34 resultados para Tamoxifen -- pharmacology


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The 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78) is ubiquitously expressed in many cell types. Its promoter contains multiple protein-binding sites and functional elements. In this study we examined a high affinity protein-binding site spanning bp -198 to -180 of the rat grp78 promoter, using nuclear extracts from both B-lymphoid and HeLa cells. This region contains a sequence TGACGTGA which, with the exception of one base, is identical to the cAMP-response element (CRE). Site-directed mutagenesis reveals that this sequence functions as a major basal level regulatory element in hamster fibroblast cells and is also necessary to maintain high promoter activity under stress-induced conditions. By gel mobility shift analysis, we detect two specific protein complexes. The major specific complex I, while immunologically distinct from the 42-kDa CRE-binding protein (CREB), binds most strongly to the grp site, but also exhibits affinity for the CRE consensus sequence. As such, complex I may consist of other members of the CREB/activating transcription factor protein family. The minor specific complex II consists of CREB or a protein antigenically related to it. A nonspecific complex III consists of the Ku autoantigen, an abundant 70- to 80-kDa protein complex in HeLa nuclear extracts. By cotransfection experiments, we demonstrate that in F9 teratocarcinoma cells, the grp78 promoter can be transactivated by the phosphorylated CREB or when the CREB-transfected cells are treated with the calcium ionophore A23187. The differential regulation of the grp78 gene by cAMP in specific cell types and tissues is discussed.


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Two clearly opposing views exist on the function of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a fetal plasma protein that binds estrogens with high affinity, in the sexual differentiation of the rodent brain. AFP has been proposed to either prevent the entry of estrogens or to actively transport estrogens into the developing female brain. The availability of Afp mutant mice (Afp-/-) now finally allows us to resolve this longstanding controversy concerning the role of AFP in brain sexual differentiation, and thus to determine whether prenatal estrogens contribute to the development of the female brain. Here we show that the brain and behavior of female Afp-/- mice were masculinized and defeminized. However, when estrogen production was blocked by embryonic treatment with the aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17- dione, the feminine phenotype of these mice was rescued. These results clearly demonstrate that prenatal estrogens masculinize and defeminize the brain and that AFP protects the female brain from these effects of estrogens. © 2006 Nature Publishing Group.


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We have identified a patient with a number of neutrophil dysfunctions. The patient was a female baby who lived for 8 months. During her life, she developed severe bacterial infections and showed omphalitis, impaired wound healing, and a pronounced leukocytosis. She was not a patient with leukocyte adhesion deficiency, because all leukocyte CD18 complex proteins were expressed at normal levels. Yet, neutrophil polarization and chemotaxis to platelet-activating factor, leukotriene B4, or formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) were completely absent. We found a strong defect in actin polymerization in response to chemotactic stimuli, but only a retarded or even normal reaction with other stimuli. This indicates that the cellular dysfunctions were not due to an intrinsic defect in actin metabolism. Instead, the regulation of actin polymerization with chemotactic stimuli seemed to be defective. We concentrated on FMLP-induced responses in the patient's neutrophils. Functions dependent on activation of complement receptor type 3, such as aggregation or adherence to endothelial cells, were normally induced. Binding to serum-coated coverslips was normal in cell number; however, spreading was not observed. Exocytosis from the specific granules was readily induced. In contrast, FMLP failed to induce a respiratory burst activity or degranulation of the azurophil granules. FMLP induced a normal increase in free intracellular Ca2+, but a decreased formation of diglycerides (especially the 1-O-alkyl,2-acyl compounds). Thus, we have described a patient whose neutrophils show a severe defect in functional activation via chemotaxin receptors, resulting in a selective absence of NADPH oxidase activity, exocytosis from the azurophil granules, and actin polymerization. Our findings show that actin polymerization for neutrophil spreading and locomotion is regulated differently from that for phagocytosis. Also, the release of azurophil and specific granule contents is clearly shown to be regulated in a different way.


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Many Gram-negative bacteria use the chaperone-usher pathway to express adhesive surface structures, such as fimbriae, in order to mediate attachment to host cells. Periplasmic chaperones are required to shuttle fimbrial subunits or pilins through the periplasmic space in an assembly-competent form. The chaperones cap the hydrophobic surface of the pilins through a donor-strand complementation mechanism. FaeE is the periplasmic chaperone required for the assembly of the F4 fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The FaeE crystal structure shows a dimer formed by interaction between the pilin-binding interfaces of the two monomers. Dimerization and tetramerization have been observed previously in crystal structures of fimbrial chaperones and have been suggested to serve as a self-capping mechanism that protects the pilin-interactive surfaces in solution in the absence of the pilins. However, thermodynamic and biochemical data show that FaeE occurs as a stable monomer in solution. Other lines of evidence indicate that self-capping of the pilin-interactive interfaces is not a mechanism that is conservedly applied by all periplasmic chaperones, but is rather a case-specific solution to cap aggregation-prone surfaces.


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Erm, a member of the PEA3 group within the Ets family of transcription factors, is expressed in murine and human lymphocytes. Here, we show that in the human Molt4 lymphoblastic cell line, the erm gene expression is regulated by the conventional PKC (cPKC) pathway. To better characterize the molecular mechanism by which cPKC regulates Erm transcription in Molt4 cells, we tested proximal promoter deletions of the human gene, and identified a specific cPKC-regulated region between positions -420 and -115 upstream of the first exon.


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Monoclonal antibodies of the OKT series were used to identify T lymphocytes (OKT3+) and their inducer (OKT4+) and suppressor-cytotoxic (OKT8+) subsets in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of 32 healthy old-aged people more than 70 years old (16 men and 16 women) compared to 47 adults (29 men, 18 women) less than 40 years old. The absolute lymphocyte count in the peripheral blood was not significantly influenced by age or sex. Both the proportions and the absolute numbers of T3+ and T4+ cells were significantly lower in aged than in young participants. The proportions but not the absolute counts of OKT8+ cells were higher in the elderly. Most interesting is the influence of sex and these parameters. Old women have normal numbers and proportions of T3+, T4+ and T8+ cells when compared to young women. The latter have a significantly higher proportion of T8+ cells than young adult males. Old men have a striking reduction of both the numbers and proportions of OKT3+ and OKT4+ cells when compared with young men and with women. In addition, old men have an elevated proportion, but a normal absolute number, of OKT8+ cells. The responses of PBMC to phytohaemagglutinin extent (PHA), concanavalin A (Con A) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) are reduced to the same extent in ageing male and female subjects when compared to young adults. In the older group, the magnitude of the lymphocyte response to PHA and Con A but not to PWM is negatively correlated with the proportions of OKT8+ cells. Surprisingly, these correlations are observed only in old women but not in old men. The latter finding excludes the possibility that the age-associated decline of the lymphocyte response to T cell mitogens is secondary to an imbalance between T4+ and T8+ lymphocytes.


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Neonatal immaturity of the immune system is currently believed to generally limit the induction of immune responses to vaccine Ags and to skew them toward type 2 responses. We demonstrated here that Bordetella pertussis infection in very young infants (median, 2 mo old) as well as the first administration of whole-cell pertussis vaccine induces B. pertussis Ag-specific IFN-gamma secretion by the PBMC of these infants. IFN-gamma was secreted by both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, and the levels of Ag-induced IFN-gamma secretion did not correlate with the age of the infants. Appearance of the specific Th-1 cell-mediated immunity was accompanied by a general shift of the cytokine secretion profile of these infants toward a stronger Th1 profile, as evidenced by the response to a polyclonal stimulation. We conclude that the immune system of 2-mo-old infants is developmentally mature enough to develop Th1 responses in vivo upon infection by B. pertussis or vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccines.


