8 resultados para thickness of optical coatings

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The demand for optical bandwidth continues to increase year on year and is being driven primarily by entertainment services and video streaming to the home. Current photonic systems are coping with this demand by increasing data rates through faster modulation techniques, spectrally efficient transmission systems and by increasing the number of modulated optical channels per fibre strand. Such photonic systems are large and power hungry due to the high number of discrete components required in their operation. Photonic integration offers excellent potential for combining otherwise discrete system components together on a single device to provide robust, power efficient and cost effective solutions. In particular, the design of optical modulators has been an area of immense interest in recent times. Not only has research been aimed at developing modulators with faster data rates, but there has also a push towards making modulators as compact as possible. Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZM) have proven to be highly successful in many optical communication applications. However, due to the relatively weak electro-optic effect on which they are based, they remain large with typical device lengths of 4 to 7 mm while requiring a travelling wave structure for high-speed operation. Nested MZMs have been extensively used in the generation of advanced modulation formats, where multi-symbol transmission can be used to increase data rates at a given modulation frequency. Such nested structures have high losses and require both complex fabrication and packaging. In recent times, it has been shown that Electro-absorption modulators (EAMs) can be used in a specific arrangement to generate Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation. EAM based QPSK modulators have increased potential for integration and can be made significantly more compact than MZM based modulators. Such modulator designs suffer from losses in excess of 40 dB, which limits their use in practical applications. The work in this thesis has focused on how these losses can be reduced by using photonic integration. In particular, the integration of multiple lasers with the modulator structure was considered as an excellent means of reducing fibre coupling losses while maximising the optical power on chip. A significant difficultly when using multiple integrated lasers in such an arrangement was to ensure coherence between the integrated lasers. The work investigated in this thesis demonstrates for the first time how optical injection locking between discrete lasers on a single photonic integrated circuit (PIC) can be used in the generation of coherent optical signals. This was done by first considering the monolithic integration of lasers and optical couplers to form an on chip optical power splitter, before then examining the behaviour of a mutually coupled system of integrated lasers. By operating the system in a highly asymmetric coupling regime, a stable phase locking region was found between the integrated lasers. It was then shown that in this stable phase locked region the optical outputs of each laser were coherent with each other and phase locked to a common master laser.


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Nanostructured materials are central to the evolution of future electronics and biomedical applications amongst other applications. This thesis is focused on developing novel methods to prepare a number of nanostructured metal oxide particles and films by a number of different routes. Part of the aim was to see how techniques used in nanoparticle science could be applied to thin film methods to develop functional surfaces. Wet-chemical methods were employed to synthesize and modify the metal oxide nanostructures (CeO2 and SiO2) and their structural properties were characterized through advanced X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy and other techniques. Whilst particulates have uses in many applications, their attachment to surfaces is of importance and this is frequently challenging. We examined the use of block copolymer methods to form very well defined metal oxide particulate-like structures on the surface of a number of substrates. Chapter 2 describes a robust method to synthesize various sized silica nanoparticles. As-synthesized silica nanoparticles were further functionalized with IR-820 and FITC dyes. The ability to create size controlled nanoparticles with associated (optical) functionality may have significant importance in bio-medical imaging. Thesis further describes how non-organic modified fluorescent particles might be prepared using inorganic oxides. A study of the concentrations and distributions of europium dopants within the CeO2 nanoparticles was undertaken and investigated by different microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The luminescent properties were enhanced by doping and detailed explanations are reported. Additionally, the morphological and structural evolution and optical properties were correlated as a function of concentrations of europium doping as well as with further annealing. Further work using positron annihilation spectroscopy allowed the study of vacancy type defects formed due to europium doping in CeO2 crystallites and this was supported by complimentary UV-Vis spectra and XRD work. During the last few years the interest in mesoporous silica materials has increased due to their typical characteristics such as potential ultra-low dielectric constant materials, large surface area and pore volume, well-ordered and uniform pores with adjustable pores between 2 and 50 nm. A simple, generic and cost-effective route was used to demonstrate the synthesis of 2D mesoporous silica thin films over wafer scale dimensions in chapter 5. Lithographic resist and in situ hard mask block copolymer followed by ICP dry etching were used to fabricate mesoporous silica nanostructures. The width of mesoporous silica channels can be varied by using a variety of commercially available lithographic resists whereas depth of the mesoporous silica channels can be varied by altering the etch time. The crystal structure, morphology, pore arrangement, pore diameters, thickness of films and channels were determined by XRD, SEM, ellipsometry and the results reported. This project also extended work towards the study of the antimicrobial study of nanopatterned silver nanodot arrays formed using the block copolymer approach defined above. Silver nanodot arrays were successfully tested for antimicrobial activity over S. aureus and P. aeruginosa biofilms and results shows silver nanodots has good antimicrobial activity for both S. aureus and P. aeruginosa biofilms. Thus, these silver nanodot arrays shows a potential to be used as a substitute for the resolution of infection complications in many areas.


