132 resultados para Københavns universitet.


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In this article empirical findings from interviews with teachers of three classes of 12-year-old pupils are presented, together with questionnaire-responses from these 54 pupils. The interviews focus on teaching aims for Religious Education (RE), a subject that in Sweden, besides dealing with religion, also explores other kinds of beliefs, ethics and life questions. In the questionnaire the pupils are asked to solve four RE tasks with content that is central from a Swedish curriculum perspective. The research involves pupils at the beginning of the sixth grade and the purpose of this article is to look at the teachers’ aims and the pupils’ responses, and consider what these may indicate about conditions for teaching and learning RE in these classes. The findings show that the perspectives of the pupils at the beginning of the sixth grade seem to be rather far from the expectations of the RE syllabus. The pupils’ statements are rather vague with regard to religion as a phenomenon and there are few examples of pupils interpreting religious symbols in a way that is useful in further analysis. While existential and ethical plots, messages and point of views are comparatively easy to describe, it is harder to express multiple perspectives, reasons, comparisons and questions. A problem for the teachers in developing the perspectives of their pupils is that they find it hard to say what kind of general difficulties pupils have in RE, a fact that makes it hard to direct the teaching. Another challenge is that the teachers’ RE-aims are rather overarching and primarily related to fostering fundamental values. What improves the conditions for teaching and learning is the teachers’ concern for the pupils and their relationships with the teacher and with each other, a factor which is of vital importance for learning and which can also be used as a specific teaching method in subject matter education.


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The challenging effects of globalization upon the nation-state have been a recurrent theme in the social science discourse since the 1990’s. Nationally organized education is also seen as challenged by new demands originating from globalization. In this article it is argued that ‘nation-state’ and ‘national identity’ are highly relevant concepts when discussing a citizenship education that seeks to develop a civic ethos with, potentially, a global reach. It is further argued that the understanding of such an ethos would benefit significantly from incorporating the role of political trust since trust has been identified as a main feature of the social capital that makes democracy work. Three themes are brought together: national identity and identification, the importance for democracy of political trust and the challenges citizenship education face when carried out in a national context but intended to manage issues that go far beyond the reach of the nation-state. The importance of citizenship education is discussed using recent research on the Swedish citizenship education classroom.


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The article uses a form of content focused conversation analysis to explore processes of learning and attributing meaning when upper secondary students work with two primary source assignments in history. Empirical data was collected through audio recordings of students’ collaborative work on the assignments, which consisted in analysing two primary sources in small groups. The article addresses one primary research question: what is characteristic for the processes of learning and meaning-making when students work with two source analysis assignments? As a first step, the students’ learning processes, understood as a change in participation in the learning activity, are described. As a second step, the article describes how the students’ construct meaning when working with the primary sources. The main results are descriptions of the students’ learning, and meaning-making, processes. Based on the analysis of the students’ conversations it is suggested that the temporal aspect is discerned in a contrastive process between the present and the past in terms of values, ideas and societal conditions. In relation to the human aspect the students experienced a difficult balancing act in contrasting their own perspective with the historical actor’s perspective. However, a successful strategy was to take on the role of hypothetical historical agents. Finally, in relation to the contextual aspect once the students were involved in a process of inquiry and reasoning they managed to discern subtexts of the sources in relation to the historical context. It is suggested that certain aspects of school culture might inhibit the students’ learning of primary source analysis, as they occasionally strive to find the "right answers" rather than engaging in interpretative work. One interesting finding was the vital role of the students’ life-world perspective in creating meaning while working with the primary sources, and it is suggested that this perspective should be regarded in educational design.


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In this study, 110 Swedish upper secondary students use a historical database designed for research. We analyze how they perceive the use of this digital tool in teaching and if they are able to use historical thinking and historical empathy in their historical writing and presentations. Using case-study methodology including questionnaires, observations, interviews and text analysis we find this to be a complex task for students. Our results highlight technological problems and problems in contextualizing historical evidence. However, students show interest in using primary sources and ability to use historical thinking and historical empathy, especially older students in more advanced courses when they have time to reflect upon the historical material.


