25 resultados para Technical output inefficiency

em Boston University Digital Common


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By utilizing structure sharing among its parse trees, a GB parser can increase its efficiency dramatically. Using a GB parser which has as its phrase structure recovery component an implementation of Tomita's algorithm (as described in [Tom86]), we investigate how a GB parser can preserve the structure sharing output by Tomita's algorithm. In this report, we discuss the implications of using Tomita's algorithm in GB parsing, and we give some details of the structuresharing parser currently under construction. We also discuss a method of parallelizing a GB parser, and relate it to the existing literature on parallel GB parsing. Our approach to preserving sharing within a shared-packed forest is applicable not only to GB parsing, but anytime we want to preserve structure sharing in a parse forest in the presence of features.


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A probabilistic, nonlinear supervised learning model is proposed: the Specialized Mappings Architecture (SMA). The SMA employs a set of several forward mapping functions that are estimated automatically from training data. Each specialized function maps certain domains of the input space (e.g., image features) onto the output space (e.g., articulated body parameters). The SMA can model ambiguous, one-to-many mappings that may yield multiple valid output hypotheses. Once learned, the mapping functions generate a set of output hypotheses for a given input via a statistical inference procedure. The SMA inference procedure incorporates an inverse mapping or feedback function in evaluating the likelihood of each of the hypothesis. Possible feedback functions include computer graphics rendering routines that can generate images for given hypotheses. The SMA employs a variant of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm for simultaneous learning of the specialized domains along with the mapping functions, and approximate strategies for inference. The framework is demonstrated in a computer vision system that can estimate the articulated pose parameters of a human’s body or hands, given silhouettes from a single image. The accuracy and stability of the SMA are also tested using synthetic images of human bodies and hands, where ground truth is known.


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This paper introduces an algorithm that uses boosting to learn a distance measure for multiclass k-nearest neighbor classification. Given a family of distance measures as input, AdaBoost is used to learn a weighted distance measure, that is a linear combination of the input measures. The proposed method can be seen both as a novel way to learn a distance measure from data, and as a novel way to apply boosting to multiclass recognition problems, that does not require output codes. In our approach, multiclass recognition of objects is reduced into a single binary recognition task, defined on triples of objects. Preliminary experiments with eight UCI datasets yield no clear winner among our method, boosting using output codes, and k-nn classification using an unoptimized distance measure. Our algorithm did achieve lower error rates in some of the datasets, which indicates that, in some domains, it may lead to better results than existing methods.


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We present a type system, StaXML, which employs the stacked type syntax to represent essential aspects of the potential roles of XML fragments to the structure of complete XML documents. The simplest application of this system is to enforce well-formedness upon the construction of XML documents without requiring the use of templates or balanced "gap plugging" operators; this allows it to be applied to programs written according to common imperative web scripting idioms, particularly the echoing of unbalanced XML fragments to an output buffer. The system can be extended to verify particular XML applications such as XHTML and identifying individual XML tags constructed from their lexical components. We also present StaXML for PHP, a prototype precompiler for the PHP4 scripting language which infers StaXML types for expressions without assistance from the programmer.


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Accurate knowledge of traffic demands in a communication network enables or enhances a variety of traffic engineering and network management tasks of paramount importance for operational networks. Directly measuring a complete set of these demands is prohibitively expensive because of the huge amounts of data that must be collected and the performance impact that such measurements would impose on the regular behavior of the network. As a consequence, we must rely on statistical techniques to produce estimates of actual traffic demands from partial information. The performance of such techniques is however limited due to their reliance on limited information and the high amount of computations they incur, which limits their convergence behavior. In this paper we study a two-step approach for inferring network traffic demands. First we elaborate and evaluate a modeling approach for generating good starting points to be fed to iterative statistical inference techniques. We call these starting points informed priors since they are obtained using actual network information such as packet traces and SNMP link counts. Second we provide a very fast variant of the EM algorithm which extends its computation range, increasing its accuracy and decreasing its dependence on the quality of the starting point. Finally, we evaluate and compare alternative mechanisms for generating starting points and the convergence characteristics of our EM algorithm against a recently proposed Weighted Least Squares approach.


