10 resultados para Embryonic development

em Duke University


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While genome-wide gene expression data are generated at an increasing rate, the repertoire of approaches for pattern discovery in these data is still limited. Identifying subtle patterns of interest in large amounts of data (tens of thousands of profiles) associated with a certain level of noise remains a challenge. A microarray time series was recently generated to study the transcriptional program of the mouse segmentation clock, a biological oscillator associated with the periodic formation of the segments of the body axis. A method related to Fourier analysis, the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, was used to detect periodic profiles in the dataset, leading to the identification of a novel set of cyclic genes associated with the segmentation clock. Here, we applied to the same microarray time series dataset four distinct mathematical methods to identify significant patterns in gene expression profiles. These methods are called: Phase consistency, Address reduction, Cyclohedron test and Stable persistence, and are based on different conceptual frameworks that are either hypothesis- or data-driven. Some of the methods, unlike Fourier transforms, are not dependent on the assumption of periodicity of the pattern of interest. Remarkably, these methods identified blindly the expression profiles of known cyclic genes as the most significant patterns in the dataset. Many candidate genes predicted by more than one approach appeared to be true positive cyclic genes and will be of particular interest for future research. In addition, these methods predicted novel candidate cyclic genes that were consistent with previous biological knowledge and experimental validation in mouse embryos. Our results demonstrate the utility of these novel pattern detection strategies, notably for detection of periodic profiles, and suggest that combining several distinct mathematical approaches to analyze microarray datasets is a valuable strategy for identifying genes that exhibit novel, interesting transcriptional patterns.


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Animals must coordinate development with fluctuating nutrient availability. Nutrient availability governs post-embryonic development in Caenorhabditis elegans: larvae that hatch in the absence of food do not initiate post-embryonic development but enter "L1 arrest" (or "L1 diapause") and can survive starvation for weeks, while rapidly resume normal development once get fed. Insulin-like signaling (IIS) has been shown to be a key regulator of L1 arrest and recovery. However, the C. elegans genome encodes 40 insulin-like peptides (ILPs), and it is unknown which peptides participate in nutritional control of L1 arrest and recovery. Work in other contexts has identified putative receptor agonists and antagonists, but the extent of specificity versus redundancy is unclear beyond this distinction.

We measured mRNA expression dynamics with high temporal resolution for all 40 insulin-like genes during entry into and recovery from L1 arrest. Nutrient availability influences expression of the majority of insulin-like genes, with variable dynamics suggesting complex regulation. We identified 13 candidate agonists and 8 candidate antagonists based on expression in response to nutrient availability. We selected ten candidate agonists (daf-28, ins-3, ins-4, ins-5, ins-6, ins-7, ins-9, ins-26, ins-33 and ins-35) for further characterization in L1 stage larvae. We used destabilized reporter genes to determine spatial expression patterns. Expression of candidate agonists was largely overlapping in L1 stage larvae, suggesting a role of the intestine, chemosensory neurons ASI and ASJ, and the interneuron PVT in systemic control of L1 development. Transcriptional regulation of candidate agonists was most significant in the intestine, as if nutrient uptake was a more important influence on transcription than sensory perception. Scanning in the 5' upstream promoter region of these 40 ILPs, We found that transcription factor PQM-1 and GATA putative binding sites are depleted in the promoter region of antagonists. A novel motif was also found to be over-represented in ILPs.

Phenotypic analysis of single and compound deletion mutants did not reveal effects on L1 recovery/developmental dynamics, though simultaneous disruption of ins-4 and daf-28 extended survival of L1 arrest without enhancing thermal tolerance, while overexpression of ins-4, ins-6 or daf-28 shortened L1 survival. Simultaneous disruption of several ILPs showed a temperature independent, transient dauer phenotype. These results revealed the relative redundancy and specificity among agonistic ILPs.

TGF- β and steroid hormone (SH) signaling have been reported to control the dauer formation along with IIS. Our preliminary results suggest they may also mediate the IIS control of L1 arrest and recovery, as the expression of several key components of TGF-β and SH signaling pathway genes are negatively regulated by DAF-16, and loss-of-function of these genes partially represses daf-16 null phenotype in L1 arrest, and causes a retardation in L1 development.

