36 resultados para urea nitrogen blood level

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The objective of this study was to validate three different models for predicting milk urea nitrogen using field conditions, attempting to evaluate the nutritional adequacy diets for dairy cows and prediction of nitrogen excreted to the environment. Observations (4,749) from 855 cows were used. Milk yield, body weight (BW), days in milk and parity were recorded on the milk sampling days. Milk was sampled monthly, for analysis of milk urea nitrogen (MUN), fat, protein, lactose and total solids concentration and somatic cells count. Individual dry matter intake was estimated using the NRC (2001). The three models studied were derived from a first one to predict urinary nitrogen (UN). Model 1 was MUN = UN/12.54, model 2 was MUN = UN/17.6 and model 3 was MUN = UN/(0.0259 × BW), adjusted by body weight effect. To evaluate models, they were tested for accuracy, precision and robustness. Despite being more accurate (mean bias = 0.94 mg/dL), model 2 was less precise (residual error = 4.50 mg/dL) than model 3 (mean bias = 1.41 and residual error = 4.11 mg/dL), while model 1 was the least accurate (mean bias = 6.94 mg/dL) and the least precise (residual error = 5.40 mg/dL). They were not robust, because they were influenced by almost all the variables studied. The three models for predicting milk urea nitrogen were different with respect to accuracy, precision and robustness.


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This study compared acid-base and biochemical changes and quality of recovery in male cats with experimentally induced urethral obstruction and anesthetized with either propofol or a combination of ketamine and diazepam for urethral catheterization. Ten male cats with urethral obstruction were enrolled for urethral catheterization and anesthetized with either ketamine-diazepam (KD) or propofol (P). Lactated Ringer's solution was administered by intravenous (IV) beginning 15 min before and continuing for 48 h after relief of urethral obstruction. Quality of recovery and time to standing were evaluated. The urethral catheter was maintained to measure urinary output. Hematocrit (Hct), total plasma protein (TPP), albumin, total protein (TP), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, pH, bicarbonate (HCO3-), chloride, base excess, anion gap, sodium, potassium, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mixed venous blood (pvCO(2)) were measured before urethral obstruction, at start of fluid therapy (0 h), and at subsequent intervals. The quality of recovery and time to standing were respectively 4 and 75 min in the KD group and 5 and 16 min in the P group. The blood urea nitrogen values were increased at 0, 2, and 8 h in both groups. Serum creatinine increased at 0 and 2 h in cats administered KD and at 0, 2, and 8 h in cats receiving P, although the values were above the reference range in both groups until 8 h. Acidosis occurred for up to 2 h in both groups. Acid-base and biochemical stabilization were similar in cats anesthetized with propofol or with ketamine-diazepam. Cats that received propofol recovered much faster, but the ketamine-diazepam combination was shown to be more advantageous when treating uncooperative cats as it can be administered by intramuscular (IM) injection.


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Malaria associated-acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with 45% of mortality in adult patients hospitalized with severe form of the disease. However, the causes that lead to a framework of malaria-associated AKI are still poorly characterized. Some clinical studies speculate that oxidative stress products, a characteristic of Plasmodium infection, as well as proinflammatory response induced by the parasite are involved in its pathophysiology. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the development of malaria-associated AKI during infection by P. berghei ANKA, with special attention to the role played by the inflammatory response and the involvement of oxidative stress. For that, we took advantage of an experimental model of severe malaria that showed significant changes in the renal pathophysiology to investigate the role of malaria infection in the renal microvascular permeability and tissue injury. Therefore, BALB/c mice were infected with P. berghei ANKA. To assess renal function, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and ratio of proteinuria and creatininuria were evaluated. The products of oxidative stress, as well as cytokine profile were quantified in plasma and renal tissue. The change of renal microvascular permeability, tissue hypoxia and cellular apoptosis were also evaluated. Parasite infection resulted in renal dysfunction. Furthermore, we observed increased expression of adhesion molecule, proinflammatory cytokines and products of oxidative stress, associated with a decrease mRNA expression of HO-1 in kidney tissue of infected mice. The measurement of lipoprotein oxidizability also showed a significant increase in plasma of infected animals. Together, our findings support the idea that products of oxidative stress, as well as the immune response against the parasite are crucial to changes in kidney architecture and microvascular endothelial permeability of BALB/c mice infected with P. berghei ANKA.