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Photonic integration has become an important research topic in research for applications in the telecommunications industry. Current optical internet infrastructure has reached capacity with current generation dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems fully occupying the low absorption region of optical fibre from 1530 nm to 1625 nm (the C and L bands). This is both due to an increase in the number of users worldwide and existing users demanding more bandwidth. Therefore, current research is focussed on using the available telecommunication spectrum more efficiently. To this end, coherent communication systems are being developed. Advanced coherent modulation schemes can be quite complex in terms of the number and array of devices required for implementation. In order to make these systems viable both logistically and commercially, photonic integration is required. In traditional DWDM systems, arrayed waveguide gratings (AWG) are used to both multiplex and demultiplex the multi-wavelength signal involved. AWGs are used widely as they allow filtering of the many DWDM wavelengths simultaneously. However, when moving to coherent telecommunication systems such as coherent optical frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) smaller FSR ranges are required from the AWG. This increases the size of the device which is counter to the miniaturisation which integration is trying to achieve. Much work was done with active filters during the 1980s. This involved using a laser device (usually below threshold) to allow selective wavelength filtering of input signals. By using more complicated cavity geometry devices such as distributed feedback (DFB) and sampled grating distributed Bragg gratings (SG-DBR) narrowband filtering is achievable with high suppression (>30 dB) of spurious wavelengths. The active nature of the devices also means that, through carrier injection, the index can be altered resulting in tunability of the filter. Used above threshold, active filters become useful in filtering coherent combs. Through injection locking, the coherence of the filtered wavelengths with the original comb source is retained. This gives active filters potential application in coherent communication system as demultiplexers. This work will focus on the use of slotted Fabry-Pérot (SFP) semiconductor lasers as active filters. Experiments were carried out to ensure that SFP lasers were useful as tunable active filters. In all experiments in this work the SFP lasers were operated above threshold and so injection locking was the mechanic by which the filters operated. Performance of the lasers under injection locking was examined using both single wavelength and coherent comb injection. In another experiment two discrete SFP lasers were used simultaneously to demultiplex a two-line coherent comb. The relative coherence of the comb lines was retained after demultiplexing. After showing that SFP lasers could be used to successfully demultiplex coherent combs a photonic integrated circuit was designed and fabricated. This involved monolithic integration of a MMI power splitter with an array of single facet SFP lasers. This device was tested much in the same way as the discrete devices. The integrated device was used to successfully demultiplex a two line coherent comb signal whilst retaining the relative coherence between the filtered comb lines. A series of modelling systems were then employed in order to understand the resonance characteristics of the fabricated devices, and to understand their performance under injection locking. Using this information, alterations to the SFP laser designs were made which were theoretically shown to provide improved performance and suitability for use in filtering coherent comb signals.