In summary, my dissertation study focused on the IIS, characterized the dynamics and sites of ILPs expression in response to nutrient availability, revealed the function of specific agonistic ILPs in L1 arrest, and suggested potential cross-regulation among IIS, TGF-β signaling and SH signaling in controlling L1 arrest and recovery. These findings provide insights into how post-embryonic development is governed by insulin-like signaling and nutrient availability.


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Nutrient availability profoundly influences gene expression. Many animal genes encode multiple transcript isoforms, yet the effect of nutrient availability on transcript isoform expression has not been studied in genome-wide fashion. When Caenorhabditis elegans larvae hatch without food, they arrest development in the first larval stage (L1 arrest). Starved larvae can survive L1 arrest for weeks, but growth and post-embryonic development are rapidly initiated in response to feeding. We used RNA-seq to characterize the transcriptome during L1 arrest and over time after feeding. Twenty-seven percent of detectable protein-coding genes were differentially expressed during recovery from L1 arrest, with the majority of changes initiating within the first hour, demonstrating widespread, acute effects of nutrient availability on gene expression. We used two independent approaches to track expression of individual exons and mRNA isoforms, and we connected changes in expression to functional consequences by mining a variety of databases. These two approaches identified an overlapping set of genes with alternative isoform expression, and they converged on common functional patterns. Genes affecting mRNA splicing and translation are regulated by alternative isoform expression, revealing post-transcriptional consequences of nutrient availability on gene regulation. We also found that phosphorylation sites are often alternatively expressed, revealing a common mode by which alternative isoform expression modifies protein function and signal transduction. Our results detail rich changes in C. elegans gene expression as larvae initiate growth and post-embryonic development, and they provide an excellent resource for ongoing investigation of transcriptional regulation and developmental physiology.


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Understanding how genes affect behavior is critical to develop precise therapies for human behavioral disorders. The ability to investigate the relationship between genes and behavior has been greatly advanced over the last few decades due to progress in gene-targeting technology. Recently, the Tet gene family was discovered and implicated in epigenetic modification of DNA methylation by converting 5-methylcytosine to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC). 5hmC and its catalysts, the TET proteins, are highly abundant in the postnatal brain but with unclear functions. To investigate their neural functions, we generated new lines of Tet1 and Tet3 mutant mice using a gene targeting approach. We designed both mutations to cause a frameshift by deleting the largest coding exon of Tet1 (Tet1Δe4) and the catalytic domain of Tet3 (Tet3Δe7-9). As Tet1 is also highly expressed in embryonic stem cells (ESCs), we generated Tet1 homozygous deleted ESCs through sequential targeting to compare the function of Tet1 in the brain to its role in ESCs. To test our hypothesis that TET proteins epigenetically regulate transcription of key neural genes important for normal brain function, we examined transcriptional and epigenetic differences in the Tet1Δe4 mouse brain. The oxytocin receptor (OXTR), a neural gene implicated in social behaviors, is suggested to be epigenetically regulated by an unknown mechanism. Interestingly, several human studies have found associations between OXTR DNA hypermethylation and a wide spectrum of behavioral traits and neuropsychiatric disorders including autism spectrum disorders. Here we report the first evidence for an epigenetic mechanism of Oxtr transcription as expression of Oxtr is reduced in the brains of Tet1Δe4-/- mice. Likewise, the CpG island overlapping the promoter of Oxtr is hypermethylated during early embryonic development and persists into adulthood. We also discovered altered histone modifications at the hypermethylated regions, indicating the loss of TET1 has broad effects on the chromatin structure at Oxtr. Unexpectedly, we discovered an array of novel mRNA isoforms of Oxtr that are selectively reduced in Tet1Δe4-/- mice. Additionally, Tet1Δe4-/- mice display increased agonistic behaviors and impaired maternal care and short-term memory. Our findings support a novel role for TET1 in regulating Oxtr expression by preventing DNA hypermethylation and implicate TET1 in social behaviors, offering novel insight into Oxtr epigenetic regulation and its role in neuropsychiatric disorders.


