61 resultados para Betriebliche Weiterbildung
Die Radiosendung Panoptikum Bildung versteht sich als Medium kritischer Berichterstattung und versucht sozialpolitische Phänomene durch sachliche Informationen aufzubereiten. Die einzelnen Radiobeiträge beleuchten bildungsrelevante Themen aus einem kritischen Blickwinkel, bieten umfassende Hintergrundinformationen und binden FachexpertInnen mit ein. Credo ist: Information statt Infotainment, Gespräch statt Floskeln, Wissensvermittlung anstelle von Talkshowformaten und Dialog statt Konfrontation. In diesem Beitrag, der sich auf bisher unveröffentlichte Jahresberichte der Radiosendereihe stützt, werden das Entstehen und die Leitgedanken sowie die Inhalte und Anliegen einzelner Radiobeiträge vor dem Hintergrund von Oskar Negts theoretischen Überlegungen zu Demokratie und Bildung beschrieben und reflektiert. (DIPF/Orig.)
Wie kann in Seminaren zu Genderkompetenz Offenheit erzeugt werden, wenn die Teilnehmenden sich nicht freiwillig für den Besuch entschieden haben und daher mit Desinteresse oder Widerwillen reagieren? Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt ein didaktisches Vorgehen, das den persönlichen Widerstand von Teilnehmenden aufzulösen vermag und letztlich ein Problembewusstsein für soziale Ungleichheit initiiert. Zentral sind hierfür die Reflexion persönlicher Erfahrungen und ideologischer Diskussionen, die Ungleichheitsthemen meist mit sich bringen. Das vorgestellte didaktische Vorgehen im Gender Training, das u.a. Kompetenzerwartungen an Führungskräfte im Bildungsbereich entlang Geschlechterstereotypien aufdeckt, ist auch für andere Themen der politischen Bildung einsetzbar. Um also ein politisches Bewusstsein über Hierarchisierungs- und Diskriminierungsprozesse zu befördern, ist es wichtig, Ausschließungsprozesse im Alltag erlebbar zu machen und zu erkennen, wer vom Ausschluss anderer profitiert, wer die Ausschlusskriterien festlegt und dass unterschiedliche Kriterien dafür geeignet sind. (DIPF/Orig.)
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is offered throughout the world to students of various educational backgrounds and career aspirations in an effort to create a skilled workforce. The structure of VET varies greatly across different fields and countries with high-growth, low-growth, and transitional economies. However, a common critique of many vocational institutions is that they focus on skills training without addressing related business systems. Thus, students may not understand the business strategies related to their field, which stifles job readiness and entrepreneurial potential. To counter this, a more context-driven and integrated entrepreneurial approach is proposed for VET. Benefits, disadvantages, and exemplars of various types of vocational and entrepreneurial programs are evaluated to determine how their strengths might be leveraged. Such integrated entrepreneurial and vocational training would more suitably address context-specific market needs via both practical and transferrable skills, thus helping to reduce unemployment, particularly among youth in sub-Saharan Africa. (DIPF/Orig.)
Investments in training measures can only be considered effective if the transfer of the learned contents to practical situations is continuously successful. In this context the scientific and professional discourse regarding the effectiveness of further education, especially regarding training transfer, has intensified considerably. This analysis provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the current state of international empirical research regarding major influencing factors of learning transfer in the context of formalized further vocational training. Our review of literature differentiates the most important influencing factors on the micro-level of the specific individual characteristics of the participants, the meso-level of measure-specific characteristics of the field of learning, as well as institutional characteristics of the work environment at the macro-level. Decades of transfer research brings forth a wealth of information regarding factors which influence the learning transfer. The current analysis systematizes these results and clarifies that the current state of research regarding the determinants of the process of learning transfer shows clear trends. But there are also some inconsistent findings. Thus the question of which factors positively influence the success of learning transfer is well-studied for the micro-level in particular. The article shows that there is still a research deficit concerning the major determinants of learning transfer at the meso- and macro-level. Finally, in this context this article identifies promising directions for future research. (DIPF/Orig.)
Gestiegene Erwartungen an die pädagogische und organisationsbezogene Qualität elementarpädagogischer Einrichtungen stellen neue Anforderungen an Personal und Organisationen in diesem Bildungssegment. Im Rahmen einer durch die Robert Bosch Stiftung Stuttgart geförderten Expertentagung wurden auf der Grundlage eines Diskussionspapiers verschiedene Modelle einer Organisationsentwicklung im Elementarbereich vorgestellt und diskutiert. Hierbei wurde deutlich, dass bislang keine unabhängigen und etablierten Modelle existieren. Die Expertinnen konnten sich in Form von Impulsreferaten oder nachträglich eingereichten Statements in den Prozess einbringen. Die Publikation dokumentiert sowohl die Recherche als auch den Diskussionsprozess. Zudem sind die Statements der Expertinnen und Experten einbezogen. Ziel ist es, das Thema schrittweise weiter zu bearbeiten und zunächst Best Practice Beispiele auszumachen und gemeinsam mit der Praxis ein passendes Modell der Organisationsentwicklung zu erarbeiten. Die Ergebnisse sollen didaktisch so aufbereitet werden, dass Sie in Form von Fallstudien in die Aus- und Weiterbildung einfließen können. (DIPF/Autorinnen)
Marketization has changed the education system. If we say that education is a market, this transforms the understanding of education and influences how people act. In this paper, adult-education school-leaders’ talk is analysed and seven metaphors for education are found: education as administration, market, matching, democracy, policy work, integration and learning. Exploring empirical metaphors provides a rich illustration of coinciding meanings. In line with studies on policy texts, economic metaphors are found to dominate. This should be understood not only as representing liberal ideology, as is often discussed in analyses of policy papers, but also as representing economic theory. In other words, contemporary adult education can be understood as driven by economic theories. The difference and relation between ideology and theory should be further examined since they have an impact on our society and on our everyday lives. (DIPF/Orig.)
