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Hyperglycemia-induced damage to the glomerular podocyte is thought to be a critical early event in diabetic nephropathy. Interventions that prevent podocyte damage or loss have been shown to have potential for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. New data show that conditioned medium from adipocyte-derived mesenchymal stem cells has the potential to protect podocytes from high-glucose-induced damage. Furthermore, epidermal growth factor may be the critical ingredient mediating this effect. These data suggest that components of the conditioned medium of mesenchymal stem cells, in addition to the cells themselves, may have potential for the treatment of diseases such as diabetic nephropathy.


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The damage induced in supercoiled plasmid DNA molecules by 1-6 keV carbon ions has been investigated as a function of ion exposure, energy and charge state. The production of short linear fragments through multiple double strand breaks has been demonstrated and exponential exposure responses for each of the topoisomers have been found. The cross section for the loss of supercoiling was calculated to be (2.2 +/- 0.5) x 10(-14) cm(2) for 2 keVC(+) ions. For singly charged carbon ions, increased damage was observed with increasing ion energy. In the case of 2 keV doubly charged ions, the damage was greater than for singly charged ions of the same energy. These observations demonstrate that ion induced damage is a function of both the kinetic and potential energies of the ion.


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An important difference between chemical agents that induce oxidative damage in DNA and ionizing radiation is that radiation-induced damage is clustered locally on the DNA, Both modelling and experimental studies have predicted the importance of clustering of lesions induced by ionizing radiation and its dependence on radiation quality. With increasing linear energy transfer, it is predicted that complex lesions will be formed within 1-20 bp regions of the DNA, As well as strand breaks, these sites may contain multiple damaged bases, We have compared the yields of single strand breaks (ssb) and double strand breaks (dsb) along with those produced by treatment of irradiated DNA with the enzyme endonuclease III, which recognizes a number of oxidized pyrimidines in DNA and converts them to strand breaks. Plasmid DNA was irradiated under two different scavenging conditions to test the involvement of OH radicals with either Co-60 gamma-rays or alpha-particles from a Pu-238 source. Under low scavenging conditions (10 mM Tris) gamma-irradiation induced 7.1x10(-7) ssb Gy/bp, which increased 3.7-fold to 2.6 x 10(-6) ssb Gy/bp with endo III treatment. In contrast the yields of dsb increased by 4.2-fold from 1.5 x 10(-8) to 6.3 x 10(-8) dsb Gy/bp, This equates to an additional 2.5% of the endo III-sensitive sites being converted to dsb on enzyme treatment. For alpha-particles this increased to 9%. Given that endo III sensitive sites may only constitute similar to 40% of the base lesions induced in DNA, this suggests that up to 6% of the ssb measured in X- and 22% in alpha-particle-irradiated DNA could have damaged bases associated with them contributing to lesion complexity.


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We irradiated different cellular compartments and measured changes in expression of the FOS gene at the mRNA and protein levels. [H-3]Thymidine and tritiated water were used to irradiate the nucleus and the whole cell, respectively. I-125-Concanavalin A binding was used to irradiate the cell membrane differentially. Changes in FOS mRNA and protein levels were measured using semi-quantitative RT-PCR and SDS-PAGE Western blotting, respectively, Irradiation of the nucleus or the whole cell at a dose rate of 0.075 Gy/h caused no change in the level of FOS mRNA expression, but modestly (1.5-fold) induced FOS protein after 0.5 h, Irradiation of the nucleus at a dose rate of 0.43 Gy/h induced FOS mRNA by 1.5-fold after 0.5 h, but there was no significant effect after whole-cell irradiation. FOS protein was transiently induced 2.5-fold above control levels 0.5 h after a 0.43-Gy/h exposure of the nucleus or the whole cell. Irradiation of the cell membrane at a dose rate of 1.8 Gy/h for up to 2 h caused no change in the levels of expression of FOS mRNA or protein, but a dose rate of 6.8 Gy/h transiently increased the level of FOS mRNA S-fold after 0.5 h, These data demonstrate the complexity of the cellular response to radiation-induced damage at low doses. The lack of quantitative agreement between the transcript and protein levels for FOS suggests a role for posttranscriptional regulation. (C) 2000 by Radiation Research Society.


