15 resultados para Variabilidad

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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Se comenta en esta nota el hallazgo en las costas españolas de Ulva rigida var. fimbriata, ofreciéndose nuevos datos sobre su morfología y caracteres anatómicos, así como su distribución geográfica.


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Phenotypic variation (morphological and pathogenic characters), and genetic variability were studied in 50 isolates of seven Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew) races 100, 300, 304, 314, 710, 704 and 714. There were significant morphological, aggressiveness, and genetic differences for pathogen isolates. However, there was no relationship between morphology of zoosporangia and sporangiophores and pathogenic and genetic characteristics for the races used in our study. Also, our results provided evidence that no relation between pathogenic traits and multilocus haplotypes may be established in P. halstedii. The hypothesis explaining the absence of relationships among phenotypic and genetic characteristics is discussed.


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The botanic origin and the protein content of 15 honeys from small bee farms exploitations of Galicia, for family consume, were studied; the aim is to check if the protein wealth and the pollen wealth are dependent parameters. Seven honeys resulted to be Rhamnus frangula unifloral (pollen patterns with low diversity), two Castanea sativa Miller unifloral, other one heather unifloral, and five was multifloral honeys of various pollen patterns (four Castanea predominant and one Rhamnus frangula predominant). Their pollen wealth was low; eight honeys classified in the Maurizio Class I, 3 in Class II, 2 in Class III, and one in Maurizio Class IV. There has been a wide variability in its protein content (0.09- 4.83 mg prot./g honey). The relative amount of pollen from different taxa has a direct or inverse proportionality to wealth protein.


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El estudio de los especimenes de herbario, recolectados en la Península Ibérica y Marruecos, y que han sido atribuidos a Cvttara humilis L y C hystrtc Raíl ha puesto de manifiesto la variabilidad de ciertos caracteres, mucho más notable en eí material marroquí. La representación mediante símbolos, en un mapa, de la distribución de seis dc los caracteres morfológicos seleccionados, permite comprobar la existencia de formas intermedias, que se situan en la zona de contacto entre las áreas marroquíes dc ambos túxones. Sc discute la posibilidad de explicar este hecho, como resultado de un proceso de hibridación alopátrica introgresiva.


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Los autores describen el Serratulo-Asperuletum pyrenaicae, asociación nueva que tipifica la alianza Saponarion caespitosae: ambos sintáxones son del Pirineo occidental. Trascomentar la variabilidad de algunas especies características, comparan dicha alianza cnn otraspirenaicas (Festucion scopariae y Thymelaeion nivalis) y de los Alpes (orden Astragaletalia sempervirentis), indicando sus afinidades ecológicas y las especies vicariantes,


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Las gleras de Peña Trevinca y territorios adyacentes (NO de la Península Ibérica), a pesar de su reducida extensión, muestran una gran variabilidad en la vegetación colonizadora. Han podido identificarse tres asociaciones diferentes: Cryptogrammo-Dryopteridetum (Polystichetalia lonchitis): Phalacrocacarpo-Rumicetum suffruticosi y Sesamoido-Silenetum herminii (as. rova), ambas incluibles en Androsacetalia alpina. Las tres son silicícolas pero difieren ecológicamente por la naturaleza y tamaño de los bloques: grandes bloques cuarciticos, bloques medianos de cuarzo y lanchas pizarrosas pequeñas, respectivamente.


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Studies on the flora and fauna of the Canary Islands show that this Archipelago is one of the planet’s diversity hot spots. However, an analysis of the differences in the phytogeographic characteristics of each of the islands that make up this Archipelago is lacking. This article focuses on the phytogeographic characterization of the island of Gran Canaria. This island exhibits geological and climatic characteristics resulting in a rich vascular flora, including endemic species and genera that are significantly different from the other islands of the Archipelago. These differences are verified through statistical analysis of the existing similarity between the floras of the members of the Canary Islands. This study also analyses the subdivision of Gran Canaria Island, indicating that there are three well-differentiated areas on the island itself. Finally, this study argues that these areas, themselves, should be considered biogeographic sectors.


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La prospectiva es parte de la planificación estratégica. Es una herramienta habitual en la gestión y dirección de empresas. Algunos países europeos la incluyen dentro de sus trabajos de diseño de las políticas ambientales. La generación de escenarios es una técnica cualitativa de prospectiva apta para los entornos con alta variabilidad y complejidad. El artículo explica el modo de aplicar esta técnica poniendo en paralelo los pasos dados en el proyecto Nature Outlook 2050 que ha desarrollado la agencia de evaluación y prospectiva ambiental de los Países Bajos (PBL).


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Abundant material of turtles from the early Oligocene site of Boutersem-TGV (Boutersem, Belgium), is presented here. No information on the turtles found there was so far available. All the turtle specimens presented here are attributable to a single freshwater taxon that is identified as a member of Geoemydidae, Cuvierichelys. It is the first representative of the ‘Palaeochelys s. l.–Mauremys’ group recognized in the Belgian Paleogene record. This material, which allows to know all the elements of both the carapace and the plastron of the taxon, cannot be attributed to the only species of the genus Cuvierichelys so far identified in the Oligocene, the Spanish form Cuvierichelys iberica. The taxon from Boutersem is recognized as Cuvierichelys parisiensis. Thus, both the paleobiogeographic and the biostratigraphic distributions of Cuvierichelys parisiensis are extended, its presence being confirmed for the first time outside the French Eocene record. The validity of some European forms is refuted, and several characters previously proposed as different between Cuvierichelys iberica and Cuvierichelys parisiensis are recognized as subjected to intraspecific variability.


