22 resultados para Distribution system reliability


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This paper proposes a continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) based sequential analytical approach for composite generation and transmission systems reliability assessment. The basic idea is to construct a CTMC model for the composite system. Based on this model, sequential analyses are performed. Various kinds of reliability indices can be obtained, including expectation, variance, frequency, duration and probability distribution. In order to reduce the dimension of the state space, traditional CTMC modeling approach is modified by merging all high order contingencies into a single state, which can be calculated by Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). Then a state mergence technique is developed to integrate all normal states to further reduce the dimension of the CTMC model. Moreover, a time discretization method is presented for the CTMC model calculation. Case studies are performed on the RBTS and a modified IEEE 300-bus test system. The results indicate that sequential reliability assessment can be performed by the proposed approach. Comparing with the traditional sequential Monte Carlo simulation method, the proposed method is more efficient, especially in small scale or very reliable power systems.


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Future power systems are expected to integrate large-scale stochastic and intermittent generation and load due to reduced use of fossil fuel resources, including renewable energy sources (RES) and electric vehicles (EV). Inclusion of such resources poses challenges for the dynamic stability of synchronous transmission and distribution networks, not least in terms of generation where system inertia may not be wholly governed by large-scale generation but displaced by small-scale and localised generation. Energy storage systems (ESS) can limit the impact of dispersed and distributed generation by offering supporting reserve while accommodating large-scale EV connection; the latter (load) also participating in storage provision. In this paper, a local energy storage system (LESS) is proposed. The structure, requirement and optimal sizing of the LESS are discussed. Three operating modes are detailed, including: 1) storage pack management; 2) normal operation; and 3) contingency operation. The proposed LESS scheme is evaluated using simulation studies based on data obtained from the Northern Ireland regional and residential network.


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Heat pumps can provide domestic heating at a cost that is competitive with oil heating in particular. If the electricity supply contains a significant amount of renewable generation, a move from fossil fuel heating to heat pumps can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The inherent thermal storage of heat pump installations can also provide the electricity supplier with valuable flexibility. The increase in heat pump installations in the UK and Europe in the last few years poses a challenge for low-voltage networks, due to the use of induction motors to drive the pump compressors. The induction motor load tends to depress voltage, especially on starting. The paper includes experimental results, dynamic load modelling, comparison of experimental results and simulation results for various levels of heat pump deployment. The simulations are based on a generic test network designed to capture the main characteristics of UK distribution system practice. The simulations employ DIgSlILENT to facilitate dynamic simulations that focus on starting current, voltage variations, active power, reactive power and switching transients.


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This paper is concerned with the voltage and reactive power issues surrounding the connection of Distributed Generation (DG) on the low-voltage (LV) distribution network. The presented system-wide voltage control algorithm consists of three stages. Firstly available reactive power reserves are utilized. Then, if required, DG active power output is curtailed. Finally, curtailment of non-critical site demand is considered. The control methodology is tested on a variant of the 13-bus IEEE Node Radial Distribution Test Feeder. The presented control algorithm demonstrated that the distribution system operator (DSO) can maintain voltage levels within a desired statutory range by dispatching reactive power from DG or network devices. The practical application of the control strategy is discussed.


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The power system of the future will have a hierarchical structure created by layers of system control from via regional high-voltage transmission through to medium and low-voltage distribution. Each level will have generation sources such as large-scale offshore wind, wave, solar thermal, nuclear directly connected to this Supergrid and high levels of embedded generation, connected to the medium-voltage distribution system. It is expected that the fuel portfolio will be dominated by offshore wind in Northern Europe and PV in Southern Europe. The strategies required to manage the coordination of supply-side variability with demand-side variability will include large scale interconnection, demand side management, load aggregation and storage in the concept of the Supergrid combined with the Smart Grid. The design challenge associated with this will not only include control topology, data acquisition, analysis and communications technologies, but also the selection of fuel portfolio at a macro level. This paper quantifies the amount of demand side management, storage and so-called ‘back-up generation’ needed to support an 80% renewable energy portfolio in Europe by 2050.


