134 resultados para universitet
This paper presents an eight-firm study, conducted from the service-dominant logic perspective, which makes a contribution regarding knowledge of the anatomy of value propositions and service innovation. The paper suggests that value propositions are configurations of several different practices and resources. The paper finds that ten common practices, organized in three main aggregates, constitute and fulfill value propositions: i.e. provision practices, representational practices, and management and organizational practices. Moreover, the paper suggests that service innovation can be equated with the creation of new value propositions by means of developing existing or creating new practices and/or resources, or by means of integrating practices and resources in new ways. It identifies four types of service innovation (adaptation, resource-based innovation, practice-based innovation, and combinative innovation) and three types of service innovation processes (practice-based, resource-based, and combinative). The key managerial insight provided by the paper is that service innovation must be conducted and value propositions must be evaluated from the perspective of the customers’ value creation, the service that the customer experiences. Successful service innovation is not only contingent on having the right resources, established methods and practices for integrating these resources into attractive value propositions are also needed.
I denna rapport redovisas ett utvecklingsarbete som genomfördes vid speciallärarprogrammet vid Karlstads universitet läsåret 2010/2011. Enligt examensordningen är en av speciallärarens arbetsuppgifter att vara en kvalificerad samtalspartner. Vad som menas med kvalificerad samtalspartner är upp till varje lärosäte/ varje speciallärare att själv fylla med innehåll. Syftet med rapporten är att beskriva ett utvecklingsarbete och de erfarenheter som gjordes och därmed sätta ord på delar av speciallärarens yrkeskunnande som kvalificerade samtalspartners. Utvecklingsarbetets övergripande syfte var att pröva dialogseminarieformen för att fördjupa speciallärarnas yrkeskunnande i deras uppdrag som kvalificerade samtalspartners. Eller uttryckt med andra ord kvalificera ett samtalsuppdrag. I arbetet med dialogseminarier lyfts andra värden än de i utbildningssammanhang så vanliga; effektivitet, snabbhet, mätbarhet till förmån för långsamhet, eftertänksamhet och kanske ett gott omdöme. Efter en termins arbete med dialogseminarier kan vi nu dra slutsatsen att deltagande i dialogseminerier tycks ha bidragit till att: öka studenternas reflektionsförmåga öka deras förmåga att lyssna både inåt och utåt knyta förbindelser mellan det personliga och det professionella utveckla deras yrkesspråk och kanske deras omdömesförmåga.
The focus of this study is dignity in low status service work. Using labels such as bad jobs, McJobs and dirty work, these jobs have been described as low-skilled, low-paid, monotonous and physically demanding with lack of voice and no job security. Research on dignity at work is especially relevant in a time when different ambitions for more dignified work, initiated by political parties as well as unions, tend to be forgotten or down-prioritized. This study investigates what conditions are preventing dignity among low status service workers and how they create and maintain dignity for themselves. What briefly has been found is that dignity can be prevented by unreasonable demands, constant control, exposed work and mismanagement. Moreover, customerprerogative can prevent dignity when employees are being mistreated by disrespectful customers. Dignity is also hindered by frightening customers, especially in the case of sexual harassment, threats and violence. In this study theories about working conditions and professional status are brought together to explain experiences of dignity at work. Service workers do not only have managers to deal with, but also customers whose treatment is reflected by the status of the service occupation. Besides, working conditions and professional status are two mechanisms acting together when it comes to experiences of dignity at work and may thus result in double tensions in daily work. Acts for dignity, meaning different ways in which the service workers create and maintain dignity for themselves, are reactions to the obstacles to dignity at work. Three different categories of acts for dignity can be found. The identity-bolstering acts help the workers maintain their professional identity or self-image when it is threatened by different obstacles to dignity. The justifying acts mean that the workers legitimize different obstacles to dignity. Finally, the compensating acts help the workers to even out different obstacles to dignity.
