23 resultados para Guerra Civil española (1936-1939)
The work analyse from a journalistic point of view the history radio divulgation of health during the Second Republic and the start of the Franco era. For it, printed sources of the health broadcast conferences have been analysed. The most frequently used radio genre was a combination of informative monologue and monologue opinion. Questions relating to maternal-juvenile health were the most disseminated. In general, the radio language employed responded to the needs for clarity, as well as adapting the message to the target audience. With Francoism, the political slogans were incorporated and the gender discussions were given more importance.
¿Puede un retrato pictórico suscitar un ejercicio de microhistoria? Nuestra investigación tratará de aportar una respuesta positiva a esta cuestión, analizando para ello uno de los pocos retratos del pintor postimpresionista Joaquim Mir Trinxet, fechado en 1926. El protagonista representado no es otro que el suegro del pintor, Antoni Estalella i Trinxet, un insigne personaje de Vilanova y la Geltrú (Barcelona) que vivió entre dos siglos. La obra está ambientada en la tienda de juguetes de la familia, convirtiéndose así en una de las escasas pinturas que han captado el interior de una juguetería en la España anterior a la Guerra Civil. Gracias a los trabajos de archivo realizados, este artículo reúne diversos documentos inéditos que permiten reconstruir no sólo la vida del retratado, que llegó a ser corresponsal de Francisco Pi y Margall, sino también el ambiente social, artístico y comercial de Vilanova, en un período que abarca desde la década de 1870 a la primera mitad del siglo XX, en plena “Edad de Oro” de la industria juguetera. Es esta una propuesta de metodología historiográfica cuyo recorrido comienza en el oficio arcaico de la tonelería para desembocar al fin en los albores del comercio moderno de juguetes.
This paper explores the problem of the synthesis between vitalism and rationalism, in contemporary philosophy. With this aim, we compare the intellectual careers of Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) and José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955). We contrast their conceptions of philosophy as “hybrid” knowledge, closely related to science, as well as their points of view on Vitalism, anthropology, the technique and the perspectivism. To avoid that comparison is purely abstract and ahistorical, we use the method of the sociology of philosophy. This forces us to locate both paths in their respective philosophical fields and generational units, also according to his social background and professional career.
El presente artículo analiza el discurso que los principales diarios españoles dieron al referéndum por la independencia de Escocia, celebrado el 18 de septiembre de 2014, a través del humor gráfico. Mediante el Análisis Textual, el objetivo primordial de este estudio es examinar el tratamiento informativo que realizaron El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Razón, La Vanguardia y El Periódico por medio de sus viñetas de opinión. Esta investigación presenta un campo novedoso de análisis tanto en el tema, abriendo nuevas áreas de trabajo sobre el nacionalismo y el papel de los medios, como en la metodología, pues el examen del humor gráfico continúa siendo una asignatura pendiente en los estudios de comunicación.
There is a significant lack of sociological research in Spain about anti-Semitism. At the same time there are alarming anti-Semitic tendencies and anti-Jewish stereotypes which are above the European average. This article aims to explain this lack of sociological research about anti-Semitism in Spain. Therefore two types of explications are offered: on the one hand side some structural problems will be shown which sociology in general had since its beginnings and which complicate the understanding of anti-Semitism. Furthermore explications regarding the specific social and historic situation in Spain and of Spanish sociology in particular will be exposed. It will be shown that for its rationalistic character and with the exception of very few authors – who are considered marginalized for practical research – sociology in general has had enormous problems in understanding anti-Semitism. The specific historic situation, Francoism, the dispute about the historic memory and the delayed institutionalisation of sociology could also explain the lack of sociological interest in the topic especially in Spain. The article shows that the study of anti-Semitism is not only relevant for struggling against this burden of society in many of its variants. Furthermore, thinking about anti-Semitism can help sociology to recognise its own epistemological problems. It can serve to criticise and improve instruments of sociological research by showing the limitations of the sociological approach and to uncover the importance of interdisciplinary research for understanding specific social phenomena. In that sense, anti-Semitism, far from being a marginal subject, can be considered a key topic in the process of civilisation and it can help us to decipher the contemporary Spanish society.
Fundado en abril de 1837 por Modesto Lafuente, el Fray Gerundio fue el principal periódico satírico de su tiempo, así como uno de los más populares y vendidos. Su crítica permanente al poder le valió varias amonestaciones por parte de los distintos gobiernos, la última de las cuales acabó con su cierre en marzo de 1840 por desacato, una acusación que luego se comprobó contraria a la ley. El cierre lo hizo aún más popular y convirtió a Modesto Lafuente en una verdadera celebridad por su defensa de la libertad de imprenta.
L. Vinicius issue a coin series in the late fifties of the first century BC, shortly before the outbreak of war between Julio Caesar (cos. I 59 BC) and the Senate, led by Cn. Pompey Magnus (cos. I 70 BC), that tries, by its iconography, seek harmony bet-ween the two leaders.
This article has developed with the intention of analyzing how the stereotypes, prejudices and lies can influence the education of the children. Formation, that usually comes from family and teachers, who sometimes move for extremist ideologies. There exist multiple fictions in which we observe these social archetypes, but it is the case of the movie Pa negre (Agustí Villaronga, 2010), where the principal personage evolves psychologically, because of that its eyes observe and the ideas that the people transmit him on its family, in the rural environments, where the tradition of the rumors coexists.