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Purpose: There is no consensus on the optimal method to measure delivered dialysis dose in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). The use of direct dialysate-side quantification of dose in preference to the use of formal blood-based urea kinetic modeling and simplified blood urea nitrogen (BUN) methods has been recommended for dose assessment in critically-ill patients with AKI. We evaluate six different blood-side and dialysate-side methods for dose quantification. Methods: We examined data from 52 critically-ill patients with AKI requiring dialysis. All patients were treated with pre-dilution CWHDF and regional citrate anticoagulation. Delivered dose was calculated using blood-side and dialysis-side kinetics. Filter function was assessed during the entire course of therapy by calculating BUN to dialysis fluid urea nitrogen (FUN) ratios q/12 hours. Results: Median daily treatment time was 1,413 min (1,260-1,440). The median observed effluent volume per treatment was 2,355 mL/h (2,060-2,863) (p<0.001). Urea mass removal rate was 13.0 +/- 7.6 mg/min. Both EKR (r(2)=0.250; p<0.001) and K-D (r(2)=0.409; p<0.001) showed a good correlation with actual solute removal. EKR and K-D presented a decline in their values that was related to the decrease in filter function assessed by the FUN/BUN ratio. Conclusions: Effluent rate (ml/kg/h) can only empirically provide an estimated of dose in CRRT. For clinical practice, we recommend that the delivered dose should be measured and expressed as K-D. EKR also constitutes a good method for dose comparisons over time and across modalities.


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Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury remains a major cause of graft dysfunction, which impacts short- and long-term follow-up. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO), through plasma oxygen transport, has been currently used as an alternative treatment for ischemic tissues. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of HBO on kidney I/R injury model in rats, in reducing the harmful effect of I/R. The renal I/R model was obtained by occluding bilateral renal pedicles with nontraumatic vascular clamps for 45 minutes, followed by 48 hours of reperfusion. HBO therapy was delivered an hypebaric chamber (2.5 atmospheres absolute). Animals underwent two sessions of 60 minutes each at 6 hours and 20 hours after initiation of reperfusion. Male Wistar rats (n = 38) were randomized into four groups: sham, sham operated rats; Sham+HBO, sham operated rats exposed to HBO; I/R, animals submitted to I/R; and I/R+HBO, I/R rats exposed to HBO. Blood, urine, and kidney tissue were collected for biochemical, histologic, and immunohistochemical analyses. The histopathological evaluation of the ischemic injury used a grading scale of 0 to 4. HBO attenuated renal dysfunction after ischemia characterized by a significant decrease in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, and proteinuria in the I/R+HBO group compared with I/R alone. In parallel, tubular function was improved resulting in significantly lower fractional excretions of sodium and potassium. Kidney sections from the I/R plus HBO group showed significantly lower acute kidney injury scores compared with the I/R group. HBO treatment significantly diminished proliferative activity in I/R (P < .05). There was no significant difference in macrophage infiltration or hemoxygenase-1 expression. In conclusion, HBO attenuated renal dysfunction in a kidney I/R injury model with a decrease in BUN, serum creatinine, proteinuria, and fractional excretion of sodium and potassium, associated with reduced histological damage.


