28 resultados para Receptors, Cytokine -- physiology

em Duke University


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Inappropriate activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) contributes to many CKDs. However, the role of the RAS in modulating AKI requires elucidation, particularly because stimulating type 1 angiotensin II (AT1) receptors in the kidney or circulating inflammatory cells can have opposing effects on the generation of inflammatory mediators that underpin the pathogenesis of AKI. For example, TNF-α is a fundamental driver of cisplatin nephrotoxicity, and generation of TNF-α is suppressed or enhanced by AT1 receptor signaling in T lymphocytes or the distal nephron, respectively. In this study, cell tracking experiments with CD4-Cre mT/mG reporter mice revealed robust infiltration of T lymphocytes into the kidney after cisplatin injection. Notably, knockout of AT1 receptors on T lymphocytes exacerbated the severity of cisplatin-induced AKI and enhanced the cisplatin-induced increase in TNF-α levels locally within the kidney and in the systemic circulation. In contrast, knockout of AT1 receptors on kidney epithelial cells ameliorated the severity of AKI and suppressed local and systemic TNF-α production induced by cisplatin. Finally, disrupting TNF-α production specifically within the renal tubular epithelium attenuated the AKI and the increase in circulating TNF-α levels induced by cisplatin. These results illustrate discrepant tissue-specific effects of RAS stimulation on cisplatin nephrotoxicity and raise the concern that inflammatory mediators produced by renal parenchymal cells may influence the function of remote organs by altering systemic cytokine levels. Our findings suggest selective inhibition of AT1 receptors within the nephron as a promising intervention for protecting patients from cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity.


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The generation of recombinant antibodies (Abs) using phage display is a proven method to obtain a large variety of Abs that bind with high affinity to a given antigen. Traditionally, the generation of single-chain Abs depends on the use of recombinant proteins in several stages of the procedure. This can be a problem, especially in the case of cell-surface receptors, because Abs generated and selected against recombinant proteins may not bind the same protein expressed on a cell surface in its native form and because the expression of some receptors as recombinant proteins is problematic. To overcome these difficulties, we developed a strategy to generate single-chain Abs that does not require the use of recombinant protein at any stage of the procedure. In this strategy, stably transfected cells are used for the immunization of mice, measuring Ab responses to immunization, panning the phage library, high-throughput screening of arrayed phage clones, and characterization of recombinant single-chain variable regions. This strategy was used to generate a panel of single-chain Abs specific for the innate immunity receptor Toll-like receptor 2. Once generated, individual single-chain variable regions were subcloned into an expression vector allowing the production of recombinant Abs in insect cells, thus avoiding the contamination of recombinant Abs with microbial products. This cell-based system efficiently generates Abs that bind to native molecules on the cell surface, bypasses the requirement of recombinant protein production, and avoids risks of microbial component contamination.


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CD20 was the first B cell differentiation antigen identified, and CD20-specific mAbs are commonly used for the treatment of B cell malignancies and autoantibody-mediated autoimmune diseases. Despite this the role of CD20 in human B cell physiology has remained elusive. We describe here a juvenile patient with CD20 deficiency due to a homozygous mutation in a splice junction of the CD20 gene (also known as MS4A1) that results in "cryptic" splicing and nonfunctional mRNA species. Analysis of this patient has led us to conclude that CD20 has a central role in the generation of T cell-independent (TI) antibody responses. Key evidence to support this conclusion was provided by the observation that although antigen-independent B cells developed normally in the absence of CD20 expression, antibody formation, particularly after vaccination with TI antigens, was strongly impaired in the patient. Consistent with this, TI antipolysaccharide B cell responses were severely impeded in CD20-deficient mice. Our study therefore identifies what we believe to be a novel type of humoral immunodeficiency caused by CD20 deficiency and characterized by normal development of antigen-independent B cells, along with a reduced capacity to mount proper antibody responses.


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Synthetic biology seeks to enable programmed control of cellular behavior though engineered biological systems. These systems typically consist of synthetic circuits that function inside, and interact with, complex host cells possessing pre-existing metabolic and regulatory networks. Nevertheless, while designing systems, a simple well-defined interface between the synthetic gene circuit and the host is frequently assumed. We describe the generation of robust but unexpected oscillations in the densities of bacterium Escherichia coli populations by simple synthetic suicide circuits containing quorum components and a lysis gene. Contrary to design expectations, oscillations required neither the quorum sensing genes (luxR and luxI) nor known regulatory elements in the P(luxI) promoter. Instead, oscillations were likely due to density-dependent plasmid amplification that established a population-level negative feedback. A mathematical model based on this mechanism captures the key characteristics of oscillations, and model predictions regarding perturbations to plasmid amplification were experimentally validated. Our results underscore the importance of plasmid copy number and potential impact of "hidden interactions" on the behavior of engineered gene circuits - a major challenge for standardizing biological parts. As synthetic biology grows as a discipline, increasing value may be derived from tools that enable the assessment of parts in their final context.


