48 resultados para Campo de conocimiento


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En la zona norte que corresponde a la región Eurosiberiana hemos reconocido la asociación Teesdalopsio confertae-Festucetum eskiae de la que reconocemos cuatro subasociaciones nuevas: thymelaetosum dendrobryi, luzuletosum hispanicae, silenetosum herminii y nardetosum strictae.


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Se hace un estudio de los matorrales seriales de las sierras del Boquerón y Palomera (Valencia-Albacete). Se discute su posición sintaxonómica y se proponen cuatro nuevasasociaciones (Salvio lavandulifoliae-Erinacetum anthyllidis, Salvio lavandulifoliae-Genistetum mugronensis, Thymo piperellae-Hypericetum ericoidis y Gypsopyllo struthii-Ononidetum edentulae) y diez nuevas subasociaciones.


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Se mencionan una serie de táxones que no se conocian de la provincia de León, o que presentan cierto interés corológico, haciéndose de algunos de ellos comentarios sobre su morfologia y corologia.


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Se estudia al microscopio óptico y al microscopio electrónico de barrido el polen y las semillas de los nueve taxones del género Spergularia representados en Andalucía occidental. El polen resulta ser variable en tamaño y morfología, por lo que su interés taxonómico es sólo relativo si se compara con el de las semillas, que constituyen un carácter útil para la separación de taxones. Se elabora una clave dicotómica para la separación de las especies en función de los caracteres estudiados.


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Se incluyen en esta nota 24 táxones recolectados en las Sierras Subbéticas cordobesas, la mayor parte de los cuales constituyen novedades para la flora de Córdoba y uno de ellos, Ononis pusilla L., para la de Andalucía Occidental.


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Se dan a conocer cinco comunidades que constituyen la vegetación briofítica más frecuente sobre los suelos ácidos del sur de la Península Ibérica: Pogonatetum aloidis (Pogonation aloidis), Fossombronio-Phaeoceretum bulbiculosi y Saccogyno-Fissidentetum serrulati (Dicranellion heteromallae, Dicranelletalia heteromallae, Pogonato-Dicranelletea heteromallae), la asociación Calypogeio-Pallavicinietum lyellii no se incluye en ninguna alianza del mencionado orden. Se propone una nueva alianza submediterránea-subatlántica, Campylopodion fragili-introflexi (Polytrichetalia piliferi, Ceratodo-Polytrichetea piliferi), describiéndose para ella una asociación del sur y suroeste de la Península, Polytricho-Campylopodetum polytrichoidis.


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En el presente trabajo se dan localidades de plantas recolectadas por los autores en Segura-Cazorla pertenecientes a táxones que, hasta el momento, no habían sido citados en el mencionado macizo montañoso, junto con algunas otras que, por su rareza en sí mismo, se ha estimado interesante incorporarlas. Asimismo se incluyen localidades para ciertas especies que, habiendo sido reseñadas en determinados trabajos, no han sido recogidos en los catálogos florísticos publicados posteriormente.


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Con este trabajo se ha tratado de realizar un análisis de loos hayedos basófilos cantábricos, reconociendo la existencia de dos subalianzas: Scillo-Fagenion Obertodfer 1987 y Cephalanthero-Fagenion R. Tx.1995En la subalianza Scillo-Fagenion Oberdorfer 1957 reconocemos la asociación Caria syvaticae-Fagentum (Rias-Martínez 1964) Carmen Navarro 1981. Dentro de la subasociación Carici sylvatiae-Fagenion Pimpinellotosum sufolia nova.En la subalianza Cephalantero-Fagenion reconocemo la asociación Epiapaenes-Fagentun Br-Bl et Susplugar 1937, en cuyo seno proponemos la subasociación Epipactido helleborines-Fagentum laserpitietosum (nesteli) cliasi nova.En cada sintaxon se señalan los aspectos florísticos, dinámicos, corológicos y ecológicos, indicando los pisos bioclimáticos en que tienen su óptimo desarrollo


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A process of social transformation allied with ongoing changes to the family has made possible the existence of a relatively little-known phenomenon: that of child-parent violence, which is raised as one of the most commonly experienced forms of violence in the family environment. Based on the study of this phenomenon, in our research we have used the qualitative technique of a life story, making use of a field diary in which we have taken notes on our daily work in the therapeutic context, for the purposes of mitigating the effects of such a process. The following research objectives were set: establishing the connection existing between family education style and the use of violence by the minor; and evaluating the extent to which family therapy mitigates the use of violence by the minor. The family education model, together with other dimensions, results in situations of child-parent violence occurring repeatedly, with continuing negative reinforcement from both parties in order to maintain a recurrent cycle of conduct, from which it is difficult to «escape» other than through a process of ongoing psychological therapy.