Within the public sector great change efforts are currently made to meet future challenges. In the area of health care, change initiatives are implemented to enhance quality and efficiency. To this end, a lean change programme is being widely introduced in Sweden as well as internationally. The overriding aim of this study is to increase knowledge of what happens when change programmes, CP, such as lean are implemented in a healthcare organisation, HCO. Previous research has shown that the main obstacle to implementing CP in HCO:s is their complexity. However, the complexity has often been reduced, as different factors such as management, professions, organisation and control have been studied separately. To fully capture the complexity of the HCO the Actor Network Theory, ANT, was used in this study. In line with ANT, introducing lean can be described in terms of a translation process in which human and non-human actors are woven into a network. This approach allows for the incorporation of various factors in the study of a change process in a complex organisation. Drawing on ANT, this thesis explores how network constructions enable or impede change programmes. The approach is based on ethnographic monitoring of the implementation of lean in the Värmland county council public healthcare organisation. As a result of the holistic perspective, the study provides detailed descriptions of how complexity impacts on the implementation. It displays the relations enabling or impeding the implementation of CP and the methods actors use to establish and defend the relations. The contribution of the study is threefold. Empirically, the study monitors a HCO aiming to implement full-scale lean as philosophy, principle and tool. Methodologically, the study evaluates ANT as a methodological theory to study CP in a HCO. Finally, the domain-specific contribution of the study is its identification of the relations and methods that impact on lean deployment.
This thesis takes its starting-point in the post-secular changes in society and how these interplay with tourism. In spite of the intensive academic debate on and theorisation of the post-secular and post-secularism, the role of tourism in this change, called the return of religion, has not been studied. Conversely, neither has the role of post-secularism in tourism been addressed. The overall aim of this thesis is to describe and understand the relation between post-secularism and tourism. Specifically, the aim is to clarify and understand the relation between religious faith, place and tourism in our time on the basis of a case study of pilgrimage in the area of Santiago de Compostela. In other words, the thesis highlights the role of tourism in the emergence of what is now called the post-secular condition. Santiago de Compostela is a Catholic Church instituted holy city, which has increase in number of visitors. The growing number of pilgrimages and their significance lend vitality to the return of religion phenomenon. The empirical material derives primarily from individual interviews as narratives are considered to be a vital dimension to constitute and construct human realities and modes of being. This thesis shows that contemporary pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela is a post-secular performative and place-creating phenomenon. Post-secular tourist places are subjective and spiritually meaningful destinations. Unlike traditional pilgrimage destinations a key attribute is that neither traditional religious faith nor loyalty to institutionalised faith are (pre)ordained. Rather, place is constructed by the narratives and experiences of post-secular tourists.
Severus Snape : The Complexity and Unconventional Heroism of Severus Snape in the Harry Potter Books
Being an evildoer and being evil is not always the same thing; author J.K Rowling’s character Professor Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series is balancing on that very line. Although being unfair and mean to the protagonist Harry Potter all through the series, Professor Snape is revealed as a hero in the seventh book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007). This essay focuses on some of the complex psychological reasons as to why Snape acts the way he does towards Harry and why many readers consider him to be just as great a hero as the protagonist. It argues that his difficult upbringing is the cause of his complexity and the series of books are analyzed from a structuralist perspective, using A.J Greimas’ actantial model and Frank Kermode’s theories about endings and plot twists. Snape’s hate for Harry’s father, caused by years of bullying, is examined as well as his love for Harry’s mother. This essay also discusses in what ways Snape’s change of allegiance, brought on by his eternal love for Harry’s mother, is a great aid in defeating the Dark Lord.
The purpose of this essay is to analyze how certain elements of panopticism manage to dismantle the notion of privacy in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. By reading the text through a lens of panopticism, a theory introduced by Jeremy Bentham, I give examples on how the surveillance methods used by the Party share similarities with the system of surveillance within a Panoptic prison, but also in what ways that they differ. In the end, it is obvious that the society of Oceania cannot be considered to be a complete Panopticon, although several elements of panopticism are present within the text and that they dismantle the aspect of privacy in the novel.
This essay focuses on the alienation experienced by Rusty-James in S.E. Hinton’s Rumble Fish (1975). It more specifically centers on the causes of his alienation and how the alienation is illustrated in the novel. The analysis shows that the alienation Rusty-James experiences is caused partly by socioeconomic factors; for example his lack of hope for the future is closely connected to the fact that he belongs to a low socioeconomic class. In addition, there are also psychological factors, for example a childhood trauma. The alienation and its causes are mainly illustrated through the symbolism of the featured Siamese fighting fish and how Rusty-James’ relationships are depicted.
