14 resultados para Hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH)
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for FOXO1 gene rearrangement and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for PAX3/7-FOXO1 fusion transcripts have become routine ancillary tools for the diagnosis of alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas (ARMS). Here we summarize our experience of these adjunct diagnostic modalities at a tertiary center, presenting the largest comparative series of FISH and PCR for suspected or possible ARMS to date. All suspected or possible ARMS tested by FISH or PCR for FOXO1 rearrangement or PAX3/7-FOXO1 fusion transcripts over a 7-year period were included. FISH and PCR results were correlated with clinical and histologic findings. One hundred samples from 95 patients had FISH and/or PCR performed. FISH had higher rates of technical success (96.8 %) compared with PCR (88 %). Where both tests were utilized successfully, there was high concordance rate between them (94.9 %). In 24 histologic ARMS tested for FISH or PCR, 83.3 % were translocation-positive (all for PAX3-FOXO1 by PCR) and included 3 histologic solid variants. In 76 cases where ARMS was excluded, there were 3 potential false-positive cases with FISH but none with PCR. PCR had similar sensitivity (85.7 %) and better specificity (100 %) in aiding the diagnosis of ARMS, compared with FISH (85 and 95.8 %, respectively). All solid variant ARMS harbored FOXO1 gene rearrangements and PAX3-FOXO1 ARMS were detected to the exclusion of PAX7-FOXO1. In comparative analysis, both FISH and PCR are useful in aiding the diagnosis of ARMS and excluding its sarcomatous mimics. FISH is more reliable technically but has less specificity than PCR. In cases where ARMS is in the differential diagnosis, it is optimal to perform both PCR and FISH: both have similar sensitivities for detecting ARMS, but FISH may confirm or exclude cases that are technically unsuccessful with PCR, while PCR can detect specific fusion transcripts that may be useful prognostically.
Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma (AFH) is a rare soft tissue neoplasm of intermediate biologic potential and uncertain differentiation, most often arising in the extremities of children and young adults. Although it has characteristic histologic features of a lymphoid cuff surrounding nodules of ovoid cells with blood-filled cystic cavities, diagnosis is often difficult due to its morphologic heterogeneity and lack of specific immunoprofile. Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma is associated with recurrent chromosomal translocations, leading to characteristic EWSR1-CREB1, EWSR1-ATF1, and, rarely, FUS-ATF1 gene fusions; fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), detecting EWSR1 or FUS rearrangements, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for EWSR1-CREB1 and EWSR1-ATF1 fusion transcripts have become routine ancillary tools. We present a large comparative series of FISH and RT-PCR for AFH. Seventeen neoplasms (from 16 patients) histologically diagnosed as AFH were assessed for EWSR1 rearrangements or EWSR1-CREB1 and EWSR1-ATF1 fusion transcripts. All 17 were positive for either FISH or RT-PCR or both. Of 16, 14 (87.5%) had detectable EWSR1-CREB1 or EWSR1-ATF1 fusion transcripts by RT-PCR, whereas 13 (76.5%) of 17 had positive EWSR1 rearrangement with FISH. All 13 of 13 non-AFH control neoplasms failed to show EWSR1-CREB1 or EWSR1-ATF1 fusion transcripts, whereas EWSR1 rearrangement was present in 2 of these 13 cases (which were histopathologically myoepithelial neoplasms). This study shows that EWSR1-CREB1 or EWSR1-ATF1 fusions predominate in AFH (supporting previous reports that FUS rearrangement is rare in AFH) and that RT-PCR has a comparable detection rate to FISH for AFH. Importantly, cases of AFH can be missed if RT-PCR is not performed in conjunction with FISH, and RT-PCR has the added advantage of specificity, which is crucial, as EWSR1 rearrangements are present in a variety of neoplasms in the histologic differential diagnosis of AFH, that differ in behavior and treatment.
Deletion of the TP53 gene on chromosome 17p13.1 is the prognostic factor associated with the shortest survival in CLL. We used array-based comparative genomic hybridisation (arrayCGH) to identify additional DNA copy number changes in peripheral blood samples from 74 LRF CLL4 trial patients, 37 with >or=5% and 37 without TP53-deleted cells. ArrayCGH reliably detected deletions on 17p, including the TP53 locus, in cases with >or=50%TP53-deleted cells detected by fluorescence in situ hybridisation, plus seven additional cases with deleted regions on 17p excluding TP53. Losses on chromosomal regions 18p and/or 20p were found exclusively in cases with >or=5%TP53-deleted cells (por=5%TP53-deleted cases (p=0.02). In particular, amplification of 2p and deletion of 6q were both more frequent. Cases with >20%TP53-deleted cells had the worst prognosis in the LRF CLL4 trial.
