23 resultados para VEINS
UNLABELLED: Varicose veins may be due to weakness of the vein wall as a result of structural problems. There are conflicting findings in the literature about these problems especially concerning collagen, elastin and smooth muscle cells content. The aim of this study was to look at the structural abnormalities of varicose veins (with and without valvular incompetence).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 70 specimens of long saphenous veins from 35 patients (24 with varicose and 11 with normal veins). Two specimens were taken from each vein approximately 3-4 cm from the saphenofemoral junction. Vein specimens were processed for histological and electron microscopic studies. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed to assess the degree of wall changes. Using the image analyzer, contents of collagen, elastin and smooth muscle cells, in addition to intimal and medial thickness, were measured.
RESULTS: Light microscopy revealed significant increase in intimal and medial thickness and collagen content of media and significant decrease in elastin content in varicose veins compared with normal veins. There was no statistical significant difference between varicose veins with and without saphenofemoral valve incompetence. Electron microscopy showed marked degenerative changes in intima and media of varicose veins.
CONCLUSION: The findings in our study supported the theory of primary weakness of the vein wall as a cause of varicosity. This weakness is due to intimal changes, disturbance in the connective tissue components and smooth muscle cells.
Nitric oxide (NO), produced by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), plays important roles in normal vascular homeostasis, and reduced endothelial NO bioactivity is an important feature of vascular disease states. The Glu298Asp (G894T) polymorphic variant of eNOS has been associated with vascular disease, but functional data are lacking. Accordingly, we examined the relationships between NO-mediated endothelial function, the presence of the eNOS Glu298Asp variant, and clinical risk factors for atherosclerosis. Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxations to different agonists were determined in human saphenous veins obtained from patients with coronary artery disease and identified risk factors (n = 104). Patients were genotyped for the eNOS G894T polymorphism. Nitric oxide-mediated endothelial vasorelaxations were highly variable between patients. Reduced vasorelaxations were associated with increased number of clinical risk factors for atherosclerosis (r = - 0.54, P
Blood vessels are made up of several distinct cell types. Although it was originally thought that the tunica media of blood vessels was composed of a homogeneous population of fully differentiated smooth muscle cells, more recent data suggest the existence of multiple smooth muscle cell subpopulations in the vascular wall. One of the cell types contributing to this heterogeneity is the novel, irregularly shaped, noncontractile cell with thin processes, termed interstitial cell, found in the tunica media of both veins and arteries. While the principal role of interstitial cells in veins seems to be pacemaking, the role of arterial interstitial cells is less clear. This review summarises the knowledge of the functional and structural properties of vascular interstitial cells accumulated so far, offers hypotheses on their physiological role, and proposes directions for future research.
Increased superoxide anion production increases oxidative stress and reduces nitric oxide bioactivity in vascular disease states. NAD(P)H oxidase is an important source of superoxide in human blood vessels, and some studies suggest a possible association between polymorphisms in the NAD(P)H oxidase CYBA gene and atherosclerosis; however, no functional data address this hypothesis. We examined the relationships between the CYBA C242T polymorphism and direct measurements of superoxide production in human blood vessels.
Vascular NAD(P)H oxidase activity was determined in human saphenous veins obtained from 110 patients with coronary artery disease and identified risk factors. Immunoblotting, reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, and DNA sequencing showed that p22phox protein, mRNA, and 242C/T allelic variants are expressed in human blood vessels. Vascular superoxide production, both basal and NADH-stimulated, was highly variable between patients, but the presence of the CYBA 242T allele was associated with significantly reduced vascular NAD(P)H oxidase activity, independent of other clinical risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Association of the CYBA 242T allele with reduced NAD(P)H oxidase activity in human blood vessels suggests that genetic variation in NAD(P)H oxidase components may play a significant role in modulating superoxide production in human atherosclerosis.
