3 resultados para COIL

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Rab4 is a member of the Rab superfamily of small GTPases. It is localized to the early sorting endosome and plays a role in regulating the transport from this compartment to the recycling and degradative pathways. In order to further our understanding of the role Rab4 plays in endocytosis, a yeast two-hybrid screen was performed to identify putative Rab4 effectors. A constitutively active mutant of Rab4, Rab4Q67L, when used as bait to screen a HeLa cDNA library, identified a novel 80kDa protein that interacted with Rab4-GTP. This protein was called Rab Coupling Protein (RCP). RCP interacts preferentially with the GTP-bound form of Rab4. Subsequent work demonstrated that RCP also interacts with Rab11, and that this interaction is not nucleotide-depenedent. RCP is predominantly membrane-bound and localised to the perinuclear recycling compartment. Expression of a truncation mutant of RCP, that contains the Rab binding domain, in HeLa cells, results in the formation of an extensive tubular network that can be labelled with transferrin. These tubules are derived from the recycling compartment since they are inaccessible to transferrin when the ligand is internalised at 18oC. The truncation mutant-induced morphology can be rescued by overexpression of active Rab11, but not active Rab4. This suggests that RCP functions between Rab4 and Rab11 in the receptor recycling pathway, and may act as a ‘molecular bridge’ between these two sequentially acting small GTPases. Quantitative assays demonstrated that overexpression of the truncation mutant results in a dramatic inhibition in the rate of receptor recycling. Database analysis revealed that RCP belongs to a family of Rab interacting proteins, each characterised by a carboxy-terminal coiled-coil domain and an amino-terminal phospholipid-binding domain. KIAA0941, an RCP homologue, interacts with Rab11, but not with Rab4. Overexpression of its Rab binding domain also results in a tubular network, however, this tubulation cannot be rescued by active Rab11.


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Helicobacter pylori is a gastric pathogen which infects ~50% of the global population and can lead to the development of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and carcinoma. Genome sequencing of H. pylori revealed high levels of genetic variability; this pathogen is known for its adaptability due to mechanisms including phase variation, recombination and horizontal gene transfer. Motility is essential for efficient colonisation by H. pylori. The flagellum is a complex nanomachine which has been studied in detail in E. coli and Salmonella. In H. pylori, key differences have been identified in the regulation of flagellum biogenesis, warranting further investigation. In this study, the genomes of two H. pylori strains (CCUG 17874 and P79) were sequenced and published as draft genome sequences. Comparative studies identified the potential role of restriction modification systems and the comB locus in transformation efficiency differences between these strains. Core genome analysis of 43 H. pylori strains including 17874 and P79 defined a more refined core genome for the species than previously published. Comparative analysis of the genome sequences of strains isolated from individuals suffering from H. pylori related diseases resulted in the identification of “disease-specific” genes. Structure-function analysis of the essential motility protein HP0958 was performed to elucidate its role during flagellum assembly in H. pylori. The previously reported HP0958-FliH interaction could not be substantiated in this study and appears to be a false positive. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that the coiled-coil domain of HP0958 is involved in the interaction with RpoN (74-284), while the Zn-finger domain is required for direct interaction with the full length flaA mRNA transcript. Complementation of a non-motile hp0958-null derivative strain of P79 with site-directed mutant alleles of hp0958 resulted in cells producing flagellar-type extrusions from non-polar positions. Thus, HP0958 may have a novel function in spatial localisation of flagella in H. pylori


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This thesis explores the use of electromagnetics for both steering and tracking of medical instruments in minimally invasive surgeries. The end application is virtual navigation of the lung for biopsy of early stage cancer nodules. Navigation to the peripheral regions of the lung is difficult due to physical dimensions of the bronchi and current methods have low successes rates for accurate diagnosis. Firstly, the potential use of DC magnetic fields for the actuation of catheter devices with permanently magnetised distal attachments is investigated. Catheter models formed from various materials and magnetic tip formations are used to examine the usefulness of relatively low power and compact electromagnets. The force and torque that can be exerted on a small permanent magnet is shown to be extremely limited. Hence, after this initial investigation we turn our attention to electromagnetic tracking, in the development of a novel, low-cost implementation of a GPS-like system for navigating within a patient. A planar magnetic transmitter, formed on a printed circuit board for a low-profile and low cost manufacture, is used to generate a low frequency magnetic field distribution which is detected by a small induction coil sensor. The field transmitter is controlled by a novel closed-loop system that ensures a highly stable magnetic field with reduced interference from one transmitter coil to another. Efficient demodulation schemes are presented which utilise synchronous detection of each magnetic field component experienced by the sensor. The overall tracking accuracy of the system is shown to be less than 2 mm with an orientation error less than 1°. A novel demodulation implementation using a unique undersampling approach allows the use of reduced sample rates to sample the signals of interest without loss of tracking accuracy. This is advantageous for embedded microcontroller implementations of EM tracking systems. The EM tracking system is demonstrated in the pre-clinical environment of a breathing lung phantom. The airways of the phantom are successfully navigated using the system in combination with a 3D computer model rendered from CT data. Registration is achieved using both a landmark rigid registration method and a hybrid fiducial-free approach. The design of a planar magnetic shield structure for blocking the effects of metallic distortion from below the transmitter is presented which successfully blocks the impact of large ferromagnetic objects such as operating tables. A variety of shielding material are analysed with MuMetal and ferrite both providing excellent shieling performance and an increased signal to noise ratio. Finally, the effect of conductive materials and human tissue on magnetic field measurements is presented. Error due to induced eddy currents and capacitive coupling is shown to severely affect EM tracking accuracy at higher frequencies.