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The Early Miocene Napak XV locality (ca 20.5 Ma), Uganda, has yielded an interesting assemblage of fossils, including the very well represented amphicyonid Hecubides euryodon. The remarkable find of a nearly complete mandible, unfortunately with poorly preserved dentition, together with new dental remains allow us to obtain a better idea about the morphology and variability of this species. Additionally, we describe a newly discovered mandible of Hecubides euryodon from the Grillental-VI locality (Sperrgebiet, Namibia), which is the most complete and diagnostic Amphicyonidae material found in this area. Comparisons with Cynelos lemanensis from Saint Gérand le Pouy (France), the type locality, and with an updated sample of the species of amphicyonids described in Africa leads us to validate the genus Hecubides. Hecubides would be phylogenetically related to the medium and large size species of Amphicyonidae from Africa, most of them now grouped into the genera Afrocyon and Myacyon, both endemic to this continent.


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Juniperus navicularis Gand. is a dioecious endemic conifer that constitutes the understory of seaside pine forests in Portugal, areas currently threatened by increasing urban expansion. The aim of this study is to assess the conservation status of previously known populations of this species located on its core area of distribution. The study was performed in south-west coast of Portugal. Three populations varying in size and pine density were analyzed. Number of individuals, population density, spatial distribution and individual characteristics of junipers were estimated. Female cone, seed characteristics and seed viability were also evaluated. Results suggest that J. navicularis populations are vulnerable because seminal recruitment is scarce, what may lead to a reduction of genetic variability due solely to vegetative propagation. This vulnerability seems to be strongly determined by climatic constraints toward increasing aridity. Ratio between male and female shrubs did not differ from 1:1 in any population. Deviations from 1:1 between mature and non-mature plants were found in all populations, denoting population ageing. Very low seed viability was observed. A major part of described Juniperus navicularis populations have disappeared through direct habitat loss to urban development, loss of fitness in drier and warmer locations and low seed viability. This study is the first to address J. navicularis conservation, and represents a valuable first step toward this species preservation. 


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Para progresar en el camino hacia una efectiva atención a la diversidad, es inevitable desarrollar un estilo de enseñanza que tenga en cuenta las diferencias individuales que presenta el alumnado, muy vinculadas a intereses, necesidades, aptitudes, potencialidades y estilos de aprendizaje particulares del educando. Rasgos, todos ellos, que los hace únicos y diferenciados. Así, desde el estudio de la variabilidad intersujeto y partiendo de un marco teórico multidimensional, se describen y analizan las diferencias interindividuales e intergrupales de 555 estudiantes de la Facultades de Ciencias de la Educación de Galicia pertenecientes a las Universidades de Coruña, Santiago de Compostela y Vigo, bajo el prisma de los siguientes estilos de enseñanza: reflexivo, cooperador, individualizador, innovador, indagador y académico. Los resultados obtenidos revelan la existencia de diferencias significativas en las preferencias sobre estilos de enseñanza en función de las variables propuestas: Universidad, especialidad, sexo y edad.


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This paper discusses some aspects of hunter-gatherer spatial organization in southern South Patagonia, in later times to 10,000 cal yr BP. Various methods of spatial analysis, elaborated with a Geographic Information System (GIS) were applied to the distributional pattern of archaeological sites with radiocarbon dates. The shift in the distributional pattern of chronological information was assessed in conjunction with other lines of evidence within a biogeographic framework. Accordingly, the varying degrees of occupation and integration of coastal and interior spaces in human spatial organization are explained in association with the adaptive strategies hunter-gatherers have used over time. Both are part of the same human response to changes in risk and uncertainty variability in the region in terms of resource availability and environmental dynamics.


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The pottery found in the burials of El Cano is uniform in style to these made in the coclesanos valleys between 700 and 1000 AD. The coefficient of variability of the different pottery forms, evidence diverse standardizations values for polychrome and non-polychrome ceramics. Moreover, data of funerary contexts from the Cano recently excavated, suggest that elite has controlled ceramic production. This control over the production of certain goods reveals that these were important in the support or proper operational of the chiefdoms in Panama and mark the phase of splendour of this culture.


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El presente trabajo tiene por objeto presentar la primera aproximación a las relaciones interétnicas en el escenario del Fuerte San José y el Puesto de la Fuente, desde una perspectiva histórica y arqueológica. En particular, presentaremos los primeros resultados de las investigaciones históricas respecto de la problemática mencionada, sobre la base de información inédita analizada hasta el momento. Para ello nos centraremos en los primeros diez años de vida en el Fuerte (1779-1789) y estableceremos una comparación con los otros dos asentamientos que formaron parte del plan de poblamiento español de las costa patagónica (siglo XVIII): el Fuerte Nuestra Señora del Carmen y la Nueva Colonia de Floridablanca, a los efectos de destacar la particularidad del Fuerte San José en el marco de la variabilidad de la estructuración de las relaciones interétnicas en las colonias patagónicas.