7 resultados para asteroids: individual: (153591) 2001 SN263

em CaltechTHESIS


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The purpose of this thesis is to present new observations of thermal-infrared radiation from asteroids. Stellar photometry was performed to provide standards for comparison with the asteroid data. The details of the photometry and the data reduction are discussed in Part 1. A system of standard stars is derived for wavelengths of 8.5, 10.5 and 11.6 µm and a new calibration is adopted. Sources of error are evaluated and comparisons are made with the data of other observers.

The observations and analysis of the thermal-emission observations of asteroids are presented in Part 2. Thermal-emission lightcurve and phase effect data are considered. Special color diagrams are introduced to display the observational data. These diagrams are free of any model-dependent assumptions and show that asteroids differ in their surface properties.

On the basis of photometric models, (4) Vesta is thought to have a bolometric Bond albedo of about 0.1, an emissivity greater than 0.7 and a true radius that is close to the model value of 300^(+50)_(-30)km. Model albedos and model radii are given for asteroids 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 19, 20, 27, 39, 44, 68, 80, 324 and 674. The asteroid (324) Bamberga is extremely dark with a model (~bolometric Bond) albedo in the 0.01 - 0.02 range, which is thought to be the lowest albedo yet measured for any solar-system body. The crucial question about such low-albedo asteroids is their number and the distribution of their orbits.


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Assembling a nervous system requires exquisite specificity in the construction of neuronal connectivity. One method by which such specificity is implemented is the presence of chemical cues within the tissues, differentiating one region from another, and the presence of receptors for those cues on the surface of neurons and their axons that are navigating within this cellular environment.

Connections from one part of the nervous system to another often take the form of a topographic mapping. One widely studied model system that involves such a mapping is the vertebrate retinotectal projection-the set of connections between the eye and the optic tectum of the midbrain, which is the primary visual center in non-mammals and is homologous to the superior colliculus in mammals. In this projection the two-dimensional surface of the retina is mapped smoothly onto the two-dimensional surface of the tectum, such that light from neighboring points in visual space excites neighboring cells in the brain. This mapping is implemented at least in part via differential chemical cues in different regions of the tectum.

The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their cell-surface ligands, the ephrins, have been implicated in a wide variety of processes, generally involving cellular movement in response to extracellular cues. In particular, they possess expression patterns-i.e., complementary gradients of receptor in retina and ligand in tectum- and in vitro and in vivo activities and phenotypes-i.e., repulsive guidance of axons and defective mapping in mutants, respectively-consistent with the long-sought retinotectal chemical mapping cues.

The tadpole of Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed frog, is advantageous for in vivo retinotectal studies because of its transparency and manipulability. However, neither the expression patterns nor the retinotectal roles of these proteins have been well characterized in this system. We report here comprehensive descriptions in swimming stage tadpoles of the messenger RNA expression patterns of eleven known Xenopus Eph and ephrin genes, including xephrin-A3, which is novel, and xEphB2, whose expression pattern has not previously been published in detail. We also report the results of in vivo protein injection perturbation studies on Xenopus retinotectal topography, which were negative, and of in vitro axonal guidance assays, which suggest a previously unrecognized attractive activity of ephrins at low concentrations on retinal ganglion cell axons. This raises the possibility that these axons find their correct targets in part by seeking out a preferred concentration of ligands appropriate to their individual receptor expression levels, rather than by being repelled to greater or lesser degrees by the ephrins but attracted by some as-yet-unknown cue(s).


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Three separate topics, each stimulated by experiments, are treated theoretically in this dessertation: isotopic effects of ozone, electron transfer at interfaces, and intramolecular directional electron transfer in a supramolecular system.

The strange mass-independent isotope effect for the enrichment of ozone, which has been a puzzle in the literature for some 20 years, and the equally puzzling unconventional strong mass-dependent effect of individual reaction rate constants are studied as different aspects of a symmetry-driven behavior. A statistical (RRKM-based) theory with a hindered-rotor transition state is used. The individual rate constant ratios of recombination reactions at low pressures are calculated using the theory involving (1) small deviation from the statistical density of states for symmetric isotopomers, and (2) weak collisions for deactivation of the vibrationally excited ozone molecules. The weak collision and partitioning among exit channels play major roles in producing the large unconventional isotope effect in "unscrambled" systems. The enrichment studies reflect instead the non-statistical effect in "scrambled" systems. The theoretical results of low-pressure ozone enrichments and individual rate constant ratios obtained from these calculations are consistent with the corresponding experimental results. The isotopic exchange rate constant for the reaction ^(16)O + ^(18)O ^(18)O→+ ^(16)O ^(18)O + ^(18)O provides information on the nature of a variationally determined hindered-rotor transition state using experimental data at 130 K and 300 K. Pressure effects on the recombination rate constant, on the individual rate constant ratios and on the enrichments are also investigated. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental data. The temperature dependence of the enrichment and rate constant ratios is also discussed, and experimental tests are suggested. The desirability of a more accurate potential energy surface for ozone in the transition state region is also noted.

