2 resultados para HD, dtr, DtrG historiographie
em QSpace: Queen's University - Canada
To reach for a target, we must formulate a movement plan - a difference vector of the target position with respect to the starting hand position. While it is known that the medial part of the intraparietal sulcus (mIPS) and the dorsal premotor (PMd) activity reflects aspects of a kinematic plan for a reaching movement, it is unclear whether or how the two regions may differ. We investigated the functional roles of the mIPS and PMd in the planning of reaching movements using high definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) and examined changes in horizontal endpoint error when participants were subjected to anodal and cathodal stimulation. The left mIPS and PMd were functionally localized with fMRI in each participant using an interleaved center-out pointing and saccade task and mapped onto the scalp using Brainsight. We adopted a randomized, single-blind design and applied anodal and cathodal stimulation (2mA for 20 min; 3cm radius 4x1 electrode placement) during 4 separate visits scheduled at least a week apart. Each participant performed 250 baseline, stimulation, and post-stimulation memory-guided reaches starting from one of two initial hand positions (IHPs) to one of 4 briefly flashed targets (20 cm distant, 5 cm apart horizontally) while fixating on a straight-ahead cross located at the target line. Separate 2-way repeated measures ANOVAs of horizontal endpoint error difference after cathodal tDCS at each stimulation site revealed a significant IHP by target position interaction effect at the left mIPS, and significant IHP and target main effects at the left PMd. Behaviorally, these effects corresponded to IHP-dependent contractions after cathodal mIPS tDCS and IHP-independent contractions after cathodal PMd tDCS. These results suggest that the movement vector is not yet formed at the input level of mIPS, but is encoded at the input of PMd. These results also indicate that tDCS is a viable, useful method in investigating movement planning properties through temporary perturbations of the system.
Schedule-Induced Polydipsia (SIP) is an animal model of adjunctive drinking induced when a hungry rat receives food on a fixed interval of time. This model has been implemented as a model of compulsive behaviour and may represent a powerful tool to understand the neural mechanisms of compulsion. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is thought to translate challenges to energy homeostasis into consummatory behaviours, and is therefore likely to contribute to drinking behaviours displayed by food restricted rats in the SIP paradigm. Furthermore, the BNST seems implicated in various compulsive behaviors, including compulsive water drinking in rats. Therefore, the goal of this project was to determine whether compulsive drinking in the SIP paradigm was associated with alterations in transmission at oval BNST (ovBNST) synapses. Rats undergoing the SIP procedure had restricted food access (1-hours/day) for a total of 29 days. After 7 days of food restriction and for the next 21 consecutive days, the rats had daily 2-hour access to operant conditioning chambers where they were presented with a 45-mg food pellet every minute. Water consumed during these 2-hour sessions was measured and the rats that drank 15 ml or more water for a minimum of 3 consecutive days were considered High Drinkers (HD; n=17) or otherwise, Low Drinkers (LD; n=13). Brain slices whole-cell patch clamp recordings conducted 18-hours after the last SIP training showed that chronic food restriction changed low frequency stimulation (LFS) - induced long-term potentiation of ovBNST inhibitory synaptic transmission (iLTP) into LFS - induced long-term depression (iLTD) in a majority of neurons, regardless of drinking behaviours. However, ad libitum access to food between the last day of SIP training and brain slice recordings (18-hour refeed) rescued LFS-induced iLTP in LD but not in HD, suggesting that impaired bi-directional plasticity of ovBNST synapses may contribute to compulsive drinking in the SIP paradigm.