7 resultados para SrTiO3

em Diposit Digital de la UB - Universidade de Barcelona


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The electronic structure of an isolated oxygen vacancy in SrTiO3 has been investigated with a variety of ab initio quantum mechanical approaches. In particular we compared pure density functional theory (DFT) approaches with the Hartree-Fock method, and with hybrid methods where the exchange term is treated in a mixed way. Both local cluster models and periodic calculations with large supercells containing up to 80 atoms have been performed. Both diamagnetic (singlet state) and paramagnetic (triplet state) solutions have been considered. We found that the formation of an O vacancy is accompanied by the transfer of two electrons to the 3d(z2) orbitals of the two Ti atoms along the Ti-Vac-Ti axis. The two electrons are spin coupled and the ground state is diamagnetic. New states associated with the defect center appear in the gap just below the conduction band edge. The formation energy computed with respect to an isolated oxygen atom in the triplet state is 9.4 eV.


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Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia curs 2006-2007. Directors: Francesca Peiró i Martínez and Jordi Arbiol i Cobos


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The magnetoresistance across interfaces in the itinerant ferromagnetic oxide SrRuO3 have been studied. To define appropriately the interfaces, epitaxial thin films have been grown on bicrystalline and laser-patterned SrTiO3 substrates. Comparison is made with results obtained on similar experiments using the double-exchange ferromagnetic oxide La2/3Sr1/3MnO3. It is found that in SrRuO3, interfaces induce a substantial negative magnetoresistance, although no traces of the low-field spin tunneling magnetoresistance are found. We discuss these results on the basis of the distinct degree of spin polarization in ruthenates and manganites and the different nature of the surface magnetic layer formed at interfaces.


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Epitaxial and fully strained SrRuO3 thin films have been grown on SrTiO3(100). At initial stages the growth mode is three-dimensional- (3D-)like, leading to a finger-shaped structure aligned with the substrate steps and that eventually evolves into a 2D step-flow growth. We study the impact that the defect structure associated with this unique growth mode transition has on the electronic properties of the films. Detailed analysis of the transport properties of nanometric films reveals that microstructural disorder promotes a shortening of the carrier mean free path. Remarkably enough, at low temperatures, this results in a reinforcement of quantum corrections to the conductivity as predicted by recent models of disordered, strongly correlated electronic systems. This finding may provide a simple explanation for the commonly observed¿in conducting oxides-resistivity minima at low temperature. Simultaneously, the ferromagnetic transition occurring at about 140 K, becomes broader as film thickness decreases down to nanometric range. The relevance of these results for the understanding of the electronic properties of disordered electronic systems and for the technological applications of SrRuO3¿and other ferromagnetic and metallic oxides¿is stressed.


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Step bunching develops in the epitaxy of SrRuO3 on vicinal SrTiO3(001) substrates. We have investigated the formation mechanisms and we show here that step bunching forms by lateral coalescence of wedgelike three-dimensional islands that are nucleated at substrate steps. After coalescence, wedgelike islands become wider and straighter with growth, forming a self-organized network of parallel step bunches with altitudes exceeding 30 unit cells, separated by atomically flat terraces. The formation mechanism of step bunching in SrRuO3, from nucleated islands, radically differs from one-dimensional models used to describe bunching in semiconducting materials. These results illustrate that growth phenomena of complex oxides can be dramatically different to those in semiconducting or metallic systems.


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A comparative study of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrates is reported. It is shown that these films grow epitaxially in a narrow pressure-temperature range. A detailed structural and compositional characterization of the films is performed within the growth window. The structure and the magnetization of this system are investigated. We find a clear correlation between the magnetization and the unit-cell volume that we ascribe to Bi deficiency and the resultant introduction of a mixed valence on the Mn ions. On these grounds, we show that the reduced magnetization of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films compared to the bulk can be explained quantitatively by a simple model, taking into account the deviation from nominal composition and the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules of magnetic interactions.