28 resultados para ism


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High-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectral data are presented for four young B-type stars lying towards the Galactic Centre. Determination of their atmospheric parameters from their absorption line profiles, and uvby photometric measurement of the continua indicate that they are massive objects lying slightly out of the plane, and were probably born in the disk between 2.5-5 kpc from the Centre. We have carried out a detailed absolute and differential line-by-line abundance analyses of the four stars compared to two stars with very similar atmospheric parameters in the solar neighbourhood. The stars appear to be rich in all the well sampled chemical elements (C, N, Si, Mg, S, Al), except for oxygen. Oxygen abundances derived in the atmospheres of these four stars are very similar to that in the solar neighbourhood. If the photospheric composition of these young stars is reflective of the gaseous ISM in the inner Galaxy, then the values derived for the enhanced metals are in excellent agreement with the extrapolation of the Galactic abundance gradients previously derived by Rolleston et al. (2000) and others. However, the data for oxygen suggests that the inner Galaxy may not be richer than normal in this element, and the physical reasons for such a scenario are unclear.


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We present an analysis of interstellar NaI (lambda(air) = 3302.37 and 3302.98 angstrom), TiII (lambda(air) = 3383.76 angstrom) and CaII K (lambda(air) = 3933.66 angstrom) absorption features for 74 sightlines towards O- and B-type stars in the Galactic disc. The data were obtained from the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph Paranal Observatory Project, at a spectral resolution of 3.75 km s(-1) and with mean signal-to-noise ratios per pixel of 260, 300 and 430 for the NaI, TiII and CaII observations, respectively. Interstellar features were detected in all but one of the TiII sightlines and all of the CaII sightlines. The dependence of the column density of these three species with distance, height relative to the Galactic plane, HI column density, reddening and depletion relative to the solar abundance has been investigated. We also examine the accuracy of using the NaI column density as an indicator of that for HI. In general, we find similar strong correlations for both Ti and Ca, and weaker correlations for Na. Our results confirm the general belief that Ti and Ca occur in the same regions of the interstellar medium ( ISM) and also that the TiII/CaII ratio is constant over all parameters. We hence conclude that the absorption properties of Ti and Ca are essentially constant under the general ISM conditions of the Galactic disc.


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High-resolution spectroscopic VLT/UVES observations are presented for the B-type main-sequence star, AV 304, in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). These spectra have been analysed using LTE model-atmosphere techniques, to derive stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions. As AV 304 is located within the hydrogen burning main-sequence band, its chemical composition should reflect that of the SMC interstellar medium (ISM). A detailed line-by-line differential analysis has been undertaken relative to a Galactic comparison star. A general metal deficiency for the a-process elements O, Si & S of -0.43 +/- 0.05 dex is found for AV 304, with iron having a similar underabundance. Oxygen may be relatively over- abundant by similar to0.1 dex and carbon and aluminium underabundant by similar to0.2 dex. A large nitrogen underabundance (of -1.2 dex relative to hydrogen and -0.7 dex relative to iron) is found. This is interpreted in terms of the CNO bi-cycle having been suppressed in the SMC. Furthermore, the large nitrogen deficiency is in excellent agreement with that found for SMC H II regions. Indeed, this represents a first for stellar astrophysics - confirming the low base-line nitrogen composition of the SMC ISM (viz. 12+log(N/H) similar to 6.66 +/- 0.10 dex).


