16 resultados para Single Intraoperative Application
em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland
Strain-free epitaxial quantum dots (QDs) are fabricated by a combination of Al local droplet etching (LDE) of nanoholes in AlGaAs surfaces and subsequent hole filling with GaAs. The whole process is performed in a conventional molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) chamber. Autocorrelation measurements establish single-photon emission from LDE QDs with a very small correlation function g (2)(0)≃ 0.01 of the exciton emission. Here, we focus on the influence of the initial hole depth on the QD optical properties with the goal to create deep holes suited for filling with more complex nanostructures like quantum dot molecules (QDM). The depth of droplet etched nanoholes is controlled by the droplet material coverage and the process temperature, where a higher coverage or temperature yields deeper holes. The requirements of high quantum dot uniformity and narrow luminescence linewidth, which are often found in applications, set limits to the process temperature. At high temperatures, the hole depths become inhomogeneous and the linewidth rapidly increases beyond 640 °C. With the present process technique, we identify an upper limit of 40-nm hole depth if the linewidth has to remain below 100 μeV. Furthermore, we study the exciton fine-structure splitting which is increased from 4.6 μeV in 15-nm-deep to 7.9 μeV in 35-nm-deep holes. As an example for the functionalization of deep nanoholes, self-aligned vertically stacked GaAs QD pairs are fabricated by filling of holes with 35 nm depth. Exciton peaks from stacked dots show linewidths below 100 μeV which is close to that from single QDs.
A new solid state organometallic route to embedded nanoparticle-containing inorganic materials is shown, through pyrolysis of metal-containing derivatives of cyclotriphosphazenes. Pyrolysis in air and at 800 °C of new molecular precursors gives individual single-crystal nanoparticles of SiP2O7, TiO2, P4O7, WP2O7 and SiO2, depending on the precursor used. High resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations reveal, in most cases, perfect single crystals of metal oxides and the first nanostructures of negative thermal expansion metal phosphates with diameters in the range 2–6 nm for all products. While all nanoparticles are new by this method, WP2O7 and SiP2O7 nanoparticles are reported for the first time. In situ recrystallization formation of nanocrystals of SiP2O7 was also observed due to electron beam induced reactions during measurements of the nanoparticulate pyrolytic products SiO2 and P4O7. The possible mechanism for the formation of the nanoparticles at much lower temperatures than their bulk counterparts in both cases is discussed. Degrees of stabilization from the formation of P4O7 affects the nanocrystalline products: nanoparticles are observed for WP2O7, with coalescing crystallization occurring for the amorphous host in which SiP2O7 crystals form as a solid within a solid. The approach allows the simple formation of multimetallic, monometallic, metal-oxide and metal phosphate nanocrystals embedded in an amorphous dielectric. The method and can be extended to nearly any metal capable of successful coordination as an organometallic to allow embedded nanoparticle layers and features to be deposited or written on surfaces for application as high mobility pyrophosphate lithium–ion cathode materials, catalysis and nanocrystal embedded dielectric layers.
The solid-state pyrolysis of organometallic derivatives of a cyclotriphosphazene is demonstrated to be a new, simple and versatile solid-state templating method for obtaining single-crystal micro- and nanocrystals of transition and valve metal oxides. The technique, when applied to Mo-containing organometallics N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)5]6 and N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)4 py]6, results in stand-alone and surface-deposited lamellar MoO3 single crystals, as determined by electron and atomic force microscopies and X-ray diffraction. The size and morphology of the resulting crystals can be tuned by the composition of the precursor. X-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopies indicate that the deposition of highly lamellar MoO3 directly on an oxidized (400 nm SiO2) surface or (100) single-crystal silicon surfaces yields a layered uniphasic single-crystal film formed by cluster diffusion on the surface during pyrolysis of the metal-carbonyl derivatives. For MoO3 in its layered form, this provides a new route to an important intercalation material for high energy density battery materials.
