3 resultados para Vetor de médias
em DI-fusion - The institutional repository of Université Libre de Bruxelles
L'article examine comment s'affirme l'idéal-type émergent des eurorégions en Europe. En analysant les discours produits par des institutions, des acteurs économiques et des médias, nous reconstituons la définition du projet eurorégional à partir des diverses positions énonciatives et indépendamment des langues ou de la localisation géographique des eurorégions. D'un côté, les résultats mettent en évidence des métaphores caractéristiques du discours politique européen (la construction, l'expérimentation, le corps) qui contribuent à instaurer l'imaginaire d'un continuum territorial en Europe. D'un autre côté, les résultats dévoilent des zones d'ombre (dissensions, approximations, dispersions, concurrence) qui rendent la définition du projet eurorégional floue et difficile à appréhender pour le citoyen. L'analyse s'appuie sur un corpus authentique et multilingue en vue de déceler des régularités relatives au discours eurorégional. Elle mobilise des résultats textométriques simples mais vérifiables qui servent de repères à l'analyse qualitative.
This paper is part of a collaborative project being undertaken by the three leading universities of Brussels, VUB, ULB and USL-B supported by Innnoviris. The project called Media Clusters Brussels - MCB - started in October 2014 with the goal to analyze the development of a Media Park around the two public broadcasters at the site of Reyers in Brussels being host of a media cluster in the capital city. Not only policymakers but also many authors recognized in the last decade that the media industry is characterized from a geographical point of view by a heavy concentration to a limited number of large cities, where media clusters have emerged (Karlsson & Picard, 2011). The common assumption about media clusters is that locating inside a regional agglomeration of related actors brings advantages for these firms. Especially, the interrelations and interactions between the actors on a social level matter for the shape and efficiency of the agglomerations (Picard, 2008). However, even though the importance of the actors and their interrelations has been a common assumption, many authors solely focus on the macro-economical aspects of the clusters. Within this paper, we propose to realize a socio-economical analysis of media clusters to make informed decisions in the development and so, bring the social (human) factor back into scope. Therefore, this article focuses on the development of a novel valuable framework, the so-called 7P framework with a multilevel and interdisciplinary approach, which includes three aspects, which have been identified as emerging success-factors of media clusters: partnerships, (media) professionals and positive spillovers.