111 resultados para election mechanism


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We study the fundamental Byzantine leader election problem in dynamic networks where the topology can change from round to round and nodes can also experience heavy {\em churn} (i.e., nodes can join and leave the network continuously over time). We assume the full information model where the Byzantine nodes have complete knowledge about the entire state of the network at every round (including random choices made by all the nodes), have unbounded computational power and can deviate arbitrarily from the protocol. The churn is controlled by an adversary that has complete knowledge and control over which nodes join and leave and at what times and also may rewire the topology in every round and has unlimited computational power, but is oblivious to the random choices made by the algorithm. Our main contribution is an $O(\log^3 n)$ round algorithm that achieves Byzantine leader election under the presence of up to $O({n}^{1/2 - \epsilon})$ Byzantine nodes (for a small constant $\epsilon > 0$) and a churn of up to \\$O(\sqrt{n}/\poly\log(n))$ nodes per round (where $n$ is the stable network size).The algorithm elects a leader with probability at least $1-n^{-\Omega(1)}$ and guarantees that it is an honest node with probability at least $1-n^{-\Omega(1)}$; assuming the algorithm succeeds, the leader's identity will be known to a $1-o(1)$ fraction of the honest nodes. Our algorithm is fully-distributed, lightweight, and is simple to implement. It is also scalable, as it runs in polylogarithmic (in $n$) time and requires nodes to send and receive messages of only polylogarithmic size per round.To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first scalable solution for Byzantine leader election in a dynamic network with a high rate of churn; our protocol can also be used to solve Byzantine agreement in a straightforward way.We also show how to implement an (almost-everywhere) public coin with constant bias in a dynamic network with Byzantine nodes and provide a mechanism for enabling honest nodes to store information reliably in the network, which might be of independent interest.


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There have been numerous recent observations of changes in the behavior and dynamics of migratory bird populations, but the plasticity of the migratory trait and our inability to track small animals over large distances have hindered investigation of the mechanisms behind migratory change. We used habitat-specific stable isotope signatures to show that recently evolved allopatric wintering populations of European blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla pair assortatively on their sympatric breeding grounds. Birds wintering further north also produce larger clutches and fledge more young. These findings describe an important process in the evolution of migratory divides, new migration routes, and wintering quarters. Temporal segregation of breeding is a way in which subpopulations of vertebrates may become isolated in sympatry.


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Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of renal inflammation. This study investigated the mechanisms underlying the synergistic upregulation of preproET-1 gene expression in human mesangial cells after co-stimulation with thrombin and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha). Whereas thrombin induced a moderate upregulation of preproET-1 mRNA, co-stimulation with TNFalpha resulted in a strong and protracted upregulation of this mRNA species. Thrombin+TNFalpha-induced upregulation of preproET-1 expression was found to require p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinases C, whereas activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-Jun-N-terminal kinase, or intracellular Ca(2+) release were not required. Actinomycin D chase experiments suggested that enhanced stability of preproET-1 mRNA did not account for the increase in transcript levels. PreproET-1 promoter analysis demonstrated that the 5'-flanking region of preproET-1 encompassed positive regulatory elements engaged by thrombin. Negative modulation of thrombin-induced activation exerted by the distal 5' portion of preproET-1 promoter (-4.4 kbp to 204 bp) was overcome by co-stimulation with TNFalpha, providing a possible mechanism underlying the synergistic upregulation of preproET-1 expression by these two agonists. In conclusion, human mesangial cell expression of preproET-1 may be increased potently in the presence of two common proinflammatory mediators, thereby providing a potential mechanism for ET-1 production in inflammatory renal disease.