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Recent track structure modelling studies indicate that radiation induced damage to DNA consists of a spectrum of different lesions of varying complexity. There is considerable evidence to suggest that, in repair-proficient systems, it is only the small proportion of more complex forms that is responsible for most of the biological effect. The complex lesions induced consist initially of clustered radical sites and a knowledge of their special chemistry is important in modelling how they react to form the more stable products that are processed by the repair systems. However, much of the current understanding of the chemical stage of radiation has developed from single-radical systems and there is a need to translate this to the more complex reactions that are likely to occur at the important multiple radical sites. With low LET radiation, DNA dsb may derive either from single-radical attack that damages both strands by a transfer mechanism, or from pairs of radical sites induced in close proximity, with one or more radical on each strand. With high LET radiation, modelling studies indicate that there is an increased probability of dsb arising from sites with more than two radical centres, leading to a greater frequency of more complex types of break. The spectrum of these lesions depends on the overall outcome of consecutive physical and chemical processes. The initial pattern of radical damage is determined by the energy depositions on and around the DNA, according to the type of radiation. This pattern is then modified by scavengers that inhibit the formation of radicals on the DNA, and by agents that either chemically repair (e.g. thiols) or fix (e.g. oxygen) a large fraction of these radicals. The reaction kinetics associated with clustered radical sites will differ from those of single sites: (1) because of the opportunities for interactions between the radicals themselves; and (2) because certain endpoints, e.g. a dsb, may require a combination of the products of two or more radicals. Fast response techniques using pulsed low and high LET irradiation have been established to measure the reactions of radical sites on pBR322 plasmid DNA with oxygen and thiols with a view to obtaining information about cluster size. This paper describes experimental approaches to explore the role of the chemical stage of the radiation effect in relation to lesion complexity.


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Cellular recovery from ionizing radiation (IR)-induced damage involves poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP-1 and PARP-2) activity, resulting in the induction of a signalling network responsible for the maintenance of genomic integrity. In the present work, a charged particle microbeam delivering 3.2 MeV protons from a Van de Graaff accelerator has been used to locally irradiate mammalian cells. We show the immediate response of PARPs to local irradiation, concomitant with the recruitment of ATM and Rad51 at sites of DNA damage, both proteins being involved in DNA strand break repair. We found a co-localization but no connection between two DNA damage-dependent post-translational modifications, namely poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins and phosphorylation of histone H2AX. Both of them, however, should be considered and used as bona fide immediate sensitive markers of IR damage in living cells. This technique thus provides a powerful approach aimed at understanding the interactions between the signals originating from sites of DNA damage and the subsequent activation of DNA strand break repair mechanisms.


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An experimental system, based upon UV and IR laser desorption, has been constructed to enable the production and characterization of neutral biomolecular targets. These targets are to be used for interaction experiments investigating radiation-induced damage to DNA. The viability of the laser-desorption techniques of MALDI (matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization), SALDI (surface-assisted laser-desorption ionization) and DIOS (desorption/ionization on silicon), for production of these gas targets is discussed in the present paper. Fluorescent dye tagging and LIF (laser-induced fluorescence) imaging has been used to characterize the biomolecular plumes, revealing their spatial density profiles and temporal evolution. © The Authors Journal compilation. © 2009 Biochemical Society.


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Resistance to chemotherapy ('drug resistance') is a fundamental problem that limits the effectiveness of many chemotherapies currently used to treat cancer. Drug resistance can occur due to a variety of mechanisms, such as increased drug inactivation, drug efflux from cancer cells, enhanced repair of chemotherapy-induced damage, activation of pro-survival pathways and inactivation of cell death pathways. In this article, we review some of the major mechanisms of drug resistance and discuss how new molecularly-targeted therapies are being increasingly used to overcome these resistance mechanisms.