328 resultados para Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UAM
Recenzje i sprawozdania z ksiek
Recenzje i sprawozdania z ksiek
Recenzje i sprawozdania z ksiek
Numerous reports and analyses of voter turnout levels have recorded the global trend of declining participation by citizens in national elections. One of the most important results of poor participation of citizens in electoral processes is the serious legitimization deficit. Governments in many countries try to prevent that by taking various measures to solve the problem of falling turnout and to increase the level of the electorates involvement. In Poland, the low turnout level has been the subject of many scholarly discussions aimed at finding solutions to the problem of poor civic participation. The main goal of this study is to assess the various methods of increasing voter turnout which are used in different countries, including Poland.
One of the crucial stages of the Apostle Pauls ministry was his stay at Ephesus. However, considering the fact that the reliability of some data in the Acts of the Apostles on the time of Pauls arrival to Ephesus is nowadays frequently put into question, it has become necessary to investigate the issue. In the present article the author assesses the relevant source material and takes a stand on the particular opinions of contemporary interpreters of the subject. Based on an analysis of the text of the Acts of the Apostles he is led to conclude that Lukes account of Pauls first short visit to Ephesus reveals traits of historicity.
Adolecence is an extremely diffi cult time for young people. This is the period when they become adults. However, this transition is connected with lots of diffi culties in the area of peer contacts and the acceptance of their physicality. The Asperger syndrome fosters the diffi culties in building interpersonal relationships, their identity as well as in shaping personality itself. The article shows the problems of adolescence coupled with diffi culties arising from Asperger syndrome. It is important to consider if this time is similar for all teenagers, regardless of their developmental capabilities, or whether the diffi culties that result from Asperger syndrome are meaningful in their adolescence period.
After the 1980s it is diffi cult, following stylistic criteria, to draw a map of contemporary academic music. All styles are compossible, and all are practiced. In this context, the geographical entity South of Italy does not stand out for a musical identity with special technical-stylistic features. Rather, at a socio-cultural level, the South remains today in music no less than in all areas where there is a gap between top development and stagnation a land of emigrants: six out of the seven composers treated (Ivan Fedele, Giuseppe Colardo, Rosario Mirigliano, Giuseppe Soccio, Nicola Cisternino, Biagio Putignano, Paolo Aralla) live in the North of Italy. The positive aspect of this is the affi nity of the South with the transnational and superstructural community of contemporary music, which from European and Western has now become almost global. The composers under consideration belong to the generation of the 50s, rooted in the serial and post-serial movements (from which Franco Donatoni, Luciano Berio, Luigi Nono, Salvatore Sciarrino, Giacinto Scelsi, are the principals models, to mention only the Italians), dipped in the general phenomenon of timbrism (particularly spectralism), and acquainted with electronics. They draw from these sources various instruments of compositional technique and aspects of their poetics. In particular these composers, active from the 80s, develop new ways of construction of the temporal form of music. They share the goal to establish a new continuity, different from the tonal one but at the same time transcending the serial and post-serial disintegration and fragmentation. The primary means to this end is a new enhancement of the category of fi gure, as a clear and distinct, recognizable aggregate of pitches, intervals, register, durations, timbre, articulation, dynamics, and texture. Each composer elaborates the atonal fi gural material in different ways, emphasizing one aspect or another. For example, Fedele (1953) is a master in the management of form per se, Colardo (1953) in the activation of disturbed harmonic effects, Mirigliano (1950) in the creation of a slight tension from the smallest vibrations of sound, Soccio (1950) in the set up of movement by means of accumulations and discharges of energy, Cisternino (1957) in a Cagean-Scelsian emphasis on sound as such, Putignano (1960) in the suspension of time through the succession and transformation of images, Aralla (1960) in the foundation of form from below, from the concreteness of sound.
Wydzia Anglistyki
The present book is devoted to "European connections of Richard Rorty's neopragmatism". The theme, chosen carefully and intentionally, is supposed to show the motivation behind the writing of the present work, as well as to show its intended extent. Let us consider briefly the first three parts of the theme, to enlighten a little our intentions. "European" is perhaps the most important description for it was precisely that thread that was most important to me, being the only context seriously taken into account, as I assumed right from the start that I would not be writing about rather more widely unknown to me - and much less fascinating (even to Rorty, the hero of the story) from my own, traditional, Continental philosophical perspective - American analytic philosophy. So accordingly I have almost totally skipped "American" connections (to use the distinction I need here) of Rorty's philosophy, that is to say, firstly, a years-long work within analytic philosophy, secondly struggles with it on its own grounds, and finally attempts to use classical American, mainly Deweyan, pragmatism for his own needs and numerous polemics associated with it - the questions that are far away from my interests and that arise limited interest among reading and writing philosophical audience in Poland, and perhaps also among Continental philosophers. It did not seem possible to me to write a book on Rorty in his American connections for they are insufficiently known to me, demanding knowledge of both post-war American analytic philosophy as well as pragmatism of its father-founders. I could see, setting to work on Richard Rorty, that a book on his American connections (leaving aside the issue that it would not be a philosophical problem but rather, let us say, the one of writing a monograph) written by a Polish philosopher in Poland and then in the USA was not a stimulating intellectual challenge but rather a thankless working task. Besides, having spent much time on Rorty's philosophy, writing extensively about him and translating his works, I already knew that the "Continental" context was extremely important to his neopragmatism, and that thinking about it could be relatively prolific (as opposed to the context potentially given by American philosophy).
The aim of the present paper is to investigate the connection between ancient medicine and sophistry at the end of 5th century B.C. Beginning with analyses of some passages from the De vetere medicina (VM), De natura hominis (NH) and De arte, the article identifies many similarities between these treatises, on the one hand, and the sophistic doctrines, on the other: these concern primarily perceptual/intellectual knowledge and the interaction between reality, knowledge and language. Among the Sophists, Gorgias was particularly followed and imitated, as he was admired not only for his tremendous rhetorical skills, but also for his philosophically significant work On not being, which probably influenced various discussions in the Hippocratic treatises. However, if Gorgias argues in favor of language as dynasts megas, the authors of VM, NH and De arte consider knowledge to be far more relevant and reliable than logos. These Hippocratic treatises criticize the philosophical thesis and the resulting kind of reductionism. Above all they defend the supremacy of medicine over any other art. By using the same argumentative and rhetorical strategies that were employed by Gorgias, these treatises reverse the thought of those Sophists who exalted only the techn tn logn.
The article analyzes the question of Senkaku islands dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan. The aim of the text is to present how the dispute has affected Japan-China bilateral relations. At first, the paper focuses on characterization: the subject of dispute, claims of countries, its course and an international aspect. The second part considers: the incident in September 2010 and its consequences, the dispute effects and prosperities of its regulations. The relations between China and Japan are very complicated. The Senkaku Islands dispute and 2010 incident are presently one of the most important reasons for disagreement.
Dzi jego postawa zapiera dech. Da yjcym exempla..., powiada Paul Veyne w eseju Ostatni Foucault i jego moralno, i powiada tak o Foucault, ale gdy si nad tym zastanowi, w tradycji filozoficznej mona odnale cay cig postaci, ktre w pewnych okresach ycia pragny jednego - wanie chciay da yjcym exempla. Takim przykadem wrd jeszcze nie piszcych filozofw mgby by Sokrates. Tacy byli cynicy, a zwaszcza bodaj najgoniejszy z nich, Diogenes. Tacy wreszcie byli i stary Kant, i stary Nietzsche. Ich ycie i ostatnie dziea to czsto swoiste podrczniki ycia, jednak nie tyle zobowizujce powszechnoci i obiektywnoci wypowiadanych twierdze, co raczej przekonujce subiektywnoci i jednostkowoci przykadu. Kady z nich, na swj sposb, dawa przykad jako filozof. Filozofowa, dajc przykad swoim yciem, swoim dzieem. Czasami i jednym, i drugim. Istnieje grono filozofw, ktrych ycie byo niezwykle blisko zwizane z dziaalnoci filozoficzn, u ktrych czsto trudno oddzieli filozofi od ycia, u ktrych konstytuuje si (Foucaulta) ethos, filozoficzny sposb ycia. Sokrates, ktry nie ucieka przed sdem, cho moe, i nie unika mierci, cho moe; Diogenes, kochany przez Ateczykw skandalista, o ktrym ywoty i pogldy synnych filozofw powiadaj, e w byle jakim miejscu zaatwia wszystkie swoje sprawy; Kant, ktry przez cae ycie wstaje dokadnie o 4:55 na haso swojego sugi, Lampego, Es ist Zeit, Herr Professor! i ktrego przechadzki po Krlewcu mog zastpowa wskazania zegara; Nietzsche koczcy w Turynie Ecce homo, jakby w przewidywaniu zbliajcej si katastrofy; i wreszcie umierajcy na AIDS i gorczkowo poprawiajcy na szpitalnym ku ostatnie dwa tomy Historii seksualnoci Michel Foucault (pytanie o splot jego wasnego ycia z ostatnim fragmentem jego dziea jest pytaniem niezwykle trudnym, a odpowiedzi nie s jednoznaczne). Mona by powiedzie, i kady z nich pragn wzmocni swoj filozofi przykadem swojego ycia. Asceza Kanta jest przecie nieodczna od jego etyki, troska o siebie Foucaulta jest nieodczna od jego estetyki egzystencji, mier Sokratesa i Nietzschego odejcie od wiadomego ycia jedynie wzmacniaj moc ich filozoficznych i etycznych wyborw (mona by wrcz zastanawia si, co staoby si z Sokratesa przykadem, gdyby zdecydowa si na ucieczk z Aten, podobnie z myl Nietzschego, gdyby, jak Hegel pod koniec ycia, jedynie gra w karty...). Kant w trzeciej czci Sporu fakultetw, Nietzsche w Ecce homo, Foucault w ostatnich czciach Historii seksualnoci (i pracach j dopeniajcych), poza wszystkim innym, daj siebie za przykad: nie tyle od razu i po prostu wart naladowania, lecz wanie na pocztek jedynie wart przemylenia. Paradoksalnie, to wanie w ostatniej pracy Kanta i ostatniej pracy Nietzschego ich ycie splata si z dzieem w jeden wze, to ksiki pisane wasn krwi (jak powiedziaby Bataille, uwany czytelnik Nietzschego), wasnym yciem.
The article is devoted to analysis of various countercultures aspects. The Author hypothesizes that the forms of contemporary politics are the result of two fundamentally interrelated strategic vectors. First is built upon a politics of ressentiment, setting ordinary folks against the sociocultural elite which constututed to the new right movement. Second vector is originated of counterculture of the 1960s. The author states that counterculture exists without a singular identity. It is a space of hybridity and heterogenity. On the other hand counterculture is related to the concept of contemporary ambivalence as well it transforms of affective experience of everyday life. Another feature of counterculture is connected with the conviction that counterculture stands against of dominant culture. Also the author puts counterculture movements against various aspects of new american modernity including reconstruction of the practice of the hegemony, as well as through popular culture and reconstruction of the left and right idelogy and practice.
The article deals with use of case studies for professional preparation of teachers to be. One of the suitable ways to develop professional teaching competences is to apply the method of a case study. A case study means a complex and creative solution for a given teaching situation in simulated teaching conditions. It is based on interactive and situational education and decision taking. A case study improves not only professional and teaching competences for becoming teachers it also fulfi ls the task to develop at students their auto-evaluating and auto-refl exing skills. To increase professional competences it is mandatory to do a complex analysis of the video-record for the implemented study. A complex analysis is a subject of the research project of a student grant agency at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.