Introduction: Detection of the ALK rearrangement in a solid tumor gives these patients the option of crizotinib as an oral form of anticancer treatment. The current test of choice is fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), but various cheaper and more convenient immunohistochemical (IHC) assays have been proposed as alternatives.
Methods: Fifteen FISH-positive cases from patients, seven with data on crizotinib therapy and clinical response, were evaluated for the presence of ALK protein using three different commercially available antibodies: D5F3, using the proprietary automated system (Ventana), ALK1 (Dako), and 5A4 (Abcam). A further 14 FISH-negative and three uncertain (<15% rearrangement detected) cases were also retrieved. Of the total 32 specimens, 17 were excisions and 15 were computed tomography-guided biopsies or cytological specimens. All three antibodies were applied to all cases. Antibodies were semiquantitatively scored on intensity, and the proportion of malignant cells stained was documented. Cutoffs were set by receiver operating curve analysis for positivity to optimize correct classification.
Results: All three IHC assays were 100% specific but sensitivity did vary: D5F3 86%, ALK 79%, 5A4 71%. Intensity was the most discriminating measure overall, with a combination of proportion and intensity not improving the test. No FISH-negative IHC-positive cases were seen. Two FISH-positive cases were negative with all three IHC assays. One of these had been treated with crizotinib and had failed to show clinical response. The other harbored a second driving mutation in the EGFR gene.
Conclusions: IHC with all three antibodies is especially highly specific (100%) although variably sensitive (71%-86%), specifically in cases with scanty material. D5F3 assay was most sensitive in these latter cases. Occasional cases are IHC-positive but FISH-negative, suggesting either inaccuracy of one assay or occasional tumors with ALK rearrangement that do not express high levels of ALK protein.
BACKGROUND: ALK rearrangement is particularly observed in signet-ring sub-type adenocarcinoma. Since fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is not suitable for mass screening, we aimed to characterize the predictive utility of tumour morphology and ALK immunoreactivity to identify ALK rearrangement, in a primary lung adenocarcinoma dataset enriched for signet-ring morphology, compared with that of other morphology. METHODS: 7 adenocarcinomas from diagnostic archives reported with signet-ring morphology were assessed and compared with 11 adenocarcinomas without signet-ring features over the same time period. Growth patterns were reviewed, ALK expression was assessed by standard immunohistochemistry using ALK1 clone and Envision detection (Dako), and ALK rearrangement was assessed by FISH (Abbott Molecular). Associations between groups and predictive utility of tumour morphology and ALK expression using FISH as gold standard were calculated. RESULTS: 2 excision lung biopsy cases with pure (100%) signet-ring morphology and solid patterns demonstrated diffuse moderate cytoplasmic ALK immunoreactivity (2+) and harboured ALK rearrangements (p=0.007), unlike 5 mixed-signet-ring and 11 non-signet-ring adenocarcinomas, which showed negative or 1+ immunoreactivity; and did not harbour ALK rearrangements (p>0.1). ALK expression was not associated with ALK copy number. 6 of 7 cases with signet ring morphology stained for TTF-1. Pure signet-ring morphology and moderate ALK expression were both associated with ALK rearranged tumours. CONCLUSION: ALK rearrangement is strongly associated with ALK immunoreactivity, and was seen only in tumours with pure signet-ring morphology and solid growth pattern. Tumour morphology, growth pattern and ALK immunoreactivity appear to be good indicators of ALK rearrangement, with TTF-1 positivity aiding in proving primary pulmonary origin.
AIMS: Diagnosis of soft tissue sarcomas can be difficult. It can be aided by detection of specific genetic aberrations in many cases. This study assessed the utility of a molecular genetics/cytogenetics service as part of the routine diagnostic service at the Royal Marsden Hospital. METHODS: A retrospective audit was performed over a 15-month period to evaluate the diagnostic usefulness for soft tissue sarcomas with translocations of fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) in paraffin-embedded (PE) material. Results were compared with histology, and evaluated. RESULTS: Molecular investigations were performed on PE material in 158 samples (total 194 RT-PCR and 174 FISH tests), of which 85 were referral cases. Synovial sarcoma, Ewing sarcoma and low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma were the most commonly tested tumours. Myxoid liposarcoma showed the best histological and molecular concordance, and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma showed the best agreement between methods. FISH had a higher sensitivity for detecting tumours (73%, compared with 59% for RT-PCR) with a better success rate than RT-PCR, although the latter was specific in identifying the partner gene for each fusion. In particular, referral blocks in which methods of tissue fixation and processing were not certain resulted in higher RT-PCR failure rates. CONCLUSIONS: FISH and RT-PCR on PE tissue are practical and effective ancillary tools in the diagnosis of soft tissue sarcomas. They are useful in confirming doubtful histological diagnoses and excluding malignant diagnoses. PCR is less sensitive than FISH, and the use of both techniques is optimal for maximising the detection rate of translocation-positive sarcomas.