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Objective The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of treating osmotic diarrhea and dehydration in calves with hypertonic saline solution (HSS) IV, isotonic electrolyte solution (IES) PO, and a combination of these 2 solutions (HSS + IES). Experimental Design Eighteen male calves 830 days of age were used to evaluate the efficacy of 3 methods of fluid therapy after induction of osmotic diarrhea and dehydration. The diarrhea and dehydration were induced by administration of saccharose, spironolactone, and hydrochlorothiazide for 48 hours. The animals were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups: Group 1: 7.2% hypertonic saline solution-HSS (5 mL/kg IV); Group 2: oral isotonic electrolyte solution IES (60 mL/kg PO); or Group 3: HSS+IES. Clinical signs and laboratory finding observed 48 hours post-induction (Time 0) included diarrhea, dehydration, lethargy, and metabolic acidosis. Results Calves treated with HSS + IES experienced decreases in hematocrit, total protein concentration, albumin concentration, urea nitrogen concentration, and plasma volume as well as increases in blood pH, blood bicarbonate concentration, and central venous pressure between 1 and 3 hours post-treatment. These findings also were observed in animals treated with IES, however, at a slower rate than in the HSS + IES-treated animals. Animals treated with HSS continued to display signs of dehydration, lethargy, and metabolic acidosis 24 hours post-treatment. Conclusion Treatment with a combination of HSS and IES produced rapid and sustainable correction of hypovolemia and metabolic acidosis in calves with noninfections diarrhea and dehydration.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance and blood parameters of feedlot Nellore cattle fed increasing doses of ricinoleic acid (RA) in the diet. Ninety-six Nellore steers divided into 12 groups of 8 animals were used. The animals were randomly assigned to four treatments: 0, 1, 2, or 4 g of RA/animal/day, with three replicates per treatment. The experimental period consisted of 84 days divided into three 28-day periods preceded by three step-up diets. A quadratic effect was found for average daily gain and final body weight, as well as for leukocyte and lymphocyte counts, and for urea and blood urea nitrogen. A linear effect was observed for albumin, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma glutamyl transferase. The inclusion of 2 g of RA daily improved the performance of feedlot Nellore steers.


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Two experiments were carried out with twenty-four male weaned Holstein calves to verify the influence of different dietary cation-anion concentrate and roughage proportions on calves metabolism. In the first experiment, calves were fed rations with -100, +200 and +400 mEq cation-anion balance/kg of dry matter, containing 60% of roughage and 40% of concentrate. In the second experiment, calves (117.6±20.8 kg average weight) received rations with similar dietary cation-anion balance but in diets of 40% roughage and 60% concentrate. As the dietary cation-anion balance became more positive, there was a quadratic response of blood pH in both diets with 60 and 40% roughage. A linear increase following increased dietary cation-anion balance was observed on bicarbonate concentration, carbon dioxide tension, carbon dioxide partial pressure and urine pH on both experiments, while anion gap decreased linearly. Blood urea nitrogen and base excess increased quadratically according to increased dietary cation-anion balance on 60% roughage, whereas those same parameters showed a linear increase on 40% roughage. Growing ruminant metabolism both in cationic and anionic diets was modified when the roughage:concentrate ratio was altered.


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This study compared in vitro dissolution characteristics and other quality measures of different amoxicillin, metronidazole, and zidovudine products purchased in the Americas to a comparator pharmaceutical product (CPP). These three drugs are classified as Biopharmaceutics Classification System Class I drugs with the possibility that dissolution findings might be used to document bioequivalence. All investigated zidovudine products were found to be in vitro equivalent to the CPP. Only 3 of 12 tested amoxicillin products were found to be in vitro equivalent to the CPP. None of the tested metronidazole products were in vitro equivalent to the CPP. These findings suggest but do not confirm bioinequivalence where in vitro comparisons failed, given that an in vivo blood level study might have confirmed bioequivalence. At times, identifying a CPP in one of the selected markets proved difficult. The study demonstrates that products sold across national markets may not be bioequivalent. When coupled with the challenge of identifying a CPP in different countries, the results of this study suggest the value of an international CPP as well as increased use of BCS approaches as means of either documenting bioequivalence or signaling the need for further in vivo studies. Because of increased movement of medicines across national borders, practitioners and patients would benefit from these approaches.


