em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The amount and quality of available biomass is a key factor for the sustainable livestock industry and agricultural management related decision making. Globally 31.5% of land cover is grassland while 80% of Ireland’s agricultural land is grassland. In Ireland, grasslands are intensively managed and provide the cheapest feed source for animals. This dissertation presents a detailed state of the art review of satellite remote sensing of grasslands, and the potential application of optical (Moderate–resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)) and radar (TerraSAR-X) time series imagery to estimate the grassland biomass at two study sites (Moorepark and Grange) in the Republic of Ireland using both statistical and state of the art machine learning algorithms. High quality weather data available from the on-site weather station was also used to calculate the Growing Degree Days (GDD) for Grange to determine the impact of ancillary data on biomass estimation. In situ and satellite data covering 12 years for the Moorepark and 6 years for the Grange study sites were used to predict grassland biomass using multiple linear regression, Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) models. The results demonstrate that a dense (8-day composite) MODIS image time series, along with high quality in situ data, can be used to retrieve grassland biomass with high performance (R2 = 0:86; p < 0:05, RMSE = 11.07 for Moorepark). The model for Grange was modified to evaluate the synergistic use of vegetation indices derived from remote sensing time series and accumulated GDD information. As GDD is strongly linked to the plant development, or phonological stage, an improvement in biomass estimation would be expected. It was observed that using the ANFIS model the biomass estimation accuracy increased from R2 = 0:76 (p < 0:05) to R2 = 0:81 (p < 0:05) and the root mean square error was reduced by 2.72%. The work on the application of optical remote sensing was further developed using a TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight mode time series over the Moorepark study site to explore the extent to which very high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data of interferometrically coherent paddocks can be exploited to retrieve grassland biophysical parameters. After filtering out the non-coherent plots it is demonstrated that interferometric coherence can be used to retrieve grassland biophysical parameters (i. e., height, biomass), and that it is possible to detect changes due to the grass growth, and grazing and mowing events, when the temporal baseline is short (11 days). However, it not possible to automatically uniquely identify the cause of these changes based only on the SAR backscatter and coherence, due to the ambiguity caused by tall grass laid down due to the wind. Overall, the work presented in this dissertation has demonstrated the potential of dense remote sensing and weather data time series to predict grassland biomass using machine-learning algorithms, where high quality ground data were used for training. At present a major limitation for national scale biomass retrieval is the lack of spatial and temporal ground samples, which can be partially resolved by minor modifications in the existing PastureBaseIreland database by adding the location and extent ofeach grassland paddock in the database. As far as remote sensing data requirements are concerned, MODIS is useful for large scale evaluation but due to its coarse resolution it is not possible to detect the variations within the fields and between the fields at the farm scale. However, this issue will be resolved in terms of spatial resolution by the Sentinel-2 mission, and when both satellites (Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B) are operational the revisit time will reduce to 5 days, which together with Landsat-8, should enable sufficient cloud-free data for operational biomass estimation at a national scale. The Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) approach is feasible if there are enough coherent interferometric pairs available, however this is difficult to achieve due to the temporal decorrelation of the signal. For repeat-pass InSAR over a vegetated area even an 11 days temporal baseline is too large. In order to achieve better coherence a very high resolution is required at the cost of spatial coverage, which limits its scope for use in an operational context at a national scale. Future InSAR missions with pair acquisition in Tandem mode will minimize the temporal decorrelation over vegetation areas for more focused studies. The proposed approach complements the current paradigm of Big Data in Earth Observation, and illustrates the feasibility of integrating data from multiple sources. In future, this framework can be used to build an operational decision support system for retrieval of grassland biophysical parameters based on data from long term planned optical missions (e. g., Landsat, Sentinel) that will ensure the continuity of data acquisition. Similarly, Spanish X-band PAZ and TerraSAR-X2 missions will ensure the continuity of TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed.


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The research described in this thesis focuses, principally, on synthesis of stable α-diazosulfoxides and investigation of their reactivity under various reaction conditions (transition-metal catalysed, photochemical, thermal and microwave) with a particular emphasis on the reactive intermediates and mechanistic aspects of the reaction pathways involved. In agreement with previous studies carried out on these compounds, the key reaction pathway of α-diazosulfoxides was found to be hetero-Wolff rearrangement to give α-oxosulfine intermediates. However, a competing reaction pathway involving oxygen migration from sulfur to oxygen was also observed. Critically, isomerisation of α-oxosulfine stereoisomers was observed directly by 1H NMR spectroscopy in this work and this observation accounts for the stereochemical outcomes of the various cycloaddition reactions, whether carried out with in situ trapping or with preformed solutions of sulfines. Furthermore, matrix isolation experiments have shown that electrocyclisation of α-oxosulfines to oxathiiranes takes place and this verifies the proposed mechanisms for enol and disulfide formation. The introductory chapter includes a brief literature review of the synthesis and reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides prior to the commencement of research in this field by the Maguire group. The Wolff rearrangement is also discussed and the characteristic reactions of a number of reactive intermediates (sulfines, sulfenes and oxathiiranes) are outlined. The use of microwave-assisted organic synthesis is also examined, specifically, in the context of α-diazocarbonyl compounds as substrates. The second chapter describes the synthesis of stable monocyclic and bicyclic lactone derivatives of α-diazosulfoxides from sulfide precursors according to established experimental procedures. Approaches to precursors of ketone and sulfimide derivatives of α-diazosulfoxides are also described. The third chapter examines the reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides under thermal, microwave, rhodium(II)-catalysed and photochemical conditions. Comparison of the results obtained under thermal and microwave conditions indicates that there was no evidence for any effect, other than thermal, induced by microwave irradiation. The results of catalyst studies involving several rhodium(II) carboxylate and rhodium(II) carboxamidate catalysts are outlined. Under photochemical conditions, sulfur extrusion is a significant reaction pathway while under thermal or transition metal catalysed conditions, oxygen extrusion is observed. One of the most important observations in this work was the direct spectroscopic observation (by 1H NMR) of interconversion of the E and Z-oxosulfines. Trapping of the α-oxosulfine intermediates as cycloadducts by reaction with 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene proved useful both synthetically and mechanistically. As the stereochemistry of the α-oxosulfine is retained in the cycloadducts, this provided an ideal method for characterisation of this key feature. In the case of one α-oxosulfine, a novel [2+2] cycloaddition was observed. Preliminary experiments to investigate the reactivity of an α-diazosulfone under rhodium(II) catalysis and microwave irradiation are also described. The fourth chapter describes matrix isolation experiments which were carried out in Rühr Universität, Bochum in collaboration with Prof. Wolfram Sander. These experiments provide direct spectroscopic evidence of an α-oxosulfine intermediate formed by hetero-Wolff rearrangement of an α-diazosulfoxide and subsequent cyclisation of the sulfine to an oxathiirane was also observed. Furthermore, it was possible to identify which stereoisomer of the α-oxosulfine was present in the matrix. A preliminary laser flash photolysis experiment is also discussed. The experimental details, including all spectral and analytical data, are reported at the end of each chapter. The structural interpretation of 1H NMR spectra of the cycloadducts, described in Chapter 3, is discussed in Appendix I.