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The interaction between stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) with CXCR4 chemokine receptors plays an important role in hematopoiesis following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. We examined the efficacy of post transplant administration of a specific CXCR4 antagonist (AMD3100) in improving animal survival and in enhancing donor hematopoietic cell engraftment using a congeneic mouse transplantation model. AMD3100 was administered subcutaneously at 5 mg/kg body weight 3 times a week beginning at day +2 post-transplant. Post-transplant administration of AMD3100 significantly improves animal survival. AMD3100 reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine/chemokine production. Furthermore, post transplant administration of AMD3100 selectively enhances donor cell engraftment and promotes recovery of all donor cell lineages (myeloid cells, T and B lymphocytes, erythrocytes and platelets). This enhancement results from a combined effect of increased marrow niche availability and greater cell division induced by AMD3100. Our studies shed new lights into the biological roles of SDF-1/CXCR4 interaction in hematopoietic stem cell engraftment following transplantation and in transplant-related mortality. Our results indicate that AMD3100 provides a novel approach for enhancing hematological recovery following transplantation, and will likely benefit patients undergoing transplantation.


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The brain is a highly adaptable organ that is capable of converting sensory information into changes in neuronal function. This plasticity allows behavior to be accommodated to the environment, providing an important evolutionary advantage. Neurons convert environmental stimuli into long-lasting changes in their physiology in part through the synaptic activity-regulated transcription of new gene products. Since the neurotransmitter-dependent regulation of Fos transcription was first discovered nearly 25 years ago, a wealth of studies have enriched our understanding of the molecular pathways that mediate activity-regulated changes in gene transcription. These findings show that a broad range of signaling pathways and transcriptional regulators can be engaged by neuronal activity to sculpt complex programs of stimulus-regulated gene transcription. However, the shear scope of the transcriptional pathways engaged by neuronal activity raises the question of how specificity in the nature of the transcriptional response is achieved in order to encode physiologically relevant responses to divergent stimuli. Here we summarize the general paradigms by which neuronal activity regulates transcription while focusing on the molecular mechanisms that confer differential stimulus-, cell-type-, and developmental-specificity upon activity-regulated programs of neuronal gene transcription. In addition, we preview some of the new technologies that will advance our future understanding of the mechanisms and consequences of activity-regulated gene transcription in the brain.


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The mammalian odorant receptor (OR) repertoire is an attractive model to study evolution, because ORs have been subjected to rapid evolution between species, presumably caused by changes of the olfactory system to adapt to the environment. However, functional assessment of ORs in related species remains largely untested. Here we investigated the functional properties of primate and rodent ORs to determine how well evolutionary distance predicts functional characteristics. Using human and mouse ORs with previously identified ligands, we cloned 18 OR orthologs from chimpanzee and rhesus macaque and 17 mouse-rat orthologous pairs that are broadly representative of the OR repertoire. We functionally characterized the in vitro responses of ORs to a wide panel of odors and found similar ligand selectivity but dramatic differences in response magnitude. 87% of human-primate orthologs and 94% of mouse-rat orthologs showed differences in receptor potency (EC50) and/or efficacy (dynamic range) to an individual ligand. Notably dN/dS ratio, an indication of selective pressure during evolution, does not predict functional similarities between orthologs. Additionally, we found that orthologs responded to a common ligand 82% of the time, while human OR paralogs of the same subfamily responded to the common ligand only 33% of the time. Our results suggest that, while OR orthologs tend to show conserved ligand selectivity, their potency and/or efficacy dynamically change during evolution, even in closely related species. These functional changes in orthologs provide a platform for examining how the evolution of ORs can meet species-specific demands.


