10 resultados para asteroids: individual: (153591) 2001 SN263

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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According to dialogical self theory (Hermans, 2001), individual identities reflect cultural and subcultural values, and appropriate voices and discourses from the social environment. Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) systemic theory of human development similarly postulates that individual and social development occur in a symbiotic and interdependent fashion. It would therefore be predicted that individual changes in identity reflect macrocosmic changes in cultural values and social structures. The current study investigated narratives of crisis transitions within adults aged 25-40, by way of interviews with 22 participants. An intensive qualitative analysis showed that the narratives of crisis could indeed be viewed as individual manifestations of contemporary cultural changes. National statistics and academic research have documented in the UK substantial cultural shifts over the last twenty years including the lessening popularity of marriage, the rise of freelance and portfolio careers and the growth of accepted alternative gender roles. In individual crises, changes made over the course of the episode were invariably in the same direction as these social changes; towards flexible work patterns, non-marital relationships and redefined gender identities. Before the crisis, participants described their identity as bound into an established discourse of conventionality, a traditional sense of masculinity or feminitity and a singular career role, while after the crisis alternative and fluid identities are explored, and identity is less defined by role and institution. These findings show that changes in the social macrocosm can be found in the individual microcosm, and therefore support dialogical self theory.


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This paper describes the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the macroscopic bulk motion of solder paste ahead of a moving squeegee blade in the stencil printing process during the manufacture of electronic components. The successful outcome of the stencil printing process is dependent on the interaction of numerous process parameters. A better understanding of these parameters is required to determine their relation to print quality and improve guidelines for process optimization. Various modelling techniques have arisen to analyse the flow behaviour of solder paste, including macroscopic studies of the whole mass of paste as well as microstructural analyses of the motion of individual solder particles suspended in the carrier fluid. This work builds on the knowledge gained to date from earlier analytical models and CFD investigations by considering the important non-Newtonian rheological properties of solder pastes which have been neglected in previous macroscopic studies. Pressure and velocity distributions are obtained from both Newtonian and non-Newtonian CFD simulations and evaluated against each other as well as existing established analytical models. Significant differences between the results are observed, which demonstrate the importance of modelling non-Newtonian properties for realistic representation of the flow behaviour of solder paste.


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Changes over the past decade have emphasised the individual service user and their relationship with the health service. Within the maternity services this has been interpreted as woman-centred care a result of key initiatives; the Winterton Report (House of Commons, 1992. Maternity Services. Second Report of the Health Committee (Winterton Report), Vol. 1. HMSO, London) and Changing Childbirth (DoH, 1993a, Changing childbirth: reports of the expert maternity group parts 1 & 2. HMSO, London). Changing Childbirth outlined key principles of the maternity services and the need for the woman (and her partner, if she wishes) to be the focus of care. The key principles are choice, continuity and control. High quality care depends on the recognition of individuals as having unique needs which continues to be reflected within contemporary policy documents (DoH, 1997, The new NHS: modern and dependable. HMSO, London). This paper presents findings related to the provision of woman-centred care from a national research and development study. The study design incorporated (i): a national survey which was undertaken with midwives, midwife supervisors and doctors; and (ii): in-depth case studies in which information was obtained through interviews with midwives, midwife supervisors, educators, managers, doctors and mothers. Midwives, at all levels, are involved in changing maternity service provision and adapting to new systems of care which aim to increase continuity of care and carer for the woman. The researchers sought to understand how woman-centred care was interpreted and experienced in practice. The findings have been used to identify the continuing educational needs of midwives, and to develop an open learning educational package to meet identified need. The curriculum was designed to enhance the move towards the provision of a more integrated woman-centred service.


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This paper presents work on document retrieval based on first time participation in the CLEF 2001 monolingual retrieval task using French. The experiment findings indicated that Okapi, the text retrieval system in use, can successfully be used for non-English text retrieval. A lot of internal pre-processing is required in the basic search system for conversion into Okapi access formats. Various shell scripts were written to achieve the conversion in a UNIX environment, failure of which would significantly have impeded the overall performance. Based on the experiment findings using Okapi - originally designed for English - it was clear that, although most European languages share conventional word boundaries and variant word morphemes formed by the additon of suffixes, there is significant difference between French and English retrieval depending on the adaptation of indexing and search strategies in use. No sophisticated method for higher recall and precision such as stemming techniques, phrase translation or de-compounding was employed for the experiment and our results were suggestively poor. Future participation would include more refined query translation tools.