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This paper presents a program centred on arts and education as tools in social work for the inclusion of people with earlyonset dementia and Alzheimer’s. The objective of the programme is to eradicate the stigma and myths associated with the disease.The program is part of the Junta de Castilla y León and the European Social Fund’s ARS Project (Arte y Salud Alzheimer; Alzheimer’s Art & Health). The programme presents a series of evaluated artistic and educational activities that can be undertaken by people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and that can also be used by caregivers and family when working with this group of people, with the aim of improving their wellbeing, self-esteem and quality of life.


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This article has been written with the intention of being able to analyse the contributions of art —theatre, in this case— to the practice of social work. For this purpose, we have chosen to read the social reality in which we intervene through the lens of social constructionism. This helps us to rescue the social and subjective side of art, and, moreover, to recover the depathologization of the subject in professional intervention. Thus, using a practical case taken from work with adolescents in the German FSJ programme, hand-in-hand with a young girl called Anja we trace the developmental and sociological aspects of adolescence in order to later address certain common points of art and psychosocial work. Art will hence be redefined as a transitional object allowing questions to be addressed relating to (self-) perception, attachment, communication and changes in conduct as the ultimate goal of professional action. Lastly, we note the limitations and risks of art-based intervention, in order to conclude with a final synopsis.


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La Cadena Datos-Información-Conocimiento (DIC), denominada “Jerarquía de la Información” o “Pirámide del Conocimiento”, es uno de los modelos más importantes en la Gestión de la Información y la Gestión del Conocimiento. Por lo general, la estructuración de la cadena se ha ido definiendo como una arquitectura en la que cada elemento se levanta sobre el elemento inmediatamente inferior; sin embargo no existe un consenso en la definición de los elementos, ni acerca de los procesos que transforman un elemento de un nivel a uno del siguiente nivel. En este artículo se realiza una revisión de la Cadena Datos-Información-Conocimiento examinando las definiciones más relevantes sobre sus elementos y sobre su articulación en la literatura, para sintetizar las acepciones más comunes. Se analizan los elementos de la Cadena DIC desde la semiótica de Peirce; enfoque que nos permite aclarar los significados e identificar las diferencias, las relaciones y los roles que desempeñan en la cadena desde el punto de vista del pragmatismo. Finalmente se propone una definición de la Cadena DIC apoyada en las categorías triádicas de signos y la semiosis ilimitada de Peirce, los niveles de sistemas de signos de Stamper y las metáforas de Zeleny.


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The aim of this work is to show the type of media coverage done by the newspapers La Razón, El País and Público about the 15-M social movement during the time that the camping at Sol took place. Specifically, in terms of how the characterization of the “indignados” (outraged) got made. Based on our previous descriptive observations, we approached a visual analysis of the photographs published on the paper editions of those mainstream media from May 15-June 12 of the 2011. we started from a total sample of 379 items, developing:1) A content analysis of La Razón, El País, and Público; the most frequents words of each media, articles classifications from the reviews found on them (expositive, positive-evaluation, negative-evaluation).2) An analysis of the 408 images obtained from the total sample, which establishes a clear evolution of the “indignados” profile and how differently each media took the movement as such. That’s, when they stop naming them “indignados”, and recognize its nature as social movement by calling it: “Movimiento 15-M"...


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Greek literature was used from early times with educational purposes, Greek heroes presented were considered as paradigms to follow. However, human acts burst beyond reason and the stories told have little effect on the decisions of the receptor. The aim of this article is to review the character of Achilles in the Iliad, because for him to no avail gifts, friends, much less a narration by his preceptor Phoenix to depose his anger and return to the battlefield to assist his friends.


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Several authors have applied the concept of Welfare Regimens for studying social policy in Latin America (Esping-Andersen, 1993 and 2000). Among others, Martínez Franzoni (2007) develops a typology, with fi eld work is at the turn of the millennium, and establishes three categories: State-productivist regime, state-protectionist and family orientated. Most countries in the region are placed in the latter category. The hypothesis of this article argues that with the emergence of governments considered “left” or “progressive” in several countries of the region from the late ‘90s and, more decisively, in 2000’, the map of welfare regimes models could have mutated substantively. The nationally transformative experiences are different (various socio-economic realities and political action in which they are located exists) but they have several contact points that can be summarized in a greater state intervention in different areas previously closed to their operating and recovery of important functions of welfare and care of the population by the government. The paper discusses with an exploratory and descriptive approach the welfare schemes that would shape in three countries that have constitutionalized the change from the neoliberal paradigm: Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.