9 resultados para Structural and electrical properties

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Surface modification of silicon with organic monolayers tethered to the surface by different linkers is an important process in realizing future (opto-)electronic devices. Understanding the role played by the nature of the linking group and the chain length on the adsorption structures and electronic properties of these assemblies is vital to advance this technology. This Thesis is a study of such properties and contributes in particular to a microscopic understanding of induced changes in the work function of experimentally studied functionalized silicon surfaces. Using first-principles density functional theory (DFT), at the first step, we provide predictions for chemical trends in the work function of hydrogenated silicon (111) surfaces modified with various terminations. For nonpolar terminating atomic species such as F, Cl, Br, and I, the change in the work function is directly proportional to the amount of charge transferred from the surface, thus relating to the difference in electronegativity of the adsorbate and silicon atoms. The change is a monotonic function of coverage in this case, and the work function increases with increasing electronegativity. Polar species such as −TeH, −SeH, −SH, −OH, −NH2, −CH3, and −BH2 do not follow this trend due to the interaction of their dipole with the induced electric field at the surface. In this case, the magnitude and sign of the surface dipole moment need to be considered in addition to the bond dipole to generally describe the change in work function. Compared to hydrogenated surfaces, there is slight increase in the work function of H:Si(111)-XH, where X = Te, Se, and S, whereas reduction is observed for surfaces covered with −OH, −CH3, and −NH2. Next, we study the hydrogen passivated Si(111) surface modified with alkyl chains of the general formula H:Si–(CH2)n–CH2 and H:Si–X–(CH2)n–CH3, where X = NH, O, S and n = (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), at half coverage. For (X)–Hexyl and (X)–Dodecyl functionalization, we also examined various coverages up to full monolayer grafting in order to validate the result of half covered surface and the linker effect on the coverage. We find that it is necessary to take into account the van der Waals interaction between the alkyl chains. The strongest binding is for the oxygen linker, followed by S, N, and C, irrespective of chain length. The result revealed that the sequence of the stability is independent of coverage; however, linkers other than carbon can shift the optimum coverage considerably and allow further packing density. For all linkers apart from sulfur, structural properties, in particular, surface-linker-chain angles, saturate to a single value once n > 3. For sulfur, we identify three regimes, namely, n = 0–3, n = 5–7, and n = 9–11, each with its own characteristic adsorption structures. Where possible, our computational results are shown to be consistent with the available experimental data and show how the fundamental structural properties of modified Si surfaces can be controlled by the choice of linking group and chain length. Later we continue by examining the work function tuning of H:Si(111) over a range of 1.73 eV through adsorption of alkyl monolayers with general formula -[Xhead-group]-(CnH2n)-[Xtail-group], X = O(H), S(H), NH(2). The work function is practically converged at 4 carbons (8 for oxygen), for head-group functionalization. For tail-group functionalization and with both head- and tail-groups, there is an odd-even effect in the behavior of the work function, with peak-to-peak amplitudes of up to 1.7 eV in the oscillations. This behavior is explained through the orientation of the terminal-group's dipole. The shift in the work function is largest for NH2-linked and smallest for SH-linked chains and is rationalized in terms of interface dipoles. Our study reveals that the choice of the head- and/or tail-groups effectively changes the impact of the alkyl chain length on the work function tuning using self-assembled monolayers and this is an important advance in utilizing hybrid functionalized Si surfaces. Bringing together the understanding gained from studying single type functionalization of H:Si(111) with different alkyl chains and bearing in mind how to utilize head-group, tail-group or both as well as monolayer coverage, in the final part of this Thesis we study functionalized H:Si(111) with binary SAMs. Aiming at enhancing work function adjustment together with SAM stability and coverage we choose a range of terminations and linker-chains denoted as –X–(Alkyl) with X = CH3, O(H), S(H), NH(2) and investigate the stability and work function of various binary components grafted onto H:Si(111) surface. Using binary functionalization with -[NH(2)/O(H)/S(H)]-[Hexyl/Dodecyl] we show that work function can be tuned within the interval of 3.65-4.94 eV and furthermore, enhance the SAM’s stability. Although direct Si-C grafted SAMs are less favourable compared to their counterparts with O, N or S linkage, regardless of the ratio, binary functionalized alkyl monolayers with X-alkyl (X = NH, O) is always more stable than single type alkyl functionalization with the same coverage. Our results indicate that it is possible to go beyond the optimum coverage of pure alkyl functionalized SAMs (50%) by adding a linker with the correct choice of the linker. This is very important since dense packed monolayers have fewer defects and deliver higher efficiency. Our results indicate that binary anchoring can modify the charge injection and therefore bond stability while preserving the interface electronic structure.