We report on a series of Spanish patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in whom the t(12;21) [TEL/AML1] translocation could not be identified with two sensitive techniques: reverse transcript-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). 101 cases were analysed: 38 children (29 B-cell precursor; nine T-cell precursor) and 63 adults (48 B-cell precursor; 15 T-cell precursor). Specific RT-PCR to amplify the TEL/AML1 fusion transcript was negative in all 101 cases. Moreover, all 38 paediatric samples were also negative by interphase FISH analysis for the presence of the TEL/AML1 fusion. These results suggest the existence of geographic/race variations in the genotype of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).
The expression of animal personality is indicated by patterns of consistency in individual behaviour. Often, the differences exhibited between individuals are consistent across situations. However, between some situations, this can be biased by variable levels of individual plasticity. The interaction between individual plasticity and animal personality can be illustrated by examining situation-sensitive personality traits such as boldness (i.e. risk-taking and exploration tendency). For the weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii, light condition is a major factor influencing behaviour. Adapted to navigate in low-light conditions, this species chooses to be more active in dark environments where risk from visual predators is lower. However, G. petersii also exhibit individual differences in their degree of behavioural change from light to dark. The present study, therefore, aims to examine if an increase of motivation to explore in the safety of the dark, not only affects mean levels of boldness, but also the variation between individuals, as a result of differences in individual plasticity. Results: Boldness was consistent between a novel-object and a novel-environment situation in bright light. However, no consistency in boldness was noted between a bright (risky) and a dark (safe) novel environment. Furthermore, there was a negative association between boldness and the degree of change across novel environments, with shier individuals exhibiting greater behavioural plasticity. Conclusions: This study highlights that individual plasticity can vary with personality. In addition, the effect of light suggests that variation in boldness is situation specific. Finally, there appears to be a trade-off between personality and individual plasticity with shy but plastic individuals minimizing costs when perceiving risk and bold but stable individuals consistently maximizing rewards, which can be maladaptive.
An account is given of the Central Laser Facility's work to produce a cryogenic hydrogen targetry system using a pulse tube cryocooler. Due to the increasing demand for low Z thin laser targets, CLF (in collaboration with TUD) have been developing a system which allows the production of solid hydrogen membranes by engineering a design which can achieve this remotely; enabling the gas injection, condensation and solidification of hydrogen without compromising the vacuum of the target chamber. A dynamic sealing mechanism was integrated which allows targets to be grown and then remotely exposed to open vacuum for laser interaction. Further research was conducted on the survivability of the cryogenic targets which concluded that a warm gas effect causes temperature spiking when exposing the solidified hydrogen to the outer vacuum. This effect was shown to be mitigated by improving the pumping capacity of the environment and reducing the minimum temperature obtainable on the target mount. This was achieved by developing a two-stage radiation shield encased with superinsulating blanketing; reducing the base temperature from 14 0.5 K to 7.2 0.2 K about the coldhead as well as improving temperature control stability following the installation of a high-performance temperature controller and sensor apparatus. The system was delivered experimentally and in July 2014 the first laser shots were taken upon hydrogen targets in the Vulcan TAP facility.
Background: There is an urgent need to identify molecular signatures in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) that may select patients who are likely to respond to molecularly targeted therapies. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of undertaking focused molecular analyses on routine diagnostic biopsies in patients with SCLC.
Methods: A series of histopathologically confirmed formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded SCLC specimens were analysed for epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR), KRAS, NRAS and BRAF mutations, ALK gene rearrangements and MET amplification. EGFR and KRAS mutation testing was evaluated using real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR cobas®), BRAF and NRAS mutations using multiplex PCR and capillary electrophoresis-single strand conformation analysis, and ALK and MET aberrations with fluorescent in situ hybridization. All genetic aberrations detected were validated independently.
Results: A total of 105 patients diagnosed with SCLC between July 1990 and September 2006 were included. 60 (57 %) patients had suitable tumour tissue for molecular testing. 25 patients were successfully evaluated for all six pre-defined molecular aberrations. Eleven patients failed all molecular analysis. No mutations in EGFR, KRAS and NRAS were detected, and no ALK gene rearrangements or MET gene amplifications were identified. A V600E substitution in BRAF was detected in a Caucasian male smoker diagnosed with SCLC with squamoid and glandular features.
Conclusion: The paucity of patients with sufficient tumour tissue, quality of DNA extracted and low frequency of aberrations detected indicate that alternative molecular characterisation approaches are necessary, such as the use of circulating plasma DNA in patients with SCLC.