Landstinget har i samarbete med Karlstads universitet gjort flera befolkningsundersökningar i Värmland och publicerat rapporter om både den vuxna befolkningens och barns hälsa, senast med rapporten Värmlänningarnas Liv och Hälsa 2004. Någon befolkningsstudie av de äldres hälsa och livsvillkor har dock inte gjorts tidigare. Efter tre års förarbeten och samråd mellan landstinget, Värmlands kommuner och flera institutioner vid Karlstads universitet genomfördes den föreliggande studien av de äldres hälsa under senhösten 2006, i form av en omfattande postenkät. Urvalet utgjordes av 2500 slumpmässigt uttagna kvinnor och män som var 80 år eller äldre. Svarsfrekvensen var 60 procent, vilket får betraktas som mycket bra med tanke på att cirka 15 procent i denna åldersgrupp lever i särskilda boenden. Studien avspeglar således hälsan och livsvillkoren för de äldre. Överlag visar det sig att de äldre mår bra och har stor kapacitet att fungera som aktiva samhällsmedborgare. Samtidigt är det många som har kroniska besvär, med värk, syn- och hörselnedsättning, inkontinensbesvär etc. Det föreligger också en klar social gradient, där särskilt äldre kvinnor med arbetarbakgrund har både mer sjukdom och större ekonomiska problem än de övriga.
Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att beskriva uppfattningar av operationssjuksköterskans vårdande inom operationssjukvård och perioperativ vård Metod: En kvalitativ beskrivande design med en fenomenografisk metod valdes i båda studierna (I och II). I studie I samlades data in genom intervjuer med 16 strategiskt utvalda legitimerade sjuksköterskor och studenter i sista terminen av grundutbildningen till sjuksköterska. I studie II samlades data in genom intervjuer med 15 kliniskt verksamma operationssjuksköterskor. Båda studierna analyserades enligt fenomenografisk metod. Resultat: Resultatet av studie I visade att operationssjuksköterskans yrkesfunktion uppfattades som osjälvständig men ändå med ansvar för patientens vård utifrån specifika kunskaper i hygien och operationsmetodik. Omvårdnaden i yrkesfunktionen var otydlig och uppfattades som fragmentarisk eftersom operationssjuksköterskor enbart var delaktiga i en del av patientens vårdprocess och hade få möjligheter att skapa en vårdrelation med patienten. Resultatet i studie II visade att operationssjuksköterskor ville följa patienten hela vägen. Det innebar att lära känna patienten både före och efter operationen och därigenom bli ansvariga för att säkerställa patientens kontinuitet och säkerhet i vården. Genom att hålla ett vakande öga skyddade de patientens kropp och bevarade patientens värdighet. Konklusioner: Operationssjuksköterskans yrkesfunktion ansågs som fragmenterad och uppfattades vara medicinskt och tekniskt inriktad. Det framkom att vårdandet inom operationssjukvård och perioperativ vård var otydlig. Det fanns en vilja att bli mer delaktig i patientens vård och att vårdandet blev tydligare för andra yrkeskategorier inom vård.
Bioenergy is one of many contributors to reducing the use of fossil fuels in order to mitigate climate change by decreasing CO2-emissions, and the potential for biofuels are large. The wood fuel pellets are a refined biofuel made of sawdust, which is dried and compressed to achieve improved fuel and transportation properties. In 2007 the amount of wood fuel pellets used for heating purposes in Sweden was 1715000 tons. The aims of this work was: to examine the moisture content and emission of monoterpenes during the drying and pelletising steps of the pellets production (Paper I); to investigate how the recirculation of drying gases affects the energy efficiency of rotary dryers and how the energy efficiency is related to the capacity of the dryer. (Paper II); to analyse the causes of the problems encountered by household end-users of pellets and investigate whether an improved pellet quality standard could reduce these problems (Paper III); to investigate how the energy consumption of the pelletising machine and chosen pellet quality parameters were affected using an increased amount of rapeseed cake in wood fuel pellets (Paper IV); and to identify gaps of knowledge about wood fuel pellet technology and needs for further research on quality, environmental and health aspects throughout the wood fuel pellet chain, from sawdust to heat. (Paper V).