This article examines regulatory governance of the post-initial training market in The Netherlands. From an historical perspective on policy formation processes, it examines market formation in terms of social, economic, and cultural factors in the development of provision and demand for post-initial training; the roles of stakeholders in the longterm construction of regulatory governance of the market; regulation of and public providers; policy responses to market failure; and tripartite division of responsibilities between the state, social partners, commercial and publicly-funded providers. Historical description and analysis examine policy narratives of key stakeholders with reference to: a) influence of societal stakeholders on regulatory decision-making; b) state regulation of the post-initial training market; c) public intervention regulating the market to prevent market failure; d) market deregulation, competition, employability and individual responsibility; and, e) regulatory governance to prevent ‘allocative failure’ by the market in non-delivery of post-initial training to specific target groups, particularly the low-qualified. Dominant policy narratives have resulted in limited state regulation of the supply-side, a tripartite system of regulatory governance by the state, social partners and commercial providers as regulatory actors. Current policy discourses address interventions on the demand-side to redistribute structures of opportunity throughout the life courses of individuals. Further empirical research from a comparative historical perspective is required to deepen contemporary understandings of regulatory governance of markets and the commodification of adult learning in knowledge societies and information economies. (DIPF/Orig.)
This article addresses the issue of marketisation in the field of adult education by reflecting on the Europeanisation of education currently taking place through the establishment of European adult education policies. The article argues that Europeanisation fosters marketisation of adult education and commodifies valuable knowledge and desirable forms of neoliberal subjectivity. An analysis of Slovene adult education policies from 2004-2015 reveals how a European economised vocabulary is being implemented in Slovene adult education policies and practices. The main argument of this article is that these practices are shaped through financial mechanisms that marketise the adult education field. This results in new relationships between governing bodies within the field, the unstable and decreasing role of public adult education institutions and the prevailing role of private providers of adult education, who offer training programmes to meet labour market needs. (DIPF/Orig.)
The editorial presents the articles of this issue on the topic of marketization and commodification of adult education of which some are conceptual and some empirical. (DIPF/Orig.)
We approach marketization and commodification of adult education from multiple lenses including our personal narratives and neoliberalism juxtaposed against the educational philosophy of the Progressive Period. We argue that adult education occurs in many arenas including the public spaces found in social movements, community-based organizations, and government sponsored programs designed to engage and give voice to all citizens toward building a stronger civil society. We conclude that only when adult education is viewed from the university lens, where it focuses on the individual and not the public good, does it succumb to neoliberal forces. (DIPF/Orig.)
Rezension von: Martin Rothland (Hrsg.): Belastung und Beanspruchung im Lehrerberuf. Modelle, Befunde, Interventionen 2. überarbeitete Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2013 (286 S.; ISBN 978-3-5311-8246-9)
Rezension von: Peter Faulstich: Menschliches Lernen. Eine kritisch-pragmatistische Lerntheorie. Bielefeld: transcript 2013 (232 S.; ISBN 978-3-8376-2425-0)
Rezension von: Christian Niemeyer: Nietzsche verstehen. Eine Gebrauchsanweisung. Darmstadt: Lambert Schneider 2011 (240 S.; ISBN 978-3-650-23823-8)
Rezension von: Helmut Bremer / Mark Kleemann-Göhring / Christel Teiwes-Kügler / Jana Trumann (Hrsg.): Politische Bildung zwischen Politisierung, Partizipation und politischem Lernen. Beiträge für eine soziologische Perspektive. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa 2013 (341 S.; ISBN 978-3-7799-1589-8)
Contemporary themes in public policy have emphasised co-productive approaches within both the access and provision of support services to older people. This paper provides a cross disciplinary exploration from its respective authors perspectives on social work and educational gerontology to examine the potential for lifelong learning and learning interventions from which co-production with those using social care services in later life might be better facilitated. Using an example from the UK, we specifically elicit how co-produced care can enhance the horizon of learning and learning research. The synthesis of ideas across these two disciplines could enrich understanding and provide essential levers for moving towards empowerment and emancipation by engaging with a more co-productive approach in social care for older people. (DIPF/Orig.)