6 resultados para transport calculations

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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In molecular and atomic devices the interaction between electrons and ionic vibrations has an important role in electronic transport. The electron-phonon coupling can cause the loss of the electron's phase coherence, the opening of new conductance channels and the suppression of purely elastic ones. From the technological viewpoint phonons might restrict the efficiency of electronic devices by energy dissipation, causing heating, power loss and instability. The state of the art in electron transport calculations consists in combining ab initio calculations via Density Functional Theory (DFT) with Non-Equilibrium Green's Function formalism (NEGF). In order to include electron-phonon interactions, one needs in principle to include a self-energy scattering term in the open system Hamiltonian which takes into account the effect of the phonons over the electrons and vice versa. Nevertheless this term could be obtained approximately by perturbative methods. In the First Born Approximation one considers only the first order terms of the electronic Green's function expansion. In the Self-Consistent Born Approximation, the interaction self-energy is calculated with the perturbed electronic Green's function in a self-consistent way. In this work we describe how to incorporate the electron-phonon interaction to the SMEAGOL program (Spin and Molecular Electronics in Atomically Generated Orbital Landscapes), an ab initio code for electronic transport based on the combination of DFT + NEGF. This provides a tool for calculating the transport properties of materials' specific system, particularly in molecular electronics. Preliminary results will be presented, showing the effects produced by considering the electron-phonon interaction in nanoscale devices.


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Our previous results on the nonperturbative calculations of the mean current and of the energy-momentum tensor in QED with the T-constant electric field are generalized to arbitrary dimensions. The renormalized mean values are found, and the vacuum polarization contributions and particle creation contributions to these mean values are isolated in the large T limit; we also relate the vacuum polarization contributions to the one-loop effective Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian. Peculiarities in odd dimensions are considered in detail. We adapt general results obtained in 2 + 1 dimensions to the conditions which are realized in the Dirac model for graphene. We study the quantum electronic and energy transport in the graphene at low carrier density and low temperatures when quantum interference effects are important. Our description of the quantum transport in the graphene is based on the so-called generalized Furry picture in QED where the strong external field is taken into account nonperturbatively; this approach is not restricted to a semiclassical approximation for carriers and does not use any statistical assumptions inherent in the Boltzmann transport theory. In addition, we consider the evolution of the mean electromagnetic field in the graphene, taking into account the backreaction of the matter field to the applied external field. We find solutions of the corresponding Dirac-Maxwell set of equations and with their help we calculate the effective mean electromagnetic field and effective mean values of the current and the energy-momentum tensor. The nonlinear and linear I-V characteristics experimentally observed in both low-and high-mobility graphene samples are quite well explained in the framework of the proposed approach, their peculiarities being essentially due to the carrier creation from the vacuum by the applied electric field. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.125022


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The use of nanoscale low-dimensional systems could boost the sensitivity of gas sensors. In this work we simulate a nanoscopic sensor based on carbon nanotubes with a large number of binding sites using ab initio density functional electronic structure calculations coupled to the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function formalism. We present a recipe where the adsorption process is studied followed by conductance calculations of a single defect system and of more realistic disordered system considering different coverages of molecules as one would expect experimentally. We found that the sensitivity of the disordered system is enhanced by a factor of 5 when compared to the single defect one. Finally, our results from the atomistic electronic transport are used as input to a simple model that connects them to experimental parameters such as temperature and partial gas pressure, providing a procedure for simulating a realistic nanoscopic gas sensor. Using this methodology we show that nitrogen-rich carbon nanotubes could work at room temperature with extremely high sensitivity. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4739280]


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We studied the spin-polarized charge densities in II-VI-based diluted magnetic superlattices formed of p-doped ZnTe:Mg/ZnTe:TM/ZnTe:Mg non-magnetic/magnetic/non-magnetic layers, with TM standing for transition metal. The calculations were performed within a self-consistent k.p method, in which are also taken into account the exchange correlation effects in the local density approximation. Our results show a limit for the width of the non-magnetic layer for which the difference between the opposite spin charge densities is maximized, indicating the best conditions to obtain full polarization by varying the TM content. We also discuss these effects in the calculated photoluminescence spectra. Our findings point to the possibility of engineering the spin-polarized charge distribution by varying the widths of the magnetic and non-magnetic layers and/or varying the TM concentration in the magnetic layers, thus providing a guide for future experiments. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrical conductivity σ has been calculated for p-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As and cubic GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N thin superlattices (SLs). The calculations are done within a self-consistent approach to the k → ⋅ p → theory by means of a full six-band Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian, together with the Poisson equation in a plane wave representation, including exchange correlation effects within the local density approximation. It was also assumed that transport in the SL occurs through extended minibands states for each carrier, and the conductivity is calculated at zero temperature and in low-field ohmic limits by the quasi-chemical Boltzmann kinetic equation. It was shown that the particular minibands structure of the p-doped SLs leads to a plateau-like behavior in the conductivity as a function of the donor concentration and/or the Fermi level energy. In addition, it is shown that the Coulomb and exchange-correlation effects play an important role in these systems, since they determine the bending potential.


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Graphene has received great attention due to its exceptional properties, which include corners with zero effective mass, extremely large mobilities, this could render it the new template for the next generation of electronic devices. Furthermore it has weak spin orbit interaction because of the low atomic number of carbon atom in turn results in long spin coherence lengths. Therefore, graphene is also a promising material for future applications in spintronic devices - the use of electronic spin degrees of freedom instead of the electron charge. Graphene can be engineered to form a number of different structures. In particular, by appropriately cutting it one can obtain 1-D system -with only a few nanometers in width - known as graphene nanoribbon, which strongly owe their properties to the width of the ribbons and to the atomic structure along the edges. Those GNR-based systems have been shown to have great potential applications specially as connectors for integrated circuits. Impurities and defects might play an important role to the coherence of these systems. In particular, the presence of transition metal atoms can lead to significant spin-flip processes of conduction electrons. Understanding this effect is of utmost importance for spintronics applied design. In this work, we focus on electronic transport properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons with adsorbed transition metal atoms as impurities and taking into account the spin-orbit effect. Our calculations were performed using a combination of density functional theory and non-equilibrium Greens functions. Also, employing a recursive method we consider a large number of impurities randomly distributed along the nanoribbon in order to infer, for different concentrations of defects, the spin-coherence length.