The synthesis and characterization of new organosilicon derivatives of N3P3Cl6, N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]6 (1), N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]3[NCH3(CH2)3CN]3 (2), and N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]3[HOC6H4(CH2)CN]3 (3) are reported. Pyrolysis of 1, 2, and 3 in air and at several temperatures results in nanostructured materials whose composition and morphology depend on the temperature of pyrolysis and the substituents of the phosphazenes ring. The products stem from the reaction of SiO2 with P2O5, leading to either crystalline Si5(PO4)6O, SiP2O7 or an amorphous phase as the glass Si5(PO4)6O/3SiO2·2P2O5, depending on the temperature and nature of the trimer precursors. From 1 at 800 °C, core−shell microspheres of SiO2 coated with Si5(PO4)6O are obtained, while in other cases, mesoporous or dense structures are observed. Atomic force microscopy examination after deposition of the materials on monocrystalline silicon wafers evidences morphology strongly dependent on the precursors. Isolated islands of size ∼9 nm are observed from 1, whereas dense nanostructures with a mean height of 13 nm are formed from 3. Brunauer−Emmett−Teller measurements show mesoporous materials with low surface areas. The proposed growth mechanism involves the formation of cross-linking structures and of vacancies by carbonization of the organic matter, where the silicon compounds nucleate. Thus, for the first time, unique silicon nanostructured materials are obtained from cyclic phosphazenes containing silicon.
A newly developed framework for quantifying aerosol particle diversity and mixing state based on information-theoretic entropy is applied for the first time to single particle mass spectrometry field data. Single particle mass fraction estimates for black carbon, organic aerosol, ammonium, nitrate and sulfate, derived using single particle mass spectrometer, aerosol mass spectrometer and multi-angle absorption photometer measurements are used to calculate single particle species diversity (Di). The average single particle species diversity (Dα) is then related to the species diversity of the bulk population (Dγ) to derive a mixing state index value (χ) at hourly resolution. The mixing state index is a single parameter representation of how internally/externally mixed a particle population is at a given time. The index describes a continuum, with values of 0 and 100% representing fully external and internal mixing, respectively. This framework was applied to data collected as part of the MEGAPOLI winter campaign in Paris, France, 2010. Di values are low (∼ 2) for fresh traffic and wood-burning particles that contain high mass fractions of black carbon and organic aerosol but low mass fractions of inorganic ions. Conversely, Di values are higher (∼ 4) for aged carbonaceous particles containing similar mass fractions of black carbon, organic aerosol, ammonium, nitrate and sulfate. Aerosol in Paris is estimated to be 59% internally mixed in the size range 150-1067 nm, and mixing state is dependent both upon time of day and air mass origin. Daytime primary emissions associated with vehicular traffic and wood-burning result in low χ values, while enhanced condensation of ammonium nitrate on existing particles at night leads to higher χ values. Advection of particles from continental Europe containing ammonium, nitrate and sulfate leads to increases in Dα, Dγ and χ. The mixing state index represents a useful metric by which to compare and contrast ambient particle mixing state at other locations globally.
Single-particle mixing state information can be a powerful tool for assessing the relative impact of local and regional sources of ambient particulate matter in urban environments. However, quantitative mixing state data are challenging to obtain using single-particle mass spectrometers. In this study, the quantitative chemical composition of carbonaceous single particles has been determined using an aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) as part of the MEGAPOLI 2010 winter campaign in Paris, France. Relative peak areas of marker ions for elemental carbon (EC), organic aerosol (OA), ammonium, nitrate, sulfate and potassium were compared with concurrent measurements from an Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS), a thermal-optical OCEC analyser and a particle into liquid sampler coupled with ion chromatography (PILS-IC). ATOFMS-derived estimated mass concentrations reproduced the variability of these species well (R-2 = 0.67-0.78), and 10 discrete mixing states for carbonaceous particles were identified and quantified. The chemical mixing state of HR-ToF-AMS organic aerosol factors, resolved using positive matrix factorisation, was also investigated through comparison with the ATOFMS dataset. The results indicate that hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA) detected in Paris is associated with two EC-rich mixing states which differ in their relative sulfate content, while fresh biomass burning OA (BBOA) is associated with two mixing states which differ significantly in their OA/EC ratios. Aged biomass burning OA (OOA(2)-BBOA) was found to be significantly internally mixed with nitrate, while secondary, oxidised OA (OOA) was associated with five particle mixing states, each exhibiting different relative secondary inorganic ion content. Externally mixed secondary organic aerosol was not observed. These findings demonstrate the range of primary and secondary organic aerosol mixing states in Paris. Examination of the temporal behaviour and chemical composition of the ATOFMS classes also enabled estimation of the relative contribution of transported emissions of each chemical species and total particle mass in the size range investigated. Only 22% of the total