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Introduction For a long time, language learning research focusing on young learners was a neglected field of research. Most empirical studies within the broad area of second/foreign language acquisition were instead carried out among adults in tertiary education and it was not until in the 1990s that the scope of research broadened to include also young learners, then loosely defined as children in primary and/or secondary education (see, for example, Hasselgreen & Drew, 2012; McKay, 2006; Nikolov, 2009a). In fact, some agreement upon how to define ‘young learners’ was not properly discussed until in 2013, when Gail Ellis (2013) provided some useful clarifications as regards how to label learners within the broad age-span that encompasses both primary and secondary school. In short, based on a literature overview, she concludes that the term young learners is most often used for children between the ages of five and eleven/twelve, which in most countries would be equivalent to learners in primary school.   Thus, since young learners did not catch much scholarly attention until fairly recently, research volumes on the topic have been scarce. However, with a rapidly growing interest in examining how small children learn foreign languages, there has been a sudden increase in terms of the number of books available targeting young language learners. A first, major contribution was Nikolov’s (2009b) Early learning of modern foreign languages, in which 16 studies of young language learners from different countries are accounted for. Another important contribution is the edited book that will be reviewed here, which specifically targets studies about various aspects of second/foreign language learning among young (mainly Norwegian) learners. Bearing in mind that Norway and Sweden are very similar countries in terms of schooling, language background, and demographics – only to give three examples of similarities between these two nations – it is particularly relevant for Swedish scholars within the fields of education and second language acquisition to become familiar with research findings from the neighboring country.   In this review, the editors and the outline of the book are first described, then brief summaries of each chapter are provided, before the text closes with an evaluation of the volume. 


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Den här artikeln är en del av ett projekt som studerar förändringar i förskollärarprofessionen i den svenska förskolan. Projektet tar avstamp i kravet på lärarna att arbeta med att dokumentera förskolans kvalitetsarbete. De övergripande frågor som ställs handlar om hur förskollärarna i relation till arbetet med dokumentation visar upp sin verksamhet och i samband med detta vilka delar som visas upp och vilka delar som tystas och osynliggörs.   Som en del av projektet studerar vi särskilt innebörder i begreppet omsorg i relation till dokumentationsarbetet. Tidigare studier inom projektet visar att omsorg är ett otydligt begrepp i dokument om förskolans verksamhet. Den här artikelns empiriska material består av observationer från personalmöten på förskolan samt intervjuer med förskolechefer och förskollärare när de diskuterar arbetet med att dokumentera kvalitetsarbetet i förskolan. Specifika analytiska redskap har hämtats dels från utbildningspolitiska teorier samt från teorier om lärarprofessionalism där mjuka värden som omsorg och närhet lyfts fram som viktiga kännetecken i förskollärares profession.   Resultaten visar att förskollärare och deras chefer inte talar om omsorg i särskilt stor utsträckning och när begreppet nämns så framhålls svårigheter med att beskriva och dokumentera innebörder av omsorg. För att hantera dessa svårigheter utvecklas skilda professionella strategier som handlar om att fly undan utmaningarna på olika vis och att omsorg som begrepp i förskolans verksamhet ges nya innebörder i termer av lärande och kunskap.  


