36 resultados para piezoresponse


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Probing the functionality of materials locally by means of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) requires a reliable framework for identifying the target signal and separating it from the effects of surface morphology and instrument non-idealities, e.g. instrumental and topographical cross-talk. Here we develop a linear resolution theory framework in order to describe the cross-talk effects, and apply it for elucidation of frequency-dependent cross-talk mechanisms in piezoresponse force microscopy. The use of a band excitation method allows electromechanical/electrical and mechanical/topographic signals to be unambiguously separated. The applicability of a functional fit approach and multivariate statistical analysis methods for identification of data in band excitation SPM is explored.


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Band excitation piezoresponse force microscopy enables local investigation of the nonlinear piezoelectric behavior of ferroelectric thin films. However, the presence of additional nonlinearity associated with the dynamic resonant response of the tip-surface junction can complicate the study of a material's nonlinearity. Here, the relative importance of the two nonlinearity sources was examined as a function of the excitation function. It was found that in order to minimize the effects of nonlinear tip-surface interactions but achieve good signal to noise level, an optimal excitation function must be used. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3593138]


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Dynamic switching spectroscopy piezoresponse force microscopy is developed to separate thermodynamic and kinetic effects in local bias-induced phase transitions. The approaches for visualization and analysis of five-dimensional data are discussed. The spatial and voltage variability of relaxation behavior of the a-c domain lead zirconate-titanate surface suggest the interpretation in terms of surface charge dynamics. This approach is applicable to local studies of dynamic behavior in any system with reversible bias-induced phase transitions ranging from ferroelectrics and multiferroics to ionic systems such as batteries, fuel cells, and electroresistive materials. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3590919]


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In this paper we investigate the piezoelectric properties of PbTiO(3) thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition with piezoresponse force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The as-grown films exhibit an upward polarization, inhomogeneous distribution of piezoelectric characteristics concerning local coercive fields, and piezoelectric coefficient. In fact, the data obtained reveal imprints during piezoresponse force microscopy measurements, nonlinearity in the piezoelectric deformation, and limited polarization reversal. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy shows the presence of defects near the film/substrate interface, which can be associated with the variations of piezoelectric properties.


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The objective of this work is an evaluation of quantitative measurements of piezoresponse force microscopy for nanoscale characterization of ferroelectric films. To this end, we investigate how the piezoresponse phase difference Delta Phi between c domains depends on the frequency omega of the applied ac field much lower than the cantilever first resonance frequency. The main specimen under study was a 102 nm thick film of Pb(Zr(0.2)Ti(0.8))O(3). For the sake of comparison, a 100 nm thick PbTiO(3) film was also used. From our measurements, we conclude a frequency dependent behavior Delta Phi similar to omega(-1), which can only be partially explained by the presence of adsorbates on the surface. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a novel method for creating damage-free ferroelectric nanostructures with a focused ion beam milling machine. Using a standard e-beam photoresist followed by a dilute acid wash, nanostructures ranging in size from 1 mu m down to 250 nm were created in a 90 nm thick lead zirconate titanate ( PZT) wafer. Transmission electron microscopy and piezoresponse force microscopy ( PFM) confirmed that the surfaces of the nanostructures remained damage free during fabrication, and showed no gallium implantation, and that there was no degradation of ferroelectric properties. In fact DC strain loops, obtained using PFM, demonstrated that the nanostructures have a higher piezoresponse than unmilled films. As the samples did not have any top hard mask, the method presented is unique as it allows for imaging of the top surface to understand edge effects in well-defined nanostructures. In addition, as no post-mill annealing was necessary, it facilitates investigation of nanoscale domain mechanisms without process-induced artefacts.


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Naturally occurring boundaries between bundles of 90o stripe domains, which form in BaTiO3 lamellae on cooling through the Curie Temperature, have been characterised using both piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Detailed interpretation of the dipole configurations present at these boundaries (using data taken from PFM) shows that, in the vast majority of cases, they are composed of simple zigzag 180° domain walls. Topological information from STEM shows that, occasionally, domain bundle boundaries can support chains of dipole flux closure and quadrupole nanostructures, but these kinds of boundaries are comparatively rare; when such chains do exist, it is notable that singularities at the cores of the dipole structures are avoided. The symmetry of the boundary shows that diads and centres of inversion exist at positions where core singularities should have been expected.


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Bundles of 90° stripe domains have been observed to form into distinct groups, or bands, in mesoscale BaTiO3 single crystal dots. Vector piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) shows that each band region, when considered as a single entity, possesses a resolved polarization that lies approximately along the pseudocubic direction; antiparallel alignment of this resultant polarization in adjacent bands means that these regions can be considered as 180° “superdomains.” For dots with sidewall dimensions below ~2 microns, Landau–Kittel like scaling in the width of these superdomains was observed, strongly suggesting that they form in response to lateral depolarizing fields. In larger dot structures, scaling laws break down. We have rationalized these observations by considering changes in the driving force for the adoption of equilibrium superdomain periodicities implied by Landau–Kittel-free energy models; we conclude that the formation of ordered bands of superdomains is a uniquely meso/nanoscale phenomenon. We also note that the superdomain bands found by PFM imaging in air contrast with the quadrant arrangements seen previously by Schilling et al. (Nano Lett., 9, 3359 (2009)) through transmission electron microscopy imaging in vacuum. The importance of the exact nature of the boundary conditions in determining the domain patterns that spontaneously form in nanostructures is therefore clearly implied.


