2 resultados para adaptabilidade ecológica
em Repositorio Institucional da UFLA (RIUFLA)
Biplot graphics are widely employed in the study of the genotypeenvironment interactions, but they are only a graphical tool without a statistical hypothesis test. The singular values and scores (singular vectors) used in biplots correspond to specific estimates of its parameters, and the use of uncertainty measures may lead to different conclusions from those provided by a simple visual evaluation. The aim of this work is to estimate the genotype-environment interactions, using AMMI analysis, through Bayesian approach. Therefore the credibility intervals can be used for decision-making in different situations of analyses. It allows to verify the consistency of the selection and recommendation of cultivars. Two analyses were performed. The first analysis looked into 10 regular commercial hybrids and all possible 45 hybrids obtained from them. They were assessed in 15 locations. The second analysis evaluated 28 hybrids in 35 different environments, with imbalance data. The ellipses were grouped according to the standard of interaction in the biplot. The AMMI analysis with a Bayesian approach proved to be a complete analysis of stability and adaptability, which provides important information that may help the breeder in their decisions. The regions of credibility, built in the biplots, allow to perform an accurate selection and a precise genotype recommendation, with a level of credibility. Genotypes and environments can be grouped according to the existing interaction pattern, which makes possible to formulate specific recommendations. Moreover the environments can be evaluated, in order to find out which ones contribute similarly to the interaction and those to be discarted. The method makes possible to deal with imbalanced data in a natural way, showing efficiency for multienvironment trials. The prediction takes into account instability and the interaction standard of the observed data, in order to establish a direct comparison between genotypes of both 1st and 2nd seasons.
Ecological restoration aims to restore the self-sustainability potential of degraded environments. The successional trajectory of areas in restoration may differ from the reference ecosystem on a number of factors, especially the disturbance history of the area and management techniques applied in order to reverse the degradation scenario. In this sense, the objective of this study was to characterize the dynamics of natural regeneration and the structure of the regenerating community in an area of ecological restoration for 25 years on the right bank of the Rio Grande in the Power Station in Camargos that belongs to the Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais - CEMIG, Nazareno, MG, in order to identify the current state of environmental regeneration. In November 2014, there was the first community inventory of seedlings existing in regeneration subplots (2 x 2 m) within the inclusion criteria (height ≥ 10 cm and DBH <5 cm), divided into 44 subplots (11 plots) in two areas, one area in restoration (REF) and a fragment of native vegetation (FRAG). In October 2015, the second sampling was carried out, in which individuals were resampled and recruits and dead individuals quantified. The parameters abundance, floristic similarity, density, dominance, importance value, equability, richness and diversity were analyzed in both samples. The dynamics was evaluated for the number of individuals and basal area in the period of 2014-2015 and individuals distributed according to height. The history of usage area provoked different behavior between the study environments; the patterns of the FRAG and REF communities along the years allowed the distinction between environments and demonstrated great environmental diversity, with differences in the abundance of species, floristic similarity, richness, diversity, vertical structure and dynamics parameters. In the REF area, there was a considerable increase in the density of individuals along the years and the establishment of different species. In this sense, the evaluation of natural regeneration in REF has shown that resilience is gradually being resumed, a necessary condition to support the potential for environmental self-sustainability. However, given the disturbance history, it can be concluded that the environment moves to an alternative state, which is possibly different from that prior to degradation.