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The deposition by atomic vapor deposition of highly c-axis-oriented Aurivillius phase Bi 5Ti 3FeO 15 (BTFO) thin films on (100) Si substrates is reported. Partially crystallized BTFO films with c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface were first deposited at 610°C (8 excess Bi), and subsequently annealed at 820°C to get stoichiometric composition. After annealing, the films were highly c-axis-oriented, showing only (00l) peaks in x-ray diffraction (XRD), up to (0024). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirms the BTFO film has a clear layered structure, and the bismuth oxide layer interleaves the four-block pseudoperovskite layer, indicating the n 4 Aurivillius phase structure. Piezoresponse force microscopy measurements indicate strong in-plane piezoelectric response, consistent with the c-axis layered structure, shown by XRD and TEM.


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This thesis is focused on the application of numerical atomic basis sets in studies of the structural, electronic and transport properties of silicon nanowire structures from first-principles within the framework of Density Functional Theory. First we critically examine the applied methodology and then offer predictions regarding the transport properties and realisation of silicon nanowire devices. The performance of numerical atomic orbitals is benchmarked against calculations performed with plane waves basis sets. After establishing the convergence of total energy and electronic structure calculations with increasing basis size we have shown that their quality greatly improves with the optimisation of the contraction for a fixed basis size. The double zeta polarised basis offers a reasonable approximation to study structural and electronic properties and transferability exists between various nanowire structures. This is most important to reduce the computational cost. The impact of basis sets on transport properties in silicon nanowires with oxygen and dopant impurities have also been studied. It is found that whilst transmission features quantitatively converge with increasing contraction there is a weaker dependence on basis set for the mean free path; the double zeta polarised basis offers a good compromise whereas the single zeta basis set yields qualitatively reasonable results. Studying the transport properties of nanowire-based transistor setups with p+-n-p+ and p+-i-p+ doping profiles it is shown that charge self-consistency affects the I-V characteristics more significantly than the basis set choice. It is predicted that such ultrascaled (3 nm length) transistors would show degraded performance due to relatively high source-drain tunnelling currents. Finally, it is shown the hole mobility of Si nanowires nominally doped with boron decreases monotonically with decreasing width at fixed doping density and increasing dopant concentration. Significant mobility variations are identified which can explain experimental observations.