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A formal representation is given of the situational structure, and the agents' beliefs about personal identity, in the Smemorato di Collegno amnesia case tried in 1927, in Pollenza, Italy. Another section discusses and formalizes a sample heuristic rule for conjecturing whether an individual identity other than personal, being conveyed by a toponym, was used literally or fictitiously in a given historical corpus of legal casenotes. For example, a landlocked city being named and referred to as though it was a sea port is a fairly good cue for assuming that the toponym is a disguise. Yet, the interpretation is governed by other conventions, when in a play by Shakeaspeare it is stated that a given scene is set on the sea coast of Bohemia. Further discussion of a situational casuistry for identification (especially individual and personal) along with more formal representations will appear in a companion paper "nissanidentifpirandello", also at the disciplinary meet of AI formalisms and legal applications.


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The WTC evacuation of 11 September 2001 provides an unrepeatable opportunity to probe into and understand the very nature of evacuation dynamics and with this improved understanding, contribute to the design of safer, more evacuation efficient, yet highly functional, high rise buildings. Following 9/11 the Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG) of the University of Greenwich embarked on a study of survivor experiences from the WTC Twin Towers evacuation. The experiences were collected from published accounts appearing in the print and electronic mass media and are stored in a relational data base specifically developed for this purpose. Using these accounts and other available sources of information FSEG also undertook a series of numerical simulations of the WTC North Tower. This paper represents an overview of the results from both studies.


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This article provides a broad overview of project HEED (High-rise Evacuation Evaluation Database) and the methodologies employed in the collection and storage of first-hand accounts of evacuation experiences derived from face-to-face interviews of evacuees from the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers complex on September 11, 2001. In particular, the article describes the development of the HEED database. This is a flexible research tool which contains qualitative type data in the form of coded evacuee experiences along with the full interview transcripts. The data and information captured and stored in the HEED database is not only unique, but provides a means to address current and emerging issues relating to human factors associated with the evacuation of high-rise buildings


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Dual-section variable frequency microwave systems enable rapid, controllable heating of materials within an individual surface mount component in a chip-on=board assembly. The ability to process devices individually allows components with disparate processing requirements to be mounted on the same assembly. The temperature profile induced by the microwave system can be specifically tailored to the needs of the component, allowing optimisation and degree of cure whilst minimising thermomechanical stresses. This paper presents a review of dual-section microwave technology and its application to curing of thermosetting polymer materials in microelectronics applications. Curing processes using both conventional and microwave technologies are assessed and compared. Results indicate that dual-section microwave systems are able to cure individual surface mount packages in a significantly shorter time, at the expense of an increase in thermomechanical stresses and a greater variation in degree of cure.


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The Student Experience of e-Learning Laboratory (SEEL) project at the University of Greenwich was designed to explore and then implement a number of approaches to investigate learners’ experiences of using technology to support their learning. In this paper members of the SEEL team present initial findings from a University-wide survey of nearly a 1000 students. A selection of 90 ‘cameos’, drawn from the survey data, offer further insights into personal perceptions of e-learning and illustrate the diversity of students experiences. The cameos provide a more coherent picture of individual student experience based on the totality of each person’s responses to the questionnaire. Finally, extracts from follow-up case studies, based on interviews with a small number of students, allow us to ‘hear’ the student voice more clearly. Issues arising from an analysis of the data include student preferences for communication and social networking tools, views on the ‘smartness’ of their tutors’ uses of technology and perceptions of the value of e-learning. A primary finding and the focus of this paper, is that students effectively arrive at their own individualised selection, configuration and use of technologies and software that meets their perceived needs. This ‘personalisation’ does not imply that such configurations are the most efficient, nor does it automatically suggest that effective learning is occurring. SEEL reminds us that learners are individuals, who approach learning both with and without technology in their own distinctive ways. Hearing, understanding and responding to the student voice is fundamental in maximising learning effectiveness. Institutions should consider actively developing the capacity of academic staff to advise students on the usefulness of particular online tools and resources in support of learning and consider the potential benefits of building on what students already use in their everyday lives. Given the widespread perception that students tend to be ‘digital natives’ and academic staff ‘digital immigrants’ (Prensky, 2001), this could represent a considerable cultural challenge.