3 resultados para shocks

em Biblioteca Digital - Universidad Icesi - Colombia


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We estimate a dynamic model of mortgage default for a cohort of Colombian debtors between 1997 and 2004. We use the estimated model to study the effects on default of a class of policies that affected the evolution of mortgage balances in Colombia during the 1990's. We propose a framework for estimating dynamic behavioral models accounting for the presence of unobserved state variables that are correlated across individuals and across time periods. We extend the standard literature on the structural estimation of dynamic models by incorporating an unobserved common correlated shock that affects all individuals' static payoffs and the dynamic continuation payoffs associated with different decisions. Given a standard parametric specification the dynamic problem, we show that the aggregate shocks are identified from the variation in the observed aggregate behavior. The shocks and their transition are separately identified, provided there is enough cross-sectionavl ariation of the observeds tates.


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Este artículo corresponde a la investigación que se ha desarrollado para establecer el comportamiento de la inflación en Colombia durante el período 1955-2004, analizar los elementos que han incidido en su desempeño y establecer la teoría que soporta su análisis. El análisis se ha dividido en tres períodos que cubren los años 1955-2004, el primero, de 1955 a 1970 se relaciona con los años durante los cuales aún se tenía una tasa de cambio fija, tal como se había convenido en el tratado de Bretton Woods, y coincide con sucesivas crisis cambiarias que se reflejan en el comportamiento de la inflación


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This paper analyzes the dynamics ofthe American Depositary Receipt (ADR) of a Colombian bank (Bancolombia) in relation to its pricing factors (underlying (preferred) shares price, exchange rate and the US market index). The aim is to test if there is a long-term relation among these variables that would imply predictability. One cointegrating relation is found allowing the use of a vector error correction model to examine the transmission of shocks to the underlying prices, the exchange rate, and the US market index. The main finding of this paper is that in the short run, the underlying share price seems to adjust after changes in the ADR price, pointing to the fact that the NYSE (trading market for the ADR) leads the Colombian market. However, in the long run, both, the underlying share price and the ADR price, adjust to changes in one another.