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Amorphous silicon has become the material of choice for many technologies, with major applications in large area electronics: displays, image sensing and thin film photovoltaic cells. This technology development has occurred because amorphous silicon is a thin film semiconductor that can be deposited on large, low cost substrates using low temperature. In this thesis, classical molecular dynamics and first principles DFT calculations have been performed to generate structural models of amorphous and hydrogenated amorphous silicon and interfaces of amorphous and crystalline silicon, with the ultimate aim of understanding the photovoltaic properties of core-shell crystalline amorphous Si nanowire structures. We have shown, unexpectedly, from the simulations, that our understanding of hydrogenated bulk a-Si needs to be revisited, with our robust finding that when fully saturated with hydrogen, bulk a-Si exhibits a constant optical energy gap, irrespective of the hydrogen concentration in the sample. Unsaturated a-Si:H, with a lower than optimum hydrogen content, shows a smaller optical gap, that increases with hydrogen content until saturation is reached. The mobility gaps obtained from an analysis of the electronic states show similar behavior. We also obtained that the optical and mobility gaps show a volcano curve as the H content is varied from 7% (undersaturation) to 18% (mild oversaturation). In the case of mild over saturation, the mid-gap states arise exclusively from an increase in the density of strained Si-Si bonds. Analysis of our structures shows the extra H atoms in this case form a bridge between neighboring silicon atoms which increases the corresponding Si-Si distance and promotes bond length disorder in the sample. That has the potential to enhance the Staebler-Wronski effect. Planar interface models of amorphous-crystalline silicon have been generated in Si (100), (110) and (111) surfaces. The interface models are characterized by structure, RDF, electronic density of states and optical absorption spectrum. We find that the least stable (100) surface will result in the formation of the thickest amorphous silicon layer, while the most stable (110) surface forms the smallest amorphous region. We calculated for the first time band offsets of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions from first principles and examined the influence of different surface orientations and amorphous layer thickness on the offsets and implications for device performance. The band offsets depend on the amorphous layer thickness and increase with thickness. By controlling the amorphous layer thickness we can potentially optimise the solar cell parameters. Finally, we have successfully generated different amorphous layer thickness of the a-Si/c-Si and a-Si:H/c-Si 5 nm nanowires from heat and quench. We perform structural analysis of the a-Si-/c-Si nanowires. The RDF, Si-Si bond length distributions, and the coordination number distributions of amorphous regions of the nanowires reproduce similar behaviour compared to bulk amorphous silicon. In the final part of this thesis we examine different surface terminating chemical groups, -H, - OH and –NH2 in (001) GeNW. Our work shows that the diameter of Ge nanowires and the nature of surface terminating groups both play a significant role in both the magnitude and the nature of the nanowire band gaps, allowing tuning of the band gap by up to 1.1 eV. We also show for the first time how the nanowire diameter and surface termination shifts the absorption edge in the Ge nanowires to longer wavelengths. Thus, the combination of nanowire diameter and surface chemistry can be effectively utilised to tune the band gaps and thus light absorption properties of small diameter Ge nanowires.


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In this paper, we use a model of hydrogenated amorphous silicon generated from molecular dynamics with density functional theory calculations to examine how the atomic geometry and the optical and mobility gaps are influenced by mild hydrogen oversaturation. The optical and mobility gaps show a volcano curve as the hydrogen content varies from undersaturation to mild oversaturation, with largest gaps obtained at the saturation hydrogen concentration. At the same time, mid-gap states associated with dangling bonds and strained Si-Si bonds disappear at saturation but reappear at mild oversaturation, which is consistent with the evolution of optical gap. The distribution of Si-Si bond distances provides the key to the change in electronic properties. In the undersaturation regime, the new electronic states in the gap arise from the presence of dangling bonds and strained Si-Si bonds, which are longer than the equilibrium Si-Si distance. Increasing hydrogen concentration up to saturation reduces the strained bonds and removes dangling bonds. In the case of mild oversaturation, the mid-gap states arise exclusively from an increase in the density of strained Si-Si bonds. Analysis of our structure shows that the extra hydrogen atoms form a bridge between neighbouring silicon atoms, thus increasing the Si-Si distance and increasing disorder in the sample.


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We studied the optical properties of a strain-induced direct-band-gap Ge quantum well embedded in InGaAs. We showed that the band offsets depend on the electronegativity of the layer in contact with Ge, leading to different types of optical transitions in the heterostructure. When group-V atoms compose the interfaces, only electrons are confined in Ge, whereas both carriers are confined when the interface consists of group-III atoms. The different carrier confinement results in different emission dynamics behavior. This study provides a solution to obtain efficient light emission from Ge.


