em QSpace: Queen's University - Canada


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Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are produced by a variety of organisms to either protect them from freezing or help them tolerate being frozen. Recent structural work has shown that AFPs bind to ice using ordered surface waters on a particular surface of the protein called the ice-binding site (IBS). These 'anchored clathrate' waters fuse to particular planes of an ice crystal and hence irreversibly bind the AFP to its ligand. An AFP isolated from the perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne (LpAFP) was previously modelled as a right-handed beta helix with two proposed IBSs. Steric mutagenesis, where small side chains were replaced with larger ones, determined that only one of the putative IBSs was responsible for binding ice. The mutagenesis work also partly validated the fold of the computer-generated model of this AFP. In order to determine the structure of the protein, LpAFP was crystallized and solved to 1.4 Å resolution. The protein folds as an untwisted left-handed beta-helix, of opposite handedness to the model. The IBS identified by mutagenesis is remarkably flat, but less regular than the IBS of most other AFPs. Furthermore, several of the residues constituting the IBS are in multiple conformations. This irregularity may explain why LpAFP causes less thermal hysteresis than many other AFPs. Its imperfect IBS is also argued to be responsible for LpAFP's heightened ice-recrystallization inhibition activity. The structure of LpAFP is the first for a plant AFP and for a protein responsible for providing freeze tolerance rather than freeze resistance. To help understand what constitutes an IBS, a non-ice-binding homologue of type III AFP, sialic acid synthase (SAS), was engineered for ice binding. Point mutations were made to the germinal IBS of SAS to mimic key features seen in type III AFP. The crystal structures of some of the mutant proteins showed that the potential IBS became less charged and flatter as the mutations progressed, and ice affinity was gained. This proof-of-principle study highlights some of the difficulties in AFP engineering.


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Background: Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have higher than normal ventilatory equivalents for carbon dioxide (VE/VCO2) during exercise. There is growing evidence that emphysema on thoracic computed tomography (CT) scans is associated with poor exercise capacity in COPD patients with only mild-to-moderate airflow obstruction. We hypothesized that emphysema is an underlying cause of microvascular dysfunction and ventilatory inefficiency, which in turn contributes to reduced exercise capacity. We expected ventilatory inefficiency to be associated with a) the extent of emphysema; b) lower diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; c) a reduced pulmonary blood flow response to exercise; and d) reduced exercise capacity. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 19 subjects with mild-to-moderate COPD (mean ± SD FEV1= 82 ± 13% predicted, 12 GOLD grade 1) and 26 age-, sex-, and activity-matched controls underwent a ramp-incremental symptom-limited exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Ventilatory inefficiency was assessed by the minimum VE/VCO2 value (nadir). A subset of subjects also completed repeated constant work rate exercise bouts with non-invasive measurements of pulmonary blood flow. Emphysema was quantified as the percentage of attenuation areas below -950 Housefield Units on CT scans. An electronic scoresheet was used to keep track of emphysema sub-types. Results: COPD subjects typically had centrilobular emphysema (76.8 ± 10.1% of total emphysema) in the upper lobes (upper/lower lobe ratio= 0.82 ± 0.04). They had lower peak oxygen uptake (VO2), higher VE/VCO2 nadir and greater dyspnea scores than controls (p<0.05). Lower peak O2 and worse dyspnea were found in COPD subjects with VE/VCO2 nadirs ≥ 30. COPD subjects had blunted increases in pulmonary blood flow from rest to iso-VO2 exercise (p<0.05). Higher VE/VCO2 nadir in COPD subjects correlated with emphysema severity (r= 0.63), which in turn correlated with reduced lung diffusing capacity (r= -0.72) and blunted changes in pulmonary blood flow from rest to exercise (r= -0.69) (p<0.01). Conclusions: Ventilation “wasted” in emphysematous areas is associated with reduced exercise ventilatory efficiency in mild-to-moderate COPD. Exercise ventilatory inefficiency links structure (emphysema) and function (gas transfer) to a key clinical outcome (reduced exercise capacity) in COPD patients with modest spirometric abnormalities.