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A fundamental task of vision systems is to infer the state of the world given some form of visual observations. From a computational perspective, this often involves facing an ill-posed problem; e.g., information is lost via projection of the 3D world into a 2D image. Solution of an ill-posed problem requires additional information, usually provided as a model of the underlying process. It is important that the model be both computationally feasible as well as theoretically well-founded. In this thesis, a probabilistic, nonlinear supervised computational learning model is proposed: the Specialized Mappings Architecture (SMA). The SMA framework is demonstrated in a computer vision system that can estimate the articulated pose parameters of a human body or human hands, given images obtained via one or more uncalibrated cameras. The SMA consists of several specialized forward mapping functions that are estimated automatically from training data, and a possibly known feedback function. Each specialized function maps certain domains of the input space (e.g., image features) onto the output space (e.g., articulated body parameters). A probabilistic model for the architecture is first formalized. Solutions to key algorithmic problems are then derived: simultaneous learning of the specialized domains along with the mapping functions, as well as performing inference given inputs and a feedback function. The SMA employs a variant of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and approximate inference. The approach allows the use of alternative conditional independence assumptions for learning and inference, which are derived from a forward model and a feedback model. Experimental validation of the proposed approach is conducted in the task of estimating articulated body pose from image silhouettes. Accuracy and stability of the SMA framework is tested using artificial data sets, as well as synthetic and real video sequences of human bodies and hands.


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In an n-way broadcast application each one of n overlay nodes wants to push its own distinct large data file to all other n-1 destinations as well as download their respective data files. BitTorrent-like swarming protocols are ideal choices for handling such massive data volume transfers. The original BitTorrent targets one-to-many broadcasts of a single file to a very large number of receivers and thus, by necessity, employs an almost random overlay topology. n-way broadcast applications on the other hand, owing to their inherent n-squared nature, are realizable only in small to medium scale networks. In this paper, we show that we can leverage this scale constraint to construct optimized overlay topologies that take into consideration the end-to-end characteristics of the network and as a consequence deliver far superior performance compared to random and myopic (local) approaches. We present the Max-Min and MaxSum peer-selection policies used by individual nodes to select their neighbors. The first one strives to maximize the available bandwidth to the slowest destination, while the second maximizes the aggregate output rate. We design a swarming protocol suitable for n-way broadcast and operate it on top of overlay graphs formed by nodes that employ Max-Min or Max-Sum policies. Using trace-driven simulation and measurements from a PlanetLab prototype implementation, we demonstrate that the performance of swarming on top of our constructed topologies is far superior to the performance of random and myopic overlays. Moreover, we show how to modify our swarming protocol to allow it to accommodate selfish nodes.


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A secure sketch (defined by Dodis et al.) is an algorithm that on an input w produces an output s such that w can be reconstructed given its noisy version w' and s. Security is defined in terms of two parameters m and m˜ : if w comes from a distribution of entropy m, then a secure sketch guarantees that the distribution of w conditioned on s has entropy m˜ , where λ = m−m˜ is called the entropy loss. In this note we show that the entropy loss of any secure sketch (or, more generally, any randomized algorithm) on any distribution is no more than it is on the uniform distribution.


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The heterogeneity and open nature of network systems make analysis of compositions of components quite challenging, making the design and implementation of robust network services largely inaccessible to the average programmer. We propose the development of a novel type system and practical type spaces which reflect simplified representations of the results and conclusions which can be derived from complex compositional theories in more accessible ways, essentially allowing the system architect or programmer to be exposed only to the inputs and output of compositional analysis without having to be familiar with the ins and outs of its internals. Toward this end we present the TRAFFIC (Typed Representation and Analysis of Flows For Interoperability Checks) framework, a simple flow-composition and typing language with corresponding type system. We then discuss and demonstrate the expressive power of a type space for TRAFFIC derived from the network calculus, allowing us to reason about and infer such properties as data arrival, transit, and loss rates in large composite network applications.