Electron transfer reactions at semiconductor /liquid interfaces are studied using a tight-binding model for the semiconductors. The slab method and a z-transform method are employed in obtaining the tight-binding electronic structures of semiconductors having surfaces. The maximum electron transfer rate constants at Si/viologen^(2-/+) and InP /Me_(2)Fc^(+/O) interfaces are computed using the tight-binding type calculations for the solid and the extended-Huckel for the coupling to the redox agent at the interface. These electron transfer reactions are also studied using a free electron model for the semiconductor and the redox molecule, where Bardeen's method is adapted to calculate the coupling matrix element between the molecular and semiconductor electronic states. The calculated results for maximum rate constant of the electron transfer from the semiconductor bulk states are compared with the experimentally measured values of Lewis and coworkers, and are in reasonable agreement, without adjusting parameters. In the case of InP /liquid interface, the unusual current vs applied potential behavior is additionally interpreted, in part, by the presence of surface states.

Photoinduced electron transfer reactions in small supramolecular systems, such as 4-aminonaphthalimide compounds, are interesting in that there are, in principle, two alternative pathways (directions) for the electron transfer. The electron transfer, however, is unidirectional, as deduced from pH-dependent fluorescence quenching studies on different compounds. The role of electronic coupling matrix element and the charges in protonation are considered to explain the directionality of the electron transfer and other various results. A related mechanism is proposed to interpret the fluorescence behavior of similar molecules as fluorescent sensors of metal ions.


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Metal complexes that utilize the 9,10-phenanthrene quinone diimine (phi) moiety bind to DNA through the major groove. These metallointercalators can recognize DNA sites and perform reactions on DNA as a substrate. The site-specific metallointercalator Λ-1-Rh(MGP)_2phi^(5+) competitively disrupts the major groove binding of a transcription factor, yAP-1, from an oligonucleotide that contains a common binding site. The demonstration that metal complexes can prevent transcription factor binding to DNA site-specifically is an important step in using metallointercalators as therapeutics.

The distinctive photochemistry of metallointercalators can also be applied to promote long range charge transport in DNA. Experiments using duplexes with regions 4 to 10 nucleotides long containing strictly adenine and thymine sequences of varying order showed that radical migration is more dependent on the sequence of bases, and less dependent on the distance between the guanine doublets. This result suggests that mechanistic proposals of long range charge transport must involve all the bases.

RNA/DNA hybrids show charge migration to guanines from a remote site, thus demonstrating that nucleic acid stacking other than B-form can serve as a radical bridge. Double crossover DNA assemblies also provide a medium for charge transport at distances up to 100 Å from the site of radical introduction by a tethered metal complex. This radical migration was found to be robust to mismatches, and limited to individual, electronically distinct base stacks. In single DNA crossover assemblies, which have considerably greater flexibility, charge migration proceeds to both base stacks due to conformational isomers not present in the rigid and tightly annealed double crossovers.

Finally, a rapid, efficient, gel-based technique was developed to investigate thymine dimer repair. Two oligonucleotides, one radioactively labeled, are photoligated via the bases of a thymine-thymine interface; reversal of this ligation is easily visualized by gel electrophoresis. This assay was used to show that the repair of thymine dimers from a distance through DNA charge transport can be accomplished with different photooxidants.

Thus, nucleic acids that support long range charge transport have been shown to include A-track DNA, RNA/DNA hybrids, and single and double crossovers, and a method for thymine dimer repair detection using charge transport was developed. These observations underscore and extend the remarkable finding that DNA can serve a medium for charge transport via the heteroaromatic base stack.


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For some time now, the Latino voice has been gradually gaining strength in American politics, particularly in such states as California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Texas, where large numbers of Latino immigrants have settled and large numbers of electoral votes are at stake. Yet the issues public officials in these states espouse and the laws they enact often do not coincide with the interests and preferences of Latinos. The fact that Latinos in California and elsewhere have not been able to influence the political agenda in a way that is commensurate with their numbers may reflect their failure to participate fully in the political process by first registering to vote and then consistently turning out on election day to cast their ballots.

To understand Latino voting behavior, I first examine Latino political participation in California during the ten general elections of the 1980s and 1990s, seeking to understand what percentage of the eligible Latino population registers to vote, with what political party they register, how many registered Latinos to go the polls on election day, and what factors might increase their participation in politics. To ensure that my findings are not unique to California, I also consider Latino voter registration and turnout in Texas for the five general elections of the 1990s and compare these results with my California findings.

I offer a new approach to studying Latino political participation in which I rely on county-level aggregate data, rather than on individual survey data, and employ the ecological inference method of generalized bounds. I calculate and compare Latino and white voting-age populations, registration rates, turnout rates, and party affiliation rates for California's fifty-eight counties. Then, in a secondary grouped logit analysis, I consider the factors that influence these Latino and white registration, turnout, and party affiliation rates.

