8 resultados para Didactic

em Adam Mickiewicz University Repository


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This article attempts to qualify the work with authentic source material such as TV news in foreign language teaching. At first, the role of authentic materials in foreign language teaching shall be discussed. Afterwards, TV news will be briefly examined and characterized from the point of view of media theory. Methodic-didactic considerations on the work with TV news in class round up the article.


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W artykule zajmuję się problematyką dydaktyki wybranych konstrukcji języka chińskiego. Moim celem jest pokazanie na przykładach, w jaki sposób, wykorzystując zarówno różnice semantyczne między zdaniami strukturalnie podobnymi, jak i analogie semantyczne między zdaniami składniowo różnymi, ułatwić i przyspieszyć nauczanie problematycznych w tym względzie zagadnień gramatyki chińskiej. Do egzemplifikacji wykorzystania mechanizmów różnic i analogii w dydaktyce wykorzystałem zdania z partykułą le i skopiowanym czasownikiem, konstrukcję z de i dopełnieniem komplementywnym oraz partykułę końcową le.


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Wydział Neofilologia: Katedra Ekokomunikacji


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The paper analyses the present state of knowledge on the influence of the didactic aids on the process of creative problem solving. The author suggests a new methodological approach to the research in this field. Results of the educational experiment carried out are also presented. Basing on those results the author tries to establish precisely the regularities appearing in different phases of problem solving. In order to make the theory closer to teacher practice a number of conclusions and practical directives have been included.


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The article aims at presenting possibilities of information technology, as well as presenting the inestimable advantages that spring from embracing it in teaching process. Several aspects of a teacher’s role in the process of conscious teaching and learning is, thus, presented in the article. Further, the article embraces, in the light of selected material comprised of the results of several diagnostic surveys done among teachers working in primary schools with small children (e.g. seven, eight and nine year olds), the analysis and opinions of numerous teachers.


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In view of a constant growth of writings on didactic and educational problems it is necessary to create an efficient system of scientific educational information. This system will provide creative teachers with materials that will facilitate the selection and access to materials that will enrich the teachers' methodological base and their own intellectual potential by means of a network of school and pedagogical libraries. Such well-organized and efficiently operating system at the level of the school superintendent's office, whose links will be educational institutions as well as those that improve teaching methods of the teaching staff, may be of great information and practical importance in the present age of rapid transformations. It will become an instrument that will make contact with pedagogical writings and improvement of qualifications of the teaching staff possible.


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Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Edukacji Artystycznej