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Over 60 years ago, Charles Kittel predicted that quadrant domains should spontaneously form in small ferromagnetic platelets. He expected that the direction of magnetization within each quadrant should lie parallel to the platelet surface, minimizing demagnetizing fields, and that magnetic moments should be configured into an overall closed loop, or flux-closure arrangement. Although now a ubiquitous observation in ferromagnets, obvious flux-closure patterns have been somewhat elusive in ferroelectric materials. This is despite the analogous behaviour between these two ferroic subgroups and the recent prediction of dipole closure states by atomistic simulations research. Here we show Piezoresponse Force Microscopy images of mesoscopic dipole closure patterns in free-standing, single-crystal lamellae of BaTiO3. Formation of these patterns is a dynamical process resulting from system relaxation after the BaTiO3 has been poled with a uniform electric field. The flux-closure states are composed of shape conserving 90° stripe domains which minimize disclination stresses.


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As part of an ongoing programme to evaluate the extent to which external morphology alters domain wall mobility in ferroelectrics, the electrical switching characteristics of single-crystal BaTiO3 nanorods and thin film plates have been measured and compared. It was found that ferroelectric nanorods were more readily switched than thin plates; increasing the shape constraint therefore appears to enhance switchability. This observation is broadly consistent with previous work, in which local notches patterned along the length of nanorods enhanced switching (McMillen et al 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 042904), while antinotches had the opposite effect (McQuaid et al 2010 Nano Lett. 10 3566). In this prior work, local enhancement and denudation of the electric field was expected at the notch and antinotch sites, respectively, and this was thought to be the reason for the differences in switching behaviour observed. However, for the simple nanorods and plates investigated here, no differences in the electric field distributions are expected. To rationalise the functional measurements, domain development during switching was imaged directly by piezoresponse force microscopy. A two-stage process was identified, in which narrow needle-like reverse domains initially form across the entire interelectrode gap and then subsequently coarsen through domain wall propagation perpendicular to the applied electric field. To be consistent with the electrical switching data, we suggest that the initial formation of needle domains occurs more readily in the nanorods than in the plates.


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Domain patterns consisting of triangular nanodomains of less than 50 nm size, arranged into long regular vertex arrays separated by stripe domains, were observed by (scanning and high-resolution) transmission electron microscopy and piezoresponse force microscopy in BiFeO3 single crystals grown from solution flux. Piezoresponse force microscopy analysis together with crystallographic analysis by selected area and nanobeam electron diffraction indicate that these patterns consist of ferroelectric 109 degrees domains. A possibility for conserving Kittel's law is discussed in terms of the patterns being confined to the skin layer observed recently on BiFeO3 single crystals.


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The influence of both compressive and tensile epitaxial strain along with the electrical boundary conditions on the ferroelastic and ferroelectric domain patterns of bismuth ferrite films was studied. BiFeO3 films were grown on SrTiO3(001), DyScO3(110), GdScO3(110), and SmScO3(110) substrates to investigate the effect of room temperature in-plane strain ranging from -1.4% to +0.75%. Piezoresponse force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction measurements, and ferroelectric polarization measurements were performed to study the properties of the films. We show that BiFeO3 films with and without SrRuO3 bottom electrode have different growth mechanisms and that in both cases reduction of the domain variants is possible. Without SrRuO3, stripe domains with reduced variants are formed on all rare earth scandate substrates because of their monoclinic symmetry. In addition, tensile strained films exhibit a rotation of the unit cell with increasing film thickness. On the other side, the presence of SrRuO3 promotes step flow growth of BiFeO3. In case of vicinal SrTiO3 and DyScO3 substrates with high quality SrRuO3 bottom electrode and a low miscut angle of approximate to 0.15 degrees we observed suppression of the formation of certain domain variants. The quite large in-plane misfit of SrRuO3 with GdScO3 and SmScO3 prevents the growth of high quality SrRuO3 films and subsequent domain variants reduction in BiFeO3 on these substrates, when SrRuO3 is used as a bottom electrode.


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PbZrO3/SrRuO3/SrTiO3 (100) epitaxial heterostructures with different thickness of the PbZrO3 (PZO) layer (d(PZO) similar to 5-160 nm) were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition. The ultrathin PZO films (d(PZO) <= 10 nm) were found to possess a rhombohedral structure. On increasing the PZO film thickness, a bulk like orthorhombic phase started forming in the film with d(PZO) similar to 22 nm and became abundant in the thicker films. Nanobeam electron diffraction and room-temperature micro-Raman measurements revealed that the stabilization of the rhombohedral phase of PZO could be attributed to the epitaxial strain accommodated by the heterostructures. Room-temperature polarization vs electric field measurements performed on different samples showed characteristic double hysteresis loops of antiferroelectric materials accompanied by a small remnant polarization for the thick PZO films (dPZO >= 50 nm). The remnant polarization increased by reducing the PZO layer thickness, and a ferroelectric like hysteresis loop was observed for the sample with d(PZO) similar to 22 nm. Local ferroelectric properties measured by piezoresponse force microscopy also exhibited a similar thickness-dependent antiferroelectric-ferroelectric transition. Room-temperature electrical properties observed in the PZO thin films in correlation to their structural characteristics suggested that a ferroelectric rhombohedral phase could be stabilized in thin epitaxial PZO films experiencing large interfacial compressive stress.