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Antigen-specific gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) has been demonstrated to participate in protection against Bordetella pertussis infection. Circulating mononuclear cells from B. pertussis-infected and from pertussis-vaccinated infants secrete high amounts of IFN-gamma after in vitro stimulation by B. pertussis antigens, but with a large variation in the secreted IFN-gamma levels between individuals. We show here that the inhibition of the specific IFN-gamma response can be at least partially attributed to IL-10 secretion by monocytes. This IL-10 secretion was not associated with polymorphisms at positions -1082, -819, and -592 of the IL-10 gene promoter, suggesting that other genetic or environmental factors affect IL-10 expression and secretion.


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The incidence of prostate cancer is increasing in western countries because of population aging. Prostate cancer begins as an androgen-dependent disease, but it can become androgen independent at a later stage or in tumors recurring after an antihormonal treatment. Although many genetic events have been described to be involved in androgen-dependent and/or -independent prostate cancer growth, little is known about the contribution of epigenetic events. Here we have examined the possibility that the methyl-CpG-binding protein MECP2 might play a role in controlling the growth of prostate cancer cells. Inhibition of MECP2 expression by stable short hairpin RNA stopped the growth of both normal and cancer human prostate cells. In addition, ectopic expression of the MECP2 conferred a growth advantage to human prostate cancer cells. More importantly, this expression allowed androgen-dependent cells to grow independently of androgen stimulation and to retain tumorigenic properties in androgen-depleted conditions. Analysis of signaling pathways showed that this effect is independent of androgen receptor signaling. Instead, MECP2 appears to act by maintaining a constant c-myc level during antihormonal treatment. We further show that MECP2-expressing cells possess a functional p53 pathway and are still responsive to chemotherapeutic drugs.


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Induction of cell proliferation by mitogen or growth factor stimulation leads to the specific induction or repression of a large number of genes. To identify genes differentially regulated by the cAMP-dependent transduction pathway, which is poorly characterized so far, we used the cDNA expression array technology. Hybridizations of Atlas human cDNA expression arrays with (32)P-labeled cDNA probes derived from control or thyrotropin (TSH)-stimulated dog thyrocytes in primary culture generated expression profiles of hundreds of genes simultaneously. Among the genes that displayed modified expression, we selected the transcription factor ID3, whose expression was increased by a cAMP-dependent stimulus. ID3 overexpression after TSH stimulation was first verified by Northern blotting analysis, and its mRNA regulation was then investigated in response to a variety of agents acting on thyrocyte proliferation and/or differentiation. We show that: (1) ID3 mRNA induction was stronger after stimulation of the cAMP cascade, but was not restricted to this signaling pathway, as phorbol myristate ester (TPA) and insulin also stimulated mRNA accumulation; (2) in contrast, powerful mitogens for thyroid cells, epidermal growth factor and hepatocyte growth factor, did not significantly modify ID3 mRNA levels; (3) ID3 protein levels closely parallelled mRNA levels, as revealed by immunofluorescence experiments showing a nuclear signal regulated by TSH; (4) in papillary thyroid carcinomas, ID3 mRNA was downregulated. Our results suggest that ID3 expression might be more related to the differentiating process induced by TSH than to the proliferative action of this hormone.


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The role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) is controversial. Although most studies on different cancer types associate them with a poorer prognosis, interestingly in colon cancer, most articles indicate that TAMs prevent tumor development; patients with high TAMs have better prognosis and survival rate. M1-polarized macrophages produce high level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta or reactive oxygen species, which can effectively kill susceptible tumor cells. In contrast, M2-polarized macrophages can secrete different factors that promote tumor cell growth and survival or favor angiogenesis and tissue invasion. Considering the beneficial role of TAMs in colon cancer, we speculated that they may not display the M2 polarization commonly observed in tumor microenvironment, but rather develop M1 properties. Therefore, we used an in vitro model to analyze the effects of supernatants from M1-polarized macrophages on DLD-1 colon cancer cells. Our data indicate that the conditioned medium from LPS-activated macrophages (CM-LAM) contains a high level of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukins-1 beta, -6, -8 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and that it exerts a marked growth inhibitory activity on DLD-1 cells. Prolonged exposure to CM-LAM results in cell death by apoptosis. Such exposure to CM-LAM leads to the modulation of gal-3 expression: we observed a marked downregulation of gal-3 mRNA and protein expression following CM-LAM treatment. We also describe that the knockdown of gal-3 sensitizes DLD-1 cells to CM-LAM. These data suggest an involvement of gal-3 in the response of colon cancer cells to proinflammatory stimuli, such as the conditioned medium from activated macrophages.