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Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, validar modelos de predição de nitrogênio ureico no leite no intuito de contribuir para avaliação da adequação nutricional de dietas de rebanhos de vacas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas 8.833 observações de vacas da raça Holandesa de um rebanho comercial, registraram-se produção de leite, peso corporal, número de dias em lactação e número de lactações. Dos dados coletados, foram tiradas médias mensais a fim de se estudar o rebanho. O modelo 1 foi desenvolvido por Jonker et al. (1998) e os modelos 2 e 3 por Kauffman & St-Pierre (2001). Para a avaliação dos modelos, foram medidas a acurácia, a precisão e a robustez. Notou-se falta de acurácia para os modelos 1 (viés=2,60mg/dL) e 2 (viés=-1,95mg/dL), enquanto o modelo 3 foi acurado (-0,89mg/dL). Contudo, os modelos 1, 2 e 3 não diferiram entre si quanto à precisão (erro residual=3,72, 2,68 e 2,64mg/dL, respectivamente). Os modelos 1 e 2 não apresentaram robustez para o número de dias em lactação, tampouco o modelo 1 para a concentração de gordura. O modelo 3 foi o melhor avaliado, quando se desejou estimar as concentrações de nitrogênio ureico no leite de um rebanho de vacas Holandesas nas condições de campo estudadas.


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BACKGROUND: Fed-batch culture allows the cultivation of Arthrospira platensis using urea as nitrogen source. Tubular photobioreactors substantially increase cell growth, but the successful use of this cheap nitrogen source requires a knowledge of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the process. This work aims at identifying the effect of two independent variables, temperature (T) and urea daily molar flow-rate (U), on cell growth, biomass composition and thermodynamic parameters involved in this photosynthetic cultivation. RESULTS: The optimal values obtained were T = 32 degrees C and U = 1.16 mmol L-1 d-1, under which the maximum cell concentration was 4186 +/- 39 mg L-1, cell productivity 541 +/- 5 mg L-1 d-1 and yield of biomass on nitrogen 14.3 +/- 0.1 mg mg-1. Applying an Arrhenius-type approach, the thermodynamic parameters of growth (?H* = 98.2 kJ mol-1; ?S* = - 0.020 kJ mol-1 K-1; ?G* = 104.1 kJ mol-1) and its thermal inactivation (Delta H-D(0) =168.9 kJ mol-1; Delta S-D(0) = 0.459 kJ mol-1 K-1; Delta G(D)(0) =31.98 kJ mol-1) were estimated. CONCLUSIONS: To maximize cell growth T and U were simultaneously optimized. Biomass lipid content was not influenced by the experimental conditions, while protein content was dependent on both independent variables. Using urea as nitrogen source prevented the inhibitory effect already observed with ammonium salts. Copyright (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry


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Aims: Arthrospira platensis has been studied for single-cell protein production because of its biomass composition and its ability of growing in alternative media. This work evaluated the effects of different dilution rates (D) and urea concentrations (N0) on A.similar to platensis continuous culture, in terms of growth, kinetic parameters, biomass composition and nitrogen removal. Methods and results: Arthrospira platensis was continuously cultivated in a glass-made vertical column photobioreactor agitated with Rushton turbines. There were used different dilution rates (0.040.44 day-1) and urea concentrations (0.5 and 5 mmol l-1). With N0 = 5 mmol l-1, the maximum steady-state biomass concentration was1415 mg l-1, achieved with D = 0.04 day-1, but the highest protein content (71.9%) was obtained by applying D = 0.12 day-1, attaining a protein productivity of 106.41 mg l-1 day-1. Nitrogen removal reached 99% on steady-state conditions. Conclusions: The best results were achieved by applying N0 = 5 mmol l-1; however, urea led to inhibitory conditions at D = 0.16 day-1, inducing the system wash-out. The agitation afforded satisfactory mixture and did not harm the trichomes structure. Significance and Impact of the Study: These results can enhance the basis for the continuous removal of nitrogenous wastewater pollutants using cyanobacteria, with an easily assembled photobioreactor.