The effect of hypobaric hypoxia on the in vivo binding of misonidazole was investigated in normal mice and mice bearing T50/80 or CA NT mammary carcinomas. After the intraperitoneal injection of radiolabelled misonidazole, mice were randomised to breathe either room air or air at 0.5 atmospheres. The distribution of misonidazole in liver, kidney, heart, spleen and tumour tissue, 24 h later, was studied by scintillation counting and by autoradiography. Significantly higher misonidazole binding occurred in the livers (x2.5), kidneys (x2.4), spleens (x2.9) and hearts (x1.8) of hypoxic mice compared to controls. Hypobaric hypoxia was associated with a greater than four-fold increase in misonidazole binding within T50/80 tumours. However, significantly higher binding was not demonstrated within CA NT tumours after exposure of tumour-bearing animals to hypoxic conditions. In autoradiographs of hypoxic liver, labelling was intense in regions near to hepatic veins but sparse in areas surrounding portal tracts. This pattern was striking and consistent. In hypoxic kidney, labelling was most intense over tubular cells, less intense over glomeruli and sparse in the renal medulla. It is likely that the hepatic and renal cortical distributions of misonidazole binding reflect local oxygen gradients.
The long-term success of arterial bypass grafting with autologous saphenous veins is limited by neointimal hyperplasia (NIH), which seemingly develops preferentially at sites where hydrodynamic wall shear is low. Placement of a loose-fitting, porous stent around end-to-end, or end-to-side, autologous saphenous vein grafts on the porcine common carotid artery has been found significantly to reduce NIH, but the mechanism is unclear. In a preliminary study, we implanted autologous saphenous vein grafts bilaterally on the common carotid arteries of pigs, placing a stent around one graft and leaving the contralateral graft unstented. At sacrifice 1 month post implantation, the grafts were pressure fixed in situ and resin casts were made. Unstented graft geometry was highly irregular, with non-uniform dilatation, substantial axial lengthening, curvature, kinking, and possible long-pitch helical distortion. In contrast, stented grafts showed no major dilatation, lengthening or curvature, but there was commonly fine corrugation, occasional slight kinking or narrowing of segments, and possible long-pitch helical distortion. Axial growth of grafts against effectively tethered anastomoses could account for these changes. CFD studies are planned, using 3D MR reconstructions, on the effects of graft geometry on the flow. Abnormality of the flow could favour the development of vascular pathology, including NIH.
The oxidation of LDLs is considered a key step in the development of atherosclerosis. How LDL oxidation contributes to atherosclerosis remains poorly defined. Here we report that oxidized and glycated LDL (HOG-LDL) causes aberrant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and that the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) suppressed HOG-LDL-triggered ER stress in vivo.
Pigmented paravenous chorioretinal atrophy (PPCRA) is an unusual retinal degeneration characterized by accumulation of pigmentation along retinal veins. The purpose of this study was to describe the phenotype of a family with PPCRA, determine the mode of inheritance, and identify the causal mutation.
AIMS: To assess quantitatively variations in the extent of capillary basement membrane (BM) thickening between different retinal layers and within arterial and venous environments during diabetes. METHODS: One year after induction of experimental (streptozotocin) diabetes in rats, six diabetic animals together with six age-matched control animals were sacrificed and the retinas fixed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Blocks of retina straddling the major arteries and veins in the central retinal were dissected out, embedded in resin, and sectioned. Capillaries in close proximity to arteries or veins were designated as residing in either an arterial (AE) or a venous (VE) environment respectively, and the retinal layer in which each capillary was located was also noted. The thickness of the BM was then measured on an image analyser based two dimensional morphometric analysis system. RESULTS: In both diabetics and controls the AE capillaries had consistently thicker BMs than the VE capillaries. The BMs of both AE and VE capillaries from diabetics were thicker than those of capillaries in the corresponding retinal layer from the normal rats (p <or = 0.005). Also, in normal AE and VE capillaries and diabetic AE capillaries the BM in the nerve fibre layer (NFL) was thicker than that in either the inner (IPL) or outer (OPL) plexiform layers (p <or = 0.001). However, in diabetic VE capillaries the BMs of capillaries in the NFL were thicker than those of capillaries in the IPL (p <or = 0.05) which, in turn, had thicker BMs than capillaries in the OPL (p <or = 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: The variation in the extent of capillary BM thickening between different retinal layers within AE and VE environments may be related to differences in levels of oxygen tension and oxidative stress in the retina around arteries compared with that around veins.