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With the increasing utilization of electric vehicles (EVs), transportation systems and electrical power systems are becoming increasingly coupled. However, the interaction between these two kinds of systems are not well captured, especially from the perspective of transportation systems. This paper studies the reliability of integrated transportation and electrical power system (ITES). A bidirectional EV charging control strategy is first demonstrated to model the interaction between the two systems. Thereafter, a simplified transportation system model is developed, whose high efficiency makes the reliability assessment of the ITES realizable with an acceptable accuracy. Novel transportation system reliability indices are then defined from the view point of EV’s driver. Based on the charging control model and the transportation simulation method, a daily periodic quasi sequential reliability assessment method is proposed for the ITES system. Case studies based on RBTS system demonstrate that bidirectional charging controls of EVs will benefit the reliability of power systems, while decrease the reliability of EVs travelling. Also, the optimal control strategy can be obtained based on the proposed method. Finally, case studies are performed based on a large scale test system to verify the practicability of the proposed method.


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This paper details the implementation and operational performance of a minimum-power 2.45-GHz pulse receiver and a companion on-off keyed transmitter for use in a semi-active duplex RF biomedical transponder. A 50-Ohm microstrip stub-matched zero-bias diode detector forms the heart of a body-worn receiver that has a CMOS baseband amplifier consuming 20 microamps from +3 V and achieves a tangential sensitivity of -53 dBm. The base transmitter generates 0.5 W of peak RF output power into 50 Ohms. Both linear and right-hand circularly polarized Tx-Rx antenna sets were employed in system reliability trials carried out in a hospital Coronary Care Unit, For transmitting antenna heights between 0.3 and 2.2 m above floor level, transponder interrogations were 95% reliable within the 67-m-sq area of the ward, falling to an average of 46 % in the surrounding rooms and corridors. Overall, the circular antenna set gave the higher reliability and lower propagation power decay index.


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Power system islanding can improve the continuity of power supply. Synchronous islanded operation enables the islanded system to remain in phase with the main power system while not electrically connected, so avoiding out-of-synchronism re-closure. Specific consideration is required for the multiple-set scenario. In this paper a suitable island management system is proposed, with the emphasis being on maximum island flexibility by allowing passive islanding transitions to occur, facilitated by intelligent control. These transitions include: island detection, identification, fragmentation, merging and return-to-mains. It can be challenging to detect these transitions while maintaining syn-chronous islanded operation. The performance of this control system in the presence of a variable wind power in-feed is also examined. A Mathworks SimPowerSystems simulation is used to investigate the performance of the island management system. The benefit and requirements for energy storage, com-munications and distribution system protection for this application are considered.


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Over the last decade there has been a rapid global increase in wind power stimulated by energy and climate policies. However, as wind power is inherently variable and stochastic over a range of time scales, additional system balancing is required to ensure system reliability and stability. This paper reviews the technical, policy and market challenges to achieving ambitious wind power penetration targets in Ireland’s All-Island Grid and examines a number of measures proposed to address these challenges. Current government policy in Ireland is to address these challenges with additional grid reinforcement, interconnection and open-cycle gas plant. More recently smart grid combined with demand side management and electric vehicles have also been presented as options to mitigate the variability of wind power. In addition, the transmission system operators have developed wind farm specific grid codes requiring improved turbine controls and wind power forecasting techniques.


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The Biospheric Project is a nested multi-scalar urban agriculture project that aims to develop sustainable food systems in disadvantaged communities, though not only physical interventions, such as the urban masterplan and neighbourhood design to the building and its roof and façade, but also through social and commercial interventions, such as community involvement, businesses and a distribution system.

The project is focused around the Biospheric Foundation, a community interest company and research think-tank whose aim is to hasten our transition to a closed cycle, low-carbon economy. Its home is Irwell house, that houses a large-scale aquaponic-based food production system, which is directly linked to a whole-food shop (78 Steps, named after the distance from the productive system) and a whole food distribution system (the Whole Box). The building sits within a post-industrial landscape which is being developed into a new productive landscape, utilizing the the technologies developed by the Biospheric Foundation and Prof Greg Keeffe of Queens University Belfast. The collaboration links designer, academics and activists across the disciplines of Urban design, Architecture, Permaculture, landscape design, environmental science and business and community.