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Abstract Vad kan behövas för att hantera en verksamhet i en föränderlig omvärld? De senaste årens krav på förbättringar inom skolan har lett till omfattande policyförändringar och många gånger en jakt på ”rätt” metod. I strävan efter högre måluppfyllelse har bland annat bedömning för lärande (Lundahl, 2014) fått stort genomslag i svensk skola. Vilket gör skolledare och lärares förståelse av såväl skolförbättring som bedömning till intressant undersökningsobjekt. Inom ramen för vår forskning har vi genomfört en inledande kartläggning av hur bedömning för lärande (BFL) förstås av skolledare och lärare. I analysen av kartläggning framträder två tydliga mönster.  Det första mönstret uppvisar en tydlig skillnad mellan grundantaganden för hur bedömning kan användas för att utveckla elevers lärande och hur lärare praktiserar BFL i sin verksamhet. Bedömning för lärande bygger på dialog, där återkoppling och förändring av undervisning är centralt. I kartläggningen ser vi att det i praktiken snarare blir information, det vill säga envägskommunikation från lärare till elev. Det sker heller ingen förändring av undervisningen utifrån de bedömningar som görs.  Vi ser med andra ord en instrumentell användning av bedömning snarare än en förändrad förståelse av hur bedömning kan användas för att utveckla elevers lärande.   Det andra mönstret visar på hur skolledare och lärares uppfattningar skiljer sig om vad som behöver göras i skolans pågående förbättringsarbete, gällande bedömning. Det rektorer berättar om skolans förbättringsarbete försvinner i lärarnas beskrivningar om vad som görs. Vi ser att rektorer fokuserar på att starta upp förbättringsarbeten på skolan men att de inte följer upp arbetet. Dessutom saknas en långsiktig ledningsstrategi för hur arbetet ska få fäste i verksamheten.   De framträdande mönster har gjort oss intresserade av Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR) där utgångspunkten är att praktiken behöver fånga sina egna frågor, synliggöra sin verksamhet och i ett dialogiskt samarbete långsiktigt förbättra praktiken. Utifrån det har vi initierat två aktionsforskningsprojekt: Hur lärare konstruerar sina bedömningspraktiker och hur rektorers förstår och gestaltar ett pedagogiskt ledarskap i praktiken?


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Abstract Akademisk yrkesutbildning ställer särskilda krav på såväl studerande som lärare. I Socionomutbildningen fokuseras på teoretiska perspektiv med användningsbarhet i en praxis som den studerande ska förberedas för och förstå. Dessutom ska en bedömning göras av såväl yrkesrelaterat, som teoretiskt kunnande, hos enskild studerande. Yrkesutbildning som akademisk utbildning innebär många utmaningar där det ibland kan uppstå problem. Syftet med detta paper har varit att beskriva förändringar genomförda i kursmomentet Åldrandets villkor, i socionomprogrammets socialgerontologikurs våren 2012, samt att belysa svårigheter med att bedöma den studerandes kunskaper då studerande har rätt till anonymitet i tentamen, tillika med att läraren inte får kräva obligatorisk närvaro. Texten avser att beskriva genomförandet av ett förändrat kursmoment som kallats Åldrandets villkor.  Detta kursmoment reflekteras dessutom som ett exempel på underlag för bedömningen av de studerandes insatser. Resultatet visade att det förändrade pedagogiska arbetssättet med momentet uppskattades av de flesta studerande. Men frågor kvarstår om hur man skapar underlag för en rättvis bedömning av de studerandes kunskaper och förmågor utifrån lärandemålen för just detta delmoment. Avslutningsvis reflekteras över hur svårt det är att finna bra bedömningsverktyg i kurser som avser skapa förutsättningar för såväl praktiskt yrkeskunnande, som ett teoretiskt reflekterande. Medverkan av praktiker i utbildningen kan vara ett redskap för att sammanfläta teori med praxis.


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Critical pedagogy is a transformation-based approach to education. The aim of this article is to introduce the origin, vision, action and consequences of critical pedagogy. It also aims on finding out about educators’ possibility of actualising it in their practice. As a source materials articles, book chapters and books are used. The literature shows that critical pedagogy has its origin in the tradition of critical theory of the Frankfurt School and the work of the Brazilian pedagog Paulo Freire. According to the literature, its major theses is that education should go beyond transfer of knowledge and training the future labour force; to help developing critical consciousness, which leads to transformation of the individual, learning environment and society at large. Critical pedagogy is criticised for a focus on macro level system, for not having a model for classroom implementation and for being abstract. Despite some critics, I argue that critical pedagogy has still the potential to empower those in the field of education to increase their consciousness about the injustice in their society and to involve in transforming it.   Keywords: Critical pedagogy, critical thinking, critical theory, dialogue, Frankfurt School, transformation.


