44 resultados para NCR extension publication
Establishing a conservation tree planting can be a challenge in semiarid regions like western Nebraska, where annual precipitation of 20 inches or less is the norm. Tree planting failure commonly occurs as a result of poor site preparation coupled with inadequate weed and grass control the first three to five years after planting. Effective site preparation begins the year before planting. The results help young trees survive and grow in several ways. This NebGuide explains when and how to do site preparation for conservation tree planting in Western Nebraska.
Proper nut cultivar (variety) selection is important for successful and satisfying results from the home gardener's efforts. Selection should be determined by personal preferences, available space, and intended use of the nuts. Harvest can be spread over several weeks if cultivars with different periods of maturity are planted. It is important that homeowners select the nut plants or cultivars best adapted for cultivation in their area of the state. This extension circular covers how to select a nut cultivar, the plant hardiness zones, horticultural regions, and length of growing season. It contains a list of all nut cultivars suited for growing in the state of Nebraska.
This extension circular shows and describes broadleaf trees that will grow in Nebraska. It should prove valuable when selecting a tree best suited for a specific area and purpose. Most of this publication is devoted to detailed descriptions of tree species. In addition, the main points of tree placement, tree planting and tree care are discussed.
There are two general categories of furniture fabrics: those meant for use as slipcovers, and those for use as upholstery. Slipcovers are designed to fit snugly and yet be removable for cleaning. Upholstery fabrics are generally heavier; they are nailed or stapled directly to the furniture's frame or bonded to the padding. They are not removable. This publication is for persons considering an investment in upholstered furniture or upholstery fabric. It covers basic information on fabric components and construction to help the reader make a wise purchase.
Fewer and fewer Americans produce their own food, yet consumers demand and enjoy a food supply that is flavorful, nutritious, convenient, readily available, safe, abundant, varied, and reasonably priced. Food additives and technology make that possible. This research publication covers what food additive are, why are they used, how they are regulated, and what can individuals do when they are concerned about food additives. It also contains a guide to food additives table.
This extension circular is a slide rule used to help a producer calculate the row spacing, seed population, and estimated percentage of emergence of sugarbeet. A producer can also use this slide rule to find the plant population from plants/100 feet of row at 22" and 30" row spacings.
The use of selective applicators is being rapidly adopted by farmers to supplement their weed control programs. A low-cost method of removing tall, escaped weeds from short stature crops, selective application is also environmentally appealing since the herbicide is applied only to the target weeds and thus only small amounts of herbicides are used. There are three basic types of applicators available: ropewicks, recirculating sprayers (RCS), and carpeted rollers. This NebGuide discusses each applicator and how it can be used on the farm.
Family estate planning is a phrase used to describe the acquisition, enjoyment, and disposition of the family's possessions. The estate plan organizes the resources of the family of an effort to provide for the present and future needs of the family and other heirs. A plan which is started early usually has a better chance of accomplishing the desired objectives.
This NebGuide provides a list of various market information sources, each followed by a brief summary of issue schedules and contents. It provides a listing of widely used and readily available market information sources that contain information which may be useful to agricultural producers, lenders and agribusiness firms when making livestock and poultry marketing decisions. Most of the available market information and statistical data comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Many now require an annual subscription fee.
Making a will is not the sad and gloomy picture painted by some people. Quite the contrary! A person who makes a will is creating his or her own blueprint for the future. A will, like life insurance, social security, or retirement plans, provides security and peace of mind. The person who has a will made can rest assured that property and loved ones will be taken care of precisely in the manner he or she desires. This publication presents basic information about wills, one of the most important documents a person can make or possess. This information can be useful both to those who have already made a will and those who have not.
The Livestock Waste Management Act requires all livestock operations with 300 animal units or more to be inspected by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to determine whether livestock wastes contaminate surface or ground water. This NebFact discusses the following parts of the Livestock Waste Management Act: Act (how cited); Terms (defined); Livestock operation, exemption, livestock waste control facility, permit, restriction; Construction permit or operating permit (when required), livestock waste control facilities, classification, restrictions; Section (how construed); Cold water class A streams (designation); Permit (acknowledgment required); Livestock operation (request inspection, when, fees, department, duties); Permits (duration, modification); Permit (application and modification fees, Livestock Waste Management Cash Fund (created, use, investment, report, legislative intent); Applicant (rejection, grounds, application, information required, certification required); Postconstruction inspection requirement; Department (contracts authorized, permit application, notice required); Permit application (approval from Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environmental Quality, powers); Council (rules and regulations); and Enforcement of act (legislative intent).
If you're like most farmers, one of your key goals is to maximize after-tax earnings. The more money left over after you've paid your farm bills land your taxes, the more you and your family will have to spend. You can increase thos enet earnings in sveral ways: by increasing production, by decreasing cost of supplies oer by finding a way to get more for your produce. But there's another way to increase your after-tax earnings. One that many farmers oculd afford to spen dmore time on: decreasing taxes. The key to avoiding unnecessary taxes is tax planning. This publication will help you do just that: plan for the future.
This extension circular is an income statement form that covers the following areas: Cash Farm Income (grain/hay sales, livestock sales, livestock product sales, government payments, custom work); Cash Farm Expenses (cash operating, breeding livestock purchases, gross cash farm expenses); Adjustment (inventory, machinery/equipment depreciation, fixed farm improvements depreciation, capital gain or loss on machinery/equipment, gross sales of machinery/equipment, real estate sold); and Non-Farm Income (operators's wage, wife's wage, interest/dividend income, gifts/inheritances, gain or loss on security, non-farm inventory change, net income on other farms owned and non-farm real estate).
This extension circular covers the following areas of a cash flow planning form: Beginning Cash Balance, Operating Sales (crop and hay, market livestock, livestock product, custom work); Capital Sales (breeding livestock, machinery and equipment); Personal Income (wages, interest); Operating Expenses (car/truck, chemicals, conservation, custom hire, feed purchased, fertilizers and lime, freight and trucking, gasoline, fuel and oil, insurance, labor hired, rents and leases, repairs and maintenance, seeds and plants, storage, warehousing, supplies, taxes, utilities, veterinary, breeding fees and medicine, feeder livestock); Capital Purchases (breeding livestock, machinery and equipment, family living withdrawals, personal investments, income and social security, term loan payments); Net Cash Available (operating loan borrowings, operating loan payments); and Ending Operating Loan Balance. Along with the Cash Flow Planning Form is a Projected Income Statement Form which covers Projected Business Income (operating sales, breeding livestock, estimated cash income adjustments, estimated gross revenues, estimated value of production); Project Business Expenses (cash operating, esimated operating, prepaid and supplies, cash investment in growing crops, accounts payable); Projected Net Income Summary (estimated net income from operations, estimated net business income, estimated net income after taxes, estimated earned net worth change); and a Physical Inventory Flows Worksheet.