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The continued advancement of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) technology has shifted the focus from Si/SiO2 transistors towards high-κ/III-V transistors for high performance, faster devices. This has been necessary due to the limitations associated with the scaling of the SiO2 thickness below ~1 nm and the associated increased leakage current due to direct electron tunnelling through the gate oxide. The use of these materials exhibiting lower effective charge carrier mass in conjunction with the use of a high-κ gate oxide allows for the continuation of device scaling and increases in the associated MOSFET device performance. The high-κ/III-V interface is a critical challenge to the integration of high-κ dielectrics on III-V channels. The interfacial chemistry of the high-κ/III-V system is more complex than Si, due to the nature of the multitude of potential native oxide chemistries at the surface with the resultant interfacial layer showing poor electrical insulating properties when high-κ dielectrics are deposited directly on these oxides. It is necessary to ensure that a good quality interface is formed in order to reduce leakage and interface state defect density to maximise channel mobility and reduce variability and power dissipation. In this work, the ALD growth of aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and hafnium oxide (HfO2) after various surface pre-treatments was carried out, with the aim of improving the high-κ/III-V interface by reducing the Dit – the density of interface defects caused by imperfections such as dangling bonds, dimers and other unsatisfied bonds at the interfaces of materials. A brief investigation was performed into the structural and electrical properties of Al2O3 films deposited on In0.53Ga0.47As at 200 and 300oC via a novel amidinate precursor. Samples were determined to experience a severe nucleation delay when deposited directly on native oxides, leading to diminished functionality as a gate insulator due to largely reduced growth per cycle. Aluminium oxide MOS capacitors were prepared by ALD and the electrical characteristics of GaAs, In0.53Ga0.47As and InP capacitors which had been exposed to pre-pulse treatments from triethyl gallium and trimethyl indium were examined, to determine if self-cleaning reactions similar to those of trimethyl aluminium occur for other alkyl precursors. An improved C-V characteristic was observed for GaAs devices indicating an improved interface possibly indicating an improvement of the surface upon pre-pulsing with TEG, conversely degraded electrical characteristics observed for In0.53Ga0.47As and InP MOS devices after pre-treatment with triethyl gallium and trimethyl indium respectively. The electrical characteristics of Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As MOS capacitors after in-situ H2/Ar plasma treatment or in-situ ammonium sulphide passivation were investigated and estimates of interface Dit calculated. The use of plasma reduced the amount of interface defects as evidenced in the improved C-V characteristics. Samples treated with ammonium sulphide in the ALD chamber were found to display no significant improvement of the high-κ/III-V interface. HfO2 MOS capacitors were fabricated using two different precursors comparing the industry standard hafnium chloride process with deposition from amide precursors incorporating a ~1nm interface control layer of aluminium oxide and the structural and electrical properties investigated. Capacitors furnished from the chloride process exhibited lower hysteresis and improved C-V characteristics as compared to that of hafnium dioxide grown from an amide precursor, an indication that no etching of the film takes place using the chloride precursor in conjunction with a 1nm interlayer. Optimisation of the amide process was carried out and scaled samples electrically characterised in order to determine if reduced bilayer structures display improved electrical characteristics. Samples were determined to exhibit good electrical characteristics with a low midgap Dit indicative of an unpinned Fermi level


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Comprehensive analysis of the electrical properties, structure and composition of Pt interconnects, developed via mask-less, electron beam induced deposition of the carbon-free Pt precursor, Pt(PF3)4, is presented. The results demonstrate significantly improved electrical performance in comparison with that generated from the standard organometallic precursor, (CH3)3Pt(CpCH3). In particular, the Pt interconnects exhibited perfect ohmic behavior and resistivity that can be diminished to 0.24 × 10−3 Ω cm, which is only one order of magnitude higher than bulk Pt, in comparison to 0.2 Ω cm for the standard carbon-containing interconnects. A maximum current density of 1.87 × 107 A cm−2 was achieved for the carbon-free Pt, compared to 9.44 × 105 A cm−2 for the standard Pt precursor. The enhanced electrical properties of the as-deposited materials can be explained by the absence of large amounts of carbon impurities, and their further improvement by postdeposition annealing in N2. In-situ TEM heating experiments confirmed that the annealing step induces sintering of the Pt nanocrystals and improved crystallinity, which contributes to the enhanced electrical performance. Alternative annealing under reducing conditions resulted in improved performance of the standard Pt interconnects, while the carbon-free deposit suffered electrical and structural breakage due to formation of larger Pt islands


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The objective of this thesis work is to develop methods for forming and interfacing nanocrystal-molecule nanostructures in order to explore their electrical transport properties in various controlled environments. This work demonstrates the potential of nanocrystal assemblies for laterally contacting molecules for electronic transport measurements. We first propose a phenomenological model based on rate equations for the formation of hybrid nanocrystal-molecule (respectively: 20 nm – 1.2 nm) nanostructures in solution. We then concentrate on nanocrystals (~ 60 nm) assembled between nano-gaps (~ 40 nm) as a contacting strategy for the measurement of electronic transport properties of thiophene-terminated conjugated molecules (1.5 nm long) in a two-terminal configuration, under vacuum conditions. Similar devices were also probed with a three-terminal configuration using thiophene-terminated oxidation-reduction active molecules (1.8 nm long) in liquid medium for the demonstration of the electrolytic gating technique. The experimental and modelling work presented in this thesis project brings into light physical and chemical processes taking place at the extremely narrow (~1 nm separation) and curved interface between two nanocrystals or one nanocrystal and a grain of a metallic electrode. The formation of molecular bridges at this kind of interface necessitates molecules to diffuse from a large liquid reservoir into the region in the first place. Molecular bonding must occur to the surface for both molecular ends: this is a low yield statistical process in itself as it depends on orientation of surfaces, on steric hindrance at the surface and on binding energies. On the other hand, the experimental work also touched the importance of the competition between potentially immiscible liquids in systems such that (organo-)metallic molecules solvated by organic solvent in water and organic solvent in contact with hydrated citrate stabilised nanocrystals dispersed in solutions or assembled between electrodes from both experimental and simulations point of view.