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The concepts of light shelves consist of windows that have face towards the sun, which receive a vast quantity of energy that could be used for healthy day lighting. This paper debates a main assessment, investigates the optimization of daylight requirement by means of light shelves system. An experimental test was carried out assessing the measurements and lighting simulations of a model of a building in order to elucidate the characteristics of indoor lighting. Light shelf is an architectural element that permits daylight to enter deep into a building. It constitutes an optimal solution for an incorrect building orientation and less sunny days. The essential objective of this study is to highlight the vital role of light shelves in residential buildings in northern Europa where the requirement is to improve the daylight in the interior functional spaces. The main objects of this paper are to investigate the effect of daylight in the interior functional spaces using light shelves, the effect of natural light diffusion in interior space in the period of low daylight season, and glare effect in this field. This paper investigates a procedure for analysing the daylight performance using software habitat function


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Artikeln visar hur den engelske renässanspoeten Edmund Spenser i sin politiska teori, uttryckt i bok 1 av hans epos The Faerie Queene, går en balansgång mellan de två kyrkofäderna Eusebius och Augustinus


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Interactive applications do not require more bandwidth to go faster. Instead, they require less latency. Unfortunately, the current design of transport protocols such as TCP limits possible latency reductions. In this paper we evaluate and compare different loss recovery enhancements to fight tail loss latency. The two recently proposed mechanisms "RTO Restart" (RTOR) and "Tail Loss Probe" (TLP) as well as a new mechanism that applies the logic of RTOR to the TLP timer management (TLPR) are considered. The results show that the relative performance of RTOR and TLP when tail loss occurs is scenario dependent, but with TLP having potentially larger gains. The TLPR mechanism reaps the benefits of both approaches and in most scenarios it shows the best performance.


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Drawing on an empirical study of public transport, this paper studies interactive value formation at the provider—customer interface, from a practice—theory perspective. In contrast to the bulk of previous research, it argues that interactive value formation is not only associated with value co-creation but also with value co-destruction. In addition, the paper also identifies five interaction value practices — informing, greeting, delivering, charging, and helping — and theorizes how interactive value formation takes place as well as how value is intersubjectively assessed by actors at the provider—customer interface. Furthermore, the paper also distinguishes between four types of interactive value formation praxis corresponding with four subject positions which practitioners step into when engaging in interactive value formation.


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This study relates discourse-pragmatic aspects of the use of the quotatives say, be like, be all, and go to the question of the supposed or actual spoken-likeness of written computer-mediated communication (CMC). 1,800 tokens of reported speech, collected from Twitter, were analyzed in a “constructed dialogue” framework (Tannen, 2007). The results show that users of Twitter employ various CMC devices to animate and modally enrich reported speech, especially in speech reports with be like, be all, and go. They perform a style of communication that is reminiscent of conversational speech, even while having qualities that seem to belong uniquely to CMC.


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This study investigates various communicative functions served by hashtags in written communication on Twitter from a linguistic pragmatic perspective. A tweet containing a hashtag links to, and is integrated into, a timeline of other tweets containing the same hashtag. Thus, hashtags are by default categorizing or organizing; a user of Twitter may add the tag #food to their tweet to integrate it into a general conversation about this topic. However, this study demonstrates that hashtags are also used creatively to perform other communicative functions. In the data presented, hashtags are employed as complexly multifunctional linguistic devices for, among other things, structuring information, playing games, and engaging in reflexive meta-commentary. Notably, while pragmatic methodology is typically applied to speech, this study indicates that a traditional speech acts framework may be profitably applied to written communication in new media.