ATOFMS-derived particle mass was apportioned to fresh, local emissions, with 78% apportioned to regional/continental-scale emissions. Single-particle mixing state information can be a powerful tool for assessing the relative impact of local and regional sources of ambient particulate matter in urban environments. However, quantitative mixing state data are challenging to obtain using single-particle mass spectrometers. In this study, the quantitative chemical composition of carbonaceous single particles has been determined using an aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) as part of the MEGAPOLI 2010 winter campaign in Paris, France. Relative peak areas of marker ions for elemental carbon (EC), organic aerosol (OA), ammonium, nitrate, sulfate and potassium were compared with concurrent measurements from an Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS), a thermal-optical OCEC analyser and a particle into liquid sampler coupled with ion chromatography (PILS-IC). ATOFMS-derived estimated mass concentrations reproduced the variability of these species well (R-2 = 0.67-0.78), and 10 discrete mixing states for carbonaceous particles were identified and quantified. The chemical mixing state of HR-ToF-AMS organic aerosol factors, resolved using positive matrix factorisation, was also investigated through comparison with the ATOFMS dataset. The results indicate that hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA) detected in Paris is associated with two EC-rich mixing states which differ in their relative sulfate content, while fresh biomass burning OA (BBOA) is associated with two mixing states which differ significantly in their OA/EC ratios. Aged biomass burning OA (OOA(2)-BBOA) was found to be significantly internally mixed with nitrate, while secondary, oxidised OA (OOA) was associated with five particle mixing states, each exhibiting different relative secondary inorganic ion content. Externally mixed secondary organic aerosol was not observed. These findings demonstrate the range of primary and secondary organic aerosol mixing states in Paris. Examination of the temporal behaviour and chemical composition of the ATOFMS classes also enabled estimation of the relative contribution of transported emissions of each chemical species and total particle mass in the size range investigated. Only 22% of the total ATOFMS-derived particle mass was apportioned to fresh, local emissions, with 78% apportioned to regional/continental-scale emissions.
An aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) was deployed for the measurement of the size resolved chemical composition of single particles at a site in Cork Harbour, Ireland for three weeks in August 2008. The ATOFMS was co-located with a suite of semi-continuous instrumentation for the measurement of particle number, elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), sulfate and particulate matter smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5). The temporality of the ambient ATOFMS particle classes was subsequently used in conjunction with the semi-continuous measurements to apportion PM2.5 mass using positive matrix factorisation. The synergy of the single particle classification procedure and positive matrix factorisation allowed for the identification of six factors, corresponding to vehicular traffic, marine, long-range transport, various combustion, domestic solid fuel combustion and shipping traffic with estimated contributions to the measured PM2.5 mass of 23%, 14%, 13%, 11%, 5% and 1.5% respectively. Shipping traffic was found to contribute 18% of the measured particle number (20–600 nm mobility diameter), and thus may have important implications for human health considering the size and composition of ship exhaust particles. The positive matrix factorisation procedure enabled a more refined interpretation of the single particle results by providing source contributions to PM2.5 mass, while the single particle data enabled the identification of additional factors not possible with typical semi-continuous measurements, including local shipping traffic.
Understanding the impact of atmospheric black carbon (BC) containing particles on human health and radiative forcing requires knowledge of the mixing state of BC, including the characteristics of the materials with which it is internally mixed. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time the capabilities of the Aerodyne Soot-Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer equipped with a light scattering module (LS-SP-AMS) to examine the mixing state of refractory BC (rBC) and other aerosol components in an urban environment (downtown Toronto). K-means clustering analysis was used to classify single particle mass spectra into chemically distinct groups. One resultant cluster is dominated by rBC mass spectral signals (C+1 to C+5) while the organic signals fall into a few major clusters, identified as hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA), oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA), and cooking emission organic aerosol (COA). A nearly external mixing is observed with small BC particles only thinly coated by HOA ( 28% by mass on average), while over 90% of the HOA-rich particles did not contain detectable amounts of rBC. Most of the particles classified into other inorganic and organic clusters were not significantly associated with BC. The single particle results also suggest that HOA and COA emitted from anthropogenic sources were likely major contributors to organic-rich particles with low to mid-range aerodynamic diameter (dva). The similar temporal profiles and mass spectral features of the organic clusters and the factors from a positive matrix factorization (PMF) analysis of the ensemble aerosol dataset validate the conventional interpretation of the PMF results.