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We investigated adaptive neural control of precision grip forces during object lifting. A model is presented that adjusts reactive and anticipatory grip forces to a level just above that needed to stabilize lifted objects in the hand. The model obeys priciples of cerebellar structure and function by using slip sensations as error signals to adapt phasic motor commands to tonic force generators associated with output synergies controlling grip aperture. The learned phasic commands are weight and texture-dependent. Simulations of the new curcuit model reproduce key aspects of experimental observations of force application. Over learning trials, the onset of grip force buildup comes to lead the load force buildup, and the rate-of-rise of grip force, but not load force, scales inversely with the friction of the gripped object.


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Mapping novel terrain from sparse, complex data often requires the resolution of conflicting information from sensors working at different times, locations, and scales, and from experts with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods help resolve inconsistencies in order to distinguish correct from incorrect answers, as when evidence variously suggests that an object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods developed here consider a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an objects class is car, vehicle, or man-made. Underlying relationships among objects are assumed to be unknown to the automated system of the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system uses distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierarchial knowledge structures. The system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships. The procedure is illustrated with two image examples.


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Classifying novel terrain or objects front sparse, complex data may require the resolution of conflicting information from sensors working at different times, locations, and scales, and from sources with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods can help resolve inconsistencies, as when evidence variously suggests that an object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods described here consider a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an object's class is car, vehicle, and man-made. Underlying relationships among objects are assumed to be unknown to the automated system or the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system used distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierarchical knowledge structures. The system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships.


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Classifying novel terrain or objects from sparse, complex data may require the resolution of conflicting information from sensors woring at different times, locations, and scales, and from sources with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods can help resolve inconsistencies, as when eveidence variously suggests that and object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods described her address a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an object's class is car, vehicle, and man-made. Underlying relationships among classes are assumed to be unknown to the autonomated system or the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system uses distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierachical knowlege structures. The fusion system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships. The procedure is illustrated with two image examples, but is not limited to image domain.


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— Consideration of how people respond to the question What is this? has suggested new problem frontiers for pattern recognition and information fusion, as well as neural systems that embody the cognitive transformation of declarative information into relational knowledge. In contrast to traditional classification methods, which aim to find the single correct label for each exemplar (This is a car), the new approach discovers rules that embody coherent relationships among labels which would otherwise appear contradictory to a learning system (This is a car, that is a vehicle, over there is a sedan). This talk will describe how an individual who experiences exemplars in real time, with each exemplar trained on at most one category label, can autonomously discover a hierarchy of cognitive rules, thereby converting local information into global knowledge. Computational examples are based on the observation that sensors working at different times, locations, and spatial scales, and experts with different goals, languages, and situations, may produce apparently inconsistent image labels, which are reconciled by implicit underlying relationships that the network’s learning process discovers. The ARTMAP information fusion system can, moreover, integrate multiple separate knowledge hierarchies, by fusing independent domains into a unified structure. In the process, the system discovers cross-domain rules, inferring multilevel relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships. In order to self-organize its expert system, the ARTMAP information fusion network features distributed code representations which exploit the model’s intrinsic capacity for one-to-many learning (This is a car and a vehicle and a sedan) as well as many-to-one learning (Each of those vehicles is a car). Fusion system software, testbed datasets, and articles are available from http://cns.bu.edu/techlab.


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Grid cells in the dorsal segment of the medial entorhinal cortex (dMEC) show remarkable hexagonal activity patterns, at multiple spatial scales, during spatial navigation. How these hexagonal patterns arise has excited intense interest. It has previously been shown how a selforganizing map can convert firing patterns across entorhinal grid cells into hippocampal place cells that are capable of representing much larger spatial scales. Can grid cell firing fields also arise during navigation through learning within a self-organizing map? A neural model is proposed that converts path integration signals into hexagonal grid cell patterns of multiple scales. This GRID model creates only grid cell patterns with the observed hexagonal structure, predicts how these hexagonal patterns can be learned from experience, and can process biologically plausible neural input and output signals during navigation. These results support a unified computational framework for explaining how entorhinal-hippocampal interactions support spatial navigation.