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Acute exposures to some individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and complex PAH mixtures are known to cause cardiac malformations and edema in the developing fish embryo. However, the heart is not the only organ impacted by developmental PAH exposure. The developing brain is also affected, resulting in lasting behavioral dysfunction. While acute exposures to some PAHs are teratogenically lethal in fish, little is known about the later life consequences of early life, lower dose subteratogenic PAH exposures. We sought to determine and characterize the long-term behavioral consequences of subteratogenic developmental PAH mixture exposure in both naive killifish and PAH-adapted killifish using sediment pore water derived from the Atlantic Wood Industries Superfund Site. Killifish offspring were embryonically treated with two low-level PAH mixture dilutions of Elizabeth River sediment extract (ERSE) (TPAH 5.04 μg/L and 50.4 μg/L) at 24h post fertilization. Following exposure, killifish were raised to larval, juvenile, and adult life stages and subjected to a series of behavioral tests including: a locomotor activity test (4 days post-hatch), a sensorimotor response tap/habituation test (3 months post hatch), and a novel tank diving and exploration test (3months post hatch). Killifish were also monitored for survival at 1, 2, and 5 months over 5-month rearing period. Developmental PAH exposure caused short-term as well as persistent behavioral impairments in naive killifish. In contrast, the PAH-adapted killifish did not show behavioral alterations following PAH exposure. PAH mixture exposure caused increased mortality in reference killifish over time; yet, the PAH-adapted killifish, while demonstrating long-term rearing mortality, had no significant changes in mortality associated with ERSE exposure. This study demonstrated that early embryonic exposure to PAH-contaminated sediment pore water caused long-term locomotor and behavioral alterations in killifish, and that locomotor alterations could be observed in early larval stages. Additionally, our study highlights the resistance to behavioral alterations caused by low-level PAH mixture exposure in the adapted killifish population. Furthermore, this is the first longitudinal behavioral study to use killifish, an environmentally important estuarine teleost fish, and this testing framework can be used for future contaminant assessment.


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The Elizabeth River system is an estuary in southeastern Virginia, surrounded by the towns of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach. The river has played important roles in U.S. history and has been the location of various military and industrial activities. These activities have been the source of chemical contamination in this aquatic system. Important industries, until the 1990s, included wood treatment plants that used creosote, an oil-derived product that is rich in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). These plants left a legacy of PAH pollution in the river, and in particular Atlantic Wood Industries is a designated Superfund site now undergoing remediation. Numerous studies examined the distribution of PAH in the river and impacts on resident fauna. This review focuses on how a small estuarine fish with a limited home range, Fundulus heteroclitus (Atlantic killifish or mummichog), has responded to this pollution. While in certain areas of the river this species has clearly been impacted, as evidenced by elevated rates of liver cancer, some subpopulations, notably the one associated with the Atlantic Wood Industries site, displayed a remarkable ability to resist the marked effects PAH have on the embryonic development of fish. This review provides evidence of how pollutants have acted as evolutionary agents, causing changes in ecosystems potentially lasting longer than the pollutants themselves. Mechanisms underlying this evolved resistance, as well as mechanisms underlying the effects of PAH on embryonic development, are also described. The review concludes with a description of ongoing and promising efforts to restore this historic American river.


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The stratification and differentiation of the epidermis are known to involve the precise control of multiple signaling pathways. By contrast, little is known about the development of the mouse esophagus and forestomach, which are composed of a stratified squamous epithelium. Based on prior work in the skin, we hypothesized that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is a central player. To test this hypothesis, we first used a BMP reporter mouse line harboring a BRE-lacZ allele, along with in situ hybridization to localize transcripts for BMP signaling components, including various antagonists. We then exploited a Shh-Cre allele that drives recombination in the embryonic foregut epithelium to generate gain- or loss-of-function models for the Bmpr1a (Alk3) receptor. In gain-of-function (Shh-Cre;Rosa26(CAG-loxpstoploxp-caBmprIa)) embryos, high levels of ectopic BMP signaling stall the transition from simple columnar to multilayered undifferentiated epithelium in the esophagus and forestomach. In loss-of-function experiments, conditional deletion of the BMP receptor in Shh-Cre;Bmpr1a(flox/flox) embryos allows the formation of a multilayered squamous epithelium but this fails to differentiate, as shown by the absence of expression of the suprabasal markers loricrin and involucrin. Together, these findings suggest multiple roles for BMP signaling in the developing esophagus and forestomach.