The absolute volume of Weibel-Palade (WP) bodies, the storage organelles of von Willebrand factor (vWF), was estimated by a stereological method in a known volume of central retina from normal and 5-year diabetic dogs. The results showed that the volume of WP bodies present in the endothelium of the retinal vasculature varies with blood vessel type and in diabetes. In both diabetic and normal dogs the endothelium of the retinal veins contained a higher volume of WP bodies than that of the retinal arteries. In dogs which had been diabetic for a duration of 5 years the volume of WP bodies present in the endothelium of retinal veins was significantly greater than in the endothelium of veins from the control animals. However, there was no significant difference in the volume of WP bodies present in the endothelium of retinal arteries or capillaries between the two groups of animals.
This study describes ultrastructural changes in the pigmented hooded Lister rat retina, 3-12 months following X-irradiation with single doses of between 200 and 2000 cGy. The extreme radiosensitivity of the photoreceptor cells was underlined by the continued manifestation of fine structural changes and cell death up to 6 months post-radiation in animals receiving doses above 500 cGy. The retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were more radioresistant than photoreceptors and RPE cell loss was only observed at doses of more than 1500 cGy. One year after irradiation with 1500 cGy the retinal vasculature showed capillary occlusion with some evidence of recanalisation. Telangiectasia was observed in the large retinal veins. Although the inner retinal neurones and glial cells showed no evidence of direct radiation damage, the nerve fibre layer adjacent to occluded retinal vessels demonstrated ultrastructural evidence of ischaemic neuropathy and retinal oedema. At doses above 1500 cGy the choriocapillaris showed platelet aggregation and capillary loss.
The hepatic microcirculation is believed to cause variable cellular oxygenation within the organ. In this study a marker of cellular hypoxia was used to demonstrate liver oxygen tension gradients in vivo. Covalent binding of misonidazole adducts to cellular macromolecules is enhanced by hypoxia. Autoradiographs of liver from mice treated with radiolabeled misonidazole demonstrated enhanced binding of adducts within hepatocytes surrounding hepatic veins. Livers from both hypoxic and normal mice had characteristic autoradiographic grain patterns reflecting regional oxygen tension variation in vivo. Differential binding of misonidazole adducts formed in hypoxic cells could have an application in studies of liver physiology and biochemistry.
We produced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by diminishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. The neovascular fronds which developed either infiltrated the subretinal space or proliferated through necrotic and gliotic retina into the vitreous cavity. Sequential electron microscopic sections of neovascular fronds in the subretinal space demonstrated that the advancing capillary sprouts were composed of primitive endothelial tubes surrounded by pericytes and enmeshed in a loose basement-membrane-like substance. More mature capillaris and displayed endothelial fenestrations and endothelial-pericyte membranous contacts. Large neovascular fronds developed major feeding vessels that closely resembled normal small choroidal arteries and veins. Retinal pigment epithelial cells in various guises were in constant association with proliferating neovascular networks.
We induced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by impoverishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. Fourteen of 46 eyes undergoing photocoagulation developed neovascular fronds which were identified and categorized by histopathologic examination and fluorescein angiography. All new vessels gained access to the retina through defects in Bruch's membrane at the site of photocoagulation marks. In eight eyes the new vessels remained localized to the immediate vicinity of photocoagulation marks. In four eyes neovascular fronds infiltrated the subretinal space for distances up to 6 disk diameters from the point of entry into the retina. In the two eyes choroidovitreal neovascular complexes developed but rapidly regressed shortly after gaining the vitreous cavity. Fluorescein angiography demonstrated that all neovascular fronds were grossly incompetent to dye but that formed feeding channels had some degree of integrity. Light microscopic studies showed the proliferating networks to be composed of capillaries with well-formed basement membranes and more mature vessels with the basic structure of choroidal arteries and veins.