Lapatinib plus capecitabine emerged as an efficacious therapy in metastatic breast cancer (mBC). We aimed to identify germline single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes involved in capecitabine catabolism and human epidermal receptor signaling that were associated with clinical outcome to assist in selecting patients likely to benefit from this combination.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: DNA was extracted from 240 of 399 patients enrolled in EGF100151 clinical trial (NCT00078572; clinicaltrials.gov) and SNPs were successfully evaluated in 234 patients. The associations between SNPs and clinical outcome were analyzed using Fisher's exact test, Kaplan-Meier curves, log-rank tests, likelihood ratio test within logistic or Cox regression model, as appropriate.

RESULTS: There were significant interactions between CCND1 A870G and clinical outcome. Patients carrying the A-allele were more likely to benefit from lapatinib plus capecitabine versus capecitabine when compared with patients harboring G/G (P = 0.022, 0.024 and 0.04, respectively). In patients with the A-allele, the response rate (RR) was significantly higher with lapatinib plus capecitabine (35%) compared with capecitabine (11%; P = 0.001) but not between treatments in patients with G/G (RR = 24% and 32%, respectively; P = 0.85). Time to tumor progression (TTP) was longer in patients with the A-allele treated with lapatinib plus capecitabine compared with capecitabine (median TTP = 7.9 and 3.4 months; P < 0.001), but not in patients with G/G (median TTP = 6.1 and 6.6 months; P = 0.92).

CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that CCND1A870G may be useful in predicting clinical outcome in HER2-positive mBC patients treated with lapatinib plus capecitabine.


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PURPOSE: Recent evidence suggests that cancer stem cells (CSC) are responsible for key elements of colon cancer progression and recurrence. Germline variants in CSC genes may result in altered gene function and/or activity, thereby causing interindividual differences in a patient's tumor recurrence capacity and chemoresistance. We investigated germline polymorphisms in a comprehensive panel of CSC genes to predict time to tumor recurrence (TTR) in patients with stage III and high-risk stage II colon cancer.

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A total of 234 patients treated with 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy at the University of Southern California were included in this study. Whole blood samples were analyzed for germline polymorphisms in genes that have been previously associated with colon CSC (CD44, Prominin-1, DPP4, EpCAM, ALCAM, Msi-1, ITGB1, CD24, LGR5, and ALDH1A1) by PCR-RFLP or direct DNA-sequencing.

RESULTS: The minor alleles of CD44 rs8193 C>T, ALCAM rs1157 G>A, and LGR5 rs17109924 T>C were significantly associated with increased TTR (9.4 vs. 5.4 years; HR, 0.51; 95% CI: 0.35-0.93; P = 0.022; 11.3 vs. 5.7 years; HR, 0.56; 95% CI: 0.33-0.94; P = 0.024, and 10.7 vs. 5.7 years; HR, 0.33; 95% CI: 0.12-0.90; P = 0.023, respectively) and remained significant in the multivariate analysis stratified by ethnicity. In recursive partitioning, a specific gene variant profile including LGR5 rs17109924, CD44 rs8193, and ALDH1A1 rs1342024 represented a high-risk subgroup with a median TTR of 1.7 years (HR, 6.71, 95% CI: 2.71-16.63, P < 0.001).

CONCLUSION: This is the first study identifying common germline variants in colon CSC genes as independent prognostic markers for stage III and high-risk stage II colon cancer patients.


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In this paper we study the well-posedness for a fourth-order parabolic equation modeling epitaxial thin film growth. Using Kato's Method [1], [2] and [3] we establish existence, uniqueness and regularity of the solution to the model, in suitable spaces, namelyC0([0,T];Lp(Ω)) where  with 1<α<2, n∈N and n≥2. We also show the global existence solution to the nonlinear parabolic equations for small initial data. Our main tools are Lp–Lq-estimates, regularization property of the linear part of e−tΔ2 and successive approximations. Furthermore, we illustrate the qualitative behavior of the approximate solution through some numerical simulations. The approximate solutions exhibit some favorable absorption properties of the model, which highlight the stabilizing effect of our specific formulation of the source term associated with the upward hopping of atoms. Consequently, the solutions describe well some experimentally observed phenomena, which characterize the growth of thin film such as grain coarsening, island formation and thickness growth.