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The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (beta ARK1) is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) family that mediates the agonist-dependent phosphorylation and desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors. We have cloned and disrupted the beta ARK1 gene in mice by homologous recombination. No homozygote beta ARK1-/- embryos survive beyond gestational day 15.5. Prior to gestational day 15.5, beta ARK1-/- embryos display pronounced hypoplasia of the ventricular myocardium essentially identical to the "thin myocardium syndrome" observed upon gene inactivation of several transcription factors (RXR alpha, N-myc, TEF-1, WT-1). Lethality in beta ARK1-/- embryos is likely due to heart failure as they exhibit a > 70% decrease in cardiac ejection fraction determined by direct in utero intravital microscopy. These results along with the virtual absence of endogenous GRK activity in beta ARK1-/- embryos demonstrate that beta ARK1 appears to be the predominant GRK in early embryogenesis and that it plays a fundamental role in cardiac development.


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NgBR is a transmembrane protein identified as a Nogo-B-interacting protein and recently has been shown to be a subunit required for cis-prenyltransferase (cisPTase) activity. To investigate the integrated role of NgBR in vascular development, we have characterized endothelial-specific NgBR knockout embryos. Here, we show that endothelial-specific NgBR knockout results in embryonic lethality due to vascular development defects in yolk sac and embryo proper. Loss of NgBR in endothelial cells reduces proliferation and promotes apoptosis of the cells largely through defects in the glycosylation of key endothelial proteins including VEGFR2, VE-cadherin, and CD31, and defective glycosylation can be rescued by treatment with the end product of cisPTase activity, dolichol phosphate. Moreover, NgBR functions in endothelial cells during embryogenesis are Nogo-B independent. These data uniquely show the importance of NgBR and protein glycosylation during vascular development.


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The six-layered neuron structure in the cerebral cortex is the foundation for human mental abilities. In the developing cerebral cortex, neural stem cells undergo proliferation and differentiate into intermediate progenitors and neurons, a process known as embryonic neurogenesis. Disrupted embryonic neurogenesis is the root cause of a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including microcephaly and intellectual disabilities. Multiple layers of regulatory networks have been identified and extensively studied over the past decades to understand this complex but extremely crucial process of brain development. In recent years, post-transcriptional RNA regulation through RNA binding proteins has emerged as a critical regulatory nexus in embryonic neurogenesis. The exon junction complex (EJC) is a highly conserved RNA binding complex composed of four core proteins, Magoh, Rbm8a, Eif4a3, and Casc3. The EJC plays a major role in regulating RNA splicing, nuclear export, subcellular localization, translation, and nonsense mediated RNA decay. Human genetic studies have associated individual EJC components with various developmental disorders. We showed previously that haploinsufficiency of Magoh causes microcephaly and disrupted neural stem cell differentiation in mouse. However, it is unclear if other EJC core components are also required for embryonic neurogenesis. More importantly, the molecular mechanism through which the EJC regulates embryonic neurogenesis remains largely unknown. Here, we demonstrated with genetically modified mouse models that both Rbm8a and Eif4a3 are required for proper embryonic neurogenesis and the formation of a normal brain. Using transcriptome and proteomic analysis, we showed that the EJC posttranscriptionally regulates genes involved in the p53 pathway, splicing and translation regulation, as well as ribosomal biogenesis. This is the first in vivo evidence suggesting that the etiology of EJC associated neurodevelopmental diseases can be ribosomopathies. We also showed that, different from other EJC core components, depletion of Casc3 only led to mild neurogenesis defects in the mouse model. However, our data suggested that Casc3 is required for embryo viability, development progression, and is potentially a regulator of cardiac development. Together, data presented in this thesis suggests that the EJC is crucial for embryonic neurogenesis and that the EJC and its peripheral factors may regulate development in a tissue-specific manner.