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In dog thyroid cells, insulin or IGF-1 induces cell growth and is required for the mitogenic action of TSH through cyclic AMP, of EGF, and of phorbol esters. HGF per se stimulates cell proliferation and is thus the only full mitogenic agent. TSH and cAMP enhance, whereas EGF phorbol esters and HGF repress differentiation expression. In this study, we have investigated for each factor and regulatory cascade of the intermediate step of immediate early gene induction, that is, c-myc, c-jun, jun D, jun B, c-fos, fos B, fra-1, fra-2, and egr1; fra-1 and fra-2 expressions were very low. TSH or forskolin increased the levels of c-myc, jun B, jun D, c-fos, and fos B while decreasing those of c-jun and egr1. Phorbol myristate ester stimulated the expression of all the genes. EGF and HGF stimulated the expression of all the genes except jun D and for EGF fos B. All these effects were obtained in the presence and in the absence of insulin, which shows that insulin is not necessary for the effects of the mitogens on immediate early gene expression. The definition of the repertoire of early immediate genes inductible by the various growth cascades provides a framework for the analysis of gene expression in tumors. (1) Insulin was able to induce all the protooncogenes investigated except fos B. This suggests that fos B could be the factor missing for insulin to induce mitogenesis. (2) No characteristic pattern of immediate early gene expression has been observed for insulin, which induces cell hypertrophy and is permissive for the action of the other growth factors. These effects are therefore not accounted for by a specific immediate early gene expression. On the other hand, insulin clearly enhances the effects of TSH, phorbol ester, and EGF on c-myc, junB, and c-fos expression. This suggests that the effect of insulin on mitogenesis might result from quantitative differences in the transcription complexes formed. (3) c-myc, c-fos, and jun B mRNA induction by all stimulating agents, whether inducing cell hypertrophy, or growth and dedifferentiation, or growth and differentiation, suggests that, although these expressions are not sufficient, they may be necessary for the various growth responses of thyroid cells. (4) The inhibition of c-jun and egr1 mRNA expression, and the marked induction of jun D mRNA appear to be specific features of the TSH cAMP pathway. They might be related to its differentiating action. (5) fos B, which is induced by TSH, forskolin, phorbol ester, and HGF but not by insulin, could be involved in the mitogenic action of the former factors.


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The regular doubling of cell mass, and therefore of cell protein content, is required for repetitive cell divisions. Preliminary observations have shown that in dog thyrocytes insulin induces protein accumulation but not DNA synthesis, while TSH does not increase protein accumulation but triggers DNA synthesis in the presence of insulin. We show here that EGF and phorbol myristate ester complement insulin action in the same way. HGF is the only factor activating both protein accumulation and DNA synthesis. The effects of insulin on protein accumulation and in permitting the TSH effect are reproduced by IGF-1 and are mediated, at least in part by the IGF-1 receptor. The concentration effect curves are similar for both effects. Similar results are obtained in human thyrocytes. They reflect true cell growth, as shown by increases in RNA content and cell size. Carbachol and fetal calf serum also stimulate protein synthesis and accumulation without triggering DNA synthesis, but they are not permissive for the mitogenic effects of TSH or of the general adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin. Moreover the mitogenic effect of TSH greatly decreased in cells deprived of insulin for 2 days although these cells remain hypertrophic. Hypertrophy may therefore be necessary for cell division, but it is not sufficient to permit it. Three different mechanisms can therefore be distinguished in the mitogenic action of TSH: (1) the increase of cell mass (hypertrophy) induced by insulin or IGF-1; (2) the permissive effect of insulin or IGF-1 on the mitogenic effect of TSH which may involve both the increase of cell mass and the induction of specific proteins such as cyclin D3 and (3) the mitogenic effect of the TSH cyclic AMP cascade proper.