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We analyze the performance of dual-hop two-way amplify-and-forward relaying in the presence of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) at the relay node. In particular, two power allocation schemes, namely, fixed power allocation and instantaneous power allocation, are proposed to improve the system reliability and robustness against IQI under a total transmit power constraint. For each proposed scheme, the outage probability is investigated over independent, non-identically distributed Nakagami- m fading channels, and exact closed-form expressions and bounds are derived. Our theoretical analysis indicates that, without IQI compensation, IQI can create fundamental performance limits on two-way relaying. However, these limits can be avoided by performing IQI compensation at source nodes. Compared with the equal power allocation scheme, our numerical results show that the two proposed power allocation schemes can significantly improve the outage performance, thus reducing the IQI effects, particularly when the total power budget is large.


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Future digital signal processing (DSP) systems must provide robustness on algorithm and application level to the presence of reliability issues that come along with corresponding implementations in modern semiconductor process technologies. In this paper, we address this issue by investigating the impact of unreliable memories on general DSP systems. In particular, we propose a novel framework to characterize the effects of unreliable memories, which enables us to devise novel methods to mitigate the associated performance loss. We propose to deploy specifically designed data representations, which have the capability of substantially improving the system reliability compared to that realized by conventional data representations used in digital integrated circuits, such as 2's-complement or sign-magnitude number formats. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework, we analyze the impact of unreliable memories on coded communication systems, and we show that the deployment of optimized data representations substantially improves the error-rate performance of such systems.


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Traditional internal combustion engine vehicles are a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants, such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides. If the tail pipe point emissions could be managed centrally without reducing the commercial and personal user functionalities, then one of the most attractive solutions for achieving a significant reduction of emissions in the transport sector would be the mass deployment of electric vehicles. Though electric vehicle sales are still hindered by battery performance, cost and a few other technological bottlenecks, focused commercialisation and support from government policies are encouraging large scale electric vehicle adoptions. The mass proliferation of plug-in electric vehicles is likely to bring a significant additional electric load onto the grid creating a highly complex operational problem for power system operators. Electric vehicle batteries also have the ability to act as energy storage points on the distribution system. This double charge and storage impact of many uncontrollable small kW loads, as consumers will want maximum flexibility, on a distribution system which was originally not designed for such operations has the potential to be detrimental to grid balancing. Intelligent scheduling methods if established correctly could smoothly integrate electric vehicles onto the grid. Intelligent scheduling methods will help to avoid cycling of large combustion plants, using expensive fossil fuel peaking plant, match renewable generation to electric vehicle charging and not overload the distribution system causing a reduction in power quality. In this paper, a state-of-the-art review of scheduling methods to integrate plug-in electric vehicles are reviewed, examined and categorised based on their computational techniques. Thus, in addition to various existing approaches covering analytical scheduling, conventional optimisation methods (e.g. linear, non-linear mixed integer programming and dynamic programming), and game theory, meta-heuristic algorithms including genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimisation, are all comprehensively surveyed, offering a systematic reference for grid scheduling considering intelligent electric vehicle integration.


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The future European power system will have a hierarchical structure created by layers of system control from a Supergrid via regional high-voltage transmission through to medium and low-voltage distribution. Each level will have generation sources such as large-scale offshore wind, wave, solar thermal, nuclear directly connected to this Supergrid and high levels of embedded generation, connected to the medium-voltage distribution system. It is expected that the fuel portfolio will be dominated by offshore wind in Northern Europe and PV in Southern Europe. The strategies required to manage the coordination of supply-side variability with demand-side variability will include large scale interconnection, demand side management, load aggregation and storage in the context of the Supergrid combined with the Smart Grid. The design challenge associated with this will not only include control topology, data acquisition, analysis and communications technologies, but also the selection of fuel portfolio at a macro level. This paper quantifies the amount of demand side management, storage and so-called 'back-up generation' needed to support an 80% renewable energy portfolio in Europe by 2050. © 2013 IEEE.