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This population-based health survey was carried out in Florianopolis, Brazil, to assess the association between adult systolic blood pressure (SBP) and contextual income level, after controlling for potential individual-level confounders. A statistically significant negative association between SBP levels and contextual income was identified after adjusting for individual-level characteristics. SBP levels in the highest and in the intermediate tertiles of contextual income were 5.78 and 2.82 mmHg lower, respectively, than that observed in the bottom tertile. The findings suggest an association between income area level and blood pressure, regardless of well-known individual-level hypertension risk factors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Development within the cleidoic egg of birds and reptiles presents the embryo with the problem of accumulation of wastes from nitrogen metabolism. Ammonia derived from protein catabolism is converted into the less toxic product urea or relatively insoluble uric acid. The pattern of nitrogen excretion of the green iguana, Iguana iguana, was determined during embryonic development using samples from allantoic fluid and from the whole homogenized egg, and in hatchlings and adults using samples of blood plasma. Urea was the major excretory product over the course of embryonic development. It was found in higher concentrations in the allantoic sac, suggesting that there is a mechanism present on the allantoic membrane enabling the concentration of urea. The newly hatched iguana still produced urea while adults produced uric acid. The time course of this shift in the type of nitrogen waste was not determined but the change is likely to be related to the water relations associated with the terrestrial habit of the adult. The green iguana produces parchment-shelled eggs that double in mass during incubation due to water absorption: the eggs also accumulate 0.02 mM of urea, representing 82% of the total measured nitrogenous residues that accumulate inside the allantois. The increase in egg mass and urea concentration became significant after 55 days of incubation then were unchanged until hatching. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aquafeed production faces global issues related to availability of feed ingredients. Feed manufacturers require greater flexibility in order to develop nutritional and cost-effective formulations that take into account nutrient content and availability of ingredients. The search for appropriate ingredients requires detailed screening of their potential nutritional value and variability at the industrial level. In vitro digestion of feedstuffs by enzymes extracted from the target species has been correlated with apparent protein digestibility (APD) in fish and shrimp species. The present study verified the relationship between APD and in vitro degree of protein hydrolysis (DH) with Litopenaeus vannamei hepatopancreas enzymes in several different ingredients (n = 26): blood meals, casein, corn gluten meal, crab meal, distiller`s dried grains with solubles, feather meal, fish meals, gelatin, krill meals, poultry by-product meal, soybean meals, squid meals and wheat gluten. The relationship between APD and DH was further verified in diets formulated with these ingredients at 30% inclusion into a reference diet. APD was determined in vivo (30.1 +/- 0.5 degrees C, 32.2 +/- 0.4%.) with juvenile L vannamei (9 to 12 g) after placement of test ingredients into a reference diet (35 g kg(-1) CP: 8.03 g kg(-1) lipid; 2.01 kcal g(-1)) with chromic oxide as the inert marker. In vitro DH was assessed in ingredients and diets with standardized hepatopancreas enzymes extracted from pond-reared shrimp. The DH of ingredients was determined under different assay conditions to check for the most suitable in vitro protocol for APD prediction: different batches of enzyme extracts (HPf5 or HPf6), temperatures (25 or 30 degrees C) and enzyme activity (azocasein): crude protein ratios (4 U: 80 mg CP or 4 U: 40 mg CP). DH was not affected by ingredient proximate composition. APD was significantly correlated to DH in regressions considering either ingredients or diets. The relationships between APD and DH of the ingredients could be suitably adjusted to a Rational Function (y = (a + bx)/(1 + cx + dx2), n = 26. Best in vitro APD predictions were obtained at 25 degrees C, 4 U: 80 mg CP both for ingredients (R(2) = 0.86: P = 0.001) and test diets (R(2) = 0.96; P = 0.007). The regression model including all 26 ingredients generated higher prediction residuals (i.e., predicted APD - determined APD) for corn gluten meal, feather meal. poultry by-product meal and krill flour. The remaining test ingredients presented mean prediction residuals of 3.5 points. A model including only ingredients with APD>80% showed higher prediction precision (R(2) = 0.98: P = 0.000004; n = 20) with average residual of 1.8 points. Predictive models including only ingredients from the same origin (e.g., marine-based, R(2) = 0.98; P = 0.033) also displayed low residuals. Since in vitro techniques have been usually validated through regressions against in vivo APD, the DH predictive capacity may depend on the consistency of the in vivo methodology. Regressions between APD and DH suggested a close relationship between peptide bond breakage by hepatopancreas digestive proteases and the apparent nitrogen assimilation in shrimp, and this may be a useful tool to provide rapid nutritional information. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.