11 resultados para Chansons et chansonniers. 1724, dossier Hulot
em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha
Dimensiosis des galbules et/ou teneur en prodelphinidine des aiguilles permettent trés généralement de déterminer les sous-espéces oxycedrus et macrocarpa, respectivement septentrionale-continentale et méridionale-insulaire, du Genévrier oxyeédre Juniperus oxycedrus L. Parcontre, la sous-espéce nord-africaine rufescens (en montagne) ne parah pas distinguable à ces titres de la sous-espéce type. Mais l’étude biochimique plus approfondie d’une (méta)population languedocienne montre l’existence d’un polymorphisme proanthocyanique indépendant de la taille des galbules. Les deux sous-espéces classiquement reconnues pourraient donc n’étre que les formes extremes, homozygotes pour le caractére chimique considéré, d’un méme génóme spécifique. Si les spécimens littoraux (Corse, Majorque, Maghreb) correspondent bien à la pleine expression (= prodelphinidine forte) de ce polymorphisme, certains échantillons «péri-littoraux» (Baléares et Languedoc) trahissent une introgression (actuelle ou ancienne) ayee appartion d’individus hétérozygotes, aux teneurs intermédiaires: des génes «macrocarpa» sont done bien presents au nord de la Méditerranée, méme si le phénoméne n’est pas morphologiquement décelable, et ne mérite pas d’étre formalisé en termes systématiques.
Les formations a genévrier thurifère des Alpes françcaises du sud, présentent un intérêt biogeographique et historique de première importance. Les auteurs étudient les structures de végétation que le genevrier organise dans les étages supraméditerranéen et montagnards.
Cette premiére note concerne quelques aspects de la végétation des falaises littorales del’extréme sud-ouest de l’Angleterre. Elle y décrit notamment la chénaie de la pointe du Dizzard et la lande á bruyére vagabonde du cap Lizzard.
Con la ayuda de algunos ejemplos, se estudia el comportamiento de los sintáxones en los límites corológicos de las unidades fitosociológicas superiores; se muestra que, a medida que nos alejamos de su centro de gravedad, esas unidades pierden poco a poco sus especies y que, en sus límites corológicos, no quedan más especies características de unidades superiores para definir las comunidades. Se evocan entonces algunas consecuencias de esas observaciones: noción de combinación específica original, interpretación fitosociológica de los sintáxones, nomenclatura fitosociológica.
Se ha realizado un estudio anatómico (frutos y hojas) en 24 poblaciones de Bupleurum salicifolium R. Brown in Buch recogidas en las lslas Canarias Occidentales y Madeira, lo que nos ha permitido evidenciar una estructura uniforme de los frutos. Por el contrario, en las hojas se han observado tres tipos de estructuras, así como la existencia de un canal oleoso, cuya presencia o ausencia coincide con la distribución geográfica de la especie en las diferentes islas. Estas observaciones nos han inducido a hacer una nueva propuesta sistemática: B. salicifolium subsp. salicifolium con dos variedades, var. salicifolium (Madeira y Gomera) y var. robustum comb. nova (Gomera), y subsp. aciphyllum (La Palma, Hierro, Tenerife y Gran Canaria).La importancia de cada uno de los tipos de hojas en las diferentes islas nos ha pemitido asimismo proponer un esquema de dispersión de la especie. La existencia de estructuras consideradas como más primitivas, así como la desaparición de las poblaciones diploides, permiten suponer que B. salicifolium es una especie antigua que conserva su número base de origen x = 8 (En francés).
The study addresses the essential features of University Programmes for senior citizens (PUM). It committed to the lifelong education through the integration of the elderly in the University. Part of the base that is learned during the entire life cycle, there is no age, no specific space for education. Learning is constructed from knowledge, abilities, skills and aptitudes that are enriched continuously. It is necessary to ensure the elderly to age in a healthy way. It calls for active ageing, effective tool against isolation and social exclusion. The aim is to discover aspects of the UNED Senior training programme that contribute to lifelong learning and satisfaction produced. The PUM are ways for the promotion of aging along with other activities aimed to enhance a creative leisure, access to culture, facilitate training on topics of interest and create a means of participation in all spheres of society. In this research has resorted to a mixed methodology. Their wealth combines the methods of quantitative and qualitative allowing us to obtain information and contrast from different perspectives. The purpose is to verify the results of the investigation. The sample consists of 639 students, 57 teachers and 15 coordinators. The results indicate that the PUM of the UNED Senior is highly satisfactory for those involved, by the adequacy between interests and expectations. Fruit of this research are the conclusions and suggestions for improvement.
The purpose of this article is to give a report about a research related with the conditions of inclusion of students with disability in a Chilean university. This research is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. To collect the data required, a survey was developed, which was applied to 38 students with disability. The main results reveal a high retention rate of students, who exhibit a positive perception of their inclusion in their university life and also a high level of satisfaction with most of the services provided. Seven out of ten students surveyed recognize having received some sort of education care from their programs to pursue their studies. However, there still exists a lack of connection between the current initiatives developed at the university to support the enrollment and permanence of students. Added to this fact, there is a lack of protocols and training for teachers and staff. In this study it is proposed that the university must establish a management system that defines objectives, strategies and actions that contribute to improve inclusion of people with disabilities.
Based on the analysis model favored by the study of the conditions in which the seventeenth century Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes took place, we examine the case of confrontation between realism and abstraction, which occurred in the context of Spanish art in the nineties of the twentieth century. Connections are established with other aesthetic conflicts which are considered part of a genealogy whose most explicit antecedent could be placed in the before mentioned complaint, such as the confrontation between realism and abstraction in the American art scene, which occurred in the fifties of the last century, and the more recent controversy on pluralism and the end of art.