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In this paper, the on-body performance of a range of wearable antennas was investigated by measuring vertical bar S-21 vertical bar path gain between two devices mounted on tissue-equivalent numerical and experimental phantoms, representative of human muscle tissue at 2.45 GHz. In particular, the study focused on the performance of a compact higher mode microstrip patch antenna (HMMPA) with a profile as low as lambda/20. The 5- and 10-mm-high HMMPA prototypes had an impedance bandwidth of 6.7% and 8.6%, respectively, sufficient for the operating requirements of the 2.45-GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band and both antennas offered 11-dB higher path gain compared to a fundamental-mode microstrip patch antenna. It was also dernonstrated that a 7-dB improvement in path gain can be obtained for a fundamental-mode patch through the addition of a shortening wall. Notably, on-body HMMPA performance was comparable to a quarter wave monopole antenna on the same size of ground-plane, mounted normal to the tissue surface, indicating that the low-profile and physically more robust antenna is a promising solution for bodyworn antenna applications.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Ar IV are used to calculate the emission-line ratio: ratio diagrams (R1, R2), (R1, R3), and (R1, R4), where K1 = I(4711 Å)/I(4740 Å), R2 = I(7238 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), R3 = I(7263 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), and R4 = I(7171 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), for a range of electron temperatures (Te = 5000-20,000 K) and electron densities (Ne = 10-106 cm-3) appropriate to gaseous nebulae. These diagrams should, in principle, allow the simultaneous determination of Te and Ne from measurements of the [Ar IV] lines in a spectrum. Plasma parameters deduced for a sample of planetary nebulae from (R1, R3) and (R1, R4), using observational date obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph on the 3 m Shane Telescope at the Lick Observatory, are found to show excellent internal consistency and to be in generally good agreement with the values of Te and Ne estimated from other line ratios in the echelle spectra. These results provide observational support for the accuracy of the theoretical ratios and, hence, the atomic data adopted in their derivation. In addition, they imply that the 7171 Å line is not as seriously affected by telluric absorption as previously thought. However, the observed values of R2 are mostly larger than the theoretical high-temperature and density limit, which is due to blending of the Ar IV 7237.54 Å line with the strong C II transition at 7236 Å. 


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Galactic bulge planetary nebulae show evidence of mixed chemistry with emission from both silicate dust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This mixed chemistry is unlikely to be related to carbon dredge-up, as third dredge-up is not expected to occur in the low-mass bulge stars. We show that the phenomenon is widespread and is seen in 30 nebulae out of 40 of our sample, selected on the basis of their infrared flux. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images and Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) spectra show that the mixed chemistry is not related to the presence of emission-line stars, as it is in the Galactic disc population. We also rule out interaction with the interstellar medium (ISM) as origin of the PAHs. Instead, a strong correlation is found with morphology and the presence of a dense torus. A chemical model is presented which shows that hydrocarbon chains can form within oxygen-rich gas through gas-phase chemical reactions. The model predicts two layers, one at A_V~ 1.5, where small hydrocarbons form from reactions with C+, and one at A_V~ 4, where larger chains (and by implication, PAHs) form from reactions with neutral, atomic carbon. These reactions take place in a mini-photon-dominated region (PDR). We conclude that the mixed-chemistry phenomenon occurring in the Galactic bulge planetary nebulae is best explained through hydrocarbon chemistry in an ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated, dense torus.


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A novel phosphonoacetaldehyde-oxidizing activity was detected in cell-extracts of the marine bacterium Roseovarius nubinhibens ISM grown on 2-aminoethylphosphonic acid (2-AEP; ciliatine). Extracts also contained 2-AEP transaminase and phosphonoacetate hydrolase activities. These findings indicate the existence of a biological route from 2-AEP via phosphonoacetaldehyde for the production of phosphonoacetate, which has not previously been shown to be a natural product. The three enzymes appear to constitute a previously-unreported pathway for the mineralization of 2-AEP which is a potentially important source of phosphorus in the nutrient-stressed marine environment.