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Classically, 7 transmembrane receptors transduce extracellular signals by coupling to heterotrimeric G proteins, although recent in vitro studies have clearly demonstrated that they can also signal via G protein-independent mechanisms. However, the physiologic consequences of this unconventional signaling, particularly in vivo, have not been explored. In this issue of the JCI, Zhai et al. demonstrate in vivo effects of G protein-independent signaling by the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) (see the related article beginning on page 3045). In studies of the mouse heart, they compare the physiologic and biochemical consequences of transgenic cardiac-specific overexpression of a mutant AT1R incapable of G protein coupling with those of a wild-type receptor. Their results not only provide the first glimpse of the physiologic effects of this newly appreciated mode of signaling but also provide important and previously unappreciated clues as to the underlying molecular mechanisms.


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Human lymphocytes are known to posessess a catecholamine-responsive adenylate cyclase which has typical beta-adrenergic specificity. To identify directly and to quantitate these beta-adenergic receptors in human lymphocytes, (-) [3H] alprenolol, a potent beta-adrenergic antagonist, was used to label binding sites in homogenates of human mononuclear leukocytes. Binding of (-) [3H] alprenolol to these sites demonstrated the kinetics, affinity, and stereospecificity expected of binding to adenylate cyclase-coupled beta-adrenergic receptors. Binding was rapid (t1/2 less than 30 s) and rapidly reversible (t1/2 less than 3 min) at 37 degrees C. Binding was a saturable process with 75 +/- 12 fmol (-) [3H] alprenolol bound/mg protein (mean +/- SEM) at saturation, corresponding to about 2,000 sites/cell. Half-maximal saturation occurred at 10 nM (-) [3H] alprenolol, which provides an estimate of the dissociation constant of (-) [3H] alprenolol for the beta-adrenergic receptor. The beta-adrenergic antagonist, (-) propranolol, potently competed for the binding sites, causing half-maximal inhibition of binding at 9 nM. beta-Adrenergic agonists also competed for the binding sites. The order of potency was (-) isoproterenol greater than (-) epinephrine greater than (-)-norepinephrine which agreed with the order of potency of these agents in stimulating leukocyte adenylate cyclase. Dissociation constants computed from binding experiments were virtually identical to those obtained from adenylate cyclase activation studies. Marked stereospecificity was observed for both binding and activation of adenylate cyclase. (-)Stereoisomers of beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists were 9- to 300-fold more potent than their corresponding (+) stereoisomers. Structurally related compounds devoid of beta-adrenergic activity such as dopamine, dihydroxymandelic acid, normetanephrine, pyrocatechol, and phentolamine did not effectively compete for the binding sites. (-) [3H] alprenolol binding to human mononuclear leukocyte preparations was almost entirely accounted for by binding to small lymphocytes, the predominant cell type in the preparations. No binding was detectable to human erythrocytes. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using direct binding methods to study beta-adrenergic receptors in a human tissue. They also provide an experimental approach to the study of states of altered sensitivity to catecholamines at the receptor level in man.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) play an integral role in the signal transduction of an enormous array of biological phenomena, thereby serving to modulate at a molecular level almost all components of human biology. This role is nowhere more evident than in cardiovascular biology, where GPCRs regulate such core measures of cardiovascular function as heart rate, contractility, and vascular tone. GPCR/ligand interaction initiates signal transduction cascades, and requires the presence of the receptor at the plasma membrane. Plasma membrane localization is in turn a function of the delivery of a receptor to and removal from the cell surface, a concept defined most broadly as receptor trafficking. This review illuminates our current view of GPCR trafficking, particularly within the cardiovascular system, as well as highlights the recent and provocative finding that components of the GPCR trafficking machinery can facilitate GPCR signaling independent of G protein activation.


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Recently, we identified a GTPase-activating protein for the ADP ribosylation factor family of small GTP-binding proteins that we call GIT1. This protein initially was identified as an interacting partner for the G protein-coupled receptor kinases, and its overexpression was found to affect signaling and internalization of the prototypical beta(2)-adrenergic receptor. Here, we report that GIT1 overexpression regulates internalization of numerous, but not all, G protein-coupled receptors. The specificity of the GIT1 effect is not related to the type of G protein to which a receptor couples, but rather to the endocytic route it uses. GIT1 only affects the function of G protein-coupled receptors that are internalized through the clathrin-coated pit pathway in a beta-arrestin- and dynamin-sensitive manner. Furthermore, the GIT1 effect is not limited to G protein-coupled receptors because overexpression of this protein also affects internalization of the epidermal growth factor receptor. However, constitutive agonist-independent internalization is not regulated by GIT1, because transferrin uptake is not affected by GIT1 overexpression. Thus, GIT1 is a protein involved in regulating the function of signaling receptors internalized through the clathrin pathway and can be used as a diagnostic tool for defining the endocytic pathway of a receptor.