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The amount and quality of available biomass is a key factor for the sustainable livestock industry and agricultural management related decision making. Globally 31.5% of land cover is grassland while 80% of Ireland’s agricultural land is grassland. In Ireland, grasslands are intensively managed and provide the cheapest feed source for animals. This dissertation presents a detailed state of the art review of satellite remote sensing of grasslands, and the potential application of optical (Moderate–resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)) and radar (TerraSAR-X) time series imagery to estimate the grassland biomass at two study sites (Moorepark and Grange) in the Republic of Ireland using both statistical and state of the art machine learning algorithms. High quality weather data available from the on-site weather station was also used to calculate the Growing Degree Days (GDD) for Grange to determine the impact of ancillary data on biomass estimation. In situ and satellite data covering 12 years for the Moorepark and 6 years for the Grange study sites were used to predict grassland biomass using multiple linear regression, Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) models. The results demonstrate that a dense (8-day composite) MODIS image time series, along with high quality in situ data, can be used to retrieve grassland biomass with high performance (R2 = 0:86; p < 0:05, RMSE = 11.07 for Moorepark). The model for Grange was modified to evaluate the synergistic use of vegetation indices derived from remote sensing time series and accumulated GDD information. As GDD is strongly linked to the plant development, or phonological stage, an improvement in biomass estimation would be expected. It was observed that using the ANFIS model the biomass estimation accuracy increased from R2 = 0:76 (p < 0:05) to R2 = 0:81 (p < 0:05) and the root mean square error was reduced by 2.72%. The work on the application of optical remote sensing was further developed using a TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight mode time series over the Moorepark study site to explore the extent to which very high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data of interferometrically coherent paddocks can be exploited to retrieve grassland biophysical parameters. After filtering out the non-coherent plots it is demonstrated that interferometric coherence can be used to retrieve grassland biophysical parameters (i. e., height, biomass), and that it is possible to detect changes due to the grass growth, and grazing and mowing events, when the temporal baseline is short (11 days). However, it not possible to automatically uniquely identify the cause of these changes based only on the SAR backscatter and coherence, due to the ambiguity caused by tall grass laid down due to the wind. Overall, the work presented in this dissertation has demonstrated the potential of dense remote sensing and weather data time series to predict grassland biomass using machine-learning algorithms, where high quality ground data were used for training. At present a major limitation for national scale biomass retrieval is the lack of spatial and temporal ground samples, which can be partially resolved by minor modifications in the existing PastureBaseIreland database by adding the location and extent ofeach grassland paddock in the database. As far as remote sensing data requirements are concerned, MODIS is useful for large scale evaluation but due to its coarse resolution it is not possible to detect the variations within the fields and between the fields at the farm scale. However, this issue will be resolved in terms of spatial resolution by the Sentinel-2 mission, and when both satellites (Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B) are operational the revisit time will reduce to 5 days, which together with Landsat-8, should enable sufficient cloud-free data for operational biomass estimation at a national scale. The Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) approach is feasible if there are enough coherent interferometric pairs available, however this is difficult to achieve due to the temporal decorrelation of the signal. For repeat-pass InSAR over a vegetated area even an 11 days temporal baseline is too large. In order to achieve better coherence a very high resolution is required at the cost of spatial coverage, which limits its scope for use in an operational context at a national scale. Future InSAR missions with pair acquisition in Tandem mode will minimize the temporal decorrelation over vegetation areas for more focused studies. The proposed approach complements the current paradigm of Big Data in Earth Observation, and illustrates the feasibility of integrating data from multiple sources. In future, this framework can be used to build an operational decision support system for retrieval of grassland biophysical parameters based on data from long term planned optical missions (e. g., Landsat, Sentinel) that will ensure the continuity of data acquisition. Similarly, Spanish X-band PAZ and TerraSAR-X2 missions will ensure the continuity of TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed.


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Metal oxide thin films are important for modern electronic devices ranging from thin film transistors to photovoltaics and functional optical coatings. Solution processed techniques allow for thin films to be rapidly deposited over a range of surfaces without the extensive processing of comparative vapour or physical deposition methods. The production of thin films of vanadium oxide prepared through dip-coating was developed enabling a greater understanding of the thin film formation. Mechanisms of depositing improved large area uniform coverage on a number of technologically relevant substrates were examined. The fundamental mechanism for polymer-assisted deposition in improving thin film surface smoothness and long range order has been delivered. Different methods were employed for adapting the alkoxide based dip-coating technique to produce a variety of amorphous and crystalline vanadium oxide based thin films. Using a wide range of material, spectroscopic and optical measurement techniques the morphology, structure and optoelectronic properties of the thin films were studied. The formation of pinholes on the surface of the thin films, due to dewetting and spinodal effects, was inhibited using the polymer assisted deposition technique. Uniform thin films with sub 50 nm thicknesses were deposited on a variety of substrates controlled through alterations to the solvent-alkoxide dilution ratios and employing polymer assisted deposition techniques. The effects of polymer assisted deposition altered the crystallized VO thin films from a granular surface structure to a polycrystalline structure composed of high density small in-plane grains. The formation of transparent VO based thin film through Si and Na substrate mediated diffusion highlighted new methods for material formation and doping.