5 resultados para Híbridos inorgânico-orgânicos

em Repositorio Institucional da UFLA (RIUFLA)


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In this work, magnetic photocatalysts were synthesized containing differents levels of TiO2 (40, 60 e 80%) supported at the supporter of C/LV, forming the photocatalysts 40, 60, 80Ti/C/LV, using tar pitch as carbon (C) source and red mud (LV) as iron source. The prepared magnetic photocatalysts and TiO2 were used to degrade the Remazol Black textile dye (PR5) and the organic material present in samples of a textile dye effluent. The characterization of photocatalysts by Raman, X-Ray Diffraction, Transmission Electron Micoscope and Scanning, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry, Termogravimetry and Elemental Analysis, confirms the presence of carbon and magnetite in support C/LV and the presence of TiO2 in prepared photocatalysts. The photocatalytic reactions with TiO2 were analyzed by different experimental conditions, such as: mass of TiO2 (30-240 mg), solution pH (2-10), light intensity (0.871 and 1.20 mWcm-2), type of radiation (UV and sunlight-1.420 mWcm-2), radiation incidence area (44.2 to 143.1 cm2) and dissolved oxygen (OD, 1.9 and 7.6 mg L- 1). Results showed that reactions with the following conditions: 220 mg of TiO2, pH 10, solar radiation, 7.6 mg L-1 of OD and an incidence area of radiation of 143.1 cm2 showed the best results for degradation of PR5 dye. Photocatalytic reactions with magnetic photocatalysts for degrading PR5 shows that efficiency increases with TiO2 content in the C/LV support, where, above 60% of TiO2, there was not significant increase in reaction velocity. In addition, solar radiation has proved to be advantageous for photocatalytic reactions. In order to verify the presence of a non-magnetic fraction in the photocatalyst 60Ti/C/LV0, magnetic separation was proceeded. The characterizations of the magnetic (FM) and nonmagnetic (NMF) fraction confirmed that about 25% of TiO2 did not fixed in 60Ti/C/LV photocatalyst. Results of photocatalytic reactions with FM and FNM showed that both phases have photocatalytic activity for degradation of PR5. The reactions executed for the degradation of organic matter present in the actual sample of textile effluent showed that TiO2 and magnetic photocatalyst 60Ti/C/ LV have better results for color removal (85 to 35%), soluble solids ( 11 and 3%), DQO (90 and 86%) and turbidity (94 and 11%) than the treatment done by the textile industry. Sedimentation kinetics tests in presence of a magnet showed that photocatalysts are separated faster from aqueous environment than pure TiO2. Obtained results showed that magnetic photocatalysts have excellent photocatalytic activity and can be separated from the reaction environment on a simple and quick way when a magnetic field is applied.


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Biplot graphics are widely employed in the study of the genotypeenvironment interactions, but they are only a graphical tool without a statistical hypothesis test. The singular values and scores (singular vectors) used in biplots correspond to specific estimates of its parameters, and the use of uncertainty measures may lead to different conclusions from those provided by a simple visual evaluation. The aim of this work is to estimate the genotype-environment interactions, using AMMI analysis, through Bayesian approach. Therefore the credibility intervals can be used for decision-making in different situations of analyses. It allows to verify the consistency of the selection and recommendation of cultivars. Two analyses were performed. The first analysis looked into 10 regular commercial hybrids and all possible 45 hybrids obtained from them. They were assessed in 15 locations. The second analysis evaluated 28 hybrids in 35 different environments, with imbalance data. The ellipses were grouped according to the standard of interaction in the biplot. The AMMI analysis with a Bayesian approach proved to be a complete analysis of stability and adaptability, which provides important information that may help the breeder in their decisions. The regions of credibility, built in the biplots, allow to perform an accurate selection and a precise genotype recommendation, with a level of credibility. Genotypes and environments can be grouped according to the existing interaction pattern, which makes possible to formulate specific recommendations. Moreover the environments can be evaluated, in order to find out which ones contribute similarly to the interaction and those to be discarted. The method makes possible to deal with imbalanced data in a natural way, showing efficiency for multienvironment trials. The prediction takes into account instability and the interaction standard of the observed data, in order to establish a direct comparison between genotypes of both 1st and 2nd seasons.