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Chapter 1 of this thesis is a brief introduction to the preparation and reactions of α-diazocarbonyl compounds, with particular emphasis on the areas relating to the research undertaken: C-H insertion, addition to aromatics, and oxonium ylide generation and rearrangement. A short summary of catalyst development illustrates the importance of rhodium(II)carboxylates for α-diazocarbonyl decomposition. Chapter 2 describes intramolecular C-H insertion reactions of α-diazo-β-keto sulphones to form substituted cyclopentanones. Rhodium(II) carboxylates derived from homochiral carboxylic acids were used as catalysts in these reactions and enantioselection achieved through their use is discussed. Chapter 3 describes intramolecular Buchner cyclisation of aryl diazoketones with emphasis on the stereochemical aspects of the cyclisation and subsequent reaction of the bicyclo[5.3.0]decatrienones produced. The partial asymmetric synthesis achieved through use of chiral rhodium(II) carboxylates as catalysts is discussed. The application of the intramolecular Buchner reaction to the synthesis of hydroazulene lactones is illustrated. Chapter 4 demonstrates oxonium ylide formation and rearrangement in the decomposition of an α-diazoketone. The consequences of the use of chiral rhodium(II) carboxylates as catalysts are described. Particularly significant was the discovery that rhodium(II) (S)-mandelate acts as a very efficient catalyst for α-diazoketone decompositions, in general. Moderate asymmetric induction was possible in the decomposition of α-diazoketones with chiral rhodium(II) carboxylates, with rhodium(II) (S)-mandelate being one of the more enantioselective catalysts investigated. However, the asymmetric induction obtained was very dependent on the exact structure of the α-diazoketone, the catalyst, and the nature of the reaction. Chapter 5 contains the experimental details, and the spectral and analytical data for all new compounds reported.


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The research described in this thesis focuses on the design and synthesis of stable α-diazosulfoxides and investigation of their reactivity under a variety of conditions (transition-metal catalysis, thermal, photochemical and microwave) with a particular emphasis on the synthesis of novel heterocyclic compounds with potential biological activity. The exclusive reaction pathway for these α-diazosulfoxides was found to be hetero-Wolff rearrangement to give α-oxosulfine intermediates. In the first chapter, a literature review of sulfines is presented, including a discussion of naturally occurring sulfines, and an overview of the synthesis and reactivity of sulfines. The potential of sulfines in organic synthesis and recent developments in particular are highlighted. The second chapter discusses the synthesis and reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides, building on earlier results in this research group. The synthesis of lactone-based α-diazosulfoxides and, for the first time, ketone-based benzofused and monocyclic α-diazosulfoxides is described. The reactivity of these α-diazosulfoxides is then explored under a variety of conditions, such as transition-metal catalysis, photochemical and microwave, generating labile α-oxosulfine intermediates, which are trapped using amines and dienes, in addition to the spontaneous reaction pathways which occur with α-oxosulfines in the absence of a trap. A new reaction pathway was explored with the lactone based α-oxosulfines, involving reaction with amines to generate novel 3-aminofuran-2(5H)-ones via carbophilic attack, in very good yields. The reactivity of ketone-based α-diazosulfoxides was explored for the first time, and once again, pseudo-Wolff rearrangement to the α-oxosulfines was the exclusive reaction pathway observed. The intermediacy of the α-oxosulfines was confirmed by trapping as cycloadducts, with the stereochemical features dependant on the reaction conditions. In the absence of a diene trap, a number of reaction fates from the α-oxosulfines were observed, including complete sulfinyl extrusion to give indanones, sulfur extrusion to give indanediones, and, to a lesser extent, dimerisation. The indanediones were characterised by trapping as quinoxalines, to enable full characterisation. One of the overriding outcomes of this thesis was the provision of new insights into the behaviour of α-oxosulfines with different transition metal catalysts, and under thermal, microwave and photolysis conditions. A series of 3-aminofuran-2(5H)-ones and benzofused dihydro-2H-thiopyran S-oxides were submitted for anticancer screening at the U.S. National Cancer Institute. A number of these derivatives were identified as hit compounds, with excellent cell growth inhibition. One 3-aminofuran-2(5H)-one derivative has been chosen for further screening. The third chapter details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for the compounds prepared during this research. The data for the crystal structures are contained in the attached CD.