I find that California Latinos register and turn out at substantially lower rates than do whites and that these rates are more volatile than those of whites. I find that Latino registration is motivated predominantly by age and education, with older and more educated Latinos being more likely to register. Motor voter legislation, which was passed to ease and simplify the registration process, has not encouraged Latino registration . I find that turnout among California's Latino voters is influenced primarily by issues, income, educational attainment, and the size of the Spanish-speaking communities in which they reside. Although language skills may be an obstacle to political participation for an individual, the number of Spanish-speaking households in a community does not encourage or discourage registration but may encourage turnout, suggesting that cultural and linguistic assimilation may not be the entire answer.

With regard to party identification, I find that Democrats can expect a steady Latino political identification rate between 50 and 60 percent, while Republicans attract 20 to 30 percent of Latino registrants. I find that education and income are the dominant factors in determining Latino political party identification, which appears to be no more volatile than that of the larger electorate.

Next, when I consider registration and turnout in Texas, I find that Latino registration rates are nearly equal to those of whites but that Texas Latino turnout rates are volatile and substantially lower than those of whites.

Low turnout rates among Latinos and the volatility of these rates may explain why Latinos in California and Texas have had little influence on the political agenda even though their numbers are large and increasing. Simply put, the voices of Latinos are little heard in the halls of government because they do not turn out consistently to cast their votes on election day.

While these findings suggest that there may not be any short-term or quick fixes to Latino participation, they also suggest that Latinos should be encouraged to participate more fully in the political process and that additional education may be one means of achieving this goal. Candidates should speak more directly to the issues that concern Latinos. Political parties should view Latinos as crossover voters rather than as potential converts. In other words, if Latinos were "a sleeping giant," they may now be a still-drowsy leviathan waiting to be wooed by either party's persuasive political messages and relevant issues.


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A new approach to magnetic resonance was introduced in 1992 based upon detection of spin-induced forces by J. Sidles [1]. This technique, now called magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM), was first demonstrated that same year via electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) by D. Rugar et al. [2]. This new method combines principles of magnetic resonance with those of scanned probe technology to detect spin resonance through mechanical, rather than inductive, means. In this thesis the development and use of ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy (FMRFM) is described. This variant of MRFM, which allows investigation of ferromagnetic samples, was first demonstrated in 1996 by Z. Zhang et al. [3]. FMRFM enables characterization of (a) the dynamic magnetic properties of microscale magnetic devices, and (b) the spatial dependence of ferromagnetic resonance within a sample. Both are impossible with conventional ferromagnetic resonance techniques.

Ferromagnetically coupled systems, however, pose unique challenges for force detection. In this thesis the attainable spatial resolution - and the underlying physical mechanisms that determine it - are established. We analyze the dependence of the magnetostatic modes upon sample dimensions using a series of microscale yttrium iron garnet (YIG) samples. Mapping of mode amplitudes within these sample is attained with an unprecedented spatial resolution of 15μm. The modes, never before analyzed on this scale, fit simple models developed in this thesis for samples of micron dimensions. The application of stronger gradient fields induces localized perturbation of the ferromagnetic resonance modes. The first demonstrations of this effect are presented in this study, and a simple theoretical model is developed to explain our observations. The results indicate that the characteristics of the locally-detected ferromagnetic modes are still largely determined by the external fields and dimensions of the entire sample, rather than by the localized interaction volume (i.e., the locale most strongly affected by the local gradient field). Establishing this is a crucial first step toward understanding FMRFM in the high gradient field limit where the dispersion relations become locally determined. In this high gradient field regime, FMRFM imaging becomes analogous with that of EPR MRFM.

FMRFM has also been employed to characterize magnetic multilayers, similar to those utilized in giant magnetoresistance (GMR) devices, on a lateral scale 40 x 40μm. This is orders of magnitude smaller than possible via conventional methods. Anisotropy energies, thickness, and interface qualities of individual layers have been resolved.

This initial work clearly demonstrates the immense and unique potential that FMRFM offers for characterizing advanced magnetic nanostructures and magnetic devices.


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The Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County has severely limited the power of the Voting Rights Act. I argue that Congressional attempts to pass a new coverage formula are unlikely to gain the necessary Republican support. Instead, I propose a new strategy that takes a “carrot and stick” approach. As the stick, I suggest amending Section 3 to eliminate the need to prove that discrimination was intentional. For the carrot, I envision a competitive grant program similar to the highly successful Race to the Top education grants. I argue that this plan could pass the currently divided Congress.

Without Congressional action, Section 2 is more important than ever before. A successful Section 2 suit requires evidence that voting in the jurisdiction is racially polarized. Accurately and objectively assessing the level of polarization has been and continues to be a challenge for experts. Existing ecological inference methods require estimating polarization levels in individual elections. This is a problem because the Courts want to see a history of polarization across elections.

I propose a new 2-step method to estimate racially polarized voting in a multi-election context. The procedure builds upon the Rosen, Jiang, King, and Tanner (2001) multinomial-Dirichlet model. After obtaining election-specific estimates, I suggest regressing those results on election-specific variables, namely candidate quality, incumbency, and ethnicity of the minority candidate of choice. This allows researchers to estimate the baseline level of support for candidates of choice and test whether the ethnicity of the candidates affected how voters cast their ballots.