Oscillating Water Column (OWC) is one type of promising wave energy devices due to its obvious advantage over many other wave energy converters: no moving component in sea water. Two types of OWCs (bottom-fixed and floating) have been widely investigated, and the bottom-fixed OWCs have been very successful in several practical applications. Recently, the proposal of massive wave energy production and the availability of wave energy have pushed OWC applications from near-shore to deeper water regions where floating OWCs are a better choice. For an OWC under sea waves, the air flow driving air turbine to generate electricity is a random process. In such a working condition, single design/operation point is nonexistent. To improve energy extraction, and to optimise the performance of the device, a system capable of controlling the air turbine rotation speed is desirable. To achieve that, this paper presents a short-term prediction of the random, process by an artificial neural network (ANN), which can provide near-future information for the control system. In this research, ANN is explored and tuned for a better prediction of the airflow (as well as the device motions for a wide application). It is found that, by carefully constructing ANN platform and optimizing the relevant parameters, ANN is capable of predicting the random process a few steps ahead of the real, time with a good accuracy. More importantly, the tuned ANN works for a large range of different types of random, process.
A certain type of bacterial inclusion, known as a bacterial microcompartment, was recently identified and imaged through cryo-electron tomography. A reconstructed 3D object from single-axis limited angle tilt-series cryo-electron tomography contains missing regions and this problem is known as the missing wedge problem. Due to missing regions on the reconstructed images, analyzing their 3D structures is a challenging problem. The existing methods overcome this problem by aligning and averaging several similar shaped objects. These schemes work well if the objects are symmetric and several objects with almost similar shapes and sizes are available. Since the bacterial inclusions studied here are not symmetric, are deformed, and show a wide range of shapes and sizes, the existing approaches are not appropriate. This research develops new statistical methods for analyzing geometric properties, such as volume, symmetry, aspect ratio, polyhedral structures etc., of these bacterial inclusions in presence of missing data. These methods work with deformed and non-symmetric varied shaped objects and do not necessitate multiple objects for handling the missing wedge problem. The developed methods and contributions include: (a) an improved method for manual image segmentation, (b) a new approach to 'complete' the segmented and reconstructed incomplete 3D images, (c) a polyhedral structural distance model to predict the polyhedral shapes of these microstructures, (d) a new shape descriptor for polyhedral shapes, named as polyhedron profile statistic, and (e) the Bayes classifier, linear discriminant analysis and support vector machine based classifiers for supervised incomplete polyhedral shape classification. Finally, the predicted 3D shapes for these bacterial microstructures belong to the Johnson solids family, and these shapes along with their other geometric properties are important for better understanding of their chemical and biological characteristics.
Tuned liquid column dampers have been proved to be successful in mitigating the dynamic responses of civil infrastructure. There have been some recent applications of this concept on wind turbines and this passive control system can help to mitigate responses of offshore floating platforms and wave devices. The control of dynamic responses of these devices is important for reducing loads on structural elements and facilitating operations and maintenance (O&M) activities. This paper outlines the use of a tuned single liquid column damper for the control of a tension leg platform supported wind turbine. Theoretical studies were carried out and a scaled model was tested in a wave basin to assess the performance of the damper. The tests on the model presented in this paper correspond to a platform with a very low natural frequency for surge, sway and yaw motions. For practical purposes, it was not possible to tune the liquid damper exactly to this frequency. The consequent approach taken and the efficiency of such approach are presented in this paper. Responses to waves of a single frequency are investigated along with responses obtained from wave spectra characterising typical sea states. The extent of control is quantified using peak and root mean squared dynamic responses respectively. The tests present some guidelines and challenges for testing scaled devices in relation to including response control mechanisms. Additionally, the results provide a basis for dictating future research on tuned liquid column damper based control on floating platforms.
We theoretically investigate the dynamics of two mutually coupled, identical single-mode semi-conductor lasers. For small separation and large coupling between the lasers, symmetry-broken one-color states are shown to be stable. In this case the light outputs of the lasers have significantly different intensities while at the same time the lasers are locked to a single common frequency. For intermediate coupling we observe stable symmetry-broken two-color states, where both lasers lase simultaneously at two optical frequencies which are separated by up to 150 GHz. Using a five-dimensional model, we identify the bifurcation structure which is responsible for the appearance of symmetric and symmetry-broken one-color and two-color states. Several of these states give rise to multistabilities and therefore allow for the design of all-optical memory elements on the basis of two coupled single-mode lasers. The switching performance of selected designs of optical memory elements is studied numerically.
