8 resultados para Motifs

em Adam Mickiewicz University Repository


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Jednym z motywów ikonograficznych wykorzystywanych na reklamowych kartach pocztowych z przełomu XIX i XX wieku były strony tytułowe lokalnych gazet. Wokół poznańskich pocztówek z motywem „gazetowym” wydawanych przez Isaaka Plessnera wybuchła w 1904 roku polemika prasowa o silnie antysemickim podłożu. Zarzut dotyczył druku reklamy katolickiego czasopisma u żydowskiego wydawcy.


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Wydział Neofilologii: Katedra Studiów Azjatyckich


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One can say that our times are dominated by visual communication. Usually all day long we have been faced by various pictures, visual forms and symbols. According to the subject of the book 'Archaeology-Culture-Ideologies' I found it interesting to pay attention to the problem of visual representation, or better say visual symbols in nowadays communication and culture, their meaning and importance. From this point of view I would like to show the role of archaeologists who discover, interpret or even create some of them. The subject is not new of course, but the most often it is taken into consideration by the scholars who practice in social anthropology or philosophy and quite rarely it appear in studies of archaeologies, especially in Polish tradition. In my opinion the subject concerning visual symbols communication and archaeology arise several important questions that are also valid for the theme of book 'Archaeology-Culture-Ideologies'. The first is socio-cultural role of our discipline, next the danger of political and propaganda misuse of the results of archaeological research and then also commercialisation of the archaeological activities. The problem of visualisation and visual-communication can be the matter of various studies. In my paper from the beginning I would like to present the general view concerning visual symbols and figural motifs and the main ideas and approaches to study them from different humanistic perspectives. Then in my presentation I am going to discuss the question why in our culture the visual symbols and representations became so popular – compare to other ways of human expression, for example verbal symbol communication. I would like to see the problem in historical perspective as well. There are a lot of evidences, which support the statement about the power of visual symbols in history. In ancient times for example Horace in 'Ars Poetica' suggested that human mind usually is much more impressed by eyes than by ears. In my opinion that is quite often in human culture that visual impression is before mental one. Visual representations and symbols are very powerful, they can show and communicate various phenomena, they act immediately and quite often in easily way they can associate. So for archaeological research it could be very important to make some studies concerning the ancient symbols and general iconography and also it would be grateful to make some attempts for the study what kind of potential meaning could have visual symbols. In my paper I can only make some general statement about it. But the most important for the topic is reflection on prehistoric and ancient visual symbols and representation and their presence in contemporary culture. So after some general statements concerning the visual symbols examined from various perspectives finally I would like to point out with support of some examples how ancient and prehistoric visual symbols and images are still used and captured by contemporary culture and what is or should be the role of archaeologists activity concerning this matter.


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Głównym celem dysertacji jest interpretacja twórczości Bulanda al-Ḥaydarīego (iracki poeta kurdyjskiego pochodzenia (1926-1996)). Utwory Al-Ḥaydarīego zawierają w sobie charakterystyczne cechy współczesnego wiersza arabskiego. Opisują ponadto najważniejsze historyczne, społeczne i osobiste doświadczenia literackiego pokolenia tego poety, jak również innych członków społeczności arabskiej w okresie po II wojnie światowej. Praca doktorska składa się z dwóch części. Pierwszą część poprzedza krótki opis stanu badań nad liryką Al-Ḥaydarīego. W pierwszym jej rozdziale przedstawiono życiorys i biografię literacką poety oraz wyjaśniono pojęcia takie jak: ‘współczesna poezja arabska’, ‘wolna poezja’, ‘poemat prozą’ czy ‘ruch wolnej poezji’. Wspomniano również o głównych nurtach w poezji arabskiej w latach 50. i 60. XX w., jak również ukazano sposób, w jaki modernistyczni poeci postrzegali poezję. Natomiast w drugim rozdziale przedstawiono pokrótce charakterystyczne cechy (stylistyczne, składniowe i melodyczne) współczesnego wiersza arabskiego i zilustrowano je fragmentami utworów Al-Ḥaydarīego. Druga część dysertacji składa się z pięciu rozdziałów. W każdym z nich przedstawiono jeden lub kilka głównych motywów oraz ich różne warianty: w pierwszym rozdziale – motyw miłość, w drugim – motyw istnienia (życie i śmierć), w trzecim – motywy ojczyzny, obczyzny, zaangażowania społecznego twórcy i jego wyobcowania, w czwartym – motyw przestrzeni (np. dom, droga, raj, piekło) oraz w piątym – motyw czasu (przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość).


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Chapter is an attempt at reconstruction of the culminating moment of the first stage of the Polish reception of Shakespeare's "Hamlet". It has been entirely devoted to J. Słowacki's "Horsztyński". There is no doubt that "Horsztyński" should be viewed as the fullest and deepest interpretation of Shakespearean elements in the literary output of Juliusz Słowacki. Numerous citations and references to the works of the Elizabethan dramatist reach deeply into the structure of the world and human's life. Thanks to many adductions (citations) to Shakespeare, Słowacki approached the so much important problem for the Romantic period in Polish literature, namely the problem of individual tragedy of existence of the main character of a play and a clash with historical dilemmas of the community. The analysis of the text is aimed at showing all references to Shakespearean masterpiece with a particular emphasis on the hamletism of the charactwe of Szczęsny Kossakowski. The author describes the motif of betrayal, ever-present on different levels of the text structure, which in the most complete way describes the organisation of space between humans and their interaction in "Horsztyński". The author focuses his attention on detailed description and analysis of the recurrent themes frequently repeated in Szczęsny's statements, namely motifs of "man-harp", "man-actor in the theatre of the world", and "man-puppet", harlequin, clown. These motifs prove the sensibility of Szczęsny's to the theatrical aspect of the surrounding reality. The motif of darkness and of a blind man groping his way in the darkness so frequent in Szczęsny's statements can be interpreted as a manifestation of utter lack of hope and the feeling of uselessness of one's existence in the world.


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii