97 resultados para studia kobiece


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Tekst stanowi krytyczną rekapitulację refleksji filmoznawczej prowadzonej w Czechach i Słowacji a dotykającej problematyki tzw. ženskej otázki (kwestii kobiecej). Myśl feministyczna i genderowa pojawiła się w refleksji publicznej i naukowej dopiero po Aksamitnej Rewolucji, napotykając na wstrzemięźliwą i zdystansowaną reakcję środowisk naukowych i twórczych. Dotychczasowa niezbyt rozbudowana refleksja nad kwestiami kobiecymi w kinie czeskim i słowackim, reprezentuje wczesny etap feminizmu akademickiego. Czesko-słowackie women’s studies skupiają się na gromadzeniu wiedzy dotyczącej historii, kultury, życia społecznego i politycznego kobiet. W centrum swojego dyskursu sytuują analizę wizerunków kobiecych, przede wszystkim we wczesnym kinie, rozważania nad kategorią kobiecości, jej specyfiką i przeobrażeniami dokonującymi się w procesie historycznym. Tymczasem w dokonaniach kinematografii Czech i Słowacji coraz większą rolę odgrywają kobiety reżyserki. Współczesne kino kobiet jest tu wyraźnie dostrzegalnym w swojej specyfice jakościowej i ilościowej zjawiskiem artystycznym, który na razie pozostaje obszarem nieeksplorowanym w czesko-słowackiej myśli filmoznawczej ukierunkowanej feministycznie i genderowo.


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Autorka dokonuje krytycznej rekapitulacji wskazówek metodologicznych dotyczących pisania historii kina kobiet w anglojęzycznej literaturze przedmiotu, odnosząc je do specyfiki kinematografii środkowo- i wschodnioeuropejskiej. Projekt dyskursu historii kina kobiet wpisuje w postulaty ponowoczesnej historiografii i nowej humanistyki, poszukującej tradycji grup mniejszościowych oraz krytycznie odnoszącej się do historii tradycyjnej. Problematyka kina kobiet w dyskursie historii kina powinna, zdaniem autorki, objąć także doświadczenia edukacyjne i zawodowe kobiet, związki biografii zawodowej i prywatnej oraz publiczne i wyobrażone wizerunki reżyserek.


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Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek


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The aim of this article is to investigate how the European university education sector is being internationalized. The authors test „European Studies” programs, assuming that due to their peculiar character they are the forerunners of change, which results, among other things, from Europeanization processes. The field of „Teaching Europe” is mapped in the European Union and then a more detailed analysis is conducted in Poland and Germany. These allow the authors to formulate three models describing how universities in Europe are answering the challenges created by the integration process. The Polish and German cases further illustrate the dynamics of „European Studies” development, as well as differences in general aims, disciplinary construction as well as level of internationalization. Various geographical patterns of enhanced collaboration are revealed by the research when checking Double Degree programs.


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The author of the article attempts to present the situation of comparative studies as a field of research and a way of thinking about the contemporary world on the basis of the analyses presented in Comparative Literature at a Crossroads? in the monographic issue of “Comparative Studies” 2006. Much attention is paid to the phenomenon of the crisis of comparative studies connected with a noticeable reluctance towards great theoretical models shared by many researchers, the extensiveness of the topic area and resulting methodological problems but also the fact that comparatists abandon the studies of other languages. This results in a need of searching for a satisfactory definition of this field of study, its scope of research and applicable research methods. Among the specific issues raised in the article there is, e.g. the case of world literature seen in the context of the classical contradiction between cultural hegemony and cultural pluralism. Moreover, an interesting review of the picture of the Polish culture from the perspective of postcolonial theories and intracultural differences is presented.


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii


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Jest to próba uczynienia z pedagogiki (paidei) podstawy bycia człowiekiem i rzeczywistości, poprzez odwołanie się do jej antycznych źródeł.


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The article presents a juxtaposition of the following two brilliant poems "Tamten" (from the collection of poems entitled "Napój cienisty", 1936) and "Kilkunastoletnia" (from the collection of poems entitled "Tutaj", 2009) that employ the same idea of an encounter with oneself – an adolescent person (in the former poem) and a teenage girl (in the latter). The poems exceed the literary convention of just a lyrical reminiscence of the past, they rather form a particular dialogue with the narrator as he/she was years ago, or even propose a kind of a confrontation. Both poems indirectly feature reflections on the passing time and on the author's identity. The poem written by Leśmian fits perfectly into his poetical system, both in terms of the introduction of metaphysical threads and the application of the elements of a love poem and in terms of the plot outline, somewhat reminiscent of his ballads. Szymborska's poem also concurs with her own poetics mostly due to the characteristic subtle auto-irony.


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii Sztuki


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii


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This article describes Yasmina Khadra’s autobiographical work composed of two books: "L’écrivain" and "L’imposture des mots" and its reception in France. The main purpose of this study was to establish the literary genre of these books, which implies determining whether Khandra’s work represents an autobiography or an autofiction with reference to P. Lejeune’s and V. Colonna’s theoretical studies. The dividing line between two genres in Khandra’s works refl ects his inner split between being either a solder or a writer. The presentation will also help to understand the controversy resulting from Khandra’s participation in Algerian civil war. Moreover the analysis is related to modern Algerian history.


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The aim of the paper is to present the specificity of oral argumentative competence in a foreign language and to propose a tentative model of task-based learning of argumentative discourse. It is assumed in the paper that the communicative situation tasks proposed during classes of French as a foreign language in the French Philology Department should contribute to the academic discourse learning. In the paper we present an analysis of two fragments of argumentative situations; the first one concerns the so-called everyday argumentative situation and another one illustrates an argumentative orientation of academic discourse.


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In this article, we present a short historical summary of the following terms: the aspect and the imperfective /perfective opposition to answer the question if the imperfective /perfective opposition has an aspectual or temporal character. We distinguish two types of the aforementioned opposition: the temporal imperfective /perfective opposition expressed by the Spanish tenses Pretérito Indefinido / Pretérito Imperfecto that is characterized by the property of [± temporal delimitation]; and the aspectual imperfective /perfective opposition recognizable in the aspectual system of the Slavonic languages that is characterized by the property of [± conclusion of the process].


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The paper presents, on the one hand, various terms that assign the categories of aspect and Aktionsart and, on the other hand, emphasizes that the concepts regarding them are not homogeneous. The confusions are supposed to have originated in the past. Therefore, we'll sketch briefly the history of aspect and Aktionsart in order to show that the term and the concept of aspect should be related exclusively to the Slavonic languages.


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This article presents the classification and description of borrowings from the English language in the sector of special languages with reference to contemporary Italian. The present times are characterized by multiplicity of linguistic variants. Different, ready-made solutions to are observed this complex situation.