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UVES interstellar observations from the Paranal Observatory Project are presented for early-type stars located in the line of sight to the nearby open clusters IC 2391 (Omni Vel) and NGC 6475 (M7), with spectroscopic resolution R similar to 80 000 and signal-to-noise ratios in the Ti II (3383 angstrom), Ca II K, CH+ (4232 angstrom), Na I D and K I (7698 angstrom) lines of several hundred. The sightlines are a mixture of cluster and non-cluster objects. A total of 22 early-type stars (A and B type) are present in our sample towards IC 2391, with 21 towards NGC 6475/M7, and enable us to probe for differences in column density on scales from similar to 0.07 to 7.3 and similar to 0.05 to 4.9 pc in the respective clusters. Additionally, towards Praesepe the Na I D interstellar variation only is probed towards 13 sightlines and transverse scales of similar to 0.16-10.7 pc at R = 70 000. Towards IC 2391 variations are found in Ti II, Ca II K and Na I D column density in different sightlines of up to 0.7, 1.0 and 1.8 dex (excluding one star), respectively. This kind of variability correlates well with the Hipparcos parallax of the objects, and probes structure within the Local Bubble. For cluster-only objects the variations are 0.3, 0.3 and 0.5 dex, respectively. For the field of view towards NGC6475 the corresponding maximum variations are somewhat smaller, being 0.5, 0.3, 0.8 and 1.0 dex for Ti II, Ca II K, Na I and K I, respectively, for all objects and 0.4, 0.2, 0.6 and 0.7 dex for the cluster-only objects. These are uncorrelated with parallax, and again demonstrate that Ca II K tends to be more smoothly distributed than Na I D. A few likely cluster sightlines show evidence for CH+ and variations in this molecular species of a factor of 10 in equivalent width over sub-pc scales. Towards Praesepe variation in interstellar Na I D is small, being a maximum of only similar to 0.4 dex (including measurement errors), but with fewer sightlines studied. Overall, the scatter in the data is similar for the singly ionized species Ti II and Ca II, lending more support to the hypothesis that these two species sample similar parts of the interstellar medium (ISM). This also appears to be the case for the neutral species Na I D and K I in the one cluster studied. Finally, multiple-epoch observations from a variety of archive sources are used to search for astronomical unit (au) scale structure in the ISM towards 46 sightlines. There are tentative indications of structure on scales of tens to thousands of au for three sightlines. Future observations will confirm the veracity or otherwise of the time-variable components and others presented.


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The chemical composition of two stars in WLM has been determined from high-quality Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) data obtained at the VLT-UT2. The model atmospheres analysis shows that they have the same metallicity, [Fe/H] = - 0.38 +/- 0.20 (+/- 0.29). Reliable magnesium abundances are determined from several lines of two ionization states in both stars resulting in [Mg/Fe] = - 0.24 +/- 0.16 (+/- 0.28). This result suggests that the [alpha(Mg)/Fe] ratio in WLM may be suppressed relative to solar abundances ( also supported by differential abundances relative to similar stars in NGC 6822 and the Small Magellanic Cloud [SMC]). The absolute Mg abundance, [Mg/H] = -0.62, is high relative to what is expected from the nebulae though, where two independent spectroscopic analyses of the H II regions in WLM yield [O/H] = - 0.89. Intriguingly, the oxygen abundance determined from the O I lambda6158 feature in one WLM star is [O/H] = - 0.21 +/- 0.10 (+/- 0.05), corresponding to 5 times higher than the nebular oxygen abundance. This is the first time that a significant difference between stellar and nebular oxygen abundances has been found, and currently, there is no simple explanation for this difference. The two stars are massive supergiants with distances that clearly place them in WLM. They are young ( less than or equal to 10 Myr) and should have a similar composition to the ISM. Additionally, differential abundances suggest that the O/Fe ratio in the WLM star is consistent with similar stars in NGC 6822 and the SMC, galaxies where the average stellar oxygen abundances are in excellent agreement with the nebular results. If the stellar abundances reflect the true composition of WLM, then this galaxy lies well above the metallicity-luminosity relationship for dwarf irregular galaxies. It also suggests that WLM is more chemically evolved than currently interpreted from its color-magnitude diagram. The similarities between the stars in WLM and NGC 6822 suggest that these two galaxies may have had similar star formation histories.