The composition of atmospheric particles is an important factor in determining their impact on climate and health. In this study, an aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) was used to measure the chemical composition of ambient single particles at two contrasting locations – an industrial site in Dunkirk, France and a regional background site in Corsica. The ATOFMS data were combined with meteorological information and other particle measurements to determine the various sources of the particles observed at the sites. The particle classes detected in Dunkirk included carbonaceous species from fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning, metal-containing types from local industries and seasalt. Highest particle number concentrations and mass concentrations of PM2.5, black carbon, organics, nitrate, ammonium and several metallic species (Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn) were found during periods heavily influenced by local industry. Particles from a ferromanganese alloy manufacturing facility were identified by comparing ambient ATOFMS data with single particle mass spectra from industrial chimney filters and ores. Particles from a steelworks were identified based on comparison of the ambient data with previous studies. Based on these comparisons, the steelworks was identified as the dominant emitter of Fe-rich particles, while the ferromanganese alloy facility emitted Mn-rich particles. In Corsica, regional transport of carbonaceous particles from biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion was identified as the major source of particles in the Mediterranean background aerosol. Throughout the campaign the site was influenced by air masses altering the composition of particles detected. During North Atlantic air masses the site was heavily influenced by fresh sea salt. Regional stagnation was the most common type of air mass regime throughout the campaign and resulted in the accumulation of carbonaceous particles during certain periods. Mass concentrations were estimated for ATOFMS particle classes, and good agreement was found between the major carbonaceous classes and other quantitative measurements. Overall the results of this work serve to highlight the excellent ability of the ATOFMS technique in providing source-specific composition and mixing state information on atmospheric particles at high time resolution.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has a long tradition as a raw material for the production of malt and beer. While breeding and cultivation efforts for barley have been highly successful in creating agronomically and brew- technical optimal specialty cultivars that have become well established as brewing barley varieties, the picture is completely different for brewing wheat. An increasing wheat beer demand results in a rising amount of raw material. Wheat has been - and still is – grown almost exclusively for the baking industry. It is this high demand that defines most of the wheat breeding objectives; and these objectives are generally not favourable in brewing industry. It is of major interest to screen wheat varieties for brewing processability and to give more focus to wheat as a brewing cereal. To obtain fast and reliable predications about the suitability of wheat cultivars a new mathematical method was developed in this work. The method allows a selection based on generally accepted quality characteristics. As selection criteria the parameters raw protein, soluble nitrogen, Kolbach index, extract and viscosity were chosen. During a triannual cultivation series, wheat varieties were evaluated on their suitability for brewing as well as stability to environmental conditions. To gain a fundamental understanding of the complex malting process, microstructural changes were evaluated and visualized by confocal laser scanning and scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, changes observed in the micrographs were verified and endorsed by metabolic changes using established malt attributes. The degradation and formation of proteins during malting is essential for the final beer quality. To visualise fundamental protein changes taking place during malting, samples of each single process step were analysed and fractioned according their solubility. Protein fractions were analysed using a Lab-on-a-chip technique as well as OFFgel analysis. In general, a different protein distribution of wheat compared to barley or oat could be confirmed. During the malting process a degradation of proteins to small peptides and amino acids could be observed in all four Osborn fractions. Furthermore, in this study a protein profiling was performed to evaluate changes during the mashing process as well as the influence of grist composition. Differences in specific protein peaks and profile were detected for all samples during mashing. This study investigated the suitability of wheat for malting and brewing industry and closed the scientifical gap of amylolytic, cytolytic and proteolytic changes during malting and mashing.
In this paper, we present a novel 1x2 multi-mode-interferometer-Fabry-Perot (MMI-FP) laser diode, which demonstrated tunable single frequency operation with more than 30dB side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) and a tuning range of 25nm in the C and L bands, as well as a 750 kHz linewidth. These lasers do not require material regrowth and high resolution gratings; resulting in a simpler process that can significantly increase the yield and reduce the cost.