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Coeliac disease is one of the most common food intolerances worldwide and at present the gluten free diet remains the only suitable treatment. A market overview conducted as part of this thesis on nutritional and sensory quality of commercially available gluten free breads and pasta showed that improvements are necessary. Many products show strong off-flavors, poor mouthfeel and reduced shelf-life. Since the life-long avoidance of the cereal protein gluten means a major change to the diet, it is important to also consider the nutritional value of products intending to replace staple foods such as bread or pasta. This thesis addresses this issue by characterising available gluten free cereal and pseudocereal flours to facilitate a better raw material choice. It was observed that especially quinoa, buckwheat and teff are high in essential nutrients, such as protein, minerals and folate. In addition the potential of functional ingredients such as inulin, β-glucan, HPMC and xanthan to improve loaf quality were evaluated. Results show that these ingredients can increase loaf volume and reduce crumb hardness as well as rate of staling but that the effect diverges strongly depending on the bread formulation used. Furthermore, fresh egg pasta formulations based on teff and oat flour were developed. The resulting products were characterised regarding sensory and textural properties as well as in vitro digestibility. Scanning electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy was used throughout the thesis to visualise structural changes occurring during baking and pasta making


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The objective of this thesis is the exploration and characterization of novel Au nanorod-semiconductor nanowire hybrid nanostructures. I provide a comprehensive bottom-up approach in which, starting from the synthesis and theoretical investigation of the optical properties of Au nanorods, I design, nanofabricate and characterize Au nanorods-semiconductor nanowire hybrid nanodevices with novel optoelectronic capabilities compared to the non-hybrid counterpart. In this regards, I first discuss the seed-mediated protocols to synthesize Au nanorods with different sizes and the influence of nanorod geometries and non-homogeneous surrounding medium on the optical properties investigated by theoretical simulation. Novel methodologies for assembling Au nanorods on (i) a Si/SiO2 substrate with highly-ordered architecture and (ii) on semiconductor nanowires with spatial precision are developed and optimized. By exploiting these approaches, I demonstrate that Raman active modes of an individual ZnO nanowire can be detected in non-resonant conditions by exploring the longitudinal plasmonic resonance mediation of chemical-synthesized Au nanorods deposited on the nanowire surface otherwise not observable on bare ZnO nanowire. Finally, nanofabrication and detailed electrical characterization of ZnO nanowire field-effect transistor (FET) and optoelectronic properties of Au nanorods - ZnO nanowire FET tunable near-infrared photodetector are investigated. In particular we demonstrated orders of magnitude enhancement in the photocurrent intensity in the explored range of wavelengths and 40 times faster time response compared to the bare ZnO FET detector. The improved performance, attributed to the plasmonicmediated hot-electron generation and injection mechanism underlying the photoresponse is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. The miniaturized, tunable and integrated capabilities offered by metal nanorodssemicondictor nanowire device architectures presented in this thesis work could have an important impact in many application fields such as opto-electronic sensors, photodetectors and photovoltaic devices and open new avenues for designing of novel nanoscale optoelectronic devices.


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Galvanic replacement is a versatile synthetic strategy for the synthesis of alloy and hollow nanostructures. The structural evolution of single crystalline and multiply twinned nanoparticles <20 nm in diameter and capped with oleylamine is systematically studied. Changes in chemical composition are dependent on the size and crystallinity of the parent nanoparticle. The effects of reaction temperature and rate of precursor addition are also investigated. Galvanic replacement of single crystal spherical and truncated cubic nanoparticles follows the same mechanism to form hollow octahedral nanoparticles, a mechanism which is not observed for galvanic replacement of Ag templates in aqueous systems. Multiply twinned nanoparticles can form nanorings or solid alloys by manipulating the reaction conditions. Oleylamine-capped Ag nanoparticles are highly adaptable templates to synthesize a range of hollow and alloy nanostructures with tuneable localised surface plasmon resonance.