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Rationale A recent review paper by Cooper (Appetite 44:133–150, 2005) has pointed out that a role for benzodiazepines as appetite stimulants has been largely overlooked. Cooper’s review cited several studies that suggested the putative mechanism of enhancement of food intake after benzodiazepine administration might involve increasing the perceived pleasantness of food (palatability). Objectives The present study examined the behavioral mechanism of increased food intake after benzodiazepine administration. Materials and methods The cyclic-ratio operant schedule has been proposed as a useful behavioral assay for differentiating palatability from regulatory effects on food intake (Ettinger and Staddon, Physiol Behav 29:455–458, 1982 and Behav Neurosci 97:639–653, 1983). The current study employed the cyclic-ratio schedule to determine whether the effects on food intake of chlordiazepoxide (CDP) (5.0 mg/kg), sodium pentobarbital (5.0 mg/kg), and picrotoxin (1.0 mg/kg) were mediated through palatability or regulatory processes. Results The results of this study show that both the benzodiazepine CDP and the barbiturate sodium pentobarbital increased food intake in a manner similar to increasing the palatability of the ingestant, and picrotoxin decreased food intake in a manner similar to decreasing the palatability of the ingestant. Conclusions These results suggest that the food intake enhancement properties of benzodiazepines are mediated through a mechanism affecting perceived palatability.


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The formation and reactivity of surface intermediates in the reverse water-gas-shift reaction on a Pt/CeO2 catalyst are critically dependent on the reaction conditions so that conclusionsregarding the reaction mechanism cannot be inferred using ex operando conditions.


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BRCA1 encodes a tumor suppressor gene that is mutated in the germ line of women with a genetic predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. BRCA1 has been implicated in a number of important cellular functions including DNA damage repair, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control, and ubiquitination. Using an Affymetrix U95A microarray, IRF-7 was identified as a BRCA1 transcriptional target and was also shown to be synergistically up-regulated by BRCA1 specifically in the presence of IFN-gamma, coincident with the synergistic induction of apoptosis. We show that BRCA1, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-1, and STAT2 are all required for the induction of IRF-7 following stimulation with IFN-gamma. We also show that the induction of IRF-7 by BRCA1 and IFN-gamma is dependent on the type I IFNs, IFN-alpha and IFN-beta. We show that BRCA1 is required for the up-regulation of STAT1, STAT2, and the type I IFNs in response to IFN-gamma. We show that BRCA1 is localized at the promoters of the molecules involved in type I IFN signaling leading to their up-regulation. Blocking this intermediary type I IFN step using specific antisera shows the requirement for IFN-alpha and IFN-beta in the induction of IRF-7 and apoptosis. Finally, we outline a mechanism for the BRCA1/IFN-gamma regulation of target genes involved in the innate immune response, which is dependent on type I IFN signaling.


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Over the last decade, much new research has appeared on the subject of the Great Irish Famine but, remarkably, a major political event during the famine - the 1847 general election - has received virtually no mention. Recent work on politics in this period has tended to concentrate on political reaction in Britain rather than Ireland. The aim of this article is to examine the response of Irish politicians to the famine during the general election of 1847. The main source has been the political addresses and nomination speeches of most of the 140 candidates. The evidence from this material shows that, although the famine was an important matter in many constituencies, it was not the dominant issue countrywide. Various proposals to deal with the famine emerged, but there was an absence of agreed, practical measures to deal with immediate problems. The parties in Ireland failed to create a common platform to challenge the government over its efforts. Ideological constraints played an important part in these failures. The general election of 1847 represents a lost opportunity to tackle some of the effects of the famine.


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The microscopic mechanism leading to stabilization of cubic and tetragonal forms of zirconia (ZrO2) is analyzed by means of a self-consistent tight-binding model. Using this model, energies and structures of zirconia containing different vacancy concentrations are calculated, equivalent in concentration to the charge compensating vacancies associated with dissolved yttria (Y2O3) in the tetragonal and cubic phase fields (3.2 and 14.4% mol, respectively). The model is shown to predict the large relaxations around an oxygen vacancy, and the clustering of vacancies along the 111 directions, in good agreement with experiments and first principles calculations. The vacancies alone are shown to explain the stabilization of cubic zirconia, and the mechanism is analyzed. (C) 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.