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We report the detection of Voigt spectral line profiles of radio recombination lines (RRLs) toward Sagittarius B2(N) with the 100 m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). At radio wavelengths, astronomical spectra are highly populated with RRLs, which serve as ideal probes of the physical conditions in molecular cloud complexes. An analysis of the Hn alpha lines presented herein shows that RRLs of higher principal quantum number (n > 90) are generally divergent from their expected Gaussian profiles and, moreover, are well described by their respective Voigt profiles. This is in agreement with the theory that spectral lines experience pressure broadening as a result of electron collisions at lower radio frequencies. Given the inherent technical difficulties regarding the detection and profiling of true RRL wing spans and shapes, it is crucial that the observing instrumentation produce flat baselines as well as high-sensitivity, high-resolution data. The GBT has demonstrated its capabilities regarding all of these aspects, and we believe that future observations of RRL emission via the GBT will be crucial toward advancing our knowledge of the larger-scale extended structures of ionized gas in the interstellar medium (ISM).


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Galactic cosmic-ray (CR) acceleration to the knee in the spectrum at a few PeV is only possible if the magnetic field ahead of a supernova remnant (SNR) shock is strongly amplified by CRs escaping the SNR. A model formulated in terms of the electric charge carried by escaping CRs predicts the maximum CR energy and the energy spectrum of CRs released into the surrounding medium. We find that historical SNRs such as Cas A, Tycho and Kepler may be expanding too slowly to accelerate CRs to the knee at the present time.


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We show that the diffusion approximation breaks down for particle acceleration at oblique shocks with velocities typical of young supernova remnants. Higher order anisotropies flatten the spectral index at quasi-parallel shocks and steepen the spectral index at quasi-perpendicular shocks. We compare the theory with observed spectral indices.


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Context. We investigate the growth of hydromagnetic waves driven by streaming cosmic rays in the precursor environment of a supernova remnant shock.

Aims. It is known that transverse waves propagating parallel to the mean magnetic field are unstable to anisotropies in the cosmic ray distribution, and may provide a mechanism to substantially amplify the ambient magnetic field. We quantify the extent to which temperature and ionisation fractions modify this picture.

Methods. Using a kinetic description of the plasma we derive the dispersion relation for a collisionless thermal plasma with a streaming cosmic ray current. Fluid equations are then used to discuss the effects of neutral-ion collisions.

Results. We calculate the extent to which the environment into which the cosmic rays propagate influences the growth of the magnetic field, and determines the range of possible growth rates.

Conclusions. If the cosmic ray acceleration is efficient, we find that very large neutral fractions are required to stabilise the growth of the non-resonant mode. For typical supernova parameters in our Galaxy, thermal effects do not significantly alter the growth rates. For weakly driven modes, ion-neutral damping can dominate over the instability at more modest ionisation fractions. In the case of a supernova shock interacting with a molecular clouds, such as in RX J1713.7-3946, with high density and low ionisation, the modes can be rapidly damped.


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This study attempts to establish a link between the reasonably well known nature of the progenitor of SN2011fe and its surrounding environment. This is done with the aim of enabling the identification of similar systems in the vast majority of the cases, when distance and epoch of discovery do not allow a direct approach. To study the circumstellar environment of SN2011fe we have obtained high-resolution spectroscopy of SN2011fe on 12 epochs, from 8 to 86 days after the estimated date of explosion, targeting in particular at the time evolution of CaII and NaI. Three main absorption systems are identified from CaII and NaI, one associated to the Milky Way, one probably arising within a high-velocity cloud, and one most likely associated to the halo of M101. The Galactic and host galaxy reddening, deduced from the integrated equivalent widths (EW) of the NaI lines are E(B-V)=0.011+/-0.002 and E(B-V)=0.014+/-0.002 mag, respectively. The host galaxy absorption is dominated by a component detected at the same velocity measured from the 21-cm HI line at the projected SN position (~180 km/s). During the ~3 months covered by our observations, its EW changed by 15.6+/-6.5 mA. This small variation is shown to be compatible with the geometric effects produced by therapid SN photosphere expansion coupled to the patchy fractal structure of the ISM. The observed behavior is fully consistent with ISM properties similar to those derived for our own Galaxy, with evidences for structures on scales