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Sweet sorghum figure as an alternative feedstock for ethanol production. The establishment of this culture in Brazilian production chain depends on the development of more productive and adapted cultivars. The aim of this study was to evaluate the general combining ability (GCA) of sweet sorghum lines and specific combining ability (SCA) of hybrid combinations as the agronomic and technological traits, and additionally to identify promising hybrid combinations for evaluation in advanced trials. Five restorer lines (R) and four male-sterile lines (A) were used in a partial cross diallel yielding 20 hybrids. The parental lines, hybrids and one check were evaluated in experiments carried out in a rectangular lattice design 5x6 with three replicates in two locations. The following traits were measured: flowering time, plant height, green mass yield, dry matter percentage, dry matter yield, juice extraction, total soluble solids content, sucrose content, purity, reducing sugars content, fiber content, sugars reducing total content, total recoverable sugars, hydrous ethanol, tons of per hectare, and ethanol production. There were differences between locations and genotypes for the traits. There was a significant effect of the genotype by environment interaction for most characters, except juice extraction, purity and reducing sugars content. There were a significant effect of GCA and SCA for most traits, indicating that additive and non-additive effects affect the phenotypic expression. Considering the effects of the GCA, the A line 201402B022-A, and R lines BRS 511, CMSXS643, and CMSXS646 were considered promising for exploration as parents in breeding programs of sweet sorghum in order to increase the ethanol production and the quality of the feedstock.The hybrids 201402B010-A x BRS 511, 201402B010-A x BRS 508, 201402B010-A x CMSXS646, 201402B022-A x BRS 511, 201402B022-A x CMSXS643, 201402B022-A x CMSXS646, 201402B022-A x CMSXS647 were the most promising for ethanol yield.


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This research aimed to evaluate the wood and charcoal quality of hybrids clone of the crossing C. citriodora with C. torelliana in two different locations for charcoal production. Seven with 3,75 years old clones, planted at country of Itamarandiba – MG, and six 6,42 years old clones, planted in Dionísio – MG, were studied. For wood and charcoal quality analysis, samples were collected along the stem of the trees until the commercial height. Properties study of the wood was done by chemical analysis, basic density, superior heat power, and thermogravimetric analysis. The wood samples were carbonized in laboratory conditions with heating rate of 1.67 0 C.min -1 , starting at 100 0 C until 450 0 C and keeping on this temperature for 30 minutes. It were determined the carbonizations gravimetric yield, all in dry basis. The wood quality was evaluated based on the chemical immediate analysis, relative apparent density, and gross heating value. The experiment was installed according to the completely randomized design, with five repetitions. The collected data were submitted to analysis of variance and, when the evaluated effects were significant by “F” test, was applied the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability for multiple comparisons. For correlation analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, tested by the "t" test at 5% probability was used. Results showed variability of wood between the genetic materials evaluated in relation to place and plant crossing. The thermal analysis of the wood showed significant variation between clones and it was possible to differentiate two stages of degradation (hemicelluloses and cellulose). The majority of the clones presented satisfactory properties for the charcoal production, while, clone 3, planted in Itamarandiba, obtained the best performance due it have the higher yield and energetic efficiency, thus, achieving the best potential for charcoal production. However, clone 9, planted in Dionísio, was the less indicated for charcoal production since it presented the lowest energetic efficiency, gravimetric yield, and densities.


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Determination of organic acids in soils and organic materials is important due to the important role they play in improving the soil's physical, chemical and microbiological conditions. This study identified and quantified low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) in soils (dystroferric Red Latosol, dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol and Quartzarenic Neosol) and organic materials (cow, pig, chicken, quail and horse manures, sawdust, coconut fiber, pine bark, coffee husks, biochar, organic substrate, sewage sludges 1 and 2, garbage compost, pig slurry compost). The following acids were identified: acetic, citric, D-malic, formic, fumaric, maleic, malonic, oxalic, quinic, shikimic, succinic and tartaric.